//From here on its safe just to initialize a new deck since its been proven working.
 //Toggle deck.Shuffle() to public and remove Shuffle from decks constructor to test this.
 public static void TestDeckShuffling()
     var deck = new Deck();
     Console.WriteLine("The unshuffled deck order is:\n" + deck.ToString());
     Console.WriteLine("\nThe shuffled deck order is:\n" + deck.ToString());
 public static void TestPlayerFunctionality()
     Debug.Assert(testPlayer != null, "Player Error", "Player was not created properly and is null.");
     var deck = new Deck();
     Debug.Assert(testPlayer.Hand.Cards.Count() == 5, "Player Error", "Player failed to draw exactly five cards.");
     Console.WriteLine("The player has been properly instantiated and has drawn 5 cards!");
 public void TestDrawingAHand()
     var deck = new Deck();
     var cardsToDraw = 5;
     List<Card> drawnCards = deck.DrawCards(cardsToDraw);
     Assert.AreEqual(cardsToDraw, drawnCards.Count, "Hand Error",
         "The deck did not draw the expected number of cards.");
     foreach (var card in drawnCards)
         Assert.IsInstanceOfType(card, typeof(Card), "Card Error",
             "The list of drawn cards contained something that wasn't a card.");
 public void DrawNewHand(Deck deck)
     Hand = new Hand(deck.DrawCards(5));
 public void DrawNewHand(Deck deck)
     _hand = new Hand(deck.DrawCards(5));
     HandType = HandEvaluator.GetHandType(_hand.Cards);
 public static void TestDrawingAHand()
     var deck = new Deck();
     //Creating and printing a hand was known to be working at this time.
     var hand = new Hand(deck.DrawCards(5));
     Console.WriteLine("The drawn cards were: " + hand.ToString());