Example #1
        private void CreateWalls()
            var wallCoff = new Coefficients(0.8f, 0.95f);
            var wallLife = new Lifespan();

            var flrState = new PhysicsState(new ALVector2D((float)0.0, ((float)ActualWidth) * ((float)0.5), (float)ActualHeight + 100.0));
            var flrShape = new PolygonShape(VertexHelper.CreateRectangle(ActualWidth, 200), 2);
            var bdyFloor = new Body(flrState, flrShape, float.PositiveInfinity, wallCoff, wallLife);

            var ceiState = new PhysicsState(new ALVector2D((float)0.0, ((float)ActualWidth) * ((float)0.5), -100.0));
            var ceiShape = new PolygonShape(VertexHelper.CreateRectangle(ActualWidth, 200), 2);
            var bdyCeiling = new Body(ceiState, ceiShape, float.PositiveInfinity, wallCoff, wallLife);

            var lwlState = new PhysicsState(new ALVector2D((float)0.0, -100.0, ((float)ActualHeight) * ((float)0.5)));
            var lwlShape = new PolygonShape(VertexHelper.CreateRectangle(200, ActualHeight), 2);
            var bdyLeftWall = new Body(lwlState, lwlShape, float.PositiveInfinity, wallCoff, wallLife);

            var rwlState = new PhysicsState(new ALVector2D((float)0.0, (float)ActualWidth + 100.0, ((float)ActualHeight) * ((float)0.5)));
            var rwlShape = new PolygonShape(VertexHelper.CreateRectangle(200, ActualHeight), 2);
            var bdyRightWall = new Body(rwlState, rwlShape, float.PositiveInfinity, wallCoff, wallLife);

Example #2
        public override void Init(PrototypingFramework.engine.GameEngine game)
            world = new PhysicsEngine();
            world.BroadPhase = new Physics2DDotNet.Detectors.SelectiveSweepDetector();
            world.Solver = new Physics2DDotNet.Solvers.SequentialImpulsesSolver();

            PhysicsTimer timer = new PhysicsTimer(world.Update, .01f);
            timer.IsRunning = true;

            rs = new RectangleShape(new SFML.Window.Vector2f(10, 10));
            rs.FillColor = Color.Black;
            rs.Position = new SFML.Window.Vector2f(10, 5);

            Coefficients coffecients = new Coefficients(/*restitution*/1, /*friction*/.5f);
            IShape shape2 = new PolygonShape(VertexHelper.CreateRectangle(10, 20), 3);
             body2 = new Body(new PhysicsState(new ALVector2D(0,10,5)), shape2, 5, coffecients, new Lifespan());


            PhysicsLogic logGravity;

            logGravity = (PhysicsLogic)new GravityField(new Vector2D(0f, 200f), new Lifespan());
            //pretty basic, create a downward force


            Body bdyFloor;
            PhysicsState flrState;
            PolygonShape flrShape;
            Coefficients flrCoff;
            Lifespan flrLife;

            flrState = new PhysicsState(new ALVector2D((float)0.0, 0, (float)_game.Window.Size.Y-64));
            //create the state, centering the x-axis on screen and bottom of the y-axis

            flrShape = new PolygonShape(VertexHelper.CreateRectangle(_game.Window.Size.X, 64), 2);
            //create form.widthX64 rectangle (sq) with grid spacing at 2

            flrCoff = new Coefficients(0.5f, 0.4f, 0.4f);
            //might require tuning to your liking...

            flrLife = new Lifespan();
            //forever and ever

            bdyFloor = new Body(flrState, flrShape, float.PositiveInfinity, flrCoff, flrLife);
            //never ending mass means it isn't going to move on impact

            bdyFloor.IgnoresGravity = true;
            //make sure the floor stays


            floor = new RectangleShape(new SFML.Window.Vector2f( _game.Window.Size.X,64));
            floor.Position = new SFML.Window.Vector2f(0, _game.Window.Size.Y - 64);
            floor.FillColor = Color.Red;
Example #3
 public static PolygonShape CreateColoredPolygon(Vector2D[] vertexes, Scalar gridSpacing)
     PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape(vertexes, gridSpacing);
     Vector2D[] reduced = VertexHelper.Reduce(vertexes);
     shape.Tag = DrawableFactory.CreatePolygon(reduced, CreateColor3Array(reduced.Length));
     return shape;
Example #4
 public static PolygonShape CreatePolygon(Vector2D[] vertexes, Scalar gridSpacing, ScalarColor4[] colors)
     PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape(vertexes, gridSpacing);
     shape.Tag = DrawableFactory.CreatePolygon(vertexes, colors);
     return shape;
Example #5
 public static IShape CreateSprite(SurfacePolygons surfacePolygons, Surface bumpmap, bool xInverted, bool yInverted, int reduce, Scalar subdivide, Scalar gridSpacing, Light light)
     Vector2D[][] polygons = surfacePolygons.Polygons;
     for (int index = 1; index < reduce; index++)
         polygons = VertexHelper.ReduceRange(polygons, index);
     polygons = VertexHelper.SubdivideRange(polygons, subdivide);
     Vector2D centroid = surfacePolygons.Offset;
     IShape shape;
     if (polygons.Length == 1)
         shape = new PolygonShape(polygons[0], gridSpacing);
         shape = new MultiPolygonShape(polygons, gridSpacing);
     shape.Tag = DrawableFactory.CreateSprite(surfacePolygons.Surface, bumpmap,xInverted,yInverted, centroid,light);
     return shape;
Example #6
        void CreateBody(FrameworkElement frameworkElement)
            double angle = 0;

            //if an element already has rotatetransform, get it's angle.
            RotateTransform rotateTransform = frameworkElement.RenderTransform as RotateTransform;
            if (rotateTransform != null)
                angle = MathHelper.ToRadians(rotateTransform.Angle);

            PhysicsState state = new PhysicsState(new ALVector2D(angle, GetLeft(frameworkElement) + (frameworkElement.ActualWidth / 2),
                                                                 GetTop(frameworkElement) + (frameworkElement.ActualHeight / 2)));
            IShape shape = new PolygonShape(VertexHelper.CreateRectangle(frameworkElement.ActualWidth, frameworkElement.ActualHeight), 2);
            MassInfo mass = MassInfo.FromPolygon(shape.Vertexes, 1);
            Body body = new Body(state, shape, mass, new Coefficients(0.4, 0.95), new Lifespan());
            body.LinearDamping = LinearDamping;
            body.AngularDamping = AngularDamping;
            if (EnableWalls)
                body.IsCollidable = true;
                body.CollisionIgnorer = ignorer;
                body.IsCollidable = false;
            body.Tag = frameworkElement;
            elementToBody.Add(frameworkElement, body);
            elementToScale.Add(frameworkElement, new ScaleState());

            TransformGroup transform = new TransformGroup();
            transform.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform());
            transform.Children.Add(new RotateTransform());
            frameworkElement.RenderTransform = transform;
Example #7
        Body AddRectangle(Scalar height, Scalar width, Scalar mass, ALVector2D position)
            Vector2D[] vertexes = VertexHelper.CreateRectangle(width, height);
            vertexes = VertexHelper.Subdivide(vertexes, (height + width) / 9);

            IShape boxShape = new PolygonShape(vertexes, Math.Min(height, width) / 2);
            Body e =
                new Body(
                     new PhysicsState(position),
                     new Lifespan());
            return e;
Example #8
        void CreateClipper()
            int width = 800;
            int height = 600;

            PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape(VertexHelper.CreateRectangle(width, height), 100);
            clipper = new Body(new PhysicsState(), shape,1, new Coefficients(0, 0), new Lifespan());
            clipper.State.Position.Linear.X = width / 2f;
            clipper.State.Position.Linear.Y = height / 2f;

            clipper.IsBroadPhaseOnly = true;
            clipper.IsEventable = false;
            clipper.IgnoresGravity = true;
            clipper.IgnoresPhysicsLogics = true;
            clipper.Collided += new EventHandler<CollisionEventArgs>(clipper_Collided);
            clipper.Updated += new EventHandler<UpdatedEventArgs>(clipper_Updated);
Example #9
 void DemoU()
     Sprite backSprite = GetSprite("physicsplayGround.png");
     Vector2D[][] polygons = backSprite.Polygons;
     //MultiPartPolygon shape = new MultiPartPolygon(vertexes, 4);
     //Body b = AddShape(shape, 40, new ALVector2D(0, backSprite.Offset));
     foreach (Vector2D[] vertexes in polygons)
         PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape(vertexes, 10);
         Body b = AddShape(shape, Scalar.PositiveInfinity, new ALVector2D(0, backSprite.Offset));
         b.IgnoresGravity = true;
     for (int x = 440; x < 480; x += 10)
         for (int y = -2000; y < 0; y += 12)
             Body g = AddCircle(5, 7, 3, new ALVector2D(0, x + rand.Next(-400,400), y));
             g.State.Velocity.Angular = 1;
             g.Updated += new EventHandler<UpdatedEventArgs>(DemoU_Body_Updated);
             //  g.State.Velocity.Linear = new Vector2D(0, 500);
     for (int x = 490; x < 510; x += 10)
         for (int y = -550; y < -500; y += 12)
             Body g = AddRectangle(10, 20, 10, new ALVector2D(0, x + rand.Next(-400, 400), y));
             g.State.Velocity.Angular = 1;
             g.Updated += new EventHandler<UpdatedEventArgs>(DemoU_Body_Updated);
             //  g.State.Velocity.Linear = new Vector2D(0, 500);
Example #10
        void DemoE()
            // Clear();
            // AddClipper();

            Vector2D gravityCenter = new Vector2D(500, 500);
            Scalar gravityPower = 200;
            engine.AddLogic(new GravityPointField(gravityCenter, gravityPower, new Lifespan()));
            AddRagDoll(gravityCenter + new Vector2D(0, -20));
            Scalar length = 41;
            Scalar size = 8
            bool reverse = false;
            for (Scalar distance = 250; distance < 650; length += 10, size *= 2, distance += 60 + length)

                Scalar da = MathHelper.TwoPi / size;// ((MathHelper.TWO_PI * distance) / size);
                Scalar l2 = length / 2;
                // da /= 2;
                Vector2D[] vertexes = new Vector2D[]
                //da *= 2;
                Vector2D[] vertexes2 = VertexHelper.CenterVertexes(vertexes);
                vertexes = VertexHelper.Subdivide(vertexes2, 5);

                PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape(vertexes, 1.5f);
                for (Scalar angle = 0; angle < MathHelper.TwoPi; angle += da)
                    Vector2D position = Vector2D.FromLengthAndAngle(distance, angle) + gravityCenter;
                    Body body = AddShape(shape, (size * length) / 10, new ALVector2D(angle, position));
                    body.State.Velocity.Linear = GetOrbitVelocity(gravityCenter, Vector2D.FromLengthAndAngle(distance - length, angle) + gravityCenter, gravityPower);
                    body.State.Velocity.Linear *= .5f;
                    body.State.Velocity.Angular = -(body.State.Velocity.Linear.Magnitude) / (distance);// *(1 / MathHelper.TWO_PI);
                    if (reverse)
                        body.State.Velocity.Linear = -body.State.Velocity.Linear;
                        body.State.Velocity.Angular = -body.State.Velocity.Angular;
                reverse = !reverse;
Example #11
        List<Body> AddRagDoll(Vector2D location)
            List<Body> result = new List<Body>();
            Scalar mass = 10;
            Body head = AddCircle(12, 9, mass, new ALVector2D(0, location + new Vector2D(0, 0)));

            Scalar Ld2 = 50 / 2;
            Scalar Wd2 = 25 / 2;
            Vector2D[] vertexes = new Vector2D[]
                new Vector2D(Wd2, 0),
                new Vector2D(Wd2, Ld2),
                new Vector2D(5, Ld2+7),
                new Vector2D(-5, Ld2+7),
                new Vector2D(-Wd2, Ld2),
                new Vector2D(-Wd2, 0),
                new Vector2D(-(Wd2+4), -Ld2/2+6),
                new Vector2D(-Wd2+2, -Ld2),
                new Vector2D(0, -Ld2),
                new Vector2D(Wd2-2, -Ld2),
                new Vector2D(Wd2+4, -Ld2/2+6),
            IShape shape = new PolygonShape(vertexes, 5);

            Body torso = AddShape(shape, mass * 4, new ALVector2D(0, location + new Vector2D(0, 40)));

            Body ltarm = AddRectangle(10, 30, mass, new ALVector2D(0, location + new Vector2D(-30, 20)));
            Body lbarm = AddRectangle(10, 30, mass, new ALVector2D(0, location + new Vector2D(-65, 20)));

            Body rtarm = AddRectangle(10, 30, mass, new ALVector2D(0, location + new Vector2D(30, 20)));
            Body rbarm = AddRectangle(10, 30, mass, new ALVector2D(0, location + new Vector2D(65, 20)));

            Body ltleg = AddRectangle(40, 15, mass * 2, new ALVector2D(.06f, location + new Vector2D(-10, 95)));
            Body lbleg = AddRectangle(40, 15, mass * 2, new ALVector2D(0, location + new Vector2D(-11, 140)));

            Body rtleg = AddRectangle(40, 15, mass * 1.5f, new ALVector2D(-.06f, location + new Vector2D(10, 95)));
            Body rbleg = AddRectangle(40, 15, mass * 1.5f, new ALVector2D(0, location + new Vector2D(11, 140)));






            HingeJoint neck = new HingeJoint(head, torso, location + new Vector2D(0, 15), new Lifespan());

            HingeJoint lshoulder = new HingeJoint(ltarm, torso, location + new Vector2D(-18, 20), new Lifespan());
            HingeJoint lelbow = new HingeJoint(ltarm, lbarm, location + new Vector2D(-47, 20), new Lifespan());
            HingeJoint rshoulder = new HingeJoint(rtarm, torso, location + new Vector2D(18, 20), new Lifespan());
            HingeJoint relbow = new HingeJoint(rtarm, rbarm, location + new Vector2D(47, 20), new Lifespan());

            HingeJoint lhip = new HingeJoint(ltleg, torso, location + new Vector2D(-8, 72), new Lifespan());
            HingeJoint lknee = new HingeJoint(ltleg, lbleg, location + new Vector2D(-11, 115), new Lifespan());
            HingeJoint rhip = new HingeJoint(rtleg, torso, location + new Vector2D(8, 72), new Lifespan());
            HingeJoint rknee = new HingeJoint(rtleg, rbleg, location + new Vector2D(11, 115), new Lifespan());
            List<Joint> joints = new List<Joint>();



            foreach (HingeJoint joint in joints)
                joint.DistanceTolerance = 10;

            return result;
        private void RenderPolygon(
			PolygonShape pps, PointF point, double angle)
            /* HACK: This is a hack. I couldn't figure out the
            // calculations at this point, so I just dove into the
            // physics system to figure out the points. */

            // Try to figure out the real shape based on the
            // physics object
            for (int i = 0; i < pps.Vertexes.Length; i++)
                // Figure out what two vertexes we care about
                Vector2D v1, v2;
                int i1 = i;
                int i2 = i + 1;

                if (i2 >= pps.Vertexes.Length)
                    i2 = 0;

                v1 = pps.Vertexes[i1];
                v2 = pps.Vertexes[i2];

                PointF p1 = ToPoint(v1.X + point.X, v1.Y + point.Y);
                PointF p2 = ToPoint(v2.X + point.X, v2.Y + point.Y);

                Color color = Color.Gray;

                if (State.Score.Countdown == 0)
                    color = Color.Red;

                Paint.Line(p1.X, p1.Y, p2.X, p2.Y, color);
Example #13
		void CreateBody(Window window)
			lock (lockPhysicsLoop)
				double angle = window.Angle;
				Rectangle position = window.Position;
				if (position.Width > 0 && position.Height > 0)
					PhysicsState state = new PhysicsState(new ALVector2D(angle, position.Left + position.Width / 2, position.Top + position.Height / 2));
					IShape shape = new PolygonShape(VertexHelper.CreateRectangle(position.Height, position.Width), 2);
					MassInfo mass = MassInfo.FromPolygon(shape.Vertexes, 1);
					Body body = new Body(state, shape, mass, new Coefficients(0, 1), new Lifespan());
					body.LinearDamping = 0.95;
					body.AngularDamping = 0.95;
					body.IsCollidable = false;
					body.Tag = window;
					windowToBody.Add(window, body);

						dwm.SetWindowMatrix(window.HWnd.ToInt32(), 0f, 0f, 1f, 1f, 0f);
					catch (Exception e)
Example #14
		/// <summary>
		/// Called when the <see cref="P:System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl.Content"/> property changes.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="oldContent">The old value of the <see cref="P:System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl.Content"/> property.</param>
		/// <param name="newContent">The new value of the <see cref="P:System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl.Content"/> property.</param>
		protected override void OnContentChanged(object oldContent, object newContent)
			timer.IsRunning = false;

			if (Body != null)
				Body.Lifetime.IsExpired = true;

			base.OnContentChanged(oldContent, newContent);

			PhysicsState state = new PhysicsState(new ALVector2D(0, 0, 0));
			IShape shape = new PolygonShape(VertexHelper.CreateRectangle(5, 5), 1);
			MassInfo mass = MassInfo.FromPolygon(shape.Vertexes, 1);
			Body = new Body(state, shape, mass, new Coefficients(0, 1), new Lifespan());
			Body.LinearDamping = LinearDumping;
			Body.Mass.MomentOfInertia = double.PositiveInfinity;
			Body.Tag = newContent;

			if (!DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(this))
				timer.IsRunning = true;
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively process the polygon to attempt to find a
        /// single polygon element that could be added to the physics
        /// layer without any holes or additional physics.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateJunctionPhysics(
			int depth, IPoly poly, RectangleF bounds)
            // Ignore empty polygons
            if (poly.InnerPolygonCount == 0)

            // See if we are a solid polygon
            double areaDifference = bounds.Width * bounds.Height - poly.Area;

            if (poly.InnerPolygonCount == 1)
                if (poly.IsHole())
                    // Don't add holes

                if (poly.PointCount == 4 && areaDifference <= 0.1f)
                    // We appear to be at least mostly solid, drop it

            // If we have more than one polygon, split it
            if (poly.InnerPolygonCount > 1 ||
                bounds.Width > Constants.MaximumJunctionPhysicsBlock ||
                bounds.Height > Constants.MaximumJunctionPhysicsBlock)
                // We split the polygon into quads and process each
                // one to add it recursively.
                CreateJunctionPhysics(depth + 1, poly, bounds, 0, 0);
                CreateJunctionPhysics(depth + 1, poly, bounds, 0, 1);
                CreateJunctionPhysics(depth + 1, poly, bounds, 1, 1);
                CreateJunctionPhysics(depth + 1, poly, bounds, 1, 0);

            // We should never get a hole
            if (poly.IsHole())
                // We shouldn't get this
                Log.Error("Got a top-level polygon hole");

            // Create a polygon shape as vectors
            LinkedList<Vector2D> vectors = new LinkedList<Vector2D>();

            for (int i = 0; i < poly.PointCount; i++)
                // Get the coordinates
                float x = (float) poly.GetX(i);
                float y = (float) poly.GetY(i);

                // Create the vector
                vectors.Add(new Vector2D(x, y));

            // Convert it into a physics2d polygon shape. Making the
            // PolygonShape second parameter too small makes the game
            // basically unusable in terms of stage generation but
            // more accurate for impacts with the side.
            Vector2D [] array = vectors.ToArray();
            IShape ps = new PolygonShape(array, 5f);