private bool OutOfBounds(CannonBall c)
     if (c.getPosition().X < 0 || c.getPosition().X > graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth)
         return true;
     else if (c.getPosition().Y < 0 || c.getPosition().Y > graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight)
         return true;
         return false;
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Move an object sinusoidally
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="c">The cannon ball who's values are being modified</param>
 /// <param name="time">Snapshot of timing values to control the sine function</param>
 /// <returns>Vector representing the new position of the projectile</returns>
 protected Vector2 MoveSinusoidally(CannonBall c, TimeSpan time)
     //The projectiles still move linearly along the x-axis, but sinusodially along the y-axis.
     float x = (c.Position.X + (c.Direction.X * speed.X));
     float y = ((c.Position.Y + (c.Direction.Y * speed.Y)) + (2.5f * (float)Math.Sin((.5f) * MathHelper.TwoPi * time.TotalSeconds)));
     return new Vector2(x, y);