Example #1
        public void AddCollisionPair(CollisionPairData pair)
            RigidBody A = pair.BodyA;
            RigidBody B = pair.BodyB;

            //Only add the new pair if it is not already present in the list (avoid resolving the same collision twice)
            foreach (var p in mCollisionPairs)
                if ((Object.ReferenceEquals(A, p.BodyA) && Object.ReferenceEquals(B, p.BodyB)) || (Object.ReferenceEquals(A, p.BodyB) && Object.ReferenceEquals(B, p.BodyA)))

Example #2
        public void Resolve(CollisionPairData data)
            //if neither object reacts to force then neither should be affected by the collision
            if (!data.BodyA.reactToForce && !data.BodyB.reactToForce)


            //Credit goes to http://www.randygaul.net/2013/03/27/game-physics-engine-part-1-impulse-resolution/ for many of the algorithms used in this method
            //Calculate and resolve the collision described by the CollisionPairData
            Vector2D combinedVelocity = data.BodyA.LinearVelocity - data.BodyB.LinearVelocity;

            //normalise the contact normal
            data.ContactNormal = data.ContactNormal.Normalised();

            float combinedVelInNormal = combinedVelocity.Dot(data.ContactNormal);

            //Do nothing if the objects are moving away from each other
            if (combinedVelInNormal > 0)

            float elasticity = Math.Min(data.BodyA.elasticity, data.BodyB.elasticity);
            float invMassA   = 1 / data.BodyA.Mass;
            float invMassB   = 1 / data.BodyB.Mass;

            //if either object doesn't react to collisions, treat its mass as infinite
            if (!data.BodyA.reactToForce)
                invMassA = 0;
            if (!data.BodyB.reactToForce)
                invMassB = 0;

            //Calculate the impulse
            float impulseN = -1 * (1 + elasticity) * combinedVelInNormal;

            impulseN /= invMassA + invMassB;

            //Calculate the new velocities for both bodies
            Vector2D newAVelocity = data.BodyA.LinearVelocity + data.ContactNormal * impulseN * invMassA;
            Vector2D newBVelocity = data.BodyB.LinearVelocity - data.ContactNormal * impulseN * invMassB;

            data.BodyA.collisionNormal = data.ContactNormal;
            data.BodyA.otherBody       = data.BodyB;
            data.BodyB.collisionNormal = data.ContactNormal * -1;
            data.BodyB.otherBody       = data.BodyA;

            //Calculate the amount each body needs to move away from the other to be properly separated

            float penetrationAllowance = 0.01f;
            float percentageToMove     = 1f;

            float distanceToMove = Math.Max(data.BodyA.Shape.GetCollisionPenDepth(data.BodyB.Shape, data.BodyA.Position, data.BodyB.Position) - penetrationAllowance, 0.0f) * percentageToMove;

            Vector2D displacement = data.ContactNormal * distanceToMove;

            //React differently if either body is static
            if (data.BodyA.reactToForce && data.BodyB.reactToForce)
                //Move each body away from the other by a percentage of the calculated penetration depth
                //This percentage is determined by the ratio between the bodies masses
                data.BodyA.LinearVelocity = newAVelocity;
                data.BodyA.SetPosition(data.BodyA.Position + (displacement * data.BodyB.Mass / (data.BodyA.Mass + data.BodyB.Mass)));

                data.BodyB.LinearVelocity = newBVelocity;
                data.BodyB.SetPosition(data.BodyB.Position - (displacement * data.BodyA.Mass / (data.BodyA.Mass + data.BodyB.Mass)));
            else if (!data.BodyA.reactToForce)
                //reflect the velocity in the normal (reflection = direction - 2(direction.normal) * normal)
                data.BodyB.LinearVelocity = newBVelocity;
                data.BodyB.SetPosition(data.BodyB.Position - displacement);
            else if (!data.BodyB.reactToForce)
                //reflect the velocity in the normal (reflection = direction - 2(direction.normal) * normal)
                data.BodyA.LinearVelocity = newAVelocity;
                data.BodyA.SetPosition(data.BodyA.Position + displacement);


            //apply friction to each of the two colliding bodies
            //using coulomb friction as described in https://gamedevelopment.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-create-a-custom-2d-physics-engine-friction-scene-and-jump-table--gamedev-7756

            float staticFrictionA = data.BodyA.staticFriction, staticFrictionB = data.BodyB.staticFriction;
            float dynamicFrictionA = data.BodyA.dynamicFriction, dynamicFrictionB = data.BodyB.dynamicFriction;

            Vector2D tangent = combinedVelocity - data.ContactNormal * combinedVelInNormal;

            tangent = tangent.Normalised();

            //Calculate the impulse
            float impulseT = -1 * combinedVelocity.Dot(tangent);

            impulseT /= invMassA + invMassB;

            float    mu = (float)Math.Sqrt(staticFrictionA * staticFrictionA + staticFrictionB * staticFrictionB);
            Vector2D frictionImpulse;

            if (Math.Abs(impulseT) < impulseN * mu)
                frictionImpulse = tangent * impulseT;
                float dynamicFriction = (float)Math.Sqrt(dynamicFrictionA * dynamicFrictionA + dynamicFrictionB * dynamicFrictionB);
                frictionImpulse = tangent * -1 * impulseN * dynamicFriction;

            data.BodyA.LinearVelocity = data.BodyA.LinearVelocity + frictionImpulse * invMassA;

            data.BodyB.LinearVelocity = data.BodyB.LinearVelocity - frictionImpulse * invMassB;