public override TInput Import(string filename, ContentImporterContext context)
            XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();


            // The tileset should be the tileset tag
            XmlNode tileset = document.SelectSingleNode("//tileset");

            // The attributes on the tileset are the properties of our spritesheet
            string name       = tileset.Attributes["name"].Value;
            int    tileWidth  = int.Parse(tileset.Attributes["tilewidth"].Value);
            int    tileHeight = int.Parse(tileset.Attributes["tileheight"].Value);
            int    spacing    = int.Parse(tileset.Attributes["spacing"].Value);
            int    margin     = int.Parse(tileset.Attributes["margin"].Value);
            int    tileCount  = int.Parse(tileset.Attributes["tilecount"].Value);
            int    columns    = int.Parse(tileset.Attributes["columns"].Value);

            // A tileset will contain an image element that serves as the source of the tiles
            XmlNodeList images = tileset.SelectNodes("//image");
            //XmlNodeList collisions = tileset.SelectNodes("")

            var imageFilename = images[0].Attributes["source"].Value;
            var imageColorKey = images[0].Attributes["trans"].Value;

            TileContent[] tileContent = new TileContent[tileCount];
            XmlNodeList   tileIds     = tileset.SelectNodes("//tile id");

            foreach (XmlNode tile in tileIds)
                int id = int.Parse(tile.Attributes["id"].Value);

                tileContent[id] = new TileContent();

                // Get properties
                XmlNodeList children = tile.ChildNodes;
                foreach (XmlNode child in children)
                    if (child.Name == "properties")
                        XmlNodeList properity = child.ChildNodes;
                        foreach (XmlNode p in properity)
                            if (p.Name == "property")
                                tileContent[id].Properties[p.Attributes["name"].Value] = p.Attributes["value"].Value;
                    if (child.Name == "objectgroup")
                        XmlNode collision = child.FirstChild;
                        float   x         = float.Parse(collision.Attributes["x"].Value);
                        float   y         = float.Parse(collision.Attributes["y"].Value);
                        float   width     = float.Parse(collision.Attributes["width"].Value);
                        float   height    = float.Parse(collision.Attributes["height"].Value);
                        tileContent[id].Collision = new Rectangle((int)x, (int)y, (int)width, (int)height);
            return(new TilesetContent()
                Name = name,
                TileWidth = tileWidth,
                TileHeight = tileHeight,
                Spacing = spacing,
                Margin = margin,
                TileCount = tileCount,
                Columns = columns,
                ImageFilename = imageFilename,
                ImageColorKey = imageColorKey,
                Tiles = tileContent
        public override TInput Import(string filename, ContentImporterContext context)
            XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();


            // The tileset should be the tileset tag
            XmlNode tileset = document.SelectSingleNode("//tileset");

            // The attributes on the tileset are the properties of our spritesheet
            string name       = tileset.Attributes["name"].Value;
            int    tileWidth  = int.Parse(tileset.Attributes["tilewidth"].Value);
            int    tileHeight = int.Parse(tileset.Attributes["tileheight"].Value);
            int    spacing    = tileset.Attributes["spacing"] == null ? 0 : int.Parse(tileset.Attributes["spacing"].Value);
            int    margin     = tileset.Attributes["margin"] == null ? 0 : int.Parse(tileset.Attributes["margin"].Value);
            int    tileCount  = int.Parse(tileset.Attributes["tilecount"].Value);
            int    columns    = int.Parse(tileset.Attributes["columns"].Value);

            // A tileset will contain an image element that serves as the source of the tiles
            XmlNodeList images        = tileset.SelectNodes("//image");
            var         imageFilename = images[0].Attributes["source"].Value;
            var         imageColorKey = images[0].Attributes["trans"] != null ? images[0].Attributes["trans"].Value : null;

            TileContent[] tileContent = new TileContent[tileCount];
            XmlNodeList   tiles       = tileset.SelectNodes("//tile");

            foreach (XmlNode node in tiles)
                int id = int.Parse(node.Attributes["id"].Value);

                tileContent[id] = new TileContent();

                bool animation = false;

                // Get properties
                XmlNodeList children = node.ChildNodes;
                foreach (XmlNode child in children)
                    if (child.Name == "properties")
                        XmlNodeList properity = child.ChildNodes;
                        foreach (XmlNode p in properity)
                            if (p.Name == "property")
                                tileContent[id].Properties[p.Attributes["name"].Value] = p.Attributes["value"].Value;
                    if (child.Name == "objectgroup")
                        foreach (XmlNode collision in child.ChildNodes)
                            float  x       = float.Parse(collision.Attributes["x"].Value);
                            float  y       = float.Parse(collision.Attributes["y"].Value);
                            float  width   = float.Parse(collision.Attributes["width"].Value);
                            float  height  = float.Parse(collision.Attributes["height"].Value);
                            string pname   = collision.Attributes["type"] != null ? collision.Attributes["type"].Value : "unamed";
                            bool   trigger = false;
                            string bname   = "Unamed";

                            foreach (XmlNode colProps in collision.ChildNodes)
                                if (colProps.Name == "properties")
                                    foreach (XmlNode colProp in colProps.ChildNodes)
                                        if (colProp.Name == "property")
                                            if (colProp.Attributes["name"].Value == "Trigger")
                                                trigger = colProp.Attributes["value"].Value == "true";
                                            if (colProp.Attributes["name"].Value == "Name")
                                                bname = colProp.Attributes["value"].Value;

                            if (tileContent[id].BoxCollisions.ContainsKey(pname))
                                tileContent[id].BoxCollisions[pname].Add(new Box(new Rectangle((int)x, (int)y, (int)width, (int)height), trigger, name));
                                tileContent[id].BoxCollisions.Add(pname, new List <Box>()
                                    new Box(new Rectangle((int)x, (int)y, (int)width, (int)height), trigger, bname)
                    if (child.Name == "animation")
                        foreach (XmlNode a in child.ChildNodes)
                            int       tileid   = int.Parse(a.Attributes["tileid"].Value);
                            int       duration = int.Parse(a.Attributes["duration"].Value);
                            Rectangle source   = new Rectangle((int)(tileid % columns),
                                                               (int)Math.Floor(tileid / (float)columns), tileWidth, tileHeight);
                            tileContent[id].Animation.Frames.Add(new Frame(source, duration / (double)1000, tileid));
                            animation = true;
                if (animation)
                    tileContent[id].Animation.Name = tileContent[id].Properties["Animation"] == null
                                                    ? "Unamed" : tileContent[id].Properties["Animation"];

            // Create and return the TileContent
            return(new TilesetContent()
                Name = name,
                TileWidth = tileWidth,
                TileHeight = tileHeight,
                Spacing = spacing,
                Margin = margin,
                TileCount = tileCount,
                Columns = columns,
                ImageFilename = imageFilename,
                ImageColorKey = imageColorKey,
                Tiles = tileContent