public void InputHostData()//переименуй процедуру { //вывод данных из файла на экран, пронумерованным списком for (bool check = true; check == true;) { command = Console.ReadLine(); switch (command) { //добавить редактирование данных по строке case "disp": try { displayFileData(); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine("Файл отсутсвует"); } break; case "start": readFile(); check = false; break; case "add": enterByHand(); //ввод данных вручную readFile(); check = false; break; case "add -r": enterByHand(); //ввод данных вручную readFile(); check = false; break; case "add -b": enterByHand(); //ввод данных вручную readFile(); check = false; break; case "test": Ping pingSender = new Ping(); PingOptions options = new PingOptions(); // Use the default Ttl value which is 128, // but change the fragmentation behavior. options.DontFragment = true; // Create a buffer of 32 bytes of data to be transmitted. string data = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"; byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data); int timeout = 120; PingReply reply = pingSender.Send("", timeout, buffer, options); if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success) { Console.WriteLine("Address: {0}", reply.Address.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("RoundTrip time: {0}", reply.RoundtripTime); Console.WriteLine("Time to live: {0}", reply.Options.Ttl); Console.WriteLine("Don't fragment: {0}", reply.Options.DontFragment); Console.WriteLine("Buffer size: {0}", reply.Buffer.Length); } else { Console.WriteLine("Address: {0}", reply.Address.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("RoundTrip time: {0}", reply.RoundtripTime); //Console.WriteLine("Time to live: {0}", reply.Options.Ttl); // Console.WriteLine("Don't fragment: {0}", reply.Options.DontFragment); Console.WriteLine("Buffer size: {0}", reply.Buffer.Length); } reply = pingSender.Send("", timeout, buffer, options); if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success) { Console.WriteLine("Address: {0}", reply.Address.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("RoundTrip time: {0}", reply.RoundtripTime); Console.WriteLine("Time to live: {0}", reply.Options.Ttl); Console.WriteLine("Don't fragment: {0}", reply.Options.DontFragment); Console.WriteLine("Buffer size: {0}", reply.Buffer.Length); } break; case "help": Console.WriteLine("Наберите команду для продолжения"); Console.WriteLine("disp - Вывести на экран содержимое файла \"HostDataBase.txt\""); Console.WriteLine("start - Запуск Пингера, по данным файла\"HostDataBase.txt\""); Console.WriteLine("add - для записи еще данных в конец файла, не стирая данные"); Console.WriteLine("add -r - для удаления данных из файла и записи их в ручную через консоль"); Console.WriteLine("add -b - будет сделан backup в \\%root_program_folder%\\Data\\backup\\%date%.txt"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Команда введена не верно, повторите ввод \n"); break; } } }
public void CreateTableHost(List <Host> addressHost, int timeoutHost) { Ping Pinger = new Ping(); PingOptions options = new PingOptions(); options.DontFragment = true; String HostName = ""; List <String> tempHostName = new List <String>(); List <String> tempIpAddress = new List <String>(); List <String> tempDescription = new List <String>(); List <int> tempQualityHost = new List <int>(); List <long> tempRoadTrip = new List <long>(); outputDataPinger line = new outputDataPinger(); Console.Clear(); Console.Write(" \n Идет обработка доступности адресов, пожалуйста подождите..."); for (long iterator = 1; ; iterator++) { if (NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable()) { for (int i = 0; i < addressHost.Count; i++) { Host tempListHost = addressHost[i]; HostName = tempListHost.hostName; try { PingReply ReplyInputDataHost = Pinger.Send(HostName, timeoutHost); if (ReplyInputDataHost.Status != IPStatus.Success) { tempHostName.Add(HostName); tempIpAddress.Add("not available"); tempRoadTrip.Add(ReplyInputDataHost.RoundtripTime); tempDescription.Add(tempListHost.physLocationHost); tempQualityHost.Add(tempListHost.Quality(false)); } else { try { tempHostName.Add(HostName); tempIpAddress.Add(ReplyInputDataHost.Address.ToString()); tempRoadTrip.Add(ReplyInputDataHost.RoundtripTime); tempDescription.Add(tempListHost.physLocationHost); tempQualityHost.Add(tempListHost.Quality(true)); } catch (NullReferenceException) { tempHostName.Add(HostName); tempIpAddress.Add("not available"); tempRoadTrip.Add(0); tempDescription.Add(tempListHost.physLocationHost); tempQualityHost.Add(tempListHost.Quality(false)); } } } catch (PingException) { tempHostName.Add(HostName); tempIpAddress.Add("HOST NAME ERROR!"); tempRoadTrip.Add(0); tempDescription.Add(tempListHost.physLocationHost); tempQualityHost.Add(tempListHost.Quality(false)); } catch (ArgumentException) { tempHostName.Add(HostName); tempIpAddress.Add("HOST NAME ERROR!"); tempRoadTrip.Add(0); tempDescription.Add(tempListHost.physLocationHost); tempQualityHost.Add(tempListHost.Quality(false)); } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * /// РАЗОБРАТЬСЯ С РАБОТОЙ ИСКЛЮЧЕНИЙ, что и когда перехватывают * * catch (ObjectDisposedException) * { * tempHostName.Add(HostName); * tempIpAddress.Add("ObjectDisposedException!"); * tempRoadTrip.Add(999); * tempDescription.Add(tempListHost.physLocationHost); * tempQualityHost.Add(tempListHost.Quality(false)); * } * catch (InvalidOperationException) * { * tempHostName.Add(HostName); * tempIpAddress.Add("InvalidOperationException"); * tempRoadTrip.Add(999); * tempDescription.Add(tempListHost.physLocationHost); * tempQualityHost.Add(tempListHost.Quality(false)); * } * //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ } Console.Clear(); line.writeHeadTable(); for (int i = 0; i < addressHost.Count; i++) { line.writeTextColor(tempHostName[i], tempIpAddress[i], tempRoadTrip[i], tempDescription[i], tempQualityHost[i]); //Thread.Sleep(4); } tempHostName.Clear(); tempIpAddress.Clear(); tempRoadTrip.Clear(); tempDescription.Clear(); tempQualityHost.Clear(); //Thread.Sleep(250); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(" \n \n \n \n \n \n Связи нет! \n ПРОВЕРЬТЕ СЕТЕВОЕ ПОДКЛЮЧЕНИЕ!pin"); } Console.WriteLine("\nКоличество итераций = " + iterator); Thread.Sleep(1500); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Start: Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine(" ``.....``` ``.....``"); Console.WriteLine(" `.---.......---:-.` ``.-:--.......--:.`"); Console.WriteLine(" `-:. ````` `-:/-. `.---. ````` .-:."); Console.WriteLine(" .:. `.-/+syso//:-` `...:+sso+:.` `:-`"); Console.WriteLine(" `-:` .+ymds:. .-//:.` --`"); Console.WriteLine(" .:` `...`` `:oo:` `-:-` ````` --`"); Console.WriteLine(" ..-ohNNMMNNNmdyo/. `-:.` `--` `:+ydmNmhs/:::-.`.`"); Console.WriteLine(" `.:ohdNNNNNMMMMMNms:` `-- .-` -odNMMMMMNms/. ``"); Console.WriteLine(" `.:+yhdmddddNMMMMMNs- /:::` ...:` .omMMMMMNmdddy+-`"); Console.WriteLine(" `.:+ydmNNNMMMMMMMMNd/ :y+- `:: -yNMMMMMMMMMNNms/."); Console.WriteLine(" `.+ymNNmddNMNMMMMMMd/ //. .: -hNMMMMMNMNddmmNmy/."); Console.WriteLine(" .-::-:/+++hN+///oymMMh-`/- `/``yNMNhs+///mmo++/:--:-`"); Console.WriteLine(" `-:`.ohyo/:-...-://:--omNo:+.` `./+/mNy:-////--..-:/oshs:`--` ```"); Console.WriteLine(" `...``-:.`+o-` `.:`.dNmd-:` `--ymNN- --` `.+o``:-.`.-.-`"); Console.WriteLine(" .:/---.` +y-` `. oMMm./. `:-hMMh .` `-oy .---+o/."); Console.WriteLine(" `-/+:.----`-/ooo+++/++/++++/:.:sNMMd +-.```../.oMMMh/.:/++++/++/++++oo+:``...`-/+:."); Console.WriteLine(" `.:+smNNNNNms/-......+y..-:/ohmNMMMMo hyso+osyh.:MMMMNmy/-....oo........-://::::--..`"); Console.WriteLine(" ``:+yhhysssso+/:::::---.-:+ymNNMMMMN. NMNmhdNNN- dMMNdy+:-.....--:---..``` `..``"); Console.WriteLine(" `..--....``` .:+symNMM+ NMMmddMMM- -mmy+-`"); Console.WriteLine(" `-/sdmo NMMmddMMM: -s/."); Console.WriteLine(" `:o/ `MMMmddMMM/ .:.`"); Console.WriteLine(" `.:.`/: .MMMmddMMM+ ./``:-`"); Console.WriteLine(" `--`/dNs :MMMmddMMMs :Mm+..:.`"); Console.WriteLine(" `.-.-//.:hNMM/ sMMNmmmNMMd .MMMm+.::-..-`"); Console.WriteLine(" `.`--``` ```.---.``od-sNMMMM- dMMNdddmMMN.`NMMMMh.ys. `---.``` `.-`.`"); Console.WriteLine(" `--`.:://////:::--...:+ymMM+NMMMMM: NMMMNmmNMMM:`NMMMMM+NMmh+:-..--------------`.:`"); Console.WriteLine(" .:` -+-```-//+oshmmNMMMMMmmMMdhmh.+dNMMMMMNds.omdhNMNdMMMMMNNmdyo+//:```.// :-"); Console.WriteLine(" -: `hm- .sNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMy/:oms//:///://ody::oMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMh- .hm. --`"); Console.WriteLine(" `-- .dN+ :dMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNh+/syyyyysys+/yNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN+` -mN: -:`"); Console.WriteLine(" `:- -mMs` `oNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNs. ````` `+mMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMy. +NN/ .:`"); Console.WriteLine(" `:- -mMh. -hMMMMMMMMMNNmy: `oys. .sdNNMMMMMMMMMd/ `sMN/ .:."); Console.WriteLine(" `-- -dMm/ `-/////::--.` :dMMMm+` `..-:::////:` -dMm/ -:`"); Console.WriteLine(" `-:` `oNNy- `sNMMMMMMh- `oNNy. --`"); Console.WriteLine(" `.:` :hNNy/::::::::::--....:hNNNNNmNNNd/....--::::::::::/smNd/ `:-`"); Console.WriteLine(" .:. `osymMMMMMMMMMMMMdo+/////::::::::////+ohNMMMMMMMMMMMmhss. .:.`"); Console.WriteLine(" `-:``ymhshdNMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNMMMMMMMMMMMMNmhyydd- --`"); Console.WriteLine(" `.:.`sNMmdhhdNMMMNdmNmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNmhhhyyyyyyssshmNMh.`:-`"); Console.WriteLine(" `--`/mMMMMMNMMMmdmdddNNNNNNNNNNNNmdy+:::---....:+ydmo`--`"); Console.WriteLine(" .:--hMMMMNNmdysoo+ooso:--------//-` ./o:.:.`"); Console.WriteLine(" `-:-sNMMNdyo:.``````-/. `:-` `.-.--`"); Console.WriteLine(" `-:+dNNdo:` -/ -:` `.`.`"); Console.WriteLine(" `.:/ydy+- `:- ./` `"); Console.WriteLine(" `.-/:-` ./` :-"); Console.WriteLine(" ``` -: -:"); Console.WriteLine(" -: -:"); Console.WriteLine(" ./ ::"); Console.WriteLine(" ./` /."); Console.WriteLine(" `:- ./`"); Console.WriteLine(" -/ --"); Console.WriteLine(" ./` /."); Console.WriteLine(" -:` --`"); Console.WriteLine(" `...``"); Console.WriteLine(" `...` `....`` `..` `..` `..` `....`` `....` `.` ..` `.. `....` `...`"); Console.WriteLine(" `smmddd/ `sdmmmmmd+ mNNm/ -mNNm` hNNm. hNNddmdo .ymmmmmmh: oNm- /NN- -odMM- :dmmNNd/ odddNNh`"); Console.WriteLine(" /MM:` .. `dMh- `/NMo MMyMN. `dMsMM` oMhhMh dMy +MM. -NMs. `oMM/ sMm.:NN: so+MM- .:``:MMd -. +MM/"); Console.WriteLine(" `hNNhs:` /MM- hMm MM/sMh yMs:MM` -NN..NM+ dMmssmMs sMN` mMh sMdNN: -MM- oMN/ osymNs`"); Console.WriteLine(" -/yNMd`+MM- hMm MM:`mMo/Md`:MM` `dMh//hMN. dMd//oNMs sMN` NMy yMM/ -MM- -hMd: //+yMNo"); Console.WriteLine(" --```oMM..mMh.```+MN/ MM: -MMNN- :MM` sMmyyyymMd` dMy```dMd -NMs.``.sMN- /MM` ``:MM:` .yMN+``` -```.NMm"); Console.WriteLine(" +mmddNd: .smNmdmmy: NN: oNN+ :NN`-NN- -NN+ hNmddmms. -yNNddNms. /NN` sdmNNmd+ yNNmmmmm:`dmddNNy-"); Console.WriteLine(" ...` `... `` `` `` `` ``` ```` `..` `` ``````` ``````` `... "); Console.WriteLine(""); TcpClient tcpClient = new TcpClient(); int port = 80; TcpClient client; Console.WriteLine("Pinger V1.0"); Console.WriteLine("Made by: Somaboy123"); Console.WriteLine("Enter IP or URL:"); string ip = Console.ReadLine(); Ping ping = new Ping(); PingReply pingresult = ping.Send(ip); if (pingresult.Status.ToString() == "Success") { Console.WriteLine("Online"); } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Offline"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; } Console.WriteLine("Want to use Pinger again? (y/n)"); switch (Console.ReadLine()) { case "y": Console.Clear(); goto Start; case "n": break; } }
static int Main(string[] args) { Ping pingSender = new Ping(); PingOptions options = new PingOptions(); // Create the ping target object, aka pt PingerTarget pt = new PingerTarget(); bool verbose = false; // true = print additional versbose stuff for the program //bool loop = true; // true = ping will loop until Ctrl + C is pressed int items = -1; // compensate for "pinger" counting as 1 command line argument int maxcount = 0; bool maxCountSpecified = false; bool smartping = true; // by default use the smart ping switch bool return_code_only = false; string target = ""; // target IP address or DNS name to ping int defaultPollingTimeInMilliseconds = 1000; //iteration defaultPollingTimeInMilliseconds in ms or can be seen as polling bool stopBeeps = false; bool outputScreenToCSV = false; // Output only what's on the screen to CSV. So if printing only changes then it will only output to file that bool outputAllToCSV = false; // Output every ping response to CSV, even if you are using the smart ping function which only prints the status changes string outputCSVFilename = ""; string outstr = ""; int sleeptime = defaultPollingTimeInMilliseconds; int sleeptimesec = sleeptime / 1000; double timelaps = 0; int runtimeError = 0; int runtimeInHours = 0; // Create a buffer of 32 bytes of data to be transmitted. string data = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"; byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data); int timeout = 1000; // amount of time in ms to wait for the ping reply int timeoutsec = timeout / 1000; // Use the default Ttl value which is 128, // but change the fragmentation behavior. // iterate through the arguments string[] arguments = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); for (int argIndex = 0; argIndex < arguments.Length; argIndex++) { //logThis("Arguments " + arg); switch (arguments[argIndex].ToUpper()) { case "/?": ShowSyntax(); runtimeError = 1; break; case "-R": // Returns code only, doesn't expects a value after this switch return_code_only = true; maxcount = 1; maxCountSpecified = true; break; case "-V": verbose = true; break; case "-S": // Make pinger like ping and output every responses to screen smartping = false; break; case "-N": // No loop, same as using '-c 1' maxcount = 1; maxCountSpecified = true; //loop = false; break; case "-Q": // quietens audible sounds (beeps) stopBeeps = true; break; case "-C": // Specify how many times pinger will loop ping a host, expects a positive value after the switch equal or greater than 1 try { argIndex++; // get the next value, hopefully a digit //bool success = int.TryParse(arguments[argIndex], out sleeptime); maxCountSpecified = true; maxcount = int.Parse(arguments[argIndex]); } catch (System.ArgumentNullException) { logThis("Please specify a valid number."); runtimeError = 1; } catch (System.FormatException) { logThis("Please specify a valid number."); runtimeError = 1; } catch (System.OverflowException) { logThis("Please specify a valid number."); runtimeError = 1; } catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException) { logThis("Please specify a valid number."); runtimeError = 1; } break; case "-H": // Run pinger for a number of hours, expects a positive value after the switch try { argIndex++; // get the next value, hopefully a digit //bool success = int.TryParse(arguments[argIndex], out sleeptime); runtimeInHours = int.Parse(arguments[argIndex]); maxCountSpecified = false; //loop = true; } catch (System.ArgumentNullException) { logThis("Please specify a valid number."); runtimeError = 1; } catch (System.FormatException) { logThis("Please specify a valid number."); runtimeError = 1; } catch (System.OverflowException) { logThis("Please specify a valid number."); runtimeError = 1; } catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException) { logThis("Please specify a valid number."); runtimeError = 1; } break; case "-CSV": // Output each ping responses to a CSV file but matches onscreen output. //verbose = false; outputScreenToCSV = true; outputAllToCSV = !outputScreenToCSV; break; case "-CSVALL": // Output each ping responses to a CSV file even if you are using the smartping function //verbose = false; outputScreenToCSV = false; outputAllToCSV = !outputScreenToCSV; break; case "-P": // Poll every 'n' seconds, expects a value after this switch try { argIndex++; // get the next value, hopefully a digit //bool success = int.TryParse(arguments[argIndex], out sleeptime); sleeptime = int.Parse(arguments[argIndex]) * 1000; } catch (System.ArgumentNullException) { logThis("Please specify a valid polling interval in seconds."); runtimeError = 1; } catch (System.FormatException) { logThis("Please specify a valid polling interval in seconds."); runtimeError = 1; } catch (System.OverflowException) { logThis("Please specify a valid polling interval in seconds."); runtimeError = 1; } catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException) { logThis("Please specify a valid polling interval in seconds."); runtimeError = 1; } break; case "-T": // smart switch // Show OK and Down and OK, implies -C try { argIndex++; // get the next value, hopefully a digit timeout = int.Parse(arguments[argIndex]) * 1000; } catch (System.ArgumentNullException) { logThis("Please specify a valid timeout value in seconds larger than 1 seconds."); runtimeError = 1; } catch (System.FormatException) { logThis("Please specify a valid timeout value in seconds larger than 1 seconds."); runtimeError = 1; } catch (System.OverflowException) { logThis("Please specify a valid timeout value in seconds larger than 1 seconds."); runtimeError = 1; } catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException) { logThis("Please specify a valid timeout value in seconds larger than 1 seconds."); runtimeError = 1; } break; default: if (items == 0) { target = arguments[argIndex]; //smartping = true; } items++; break; } } if (runtimeError > 0) { return(runtimeError); } if (items > 1 || target.Length <= 0) { ShowSyntax(); runtimeError = 1; } else { pt.Target = target; pt.Startdate = DateTime.Now; string[] dnsresults = DNSLookup(pt.Target); if (dnsresults.Length > 0) { pt.Hostname = dnsresults[0]; pt.IPAddress = dnsresults[1]; pt.DNSLookupStatus = dnsresults[2]; } else { pt.Hostname = pt.Target; } if (!return_code_only) { logThis("Pinging " + pt.Target + " at " + sleeptimesec + "sec interval & timeout of " + timeoutsec + " seconds"); logThis("Looking up DNS : "); logThis(" Hostname : " + pt.Hostname); logThis(" IPAddress: " + pt.IPAddress); logThis(""); if (!maxCountSpecified && runtimeInHours > 0) { maxcount = (runtimeInHours * 60 * 60) / (sleeptimesec); //logThis(">> sleeptime = " + sleeptimesec + ",runtimeInHours=" + runtimeInHours + "hrs,maxcount=" + maxcount +"<<"); logThis(">> Runtime: " + runtimeInHours + "hrs, Total ping expected=" + maxcount + " <<"); } } if (outputScreenToCSV || outputAllToCSV) { outputCSVFilename = "pinger-" + pt.Target.Replace('.', '_').Trim() + "_" + ".txt"; logThis(">> Responses will be saved to " + outputCSVFilename); logThis(""); logToFile("Date,TimeLaps (sec),Target,Reply,Round Trip (ms),TTL,Count", outputCSVFilename); } if (!return_code_only) { logThis("Date,TimeLaps (sec),Target,Reply,Round Trip (ms),TTL,Count"); } do { pt.CurrStatusPingDate = DateTime.Now; pt.CurrHostPingCount++; try { options.DontFragment = true; PingReply reply; if (pt.IPAddress != null) { reply = pingSender.Send(pt.IPAddress, timeout, buffer, options); //pt.CurrHostPingCount++; // redundant with the one below ? should I take it outside this if time to test it thought. } else { reply = pingSender.Send(pt.Hostname, timeout, buffer, options); //pt.CurrHostPingCount++; // redundant with the one one ? should I take it outside this if time to test it thought. } if (reply != null && reply.Options != null) { pt.OptionsTtl = reply.Options.Ttl; } else { pt.OptionsTtl = -1; } pt.ReplyIPAddress = reply.Address.ToString(); // ? reply.Address.ToString() : "-"; pt.RoundTrip = reply.RoundtripTime; //? reply.RoundtripTime : -1); pt.CurrHostPingStatus = reply.Status.ToString(); //? reply.Status.ToString() : "-"); // logThis(reply.Status.ToString()); if (reply.Status.ToString() == "DestinationHostUnreachable") { pt.Errorcode = 1; pt.CurrHostPingStatus = "DestinationHostUnreachable"; } else { pt.Errorcode = 0; } } catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException se) { pt.Errorcode = 1; pt.ErrorMsg = se.Message; pt.CurrHostPingStatus = se.Message; Thread.Sleep(sleeptime); } catch (System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingException pe) { pt.Errorcode = 1; pt.ErrorMsg = pe.Message; pt.CurrHostPingStatus = pe.Message; Thread.Sleep(sleeptime); } catch (System.NullReferenceException nre) { pt.Errorcode = 1; pt.ErrorMsg = nre.Message; pt.CurrHostPingStatus = "DestinationHostUnreachable"; Thread.Sleep(sleeptime); //pt.Errorcode = 1; pt.ErrorMsg = nre.Message; pt.CurrHostPingStatus = nre.Message; Thread.Sleep(sleeptime); } finally { if (pt.Errorcode == 0) { pt.HostReachableCountUpdate++; // timelaps = (sleeptimesec) * (pt.CurrHostPingCount - pt.PrevStatusPingCount); } else if (pt.Errorcode == 1) { pt.HostUnreachableCountUpdate++; // timelaps = (sleeptimesec) * (pt.CurrHostPingCount - pt.PrevStatusPingCount);timelaps = (sleeptimesec + timeoutsec) * (pt.CurrHostPingCount - pt.PrevStatusPingCount); } else { logThis("Unknown ping error code"); } TimeSpan difference = pt.CurrStatusPingDate.Subtract(pt.PrevStatusPingDate); timelaps = Math.Ceiling(difference.TotalSeconds); // Create the output string if (!verbose) { outstr = pt.CurrStatusPingDate + "," + timelaps + "sec," + pt.Hostname + "," + pt.CurrHostPingStatus + "," + pt.RoundTrip + "ms," + pt.OptionsTtl + "," + pt.CurrHostPingCount; } else { outstr = "Date=" + pt.CurrStatusPingDate + ",TimeLapsSec=" + timelaps + "sec,trgt=" + pt.Hostname + ",status=" + pt.CurrHostPingStatus + ",rndtrip=" + pt.RoundTrip + "ms,ttl=" + pt.OptionsTtl + ",count=" + pt.CurrHostPingCount; } if (pt.PrevHostPingStatus != pt.CurrHostPingStatus) { pt.PrevStatusPingDate = pt.CurrStatusPingDate; // 1 print to screent the difference if (!return_code_only) { logThis(outstr); } // 2 - write to log file if requested to if (outputScreenToCSV || outputAllToCSV) { logToFile(outstr, outputCSVFilename); } if (pt.Errorcode == 0 && pt.CurrHostPingCount > 1 && !stopBeeps) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Console.Beep(); } } else if (pt.Errorcode == 1 && pt.CurrHostPingCount > 1 && !stopBeeps) //&& smartping { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Console.Beep(); } } pt.PrevStatusPingCount = pt.CurrHostPingCount; } else // At this point the current and previous ping status differ so we need to process { // Only output to screen if the smart ping is not enabled and pinger behaves like ping if (!smartping) { if (!return_code_only) { logThis(outstr); } } // Only output to screen if the if (outputAllToCSV) { logToFile(outstr, outputCSVFilename); } } } if (!maxCountSpecified) { maxcount = pt.CurrHostPingCount + 1; } if (verbose) { pt.Printout(); } //if (loop) { Thread.Sleep(sleeptime); } if (pt.CurrHostPingCount < maxcount) { Thread.Sleep(sleeptime); } } while (pt.CurrHostPingCount < maxcount); //while (loop && pt.CurrHostPingCount < maxcount) ; } //logThis(pt.Errorcode.ToString()); return(pt.Errorcode); }
private void Sendicmp(IPAddress addresstoping) { status = IPStatus.Unknown; rtt = 0; bitesize = 0; ttl = 0; seq = 0; PingReply reply = null; var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); var token = tokenSource.Token; try { int x = 0; senttotal++; try { reply = pingSender.Send(addresstoping, 2000, icmpdata); } catch (System.ArgumentNullException) { MessageBox.Show("Could not resolve hostname2"); } Thread.Sleep(1); while (x < 50) { if (reply.Buffer.Length == 0) { if (cancelrequested == true) { break; } Thread.Sleep(50); x++; continue; } break; } //Task updatetask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => reply = pingSender.Send(addresstoping, 5000, icmpdata)); //updatetask.Wait(); } catch (PingException e) { //MessageBox.Show("Exception thrown while sending ping: Something went wrong at the system level, likely a physical malfunction. Exception thrown was: \n" + Convert.ToString(e)); status = IPStatus.Unknown; } catch (Win32Exception e) { status = IPStatus.Unknown; //MessageBox.Show("Exception thrown while sending ping: Something went wrong at the system level, likely a physical malfunction. Exception thrown was: \n" + Convert.ToString(e)); } if (reply != null) { status = reply.Status; rtt = reply.RoundtripTime; bitesize = reply.Buffer.Length; } else { status = IPStatus.Unknown; rtt = 0; bitesize = 0; } try { ttl = (reply.Options.Ttl); } catch (NullReferenceException e) { //MessageBox.Show("Null ref exception while setting ttl " + Convert.ToString(e)); ttl = 0; } if (status == IPStatus.Success) { rtts.Add(Convert.ToInt16(reply.RoundtripTime)); receivedtotal++; } else { losttotal++; return; } //MessageBox.Show("Status after ping " + Convert.ToString(status)); return; }