public static IEnumerator SetLocalRotationCoroutine(this Transform trans, Quaternion target, float timer) { Quaternion init = trans.localRotation; float coveredTime = 0; while (coveredTime < timer) { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); coveredTime += Time.deltaTime; float frac = coveredTime / timer; trans.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(init, target, frac); } trans.localRotation = target; PTTransform ptTransform = trans.GetComponent <PTTransform>(); if (ptTransform) { if (ptTransform.OnRotated != null) { ptTransform.OnRotated(); } } }
static void CreateTable(MenuCommand menuCommand) { // Create a custom game object PTTransform obj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube).AddComponent <PTTransform>(); = "object"; // Ensure it gets reparented if this was a context click (otherwise does nothing) GameObjectUtility.SetParentAndAlign(obj.gameObject, menuCommand.context as GameObject); // Register the creation in the undo system Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(obj, "Create " +; Selection.activeObject = obj; }
private void OnTransformParentChanged() { PTZone parentZone = GetComponentInParent <PTZone>(); if (parentZone) { foreach (Transform child in parentZone.content) { PTTransform ptTrans = child.GetComponent <PTTransform>(); if (ptTrans && ptTrans.OnSiblingChanged != null) { ptTrans.OnSiblingChanged(parentZone); } } } }
/// <summary> /// The behavior of adding object to hand /// </summary> /// <param name="hand"></param> protected virtual void AddToHand(PTTransform hand) { this.hand.Add(hand.transform, PT.DEFAULT_TIMER); }
/// <summary> /// Get the target local position in arrangement /// </summary> /// <param name="siblingIndex"> The given sibling index </param> /// <returns></returns> public Vector3 TargetLocalPositionOf(int siblingIndex) { siblingIndex = siblingIndex > 0 ? siblingIndex : 0; siblingIndex = siblingIndex < Count ? siblingIndex : Count - 1; //Get valid count id limits int validCountOfLimits = 0; foreach (int i in dimensionLimits) { if (i <= 0) { break; } validCountOfLimits++; } //Get dimension int totalDimension = validCountOfLimits < dimensionSpacings.Length ? validCountOfLimits + 1 : dimensionSpacings.Length; //Adjust sibling index by extra spacing int totalCountExtraSpacing = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= siblingIndex; ++i) { PTTransform currTrans = Get(i).GetComponent <PTTransform>(); if (currTrans) { totalCountExtraSpacing += currTrans.countExtraSpacing; } } int adjustedSiblingIndex = siblingIndex + totalCountExtraSpacing; //Get total offset Vector3 offset =; for (int dimension = 0; dimension < totalDimension; dimension++) { //Get maxLowerDimension int capacityLowerDimension = 1; for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) { capacityLowerDimension *= dimensionLimits[j]; } //Calculate offset int indexInCurrDimension = (adjustedSiblingIndex / capacityLowerDimension) % (totalDimension - dimension > 1 ? dimensionLimits[dimension] : Int32.MaxValue); int currTotalLowerIncludesDimension = CurrTotalLowerIncludes(dimension); int capacityLowerExcludesDimension = CapacityLowerExcludes(dimension); int totalInTheSameDimension = capacityLowerExcludesDimension == 0 ? currTotalLowerIncludesDimension : currTotalLowerIncludesDimension / capacityLowerExcludesDimension + (currTotalLowerIncludesDimension % capacityLowerExcludesDimension > 0 ? 1: 0); //Debug.Log("capacityLowerExcludesDimension=" + capacityLowerExcludesDimension + " totalInTheSameDimension=" + totalInTheSameDimension); //+ currTotalLowerIncludesDimension % capacityLowerExcludesDimension == 0 ? 0 : 1; //Debug.Log(" totalInTheSameDimension=" + totalInTheSameDimension); /*Debug.Log(name + " indexInCurrDimension=" + indexInCurrDimension + " totalInTheSameDimension=" + totalInTheSameDimension + " CurrTotalLowerIncludes(dimension)" + CurrTotalLowerIncludes(dimension) + " CapacityLowerExcludes(dimension)" + CapacityLowerExcludes(dimension) + ); */ Vector3 currSpacing = dimensionSpacings.Length > dimension ? dimensionSpacings[dimension] :; offset += GetIncreaseSpacing(IsSymmetricOnDimension(dimension), currSpacing, indexInCurrDimension, totalInTheSameDimension, dimension); } //Target local position return(firstChildLocalPosition + offset); }