/// <summary>
        /// Opens the specified container, with the specified key (when required), and returns the contents of the opened container. If the container (and key when relevant) are consumable (RemainingUses > 0), their RemainingUses will be decremented, consistent with the operation of ConsumeItem.
        /// </summary>
        public static void UnlockContainerInstance(UnlockContainerInstanceRequest request, ProcessApiCallback<UnlockContainerItemResult> resultCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback, object customData = null)
            if (_authKey == null) throw new Exception("Must be logged in to call this method");

            string serializedJson = SimpleJson.SerializeObject(request, Util.ApiSerializerStrategy);
            Action<CallRequestContainer> callback = delegate(CallRequestContainer requestContainer)
                ResultContainer<UnlockContainerItemResult>.HandleResults(requestContainer, resultCallback, errorCallback, null);
            PlayFabHTTP.Post("/Client/UnlockContainerInstance", serializedJson, "X-Authorization", _authKey, callback, request, customData);