Inheritance: PlayFabRequestCommon
Example #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a new Cloud Script revision and uploads source code to it. Note that at this time, only one file should be submitted in the revision.
		/// </summary>
		public static void UpdateCloudScript(UpdateCloudScriptRequest request, UpdateCloudScriptCallback resultCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback, object customData = null)
			if (PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey == null) throw new Exception ("Must have PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey set to call this method");

			string serializedJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request, Util.JsonFormatting, Util.JsonSettings);
			Action<string,PlayFabError> callback = delegate(string responseStr, PlayFabError pfError)
				UpdateCloudScriptResult result = null;
				ResultContainer<UpdateCloudScriptResult>.HandleResults(responseStr, ref pfError, out result);
				if(pfError != null && errorCallback != null)
				if(result != null)
					result.CustomData = customData;
					result.Request = request;
					if(resultCallback != null)
			PlayFabHTTP.Post(PlayFabSettings.GetURL()+"/Admin/UpdateCloudScript", serializedJSON, "X-SecretKey", PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey, callback);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Cloud Script revision and uploads source code to it. Note that at this time, only one file should be submitted in the revision.
        /// </summary>
        public static void UpdateCloudScript(UpdateCloudScriptRequest request, PlayFabResultCommon.ProcessApiCallback<UpdateCloudScriptResult> resultCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback, object customData = null)
            if (PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey == null) throw new Exception("Must have PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey set to call this method");

            string serializedJson = JsonWrapper.SerializeObject(request, PlayFabUtil.ApiSerializerStrategy);
            Action<CallRequestContainer> callback = delegate(CallRequestContainer requestContainer)
                ResultContainer<UpdateCloudScriptResult>.HandleResults(requestContainer, resultCallback, errorCallback, null);
            PlayFabHttp.Post("/Admin/UpdateCloudScript", serializedJson, "X-SecretKey", PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey, callback, request, customData);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Cloud Script revision and uploads source code to it. Note that at this time, only one file should be submitted in the revision.
        /// </summary>
        public static void UpdateCloudScript(UpdateCloudScriptRequest request, Action<UpdateCloudScriptResult> resultCallback, Action<PlayFabError> errorCallback, object customData = null)
            if (PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey == null) throw new Exception("Must have PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey set to call this method");

            PlayFabHttp.MakeApiCall("/Admin/UpdateCloudScript", request, AuthType.DevSecretKey, resultCallback, errorCallback, customData);
Example #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a new Cloud Script revision and uploads source code to it. Note that at this time, only one file should be submitted in the revision.
		/// </summary>
        public static async Task<PlayFabResult<UpdateCloudScriptResult>> UpdateCloudScriptAsync(UpdateCloudScriptRequest request)
            if (PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey == null) throw new Exception ("Must have PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey set to call this method");

            object httpResult = await PlayFabHTTP.DoPost(PlayFabSettings.GetURL() + "/Admin/UpdateCloudScript", request, "X-SecretKey", PlayFabSettings.DeveloperSecretKey);
            if(httpResult is PlayFabError)
                PlayFabError error = (PlayFabError)httpResult;
                if (PlayFabSettings.GlobalErrorHandler != null)
                return new PlayFabResult<UpdateCloudScriptResult>
                    Error = error,
            string resultRawJson = (string)httpResult;

            var serializer = JsonSerializer.Create(PlayFabSettings.JsonSettings);
            var resultData = serializer.Deserialize<PlayFabJsonSuccess<UpdateCloudScriptResult>>(new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(resultRawJson)));
			UpdateCloudScriptResult result =;
            return new PlayFabResult<UpdateCloudScriptResult>
                    Result = result