Example #1
File: Game.cs Project: oskar/pistol
    private static void Bang(Player shooter, Player victim)
      if (shooter.IsPlayerDead)
        throw new InvalidOperationException("Shooter is dead and cannot shoot.");

      if (victim.IsPlayerDead)
        throw new InvalidOperationException("Victim is already dead and cannot be shot at.");

      var shooterGun = Gun.None;
      if (shooter.IsLeftGunDead) shooterGun = Gun.Right;
      else if (shooter.IsRightGunDead) shooterGun = Gun.Left;

      var victimGun = Gun.None;
      if (victim.IsLeftGunDead) victimGun = Gun.Right;
      else if (victim.IsRightGunDead) victimGun = Gun.Left;

      if (shooterGun != Gun.None && victimGun != Gun.None)
        // This is the no-brainer move since both guns are fixed
      else if (shooterGun != Gun.None && victimGun == Gun.None)
        var shooterGunDamage = shooter.GetGunDamage(shooterGun);
        victimGun = shooter.BangStrategy.BangOneOnTwo(shooterGunDamage, victim.LeftGun, victim.RightGun);
      else if (shooterGun == Gun.None && victimGun != Gun.None)
        var victimGunDamage = victim.GetGunDamage(victimGun);
        shooterGun = shooter.BangStrategy.BangTwoOnOne(shooter.LeftGun, shooter.RightGun, victimGunDamage);
      else if (shooterGun == Gun.None && victimGun == Gun.None)
        var res = shooter.BangStrategy.Bang(shooter.LeftGun, shooter.RightGun, victim.LeftGun, victim.RightGun);
        shooterGun = res.Item1;
        victimGun = res.Item2;
        throw new InvalidOperationException("Undefined scenario for shooterGun and victimGun.");

      // Apply damage
      switch (shooterGun)
        case Gun.Left: victim.ApplyDamage(victimGun, shooter.LeftGun); break;
        case Gun.Right: victim.ApplyDamage(victimGun, shooter.RightGun); break;
Example #2
File: Game.cs Project: oskar/pistol
    private static Player BangMultiPlayer(Player shooter, IList<Player> aliveVictims)
      if (shooter.MultiPlayerBangStrategy == null)
        throw new InvalidOperationException("This method can only be used when an IMultiPlayerBangStrategy exists.");

      if (shooter.IsPlayerDead)
        throw new InvalidOperationException("Shooter is dead and cannot shoot.");

      var victims = aliveVictims
        .Select(p => new Tuple<int?, int?>(p.IsLeftGunDead ? (int?)null : p.LeftGun,
                                           p.IsRightGunDead ? (int?)null : p.RightGun))

      Gun shooterGun;
      Gun victimGun;
      int victimIndex;

      if (shooter.IsLeftGunDead)
        var res = shooter.MultiPlayerBangStrategy.Bang(shooter.RightGun, victims);
        shooterGun = Gun.Right;
        victimIndex = res.Item1;
        victimGun = res.Item2;
      else if (shooter.IsRightGunDead)
        var res = shooter.MultiPlayerBangStrategy.Bang(shooter.LeftGun, victims);
        shooterGun = Gun.Left;
        victimIndex = res.Item1;
        victimGun = res.Item2;
        var res = shooter.MultiPlayerBangStrategy.Bang(shooter.LeftGun, shooter.RightGun, victims);
        shooterGun = res.Item1;
        victimIndex = res.Item2;
        victimGun = res.Item3;

      var victim = aliveVictims[victimIndex];

      Console.WriteLine("{0} shoots with {1} gun at {2}'s {3} gun", shooter.Name, shooterGun, victim.Name, victimGun);

      // Apply damage
      switch (shooterGun)
        case Gun.Left: victim.ApplyDamage(victimGun, shooter.LeftGun); break;
        case Gun.Right: victim.ApplyDamage(victimGun, shooter.RightGun); break;

      return victim;