Example #1
 private static void associateDeadEnds()
     // For each cell, if it's a dead end (borders on three sides), make sure that the association points out, so we can trim it.
     foreach (var cell in cells)
         directions dirOut = directions.multi;
         if (cell.associates != directions.multi)
             continue;                                      // Already associated!
         for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
             if (cell.IsBorder((directions)k))
             pwCell newCell = cell.InDirection((directions)k);
             if (newCell.associates == (directions)((k + 2) % 4))
                 continue;                                                  // if associates to this one, it might as well be a border!
             if (dirOut != directions.multi)
                 dirOut = directions.multi;
             dirOut = (directions)k;
         if (dirOut != directions.multi)
             cell.associates = dirOut;
             Console.WriteLine($"Associating dead-end cell at {cell.myPoint} to direction {dirOut}");
Example #2
 private static void copyBorders()
     // For all cells associated with a symmetry point, copy their association and borders.
     foreach (var cell in cells)
         if (cell.centerPoint != invalid)
             for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                 if (cell.IsBorder((directions)k))
                     Point      opposite = Symmetry(cell.myPoint, cell.centerPoint);
                     pwCell     newCell  = cells[(int)opposite.x, (int)opposite.y];
                     directions oppside  = (directions)((k + 2) % 4);
                     if (!newCell.IsBorder(oppside))
                         Console.WriteLine($"Copying border from {cell.myPoint} to {opposite}.");
Example #3
        static void Create(int x, int y, char cell)
            pwCell c = cells[x, y] = new pwCell();

            c.myPoint = new Point {
                x = x, y = y
            if (x == 0)
            if (y == 0)
            if (x == width - 1)
            if (y == height - 1)
            switch (cell)
            case 'w':
                c.associates  = directions.none;    // Associates with itself.
                c.centerPoint = c.myPoint;
                c.filled      = false;

            case 'b':
                c.associates  = directions.none;    // Associates with itself.
                c.centerPoint = c.myPoint;
                c.filled      = true;

            case ')':
                c.associates  = directions.left;
                c.centerPoint = new Point {
                    x = x - .5f, y = y
                c.filled = cells[x - 1, y].filled;

                cells[x - 1, y].associates  = directions.right;
                cells[x - 1, y].centerPoint = c.centerPoint;

            case 'v':
            case 'V':
                c.associates  = directions.up;
                c.centerPoint = new Point {
                    x = x, y = y - .5f
                c.filled = cells[x, y - 1].filled;

                cells[x, y - 1].associates  = directions.down;
                cells[x, y - 1].centerPoint = c.centerPoint;

            case '\\':     // bottom left of a four.
                c.associates  = directions.up;
                c.centerPoint = new Point {
                    x = x + .5f, y = y - .5f
                c.filled = cells[x, y - 1].filled;

                cells[x, y - 1].associates  = directions.right;
                cells[x, y - 1].centerPoint = c.centerPoint;

            case '/':      // bottom right of a four.
                           // bottom right
                c.associates  = directions.left;
                c.centerPoint = new Point {
                    x = x - .5f, y = y - .5f
                c.filled = cells[x, y - 1].filled;

                cells[x, y - 1].associates  = directions.down;
                cells[x, y - 1].centerPoint = c.centerPoint;
Example #4
 private static void findConstrainedPoints()
     // for each unassociated cell, if it can only reach cells of a single symmetry point, the cell must be associated with that symmetry point.
     // This code only looks one cell away.
     foreach (var cell in cells)
         if (cell.centerPoint != invalid)
         Point putativePoint = invalid;
         for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
             if (cell.IsBorder((directions)k))
             pwCell newCell = cell.InDirection((directions)k);
             if (newCell.associates == (directions)((k + 2) % 4))
                 continue;                                                  // if associates to this one, it might as well be a border!
             if (newCell == null)
                 throw new Exception("You can't have a null cell the other side of a non-border");                  // Shouldn't ever happen.
             if (newCell.centerPoint != invalid)
                 if (putativePoint == invalid)
                     putativePoint = newCell.centerPoint;
                 else if (putativePoint != newCell.centerPoint)
                     putativePoint = invalid;
                     break; // Can't set the center point to anything specific.
                 // If it connects with an undecided cell, it's undecided.
                 putativePoint = invalid;
         if (putativePoint != invalid)
             Console.WriteLine($"Setting cell at {cell.myPoint} to associate with {putativePoint}");
             cell.centerPoint = putativePoint;
             cell.filled      = cells[(int)putativePoint.x, (int)putativePoint.y].filled;
             Point  oppSide = Symmetry(cell.myPoint, putativePoint);
             pwCell oppCell = cells[(int)oppSide.x, (int)oppSide.y];
             if (oppCell.centerPoint != invalid && oppCell.centerPoint != putativePoint)
                 throw new Exception("Can't associate symmetry point that's already associated elsewhere!");
             oppCell.centerPoint = putativePoint;
             oppCell.filled      = cells[(int)putativePoint.x, (int)putativePoint.y].filled;
Example #5
 public static void Initialize(int[,] dotArray)
     width  = (dotArray.GetUpperBound(0) + 1) / 2;
     height = (dotArray.GetUpperBound(1) + 1) / 2;
     cells  = new pwCell[width, height];
     for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
             pwCell c = cells[x, y] = new pwCell();
             c.myPoint = new Point {
                 x = x, y = y
             if (x == 0)
             if (y == 0)
             if (x == width - 1)
             if (y == height - 1)
     for (int i = 0; i <= dotArray.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
         for (int j = 0; j <= dotArray.GetUpperBound(1); j++)
             Point centerPoint = new Point()
                 x = (float)i / 2.0f, y = (float)j / 2.0f
             pwCell c;
             int    il, ih, jl, jh;
             if (i % 2 == 0)
                 ih = il = i / 2;
                 ih = 1 + (il = (i - 1) / 2);
             if (j % 2 == 0)
                 jh = jl = j / 2;
                 jh = j + (jl = (j - 1) / 2);
             for (int ii = il; ii <= ih; ii++)
                 for (int ij = jl; ij <= jh; ij++)
                     c             = cells[ii, ij];
                     c.centerPoint = centerPoint;
                     c.filled      = (dotArray[i, j] == 2);
                     c.associates  = directions.none; // Associates with itself.
                     if (ii == il && ij == jl && il != ih)
                         c.associates = directions.right;
                     if (ii == ih && ij == jh && il != ih)
                         c.associates = directions.left;
                     if (ij == jl && ii == ih && jl != jh)
                         c.associates = directions.down;
                     if (ij == jh && ii == il && jl != jh)
                         c.associates = directions.up;