Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Blends images stored in this <see cref="Blending"/> object.
        /// magicSliderValue: Percentage of range? See whiteboard...[0, 1]
        /// </summary>
        public static HDRImage Blend(float magicSliderValue, params LDRImage[] imgs)
            // Put that array in a list
            //_imgs = new List<LDRImage>(imgs);

            // Init outputs
            // TODO: Get real values for height and width

             *                  So yeah here I guess we do the calculations
             *                  I imagine for max multithread perf. we should
             *                  split the pixels up by rows?
            int n = imgs.Length;                 //Number of Images Being Used

            byte[][] imageBytes = new byte[n][]; //Row: Image Number Column: byte value
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)          //Place pixels into 2D Array
                imageBytes[i] = imgs[i].GetBytes();

            float[] raw = new float[imageBytes[0].Length];//Output Array

            float[] xValues = new float[n];//Average Brightness of Image #j
            for (int j = 0; j < xValues.Length; j++)
                xValues[j] = AverageBrightness(imageBytes[j]);

            for (int i = 0; i < imgs[0].GetDecoder().PixelWidth *imgs[0].GetDecoder().PixelHeight; i++) //Loop through each Pixel Position
                float[] yValues = new float[n];                                                         //Luminance
                //Terms used in Logarithmic Regression
                float sumYLnX  = 0;
                float sumY     = 0;
                float sumLnX   = 0;
                float sum_LnX2 = 0;
                float sumLnX_2 = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)//Find Pixel Values at Position i for each image
                    //Calculate Y Value (Luminance) for each image at Position i
                    //0.299 * R + 0.587 * G + 0.114 * B = Luminance
                    yValues[j] = (float)(0.299 * imageBytes[j][i * 4 + 0] + 0.587 * imageBytes[j][i * 4 + 1] + 0.114 * imageBytes[j][i * 4 + 2]);

                    sumYLnX  += (float)yValues[j] * (float)Math.Log(xValues[j]);
                    sumY     += yValues[j];
                    sumLnX   += (float)Math.Log(xValues[j]);
                    sum_LnX2 += (float)Math.Log(xValues[j]) * (float)Math.Log(xValues[j]);
                sumLnX_2 = sumLnX * sumLnX;

                float b = (n * sumYLnX - sumY * sumLnX) / (n * sum_LnX2 - sumLnX_2); //Coefficient (Vertical Stretch) of Parent Function ln()
                float a = (sumY - b * sumLnX) / n;                                   //Constant term (Vertical Shift)

                //Bounds for Transformation along Curve
                float alpha = xValues[n / 2];
                float beta  = xValues[0];
                //Choose either left or right bound based on size of range of Y values
                if (b * Math.Abs(Math.Log(xValues[n / 2]) - Math.Log(xValues[0])) < b * Math.Abs(Math.Log(xValues[xValues.Length - 1]) - Math.Log(xValues[n / 2])))
                    beta = xValues[xValues.Length - 1];
                float gamma = Math.Abs(alpha - beta) * magicSliderValue;//X Value of New Luminance Value for output pixel
                if (beta < alpha)
                    gamma += beta;
                    gamma += alpha;
                float newLuminance = a + b * (float)Math.Log(gamma);//New Luminance for output pixel
                //Calculate chrominance channels from middle image to recover new RGB values
                float cb = 128 + (float)(-0.168736 * imageBytes[n / 2][i * 4] - 0.331264 * imageBytes[n / 2][i * 4 + 1] + 0.5 * imageBytes[n / 2][i * 4 + 2]);
                float cr = 128 + (float)(0.5 * imageBytes[n / 2][i * 4] - 0.418688 * imageBytes[n / 2][i * 4 + 1] - 0.081312 * imageBytes[n / 2][i * 4 + 2]);

                //Recover RGB values
                float newRed   = newLuminance + 1.042f * (cr - 128);
                float newGreen = newLuminance - 0.344136f * (cb - 128) - 0.714136f * (cr - 128);
                float newBlue  = newLuminance + 1.772f * (cb - 128);

                //Assign to output array
                // Swapped red and blue because it seemed to be flipping those - Callum
                raw[i * 4]     = newBlue;
                raw[i * 4 + 1] = newGreen;
                raw[i * 4 + 2] = newRed;
                raw[i * 4 + 3] = imageBytes[n / 2][i * 4 + 3];

            // Construct HDR image for final output
            HDRImage output = new HDRImage(imgs[0].GetWidth(), raw);
