Example #1
        public void SetCurrentTypeface(Typeface typeface)
            _currentTypeface = typeface;
            if (_cacheGlyphPathBuilders.TryGetValue(typeface, out _bitmapList))
            //TODO: you can scale down to proper img size
            //or create a single texture atlas.
            //if not create a new one
            _bitmapList = new GlyphBitmapList();
            _cacheGlyphPathBuilders.Add(typeface, _bitmapList);
            int glyphCount = typeface.GlyphCount;

            System.Text.StringBuilder stbuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            for (ushort i = 0; i < glyphCount; ++i)
                stbuilder.Length = 0;//reset
                Glyph glyph = typeface.GetGlyphByIndex(i);
                typeface.ReadSvgContent(glyph, stbuilder);
                //create bitmap from svg

                GlyphBitmap glyphBitmap = new GlyphBitmap();
                glyphBitmap.Width  = glyph.MaxX - glyph.MinX;
                glyphBitmap.Height = glyph.MaxY - glyph.MinY;

                if (glyphBitmap.Width == 0 || glyphBitmap.Height == 0)

                glyphBitmap.Bitmap = _svgBmpBuilderFunc(stbuilder);// ParseAndRenderSvg(stbuilder, vgDocHost);
                if (glyphBitmap.Bitmap == null)

                //MemBitmapExtensions.SaveImage(glyphBitmap.Bitmap, "d:\\WImageTest\\testGlyphBmp_" + i + ".png");
                _bitmapList.RegisterBitmap(glyph.GlyphIndex, glyphBitmap);
Example #2
        public void SetCurrentTypeface(Typeface typeface)
            _currentTypeface = typeface;
            if (_cacheGlyphPathBuilders.TryGetValue(typeface, out _bitmapList))

            //TODO: you can scale down to proper img size
            //or create a single texture atlas.

            //if not create a new one
            _bitmapList = new GlyphBitmapList();
            _cacheGlyphPathBuilders.Add(typeface, _bitmapList);

            int glyphCount = typeface.GlyphCount;

            using (System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream())
                for (ushort i = 0; i < glyphCount; ++i)

                    Glyph glyph = typeface.GetGlyphByIndex(i);
                    typeface.ReadBitmapContent(glyph, ms);

                    GlyphBitmap glyphBitmap = new GlyphBitmap();
                    glyphBitmap.Width  = glyph.MaxX - glyph.MinX;
                    glyphBitmap.Height = glyph.MaxY - glyph.MinY;

                    //glyphBitmap.Bitmap = ...
                    glyphBitmap.Bitmap = MemBitmap.LoadBitmap(ms);
                    //MemBitmapExtensions.SaveImage(glyphBitmap.Bitmap, "d:\\WImageTest\\testGlyphBmp_" + i + ".png");

                    _bitmapList.RegisterBitmap(glyph.GlyphIndex, glyphBitmap);
Example #3
 public void RegisterBitmap(ushort glyphIndex, GlyphBitmap bmp)
     _dic.Add(glyphIndex, bmp);
Example #4
 public bool TryGetBitmap(ushort glyphIndex, out GlyphBitmap bmp)
     return(_dic.TryGetValue(glyphIndex, out bmp));
Example #5
        public override void DrawFromGlyphPlans(GlyphPlanSequence seq, int startAt, int len, float left, float top)
            if (StartDrawOnLeftTop)
                //version 2
                //offset y down
                top += this.FontLineSpacingPx;

            float fontSizePoint = this.FontSizeInPoints;
            float scale         = _currentTypeface.CalculateScaleToPixelFromPointSize(fontSizePoint);

            //4. render each glyph
            float ox = _painter.OriginX;
            float oy = _painter.OriginY;

            Typography.OpenFont.Tables.COLR colrTable = _currentTypeface.COLRTable;
            Typography.OpenFont.Tables.CPAL cpalTable = _currentTypeface.CPALTable;
            bool hasColorGlyphs = (colrTable != null) && (cpalTable != null);

            _glyphMeshStore.SetFont(_currentTypeface, fontSizePoint);
            _glyphMeshStore.SimulateOblique = this.SimulateSlant;

            if (_currentTypeface.HasSvgTable())
                int seqLen = seq.Count;
                if (len > seqLen)
                    len = seqLen;

                var snapToPx = new GlyphPlanSequenceSnapPixelScaleLayout(seq, startAt, len, scale);
                while (snapToPx.Read())
                    _painter.SetOrigin((float)Math.Round(left + snapToPx.ExactX) + 0.33f, (float)Math.Floor(top + snapToPx.ExactY));

                    GlyphBitmap glyphBmp = _glyphSvgStore.GetGlyphBitmap(snapToPx.CurrentGlyphIndex);
                    //how to draw the image
                    if (glyphBmp != null)
            else if (_currentTypeface.IsBitmapFont)
                //check if we have exported all the glyph bitmap
                //to some 'ready' form?
                //if not then create it

                int seqLen = seq.Count;

                if (len > seqLen)
                    len = seqLen;

                var snapToPx = new GlyphPlanSequenceSnapPixelScaleLayout(seq, startAt, len, scale);
                while (snapToPx.Read())
                    _painter.SetOrigin((float)Math.Round(left + snapToPx.ExactX) + 0.33f, (float)Math.Floor(top + snapToPx.ExactY));
                    GlyphBitmap glyphBmp = _glyphBitmapStore.GetGlyphBitmap(snapToPx.CurrentGlyphIndex);
                    //how to draw the image
                if (!hasColorGlyphs)
                    bool          savedUseLcdMode   = _painter.UseSubPixelLcdEffect; //save,restore later
                    RenderQuality savedRederQuality = _painter.RenderQuality;
                    _painter.RenderQuality        = RenderQuality.HighQuality;
                    _painter.UseSubPixelLcdEffect = true;

                    int seqLen = seq.Count;

                    if (len > seqLen)
                        len = seqLen;

                    var snapToPx = new GlyphPlanSequenceSnapPixelScaleLayout(seq, startAt, len, scale);
                    while (snapToPx.Read())
                        _painter.SetOrigin((float)Math.Round(left + snapToPx.ExactX) + 0.33f, (float)Math.Floor(top + snapToPx.ExactY));

                    _painter.RenderQuality        = savedRederQuality;
                    _painter.UseSubPixelLcdEffect = savedUseLcdMode;
                    //this glyph has color information
                    Color originalFillColor = _painter.FillColor;
                    int   seqLen            = seq.Count;

                    if (len > seqLen)
                        len = seqLen;

                    var snapToPx = new GlyphPlanSequenceSnapPixelScaleLayout(seq, startAt, len, scale);
                    while (snapToPx.Read())
                        _painter.SetOrigin((float)Math.Round(left + snapToPx.ExactX), (float)Math.Floor(top + snapToPx.ExactY));

                        ushort colorLayerStart;
                        if (colrTable.LayerIndices.TryGetValue(snapToPx.CurrentGlyphIndex, out colorLayerStart))
                            //TODO: optimize this
                            //we found color info for this glyph
                            ushort colorLayerCount = colrTable.LayerCounts[snapToPx.CurrentGlyphIndex];
                            byte   r, g, b, a;
                            for (int c = colorLayerStart; c < colorLayerStart + colorLayerCount; ++c)
                                ushort gIndex = colrTable.GlyphLayers[c];

                                int palette = 0;                                              // FIXME: assume palette 0 for now
                                    cpalTable.Palettes[palette] + colrTable.GlyphPalettes[c], //index
                                    out r, out g, out b, out a);
                                _painter.FillColor = new Color(r, g, b);//? a component
                            //TODO: review here ***
                            //PERFORMANCE revisit here
                            //if we have create a vxs we can cache it for later use?

                    _painter.FillColor = originalFillColor; //restore color
            //restore prev origin
            _painter.SetOrigin(ox, oy);