public static async Task PetCompanion() { int player = API.GetPlayerPed(-1); if (API.IsPedInAnyHeli(player)) { Hud.Notification("Don't spawn that poor pet on a heli"); return; } else if (API.IsPedInAnyVehicle(player, false)) { var vehicle = API.GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false); if (API.GetVehicleDashboardSpeed(vehicle) > 0.1f) { Hud.Notification("Player is in a moving vehicle"); return; } } var ped = await Peds.Spawn(Config.PetList, 28); Companions.Add(ped); await Peds.Arm(ped, null); API.SetEntityAsNoLongerNeeded(ref ped); }
public static async Task PocceCompanion() { int ped; int player = API.GetPlayerPed(-1); if (API.IsPedInAnyVehicle(player, false)) { var vehicle = API.GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false); if (Vehicles.GetFreeSeat(vehicle, out int seat)) { var pocce = Config.PocceList[API.GetRandomIntInRange(0, Config.PocceList.Length)]; await Common.RequestModel(pocce); ped = API.CreatePedInsideVehicle(vehicle, 26, pocce, seat, true, false); } else if (API.GetEntitySpeed(vehicle) > 0.1f) { Hud.Notification("Player is in a moving vehicle and there are no free seats"); return; } else { ped = await Peds.Spawn(Config.PocceList); } } else { ped = await Peds.Spawn(Config.PocceList); } Companions.Add(ped); await Peds.Arm(ped, Config.WeaponList); API.SetEntityAsNoLongerNeeded(ref ped); }