Example #1
        public StarProspect OffsetCenter(StarProspect tgtStar, double imagePA)
            /*Calculates an offset position that places the input position in the center
             * of the guider FOV.
             * Note that the bearing for moving off the target star is opposite for different
             * sides of the pier.  If the scope is peering over the meridian, then this wont work
             * well.

            //Set the star chart FOV 4 times the y distance (arcmin) center of the ccd
            //  fov to the center of the guider fov -- not really needed but helps viewing during processing
            // Convert target star RA and Dec to radians and place in RA/Dec structure
            double tgtRA  = Transform.HoursToRadians(tgtStar.StarRA);
            double tgtDec = Transform.DegreesToRadians(tgtStar.StarDec);

            Celestial.RADec tgtStarPosition = new Celestial.RADec(tgtRA, tgtDec);
            // Compute the rotation (radians) associated with any guider FOV offset from the image PA
            double gRotationR = -Math.Atan2(gfov.CenterX, gfov.CenterY);
            // Increment the image PA by the guider offset
            double bearingR = gRotationR + Transform.DegreesToRadians(imagePA);
            // Reverse bearing if the mount is pointing east
            //if (!pierEast) { bearingR = -bearingR; }
            // Compute the distance beween the center of the Image FOV and the center of the Guider FOV
            double distanceR = Transform.DegreesToRadians((SumOfSquares(gfov.CenterX, gfov.CenterY)) / 60.0);

            // Calculate an offset position such that the guider FOV will have the target star in its center
            //Celestial.RADec endPosition = Celestial.Travel(tgtStarPosition, -gVectorR, gRotationR);
            Celestial.RADec endPosition = Celestial.ComputePositionFromBearingAndRange(tgtStarPosition, bearingR, -distanceR);

            // Convert this position back to hours and degrees (RA and Dec) and return the result
            //  as a DBQStar structure
            StarProspect endStar = new StarProspect()
                StarRA  = Transform.RadiansToHours(endPosition.RA),
                StarDec = Transform.RadiansToDegrees(endPosition.Dec)

Example #2
        private void PickButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PickButton.BackColor  = Color.LightSalmon;
            StartButton.BackColor = Color.LightSalmon;
            //Pick up the target star location as selected in TSX Star Chart
            MessageBox.Show("Select target star");
            WriteLog("Picking up coordinates of selected target star");
            sky6ObjectInformation tsxoi     = new sky6ObjectInformation();
            StarProspect          foundStar = new StarProspect();

            tsxoi.Index = 0;
            foundStar.StarName = (tsxoi.ObjInfoPropOut);
            foundStar.StarRA = (tsxoi.ObjInfoPropOut);
            foundStar.StarDec = (tsxoi.ObjInfoPropOut);
            foundStar.StarMag = (tsxoi.ObjInfoPropOut);

            WriteLog("Target star found: " + foundStar.StarName);
            //Closed Loop Slew (following standard slew -- see notes) to the target guide star
            WriteLog("Centering imaging camera on target star");
            bool slewDone1 = SlewToStar(foundStar.StarName, foundStar.StarRA, foundStar.StarDec);

            if (slewDone1)
                WriteLog("Target star centered");
                WriteLog("There was a problem centering the target star");
            //Calculate a pointing position that would put the target star in the guider FOV
            WriteLog("Calculating offset for centering star in guider FOV");
            StarProspect tgtPosition = guiderFOV.OffsetCenter(foundStar, imagePA);

            WriteLog("Offset calculated for pointing at " + tgtPosition.StarRA.ToString("0.000") + " , " + tgtPosition.StarDec.ToString("0.000"));

            //Closed Loop Slew (following standard slew -- see notes) to that offset position
            WriteLog("Centering target star in guider FOV");
            bool slewDone = SlewToPosition(tgtPosition.StarRA, tgtPosition.StarDec);

            if (slewDone1)
                WriteLog("Target star centered in guider FOV");
                WriteLog("Could not recenter the target star");
            //plate solve current location -- not necessary but it sets up the star chart nicely for viewing
            //  note that we are not in such a hurry that we can't mess around a bit
            WriteLog("Checking offset position with a plate solve");
            imagePA = PlateSolve();
            //Reset the chart size for something pleasant around the FOVI's
            //center the star chart on the pointing location ==  once again, for esthetic purposes
            WriteLog("Recentering chart");
            sky6StarChart tsxsc = new sky6StarChart
                RightAscension = tgtPosition.StarRA,
                Declination    = tgtPosition.StarDec

            WriteLog("Target star centered in Guider FOV");
            PickButton.BackColor      = Color.LightGreen;
            StartButton.BackColor     = Color.LightGreen;
            OptimizeButton.Enabled    = true;
            CalibrateButton.Enabled   = true;
            OptimizeButton.BackColor  = Color.LightGreen;
            CalibrateButton.BackColor = Color.LightGreen;

            //all done