/// <summary>
        /// Harmony Postfix patch to force 'too few services' complaints off for all buildings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tooFewServices">If a 'too few services' complaint has been calculated</param>
        /// <param name="buildingID">Building instance ID</param>
        public static void Postfix(ref bool tooFewServices, ushort buildingID)
            // Check if this building is RICO or not.
            bool isRICO = RICOUtils.IsRICOBuilding(buildingID);

            // Check if the relevant 'ignore too few services complaint' setting is set.
            if ((ModSettings.noServicesOther && !isRICO) || (ModSettings.noServicesRicoGrow && isRICO) || (ModSettings.noServicesRicoPlop && RICOUtils.IsRICOPloppable(buildingID)))
                // It is - force too few services complaint off.
                tooFewServices = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Harmony Postfix patch to force 'land value too low' complaints off for all buildings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="landValueTooLow">If a 'land value too low' complaint has been calculated</param>
        /// <param name="buildingID">Building instance ID</param>
        public static void Postfix(ref bool landValueTooLow, ushort buildingID)
            // Check if this building is RICO or not.
            bool isRICO = RICOUtils.IsRICOBuilding(buildingID);

            // Check if the relevant 'ignore low land value complaint' setting is set.
            if ((ModSettings.noValueOther && !isRICO) || (ModSettings.noValueRicoGrow && isRICO) || (ModSettings.noValueRicoPlop && RICOUtils.IsRICOPloppable(buildingID)))
                // It is - force land value complaint off.
                landValueTooLow = false;