private bool GetDataFromForm()
            // Check some fields...
            if (textBoxLabel.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("You need to specify a label for the button!");

            if (_icon != null && _icon.Length > 0)
                if (textBoxIconLayer.Text == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("If you select an icon it is mandatory to specify the layer of the icon.");

            PicasaButton button = new PicasaButton();

            button.ButtonID    = _buttonID;
            button.Version     = 1;
            button.Label       = textBoxLabel.Text;
            button.Description = textBoxDescription.Text;
            button.ToolTipText = textBoxTooltip.Text;
            button.Icon        = _icon;
            button.IconLayer   = textBoxIconLayer.Text;

            if (radioButtonExe.Checked == true)
                button.ExecutionType = PicasaButton.ExecType.Executable;
                button.ExeFileRegKey = textBoxExeFileRegKey.Text;
                button.ExeDirRegKey  = textBoxExeDirRegKey.Text;
                button.ExeDir        = textBoxExeDir.Text;
                button.ExeFileName   = textBoxExeFileName.Text;
                button.ExecutionType = PicasaButton.ExecType.Script;
                button.Script        = _script;

            button.ExecuteForeach = checkBoxExecuteForeach.Checked;
            button.ExportFirst    = checkBoxExportFirst.Checked;

            PicasaButton = button;
        public CreatePicasaButtonForm(PicasaButton button, string appSettingsDir)

            _appSettingsDir = appSettingsDir;

            _buttonID               = button.ButtonID;
            textBoxLabel.Text       = button.Label;
            textBoxDescription.Text = button.Description;
            textBoxTooltip.Text     = button.ToolTipText;
//            _icon = button.Icon.PsdData;
//            textBoxIconLayer.Text = button.Icon.PsdLayer;

            textBoxExeFileRegKey.Text = button.ExeFileRegKey;
            textBoxExeDirRegKey.Text  = button.ExeDirRegKey;
            textBoxExeDir.Text        = button.ExeDir;
            textBoxExeFileName.Text   = button.ExeFileName;
            _script = button.Script;

            checkBoxExecuteForeach.Checked = button.ExecuteForeach;
            checkBoxExportFirst.Checked    = button.ExportFirst;

            // Enable layer field if there is a button...
            if (_icon != null && _icon.Length > 0)
                textBoxIconLayer.Enabled = true;
                buttonRemoveIcon.Enabled = true;
                textBoxIconLayer.Enabled = false;
                buttonRemoveIcon.Enabled = false;

            // Check exe radiobutton if there is an exe
            // Set them both first to true, otherwise the checkedChanged event handler doesn't do its job :-(.
            radioButtonExe.Checked    = true;
            radioButtonScript.Checked = true;
            if (button.ExecutionType == PicasaButton.ExecType.Executable)
                radioButtonExe.Checked = true;
                radioButtonScript.Checked = true;
        public CreatePicasaButtonForm(PicasaButton button, string appSettingsDir)

            _appSettingsDir = appSettingsDir;

            _buttonID = button.ButtonID;
            textBoxLabel.Text = button.Label;
            textBoxDescription.Text = button.Description;
            textBoxTooltip.Text = button.ToolTipText;
//            _icon = button.Icon.PsdData;
//            textBoxIconLayer.Text = button.Icon.PsdLayer;

            textBoxExeFileRegKey.Text = button.ExeFileRegKey;
            textBoxExeDirRegKey.Text = button.ExeDirRegKey;
            textBoxExeDir.Text = button.ExeDir;
            textBoxExeFileName.Text = button.ExeFileName;
            _script = button.Script;

            checkBoxExecuteForeach.Checked = button.ExecuteForeach;
            checkBoxExportFirst.Checked = button.ExportFirst;

            // Enable layer field if there is a button...
            if (_icon != null && _icon.Length > 0)
                textBoxIconLayer.Enabled = true;
                buttonRemoveIcon.Enabled = true;
                textBoxIconLayer.Enabled = false;
                buttonRemoveIcon.Enabled = false;

            // Check exe radiobutton if there is an exe
            // Set them both first to true, otherwise the checkedChanged event handler doesn't do its job :-(.
            radioButtonExe.Checked = true;      
            radioButtonScript.Checked = true;
            if (button.ExecutionType == PicasaButton.ExecType.Executable)
                radioButtonExe.Checked = true;
                radioButtonScript.Checked = true;
Example #4
        private void buttonEditPicasaButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (listBoxPicasaButtons.SelectedIndex == -1 ||
                listBoxPicasaButtons.SelectedIndex >= _settings.picasaButtons.ButtonList.Count)
                MessageBox.Show("Please choose a picasa button from the list first");

            PicasaButton           curButton = _settings.picasaButtons.ButtonList[listBoxPicasaButtons.SelectedIndex];
            CreatePicasaButtonForm createPicasaButtonForm = new CreatePicasaButtonForm(curButton, _appSettingsDir);


            if (createPicasaButtonForm.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK)
                _settings.picasaButtons.ButtonList[listBoxPicasaButtons.SelectedIndex] = createPicasaButtonForm.PicasaButton;
        private bool GetDataFromForm()
            // Check some fields...
            if (textBoxLabel.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("You need to specify a label for the button!");
                return false;

            if (_icon != null && _icon.Length > 0)
                if (textBoxIconLayer.Text == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("If you select an icon it is mandatory to specify the layer of the icon.");
                    return false;

            PicasaButton button = new PicasaButton();

            button.ButtonID = _buttonID;
            button.Version = 1;
            button.Label = textBoxLabel.Text;
            button.Description = textBoxDescription.Text;
            button.ToolTipText = textBoxTooltip.Text;
            button.Icon = _icon;
            button.IconLayer = textBoxIconLayer.Text;

            if (radioButtonExe.Checked == true)
                button.ExecutionType = PicasaButton.ExecType.Executable;
                button.ExeFileRegKey = textBoxExeFileRegKey.Text;
                button.ExeDirRegKey = textBoxExeDirRegKey.Text;
                button.ExeDir = textBoxExeDir.Text;
                button.ExeFileName = textBoxExeFileName.Text;
                button.ExecutionType = PicasaButton.ExecType.Script;
                button.Script = _script;

            button.ExecuteForeach = checkBoxExecuteForeach.Checked;
            button.ExportFirst = checkBoxExportFirst.Checked;

            PicasaButton = button;
            return true;