Inheritance: PlayFabRequestCommon
    void login_after_register (){
        LoginWithPlayFabRequest request = new LoginWithPlayFabRequest();
		request.Username = username_text.text;
		request.Password = password_text.text;
		request.TitleId = PlayFabData.TitleId;
Example #2
    private IEnumerator makeConnection()
        PlayFabSettings.TitleId = "2071";
        LoginWithPlayFabRequest request = new LoginWithPlayFabRequest()
            TitleId = "2071",
            Username = "******",
            Password = "******"

        bool wait = true;
        Debug.Log("Tentando logar");
            (result) =>
                wait = false;
                if (result.NewlyCreated)
                    Debug.Log("Merda criamos um novo usuario");
                    Debug.Log("Login com sucesso");
            (error) =>
                wait = false;
                Debug.Log("Error logging in player");
        while (wait) { yield return null; }
		// if we are in "login" state, draw the login window on screen
		void OnGUI () {
			if (PlayFabGameBridge.gameState == 2) {
				if(PlayFabData.SkipLogin && PlayFabData.AuthKey != null){
					PlayFabGameBridge.gameState = 3;
				Time.timeScale = 0.0f;	// pause everything while we show the UI

				Rect winRect = new Rect (0,0,playfabBackground.width, playfabBackground.height);
				winRect.x = (int) ( Screen.width * 0.5f - winRect.width * 0.5f );
				winRect.y = (int) ( Screen.height * 0.5f - winRect.height * 0.5f );
				yStart = winRect.y + 80;
				GUI.DrawTexture (winRect, playfabBackground);

				if (!isPassword) {
					errorLabel = invalidPassword;
				else if (!returnedError) {
					errorLabel = "";

				GUI.Label (new Rect (winRect.x + 18, yStart -16, 120, 30), "<size=18>"+title+"</size>");
				GUI.Label (new Rect (winRect.x + 18, yStart+25, 120, 20), userNameLabel);
				GUI.Label (new Rect (winRect.x + 18, yStart+50, 120, 20), passwordLabel);
				GUI.Label (new Rect (winRect.x + 18, yStart+73, 120, 20), errorLabel, errorLabelStyle);
				GUI.Label (new Rect (winRect.x +18, yStart +145, 120, 20), "OR");
				userNameField = GUI.TextField (new Rect (winRect.x+130, yStart+25, 100, 20), userNameField);
				passwordField = GUI.PasswordField  (new Rect (winRect.x+130, yStart+50, 100, 20), passwordField,"*"[0], 20);

				// if the player clicks "login" then initiate a login request to PlayFab
				if (GUI.Button (new Rect (winRect.x+18, yStart+100, 100, 30), "Login")||Event.current.Equals(Event.KeyboardEvent("[enter]"))) {
					if(userNameField.Length>0 && passwordField.Length>0)
						returnedError = false;
						LoginWithPlayFabRequest request = new LoginWithPlayFabRequest();
						request.Username = userNameField;
						request.Password = passwordField;
						request.TitleId = PlayFabData.TitleId;
						isPassword = false;

				// if the player wants to register a new account instead, flip to the "register" dialog
				if (GUI.Button(new Rect(winRect.x+18, yStart+175, 120, 20),"Register"))
					PlayFabGameBridge.gameState = 1;

				if (Input.mousePosition.x < winRect.x + winRect.width && Input.mousePosition.x > winRect.x && Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y < winRect.y + winRect.height && Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y > winRect.y){
					Rect cursorRect = new Rect (Input.mousePosition.x,Screen.height-Input.mousePosition.y,cursor.width,cursor.height );
					GUI.DrawTexture (cursorRect, cursor);
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Sends a loginrequest to playfab using username and password.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="username">The username of the account that is logging in.</param>
 /// <param name="password">The password of the account that is logging in.</param>
 public void LoginWithPlayfab(string username, string password)
     LoginWithPlayFabRequest request = new LoginWithPlayFabRequest();
     request.Username = username;
     request.Password = password;
     request.TitleId = PlayFabData.TitleId;
     PlayFabClientAPI.LoginWithPlayFab(request, OnLoginResult, OnPlayFabError);
 public void Login()
      var loginRequest = new LoginWithPlayFabRequest()
          TitleId = PlayFabSettings.TitleId,
          Username = LoginUsernameField.text, 
          Password = LoginPasswordField.text
     PlayFabClientAPI.LoginWithPlayFab(loginRequest, (result) =>
         LoginRegisterSuccess(result.PlayFabId, result.SessionTicket);
     }, (error) =>
         LoginErrorText.text = error.ErrorMessage;
    //Login to playfab/game
    public static void PlayFabLogin(string username, string password)
        var loginRequest = new LoginWithPlayFabRequest()
            TitleId = PlayFabSettings.TitleId,
            Username = username,
            Password = password

        PlayFabClientAPI.LoginWithPlayFab(loginRequest, (result) =>
            PlayFabDataStore.playFabId = result.PlayFabId;
            PlayFabDataStore.sessionTicket = result.SessionTicket;
        }, (error) =>
            PlayFabUserLogin.playfabUserLogin.Authentication(error.ErrorMessage.ToString().ToUpper(), 3);
Example #7
    public IEnumerator makeLogin()
        LoginWithPlayFabRequest request = new LoginWithPlayFabRequest()
            TitleId = PlayFabSettings.TitleId,
            Username = username,
            Password = password

        wait = true;

            (result) =>
                if (result.NewlyCreated)
                    Debug.Log("Merda criamos um novo usuario");
                    Debug.Log("O que eu fazer agora ?");
                    Debug.Log("Login com sucesso");
                wait = false;
            (error) =>
                Debug.Log("Error logging in player");
                wait = false;

        while (wait)
        { yield return null; }
Example #8
		/// <summary>
		/// Signs the user into the PlayFab account, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user
		/// </summary>
		public static void LoginWithPlayFab(LoginWithPlayFabRequest request, LoginWithPlayFabCallback resultCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback)
			request.TitleId = PlayFabSettings.TitleId ?? request.TitleId;
			if(request.TitleId == null) throw new Exception ("Must be have PlayFabSettings.TitleId set to call this method");

			string serializedJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request, Util.JsonFormatting, Util.JsonSettings);
			Action<string,string> callback = delegate(string responseStr, string errorStr)
				LoginResult result = null;
				PlayFabError error = null;
				ResultContainer<LoginResult>.HandleResults(responseStr, errorStr, out result, out error);
				if(error != null && errorCallback != null)
				if(result != null)
					AuthKey = result.SessionTicket ?? AuthKey;

					if(resultCallback != null)
			PlayFabHTTP.Post(PlayFabSettings.GetURL()+"/Client/LoginWithPlayFab", serializedJSON, null, null, callback);
        /// <summary>
        /// Signs the user into the PlayFab account, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user
        /// </summary>
        public static void LoginWithPlayFab(LoginWithPlayFabRequest request, ProcessApiCallback<LoginResult> resultCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback, object customData = null)
            request.TitleId = request.TitleId ?? PlayFabSettings.TitleId;
            if (request.TitleId == null) throw new Exception("Must be have PlayFabSettings.TitleId set to call this method");

            string serializedJson = SimpleJson.SerializeObject(request, Util.ApiSerializerStrategy);
            Action<CallRequestContainer> callback = delegate(CallRequestContainer requestContainer)
                ResultContainer<LoginResult>.HandleResults(requestContainer, resultCallback, errorCallback, LoginWithPlayFabResultAction);
            PlayFabHTTP.Post("/Client/LoginWithPlayFab", serializedJson, null, null, callback, request, customData);
Example #10
		/// <summary>
		/// Signs the user into the PlayFab account, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user
		/// </summary>
        public static async Task<PlayFabResult<LoginResult>> LoginWithPlayFabAsync(LoginWithPlayFabRequest request)
            request.TitleId = PlayFabSettings.TitleId ?? request.TitleId;
			if(request.TitleId == null) throw new Exception ("Must be have PlayFabSettings.TitleId set to call this method");

            object httpResult = await PlayFabHTTP.DoPost(PlayFabSettings.GetURL() + "/Client/LoginWithPlayFab", request, null, null);
            if(httpResult is PlayFabError)
                PlayFabError error = (PlayFabError)httpResult;
                if (PlayFabSettings.GlobalErrorHandler != null)
                return new PlayFabResult<LoginResult>
                    Error = error,
            string resultRawJson = (string)httpResult;

            var serializer = JsonSerializer.Create(PlayFabSettings.JsonSettings);
            var resultData = serializer.Deserialize<PlayFabJsonSuccess<LoginResult>>(new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(resultRawJson)));
			LoginResult result =;
			AuthKey = result.SessionTicket ?? AuthKey;

            return new PlayFabResult<LoginResult>
                    Result = result
    /// <summary>
    /// Function used to login an existing player with PlayFab.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="username">User's username</param>
    /// <param name="password">User's password</param>
    /// <param name="OnLoginCompletedCallback">Function to call after process ends</param>
    public void LoginWithPlayFab(string username, string password, ProjectDelegates.PlayFabLoginCallback OnLoginCompletedCallback)
        this.OnLoginCompletedCallback = OnLoginCompletedCallback;

        PlayFabSettings.TitleId = playFabGameID;

        LoginWithPlayFabRequest request = new LoginWithPlayFabRequest();
        request.Username = username;
        request.Password = password;
        request.TitleId = playFabGameID;

        PlayFabClientAPI.LoginWithPlayFab(request, OnLoginCompleted, OnLoginError);
	public void OnPlayFabRegisterSuccess (RegisterPlayFabUserResult result)
		Debug.Log ("PlayFab Register Success");
		Debug.Log (result.Username);
		LoginWithPlayFabRequest request = new LoginWithPlayFabRequest ();
		request.Username = username;
		request.Password = password;
		request.TitleId = PlayFabData.TitleId;                       
		PlayFabClientAPI.LoginWithPlayFab (request, OnPlayFabLoginSuccess, OnPlayFabError);
	private void OnGUI ()
		GUI.Label (ResizeGUI(new Rect (10, 10, 500, 30)), PhotonNetwork.connectionStateDetailed.ToString ());

		if (!PhotonNetwork.connected)
			networkState = NetworkStates.NotLoggedIn;
		else if ( == null)
			networkState = NetworkStates.InLobby;
		else if ( != null)
			networkState = NetworkStates.InRoom;
			networkState = NetworkStates.Unknown;

		// Network state machine
		switch (networkState) {
		case NetworkStates.NotLoggedIn:
				if (GUI.Button (new Rect (10, 10, 150, 70), "Login to Facebook")) {
					FB.Login ("email", LoginCallback);
			if (hasError) {

				GUIStyle myStyle = new GUIStyle ();
				myStyle.fontSize = 36;
				GUI.Label (ResizeGUI(new Rect (10, 50, 200, 20)), myErrorMessage, myStyle);

			username = GUI.TextField (ResizeGUI(new Rect (10, 100, 200, 20)), username);
			email = GUI.TextField (ResizeGUI(new Rect (10, 130, 200, 20)), email);
			password = GUI.PasswordField (ResizeGUI(new Rect (10, 160, 200, 20)), password, '*');

			if (GUI.Button (ResizeGUI(new Rect (10, 210, 150, 30)), "Create Account")) {
					RegisterPlayFabUserRequest request = new RegisterPlayFabUserRequest ();
					request.TitleId = PlayFabSettings.TitleId;

					request.Username = username;
					request.Email = email;
					request.Password = password;

					PlayFabClientAPI.RegisterPlayFabUser (request, OnPlayFabRegisterSuccess, OnPlayFabError);

			if (GUI.Button (ResizeGUI(new Rect (10, 250, 150, 30)), "Login with Username")) {
				LoginWithPlayFabRequest request = new LoginWithPlayFabRequest ();
				request.Username = username;
				request.Password = password;
				request.TitleId = PlayFabData.TitleId;  
				PlayFabClientAPI.LoginWithPlayFab (request, OnPlayFabLoginSuccess, OnPlayFabError);

			if (GUI.Button (ResizeGUI(new Rect (10, 290, 150, 30)), "Login with Email")) {
				LoginWithEmailAddressRequest request = new LoginWithEmailAddressRequest();
				request.Email = email;
				request.Password = password;
				request.TitleId = PlayFabData.TitleId;
				PlayFabClientAPI.LoginWithEmailAddress(request, OnPlayFabLoginSuccess, OnPlayFabError);
		case NetworkStates.InLobby:
				if (joinedRoom)
				GameObject board = GameObject.Find("Board");
				turnManager.currentPlayer = 0; // resets game when you leave
				turnManager.gameOver = false;
				turnManager.gameStarted = false;
				turnManager.movesPerTurn = 2;

				GameObject go = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Canvas");
				ActionMenu actionMenu = (ActionMenu)go.transform.FindChild ("ActionMenu(Clone)").GetComponent<ActionMenu>();

				joinedRoom = false;

				inRoom = false;
			createRoomName = GUI.TextField (ResizeGUI(new Rect (10, 110, 150, 30)), createRoomName);
				// Create game button
			if (GUI.Button (ResizeGUI(new Rect (10, 50, 150, 50)), "Create Game")) {
					Debug.Log ("room name = " + createRoomName);
					PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom (createRoomName, true, true, 5);

				// Join existing game button
				if (roomsList != null) {
					for (int i = 0; i < roomsList.Length; i++) {
					if (GUI.Button (ResizeGUI(new Rect (10, 180 + (80 * i), 150, 70)), "Join " + roomsList [i].name))
						PhotonNetwork.JoinRoom (roomsList [i].name);
		case NetworkStates.InRoom: // in room so instantiate player
				inRoom = true;
				GUILayout.Label ("Your name: " + PhotonNetwork.playerName + " - " + playfabUserID );
				GUILayout.Label (PhotonNetwork.playerList.Length + " players in this room.");
				GUILayout.Label ("The others are:");
				foreach (PhotonPlayer player in PhotonNetwork.otherPlayers) {
					GUILayout.Label (player.ToString ());
			if (GUI.Button (ResizeGUI(new Rect (10, 70, 150, 30)), "Leave")) {
					PhotonNetwork.LeaveRoom ();

		case NetworkStates.Unknown:
				GUILayout.Label ("Unknown network state!");
		if (PhotonNetwork.connected && !inRoom) {
			if (GUI.Button (ResizeGUI(new Rect (10, Screen.height - 70, 150, 30)), "Logout")) {
				if (FB.IsLoggedIn)
					FB.Logout ();
				PhotonNetwork.Disconnect ();