public override void Render(GameTime gameTime, SpriteBatch batch, Camera cam) { batch.Draw(this.SpriteTexture, this.Pos, this.SpriteRect, Color.White, this.Orient, new Vector2(0f, 0f), 2.0f, SpriteEffects.None, this.depth); batch.Draw(this.SpriteTexture, this.Pos- cam.ScreenToWorld(new Vector2(this.SpriteRect.Width, 0.0f)), this.SpriteRect, Color.White, this.Orient, new Vector2(0f, 0f), 2.0f, SpriteEffects.None, this.depth); }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime, List<Entity> entities, Entity player, Camera cam) { Vector2 tempPos = this.Pos; this.Pos += this.Vel; if (this.Pos.X > this.SpriteRect.Width*2) { tempPos.X -= this.SpriteRect.Width; this.Pos = tempPos; } else if (this.Pos.X < 0) { tempPos.X += this.SpriteRect.Width; this.Pos = tempPos; } }
public override void Render(GameTime gameTime, SpriteBatch batch, Camera cam) { this.hook.Render(gameTime, batch, cam); SpriteEffects spriteEffects = new SpriteEffects(); if (!this.FacingLeft) { spriteEffects = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally; } else { } if (!FacingLeft) { spriteEffects = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally; } else { } Rectangle destRect = new Rectangle((int)this.Pos.X, (int)this.Pos.Y, (int)SpriteRect.Width, (int)SpriteRect.Height); batch.Draw(this.SpriteTexture, this.Pos, this.SpriteRect, Color.White, this.Orient, new Vector2(0f, 0f), 1.0f, spriteEffects, 0.4f); }
private void PollInput(Camera cam) { TouchCollection tc = TouchPanel.GetState(); foreach (TouchLocation tl in tc) { if (tl.State == TouchLocationState.Moved || tl.State == TouchLocationState.Pressed) { Vector2 touchPos = cam.ScreenToWorld(tl.Position); //converted to camera pos SteerToward(touchPos, 0.1f); Thrust(); } } }
private void FindNewTarget(Camera cam) { Random random = new Random(); = cam.ScreenToWorld(new Vector2((float)random.NextDouble() * 800.0f, (float)random.NextDouble() * 480.0f)); }
private void Autonomous(Entity player, Camera cam) { Vector2 delta = player.Pos - Pos; if (this.State == EFishState.STEERING) { if (delta.Length() >= 400.0) { this.State = EFishState.SPONTANEOUS; FindNewTarget(cam); } else { SteerToward(player.Pos, 0.5f); Thrust(); } } else if (this.State == EFishState.SPONTANEOUS) { Vector2 dprime = target - Pos; if (delta.Length() <= 300.0) { this.State = EFishState.STEERING; } else if (dprime.Length() <= 20.0) { FindNewTarget(cam); } else { SteerToward(target, 0.2f); Thrust(); } } }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime, List<Entity> entities, Entity player, Camera cam) { if (this.hooked || this.State == EFishState.DEAD) return; if (isHuman) { PollInput(cam); } else { Autonomous(player, cam); } this.Orient = (this.Orient + MathUtils.CIRCLE) % MathUtils.CIRCLE; //clamp to 0 < Orient < 2pi this.flipY = (this.Orient > MathUtils.QUARTER_CIRCLE && this.Orient < 3 * MathUtils.QUARTER_CIRCLE); this.AngVel *= ANG_FRICTION; this.Vel *= FRICTION; this.Orient += this.AngVel; if (this.Pos.Y < SEA_LEVEL) this.Vel += new Vector2(0f, 2f); this.Pos += this.Vel; }
public override void Render(GameTime gameTime, SpriteBatch batch, Camera cam) { this.effects = this.flipY ? SpriteEffects.FlipVertically : SpriteEffects.None; Rectangle destRect = new Rectangle((int)this.Pos.X, (int)this.Pos.Y, (int)SpriteRect.Width, (int)SpriteRect.Height); batch.Draw(this.SpriteTexture, this.Pos, this.SpriteRect, Color.White, this.Orient, new Vector2((float) SpriteRect.Width/2, SpriteRect.Height/2), 1.0f, this.effects, 0.0f); batch.Draw(this.rect, new Vector2(this.BoundingRect.X, this.BoundingRect.Y), Color.White); }
public virtual void Update(GameTime gameTime, List<Entity> entities, Entity player, Camera cam) { }
public virtual void Render(GameTime gameTime, SpriteBatch batch, Camera cam) { }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime, List<Entity> entities, Entity player, Camera cam) { if (!this.FacingLeft) { this.hook.Pos = new Vector2((float)ROD_OFFSET_FLIP+this.Pos.X, this.hook.Pos.Y); } else { this.hook.Pos = new Vector2((float)ROD_OFFSET+this.Pos.X, this.hook.Pos.Y); } this.hook.Update(gameTime, entities, player, cam); switch (this.shipState) { case EShipState.SEEKING: //this.Vel = new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f); break; case EShipState.WAITING: break; case EShipState.HOOKING: break; } if (shipState == EShipState.SEEKING) { if (Math.Abs(this.Pos.X - this.shipDestination.X) < 10.0) { setShipToWait(gameTime); } } if ((shipState == EShipState.WAITING) && (gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds >= this.timeToNextHook)) { setShipToSeek(); //setShipToHook(); } //if (this.Pos.X < 0.0f || this.Pos.X > 1300) { //turn around if hit edge // this.Vel *= -1.0f; // this.FacingLeft = !this.FacingLeft; //} if (!this.FacingLeft) { this.hook.Pos = new Vector2(ROD_OFFSET_FLIP + this.Pos.X, this.hook.Pos.Y); } else { this.hook.Pos = new Vector2(ROD_OFFSET + this.Pos.X, this.hook.Pos.Y); } //switch (this.hook.HookState) { // case Hook.EHookState.MOVING: // Vector2 pos = this.hook.Pos; // pos.Y -= BORING_HOOK_VEL; // this.hook.Pos = pos; // if (pos.Y <= TOP_OF_ROD) { // this.hook.HookState = Hook.EHookState.RETRACTED; // setShipToSeek(); // } // break; // //case Hook.EHookState.DOWN: // // this.hookPos.Y += BORING_HOOK_VEL; // // if (this.hookPos.Y >= BOTTOM_OF_SCREEN) // // this.hookState = EHookState.UP; // // break; // case Hook.EHookState.RETRACTED: // break; //} this.Pos += this.Vel; //this.Vel *= FRICTION; }