private static void EnumerateContents(ref IPortableDeviceContent content, 
            PortableDeviceFolder parent)
            // Get the properties of the object
            IPortableDeviceProperties properties;
            content.Properties(out properties);

            // Enumerate the items contained by the current object
            IEnumPortableDeviceObjectIDs objectIds;
            content.EnumObjects(0, parent.Id, null, out objectIds);

            uint fetched = 0;
                string objectId;

                objectIds.Next(1, out objectId, ref fetched);
                if (fetched > 0)
                    var currentObject = WrapObject(properties, objectId);


                    if (currentObject is PortableDeviceFolder)
                        EnumerateContents(ref content, (PortableDeviceFolder)currentObject);
            } while (fetched > 0);
        public PortableDeviceFolder GetContents()
            var root = new PortableDeviceFolder("DEVICE", "DEVICE", "DEVICE", "DEVICE", 0);

            IPortableDeviceContent content;
            this._device.Content(out content);

            EnumerateContents(ref content, root);

            return root;