public override void saveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (displayDataGridView.Rows.Count > 0) { Int64 purchaseInvoiceID; insertion i = new insertion(); updation u = new updation(); using (TransactionScope sc = new TransactionScope()) { purchaseInvoiceID = i.insertPurchaseInvoice(DateTime.Today, retrival.USER_ID, Convert.ToInt32(supplierComboBox.SelectedValue)); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in displayDataGridView.Rows) { co += i.insertPurchaseInvoiceDetails(purchaseInvoiceID, Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["proIDGV"].Value.ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["quantGV"].Value.ToString()), Convert.ToSingle(row.Cells["totalGV"].Value.ToString())); if (r.checkProductPriceExistance(Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["proIDGV"].Value.ToString()))) { u.updateProductPrice(Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["proIDGV"].Value.ToString()), Convert.ToSingle(row.Cells["pupGV"].Value.ToString())); } else { i.insertProductPrice(Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["proIDGV"].Value.ToString()), Convert.ToSingle(row.Cells["pupGV"].Value.ToString())); } int q; object ob = r.getProductQuantity(Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["proIDGV"].Value.ToString())); if (ob != null) { q = Convert.ToInt32(ob); q += Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["quantGV"].Value.ToString()); u.updateStock(Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["proIDGV"].Value.ToString()), q); } else { i.insertStock(Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["proIDGV"].Value.ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["quantGV"].Value.ToString())); } } if (co > 0) { MainClass.ShowMsg("Purchase Invoice Created Successfully.", "Success", "Success"); } else { MainClass.ShowMsg("Unable to create purchase invoice.", "Error", "Error"); } sc.Complete(); } } }
public override void saveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (productTextBox.Text == "") { productNameErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { productNameErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (barcodeTextBox.Text == "") { barcodeErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { barcodeErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (expiryDateTimePicker.Value < DateTime.Now) { expiryDateLabel.Visible = true; expiryDateLabel.Text = "invalid Date"; } else { expiryDateLabel.Visible = false; } if (expiryDateTimePicker.Value.Date == DateTime.Now.Date) { expiryDateLabel.Visible = false; } if (categoryComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1 || categoryComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) { categoryErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { categoryErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (productNameErrorLabel.Visible || barcodeErrorLabel.Visible || expiryDateLabel.Visible || categoryErrorLabel.Visible) { MainClass.ShowMsg("Fields with * are mandatory", "Stop", "Error");//Error is the type of msg } else { if (edit == 0)//code for save operation { insertion i = new insertion(); if (expiryDateTimePicker.Value.Date == DateTime.Now.Date) { i.insertProduct(productTextBox.Text, barcodeTextBox.Text, Convert.ToInt32(categoryComboBox.SelectedValue)); } else { i.insertProduct(productTextBox.Text, barcodeTextBox.Text, Convert.ToInt32(categoryComboBox.SelectedValue), expiryDateTimePicker.Value); } r.showProducts(displayDataGridView, proIDGV, proGV, ExpiryGV, catGV, barcodeGV, CatIDGV); MainClass.disableReset(leftPanel); } else if (edit == 1) //Code for UPDATE operation { DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure, you want to update record?", "Question..", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { updation u = new updation(); if (expiryDateTimePicker.Value.Date == DateTime.Now.Date) { u.updateProduct(prodId, productTextBox.Text, barcodeTextBox.Text, Convert.ToInt32(categoryComboBox.SelectedValue)); } else { u.updateProduct(prodId, productTextBox.Text, barcodeTextBox.Text, Convert.ToInt32(categoryComboBox.SelectedValue), expiryDateTimePicker.Value); } r.showProducts(displayDataGridView, proIDGV, proGV, ExpiryGV, catGV, barcodeGV, CatIDGV); MainClass.disableReset(leftPanel); } } } }
public override void saveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (supplierTextBox.Text == "") { supplierNameErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { supplierNameErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (personNameTextBox.Text == "") { contactPersonLabel.Visible = true; } else { contactPersonLabel.Visible = false; } if (phone1TextBox.Text == "") { phoneErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { phoneErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (addressTextBox.Text == "") { addressErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { addressErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (statusComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { statusErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { statusErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (supplierNameErrorLabel.Visible || contactPersonLabel.Visible || phoneErrorLabel.Visible || addressErrorLabel.Visible || statusErrorLabel.Visible) { MainClass.ShowMsg("Fields with * are mandatory", "Stop", "Error");//Error is the type of msg } else { if (statusComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) { stat = 1; } else if (statusComboBox.SelectedIndex == 1) { stat = 0; } if (edit == 0)//code for save operation { insertion i = new insertion(); if (phone2TextBox.Text == "" && nTNTextBox.Text != "") { i.insertSupplier(supplierTextBox.Text, personNameTextBox.Text, phone1TextBox.Text, addressTextBox.Text, stat, null, nTNTextBox.Text); } else if (phone2TextBox.Text != "" && nTNTextBox.Text == "") { i.insertSupplier(supplierTextBox.Text, personNameTextBox.Text, phone1TextBox.Text, addressTextBox.Text, stat, phone2TextBox.Text, null); } else if (phone2TextBox.Text == "" && nTNTextBox.Text == "") { i.insertSupplier(supplierTextBox.Text, personNameTextBox.Text, phone1TextBox.Text, addressTextBox.Text, stat, null, null); } else { i.insertSupplier(supplierTextBox.Text, personNameTextBox.Text, phone1TextBox.Text, addressTextBox.Text, stat, phone2TextBox.Text, nTNTextBox.Text); } r.showSuppliers(displayDataGridView, suppIDGV, comGV, conPerGV, phone1GV, phone2GV, addressGV, ntnGV, statusGV); MainClass.disableReset(leftPanel); } else if (edit == 1) //Code for UPDATE operation { DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure, you want to update record?", "Question..", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { updation u = new updation(); if (statusComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) { stat = 1; } else if (statusComboBox.SelectedIndex == 1) { stat = 0; } if (phone2TextBox.Text == "" && nTNTextBox.Text != "") { u.updateSupplier(supplierId, supplierTextBox.Text, personNameTextBox.Text, phone1TextBox.Text, addressTextBox.Text, stat, null, nTNTextBox.Text); } else if (phone2TextBox.Text != "" && nTNTextBox.Text == "") { u.updateSupplier(supplierId, supplierTextBox.Text, personNameTextBox.Text, phone1TextBox.Text, addressTextBox.Text, stat, phone2TextBox.Text, null); } else if (phone2TextBox.Text == "" && nTNTextBox.Text == "") { u.updateSupplier(supplierId, supplierTextBox.Text, personNameTextBox.Text, phone1TextBox.Text, addressTextBox.Text, stat, null, null); } else { u.updateSupplier(supplierId, supplierTextBox.Text, personNameTextBox.Text, phone1TextBox.Text, addressTextBox.Text, stat, phone2TextBox.Text, nTNTextBox.Text); } r.showSuppliers(displayDataGridView, suppIDGV, comGV, conPerGV, phone1GV, phone2GV, addressGV, ntnGV, statusGV); MainClass.disableReset(leftPanel); } } } }
public override void saveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (nameTextBox.Text == "") { nameErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { nameErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (usernameTextBox.Text == "") { usernameErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { usernameErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (passwordTextBox.Text == "") { passwordErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { passwordErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (emailTextBox.Text == "") { emailErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { emailErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (phoneTextBox.Text == "") { phoneErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { phoneErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (statusComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { statusErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { statusErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (nameErrorLabel.Visible || usernameErrorLabel.Visible || passwordErrorLabel.Visible || emailErrorLabel.Visible || phoneErrorLabel.Visible || statusErrorLabel.Visible) { MainClass.ShowMsg("Fields with * are mandatory", "Stop", "Error");//Error is the type of msg } else { if (statusComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) { stat = 1; } else if (statusComboBox.SelectedIndex == 1) { stat = 0; } if (edit == 0)//code for save operation { insertion i = new insertion(); i.insertUser(nameTextBox.Text, usernameTextBox.Text, passwordTextBox.Text, emailTextBox.Text, phoneTextBox.Text, stat); r.showUsers(displayDataGridView, userIDGV, NameGV, UserNameGV, passGV, EmailGV, PhoneGV, statusGV); MainClass.disableReset(leftPanel); } else if (edit == 1) //Code for UPDATE operation { DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure, you want to update record?", "Question..", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { updation u = new updation(); if (statusComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) { stat = 1; } else if (statusComboBox.SelectedIndex == 1) { stat = 0; } u.updateUser(userId, nameTextBox.Text, usernameTextBox.Text, passwordTextBox.Text, emailTextBox.Text, phoneTextBox.Text, stat); r.showUsers(displayDataGridView, userIDGV, NameGV, UserNameGV, passGV, EmailGV, PhoneGV, statusGV); MainClass.disableReset(leftPanel); } } } }
public override void saveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (categoryTextBox.Text == "") { categoryNameErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { categoryNameErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (isActiveComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { isActiveErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { isActiveErrorLabel.Visible = false; } if (isActiveErrorLabel.Visible || categoryNameErrorLabel.Visible) { MainClass.ShowMsg("Fields with * are mandatory", "Stop", "Error");//Error is the type of msg } else { if (isActiveComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) { stat = 1; } else if (isActiveComboBox.SelectedIndex == 1) { stat = 0; } if (edit == 0)//code for save operation { insertion i = new insertion(); i.insertCat(categoryTextBox.Text, stat); r.showCategories(displayDataGridView, catIDGV, NameGV, statusGV); MainClass.disableReset(leftPanel); } else if (edit == 1) //Code for UPDATE operation { DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure, you want to update record?", "Question..", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { updation u = new updation(); if (isActiveComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) { stat = 1; } else if (isActiveComboBox.SelectedIndex == 1) { stat = 0; } u.updateCat(catId, categoryTextBox.Text, stat); r.showCategories(displayDataGridView, catIDGV, NameGV, statusGV); MainClass.disableReset(leftPanel); } } } }