Example #1
        public void setNetworkResources(pipelineShip v, ref xPipeLine pipeModule, double dt)
           // foreach (var res in pipeModule.part.Resources.list)

            foreach(string res in pipeModule.totalDemand.Keys)
                v.resourceDemand[res] = pipeModule.totalDemand[res];
            foreach (string res in pipeModule.totalSupply.Keys)
                v.resourceSupply[res] = pipeModule.totalSupply[res];
                //double capacityScalar = res.amount;
                //print("addResource:" + capacityScalar.ToString());
                //foreach (pipelineShip px in Networks[v.networkID])
                //     if (px.resourceMaximums.ContainsKey(res.info.name) && px.id != v.id)
                //    {
                //        double deltaRes = px.resourceMaximums[res.info.name] - px.resourceAmounts[res.info.name];
                //         deltaRes = Math.Min(capacityScalar, deltaRes);
                //         px.resourceAmounts[res.info.name] += deltaRes; //distribute network resources evenly
                //      capacityScalar -= deltaRes;
                //      print("added " + deltaRes + " to go " + capacityScalar);

                //    }
            //    if(v.resourceSupply.ContainsKey(res.name))
            //    {
            //        v.resourceDeltas[res.info.name] = (res.amount - v.resourceAmounts[res.info.name]) * dt;
            //        v.resourceAmounts[res.info.name] = res.amount;
            //    }

Example #2
 public void applyNetworkDemand(double dt, pipelineShip p)
    // double demandPerShip = dt / Networks[p.networkID].Count;
     //demand is in time!
     foreach (pipelineShip px in Networks[p.networkID])
         foreach(string k in px.resourceCapacity.Keys)
             px.resourceCapacity[k] -= dt;
Example #3
        public void getNetworkResources(pipelineShip p, ref xPipeLine pipeModule, double dt)
            Dictionary<string, double> supply = new Dictionary<string, double>();
            Dictionary<string, double> demand = new Dictionary<string, double>();
            Dictionary<string, double> capacity = new Dictionary<string, double>();
           // pipeModule.contributors = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>>();

            foreach(pipelineShip px in Networks[p.networkID])
               if (px.id == p.id) continue;
                foreach(string k in px.resourceSupply.Keys)
                    if (k == "pipeNetwork")
                    if (supply.ContainsKey(k))
                        double capacityScalar = Math.Min(px.resourceCapacity[k], dt) / dt;
                        supply[k] += px.resourceSupply[k] * capacityScalar;
                        demand[k] += px.resourceDemand[k];
                        double capacityScalar = Math.Min(px.resourceCapacity[k], dt) / dt;
                        supply[k] = px.resourceSupply[k] * capacityScalar;
                        demand[k] = px.resourceDemand[k];


            //foreach (string k in amounts.Keys)
            //    ConfigNode resourceNode = new ConfigNode("RESOURCE");

            //    resourceNode.AddValue("name", k);
            //    resourceNode.AddValue("amount", amounts[k].ToString());
            //    resourceNode.AddValue("maxAmount", maximums[k].ToString());
            //    print("try to add resource...");
            //    try
            //    {
            //        var resource = pipeModule.part.AddResource(resourceNode);

            //        print("resource defined " + resource.info.name + " " + resource.amount.ToString() + " " + resource.maxAmount.ToString());
            //    }
            //    catch { }


           print("part has resources " + pipeModule.part.Resources.Count.ToString());
           foreach (var res in pipeModule.part.Resources.list)
               print("resource " + res.info.name + " " + res.amount.ToString() + " " + res.maxAmount.ToString());

           string recipeOutputs = "";
           foreach (string k in demand.Keys)
               recipeOutputs += k + "," + ( (supply[k] - demand[k])).ToString() + ",true;";
            recipeOutputs = recipeOutputs.TrimEnd(';');
            print("recipe outputs = " + recipeOutputs);

            pipeModule.RecipeOutputs = recipeOutputs;
            print("adjusting mass... resource mass = " + pipeModule.part.GetResourceMass().ToString());
            print("part mass..." + pipeModule.part.mass.ToString());

            p.needsResourceUpdate = false;
Example #4
 public int shipsWithResource(List<pipelineShip> network, string resource, pipelineShip me, bool ignore)
     int count = 0;
     foreach(var ship in network)
         if(ship.resourceSupply.ContainsKey(resource) && (ignore && ship.id != me.id))
     return count;
Example #5
        public double requestNetworkResource(pipelineShip v, string resource, double amount)
                pipelineShip p = v;
                double count =shipsWithResource(Networks[p.networkID], resource, p, true);
                if (count == 0) return 0;
                double totalRequested = 0;
                double requestPerShip = amount / count;
                //print("count = " + count.ToString());
              //  print("amount = " + amount.ToString());
              //  print("requestPerShip = " + requestPerShip.ToString());
                foreach (pipelineShip px in Networks[p.networkID])
                    if (px.id == p.id) continue;
                    if (px.loaded) //lan ship.. we can draw resource directly from it
                        //print("lan resource draw pxloaded=" + px.loaded.ToString() );
                        Vessel loaded = FlightGlobals.Vessels.Find(x => x.id.ToString() == px.id);
                       // print("found vessel? " + (loaded == null).ToString());
                        if (loaded != null)
                            px.loaded = loaded.loaded;
                            var vesselResources = loaded.GetActiveResources();
                            foreach (var res in vesselResources)

                                if (res.info.name == resource)
                                    if (requestPerShip > 0) //drawing resource
                                        //if supply is 1 and request is 2, return 1
                                        double thisShipSupplied = Math.Min(res.amount, requestPerShip);
                                        totalRequested += thisShipSupplied;
                                        double consumed = loaded.parts[0].RequestResource(res.info.name, thisShipSupplied);
                                        var loadedPipeline = loaded.FindPartModulesImplementing<xPipeLine>();
                                        for (int i = 0; i < loadedPipeline.Count; i++)
                                            if (loadedPipeline[i].localMaster)
                                    if (requestPerShip < 0) //drawing resource
                                        //if supply is 1 away from cap and request is 2, return 1
                                        double thisShipSupplied = Math.Min(res.maxAmount - res.amount, -requestPerShip);
                                        totalRequested -= thisShipSupplied;
                                       double consumed =  loaded.parts[0].RequestResource(res.info.name, -thisShipSupplied);
                                       var loadedPipeline = loaded.FindPartModulesImplementing<xPipeLine>();
                                       for (int i = 0; i < loadedPipeline.Count; i++)
                                           if (loadedPipeline[i].localMaster)
                                               loadedPipeline[i].setConsumed(res.info.name, consumed); //we got here... there's a pipeline on the ship
                        if (px.resourceCapacity.ContainsKey(resource))
                            if (requestPerShip > 0) //drawing resource
                                //if supply is 1 and request is 2, return 1
                                double thisShipSupplied = Math.Min(px.resourceSupply[resource], requestPerShip);
                                totalRequested += thisShipSupplied;
                                px.resourceSupply[resource] -= thisShipSupplied;
                            if (requestPerShip < 0) //drawing resource
                                //if supply is 1 away from cap and request is 2, return 1
                                double thisShipSupplied = Math.Min(px.resourceCapacity[resource] - px.resourceSupply[resource], -requestPerShip);
                                totalRequested -= thisShipSupplied;
                                px.resourceSupply[resource] += thisShipSupplied;
                            //if request is 0, do nothing

                return totalRequested;
            catch { return 0; }  //ship isn't in a network, return 0
Example #6
 public void addShipTonetwork(pipelineShip p, string id)
     p.networkID = id;
Example #7
 List<string> networksInRange(pipelineShip p, double range)
     List<string> ret = new List<string>();
     foreach (string id in Networks.Keys)
         if (networkContainsShip(id, p, range))
     return ret;
Example #8
        bool networkContainsShip(string id, pipelineShip p, double range)
            Vector3d pLoc = FlightGlobals.currentMainBody.GetWorldSurfacePosition(p.lat, p.lon, p.altitude);
            foreach(pipelineShip xp in Networks[id])
                Vector3d xploc = FlightGlobals.currentMainBody.GetWorldSurfacePosition(xp.lat, xp.lon, xp.altitude);
                if (Vector3d.Distance(xploc, pLoc) < range)
                    return true;

            return false;
Example #9
        public static pipelineShip fromVessel(Vessel v, ref xPipeLine pipe)
            pipelineShip ret = new pipelineShip();

            ret.id = v.id.ToString();
            ret.lat = v.latitude;
            ret.lon = v.longitude;
            ret.name = v.RevealName() ;
            ret.body = v.mainBody.name;
            ret.altitude = v.altitude;
            var modulelist =  v.FindPartModulesImplementing<xPipeLine>();
            ret.resourceSupply = new Dictionary<string, double>();
            ret.resourceDemand = new Dictionary<string, double>();
            ret.resourceCapacity = new Dictionary<string, double>();
            ret.unfocusedProductivity = new Dictionary<string, double>();
            ret.loaded = true;
            foreach(string res in pipe.totalSupply.Keys)
                ret.resourceSupply[res] = pipe.totalSupply[res];
                ret.resourceDemand[res] = pipe.totalDemand[res];
                ret.resourceCapacity[res] = pipe.totalCapacity[res];
                ret.unfocusedProductivity[res] = 0;
            ret.networkDraw = new Dictionary<string,double>();
            foreach(string res in pipe.networkDelta.Keys)
                ret.networkDraw[res] = pipe.networkDelta[res];
            return ret;
Example #10
        public static pipelineShip loadConfig(ConfigNode node)
                pipelineShip ret = new pipelineShip();

                ret.id = (node.GetValue("id"));
                ret.body = node.GetValue("body");
                ret.name = node.GetValue("name");
                ret.lat = double.Parse(node.GetValue("lat"));
                ret.lon = double.Parse(node.GetValue("lon"));
                ret.altitude = double.Parse(node.GetValue("altitude"));
                ret.resourceSupply = DictionaryFromString(node.GetValue("resourceSupply"));
                ret.resourceDemand = DictionaryFromString(node.GetValue("resourceDemand"));
                ret.resourceCapacity = DictionaryFromString(node.GetValue("resourceCapacity"));
                ret.networkDraw = DictionaryFromString(node.GetValue("networkDraw"));

                ret.unfocusedProductivity = DictionaryFromString(node.GetValue("unfocusedProductivity"));
                return ret;
            catch { return null; }
