Example #1
 public Contact(Collidable firstBody, Collidable secondBody)
     this.body[0] = firstBody;
     this.body[1] = secondBody;
     ContactToWorld = new Matrix3();
     restitution = ContactGenerator.restitution;
     friction = ContactGenerator.friction;
Example #2
 public Contact(Collidable firstBody, Plane plane)
     this.body[0] = firstBody;
     this.body[1] = null;
     this.WithPlane = true;
     this.plane = new HalfSpace(plane);
     ContactToWorld = new Matrix3();
     restitution = 0.7f;
     friction = 0.3f; // TODO add a dynamic mechanism
Example #3
        private Vector3 CalculateFrictionlessImpulse(Contact contactData, Matrix3[] inverseInertiaTensor)
            Body one = contactData.body[0];
            Body two = contactData.body[1];
            Vector3 impulseContact;

            // Build a vector that shows the change in velocity in
            // world space for a unit impulse in the direction of the contact
            // normal.
            Vector3 torquePerUnitImpulse1 = Vector3.Cross(contactData.relativeContactPosition[0], contactData.ContactNormal);
            Vector3 rotationPerUnitImpluse1 = inverseInertiaTensor[0].transform(torquePerUnitImpulse1);
            Vector3 VelocityPerUnitImpulse1 = Vector3.Cross(rotationPerUnitImpluse1, contactData.relativeContactPosition[0]);

            // Work out the change in velocity in contact coordiantes.
            float deltaVelocity = Vector3.Dot(VelocityPerUnitImpulse1, contactData.ContactNormal);

            // Add the linear component of velocity change
            deltaVelocity += one.InverseMass;

            // Check if we need to the second body's data
            if (two != null)
                // Go through the same transformation sequence again
                Vector3 torquePerUnitImpulse2 = Vector3.Cross(contactData.relativeContactPosition[1], contactData.ContactNormal);
                Vector3 rotationPerUnitImpluse2 = inverseInertiaTensor[1].transform(torquePerUnitImpulse2);
                Vector3 VelocityPerUnitImpulse2 = Vector3.Cross(rotationPerUnitImpluse2, contactData.relativeContactPosition[1]);

                // Add the change in velocity due to rotation
                deltaVelocity += Vector3.Dot(VelocityPerUnitImpulse2, contactData.ContactNormal);

                // Add the change in velocity due to linear motion
                deltaVelocity += two.InverseMass;

            // Calculate the required size of the impulse
            impulseContact.X = contactData.desiredDeltaVelocity / deltaVelocity;
            impulseContact.Y = 0;
            impulseContact.Z = 0;
            return impulseContact;
Example #4
        private Vector3 CalculateFrictionImpulse(Contact contactData, Matrix3[] inverseInertiaTensor)
            Body one = contactData.body[0];
            Body two = contactData.body[1];
            Vector3 impulseContact;
            float inverseMass = one.InverseMass;

            // The equivalent of a cross product in matrices is multiplication
            // by a skew symmetric matrix - we build the matrix for converting
            // between linear and angular quantities.
            Matrix3 impulseToTorque = new Matrix3();

            // Build the matrix to convert contact impulse to change in velocity
            // in world coordinates.
            Matrix3 deltaVelWorld = impulseToTorque;
            deltaVelWorld *= inverseInertiaTensor[0];
            deltaVelWorld *= impulseToTorque;
            deltaVelWorld *= -1;

            // Check if we need to add body two's data
            if (two != null)
                // Set the cross product matrix

                // Calculate the velocity change matrix
                Matrix3 deltaVelWorldTwo = impulseToTorque;
                deltaVelWorldTwo *= inverseInertiaTensor[1];
                deltaVelWorldTwo *= impulseToTorque;
                deltaVelWorldTwo *= -1;

                // Add to the total delta velocity.
                deltaVelWorld += deltaVelWorldTwo;

                // Add to the inverse mass
                inverseMass += two.InverseMass;

            // Do a change of basis to convert into contact coordinates.
            Matrix3 deltaVelocity = contactData.ContactToWorld.transpose();
            deltaVelocity *= deltaVelWorld;
            deltaVelocity *= contactData.ContactToWorld;

            // Add in the linear velocity change
            deltaVelocity.data[0] += inverseMass;
            deltaVelocity.data[4] += inverseMass;
            deltaVelocity.data[8] += inverseMass;

            // Invert to get the impulse needed per unit velocity
            Matrix3 impulseMatrix = deltaVelocity.inverse();

            // Find the velocities that will be removed
            Vector3 velKill = new Vector3(contactData.desiredDeltaVelocity,

            // Find the impulse to kill target velocities
            impulseContact = impulseMatrix.transform(velKill);

            // Check for exceeding friction
            float planarImpulse = (float)Math.Sqrt(Convert.ToDouble(impulseContact.Y * impulseContact.Y + impulseContact.Z * impulseContact.Z));

            if ((planarImpulse > impulseContact.X * contactData.friction) && (planarImpulse != 0))
                // We need to use dynamic friction
                impulseContact.Y /= planarImpulse;
                impulseContact.Z /= planarImpulse;

                impulseContact.X = deltaVelocity.data[0] +
                    deltaVelocity.data[1] * contactData.friction * impulseContact.Y +
                    deltaVelocity.data[2] * contactData.friction * impulseContact.Z;
                impulseContact.X = contactData.desiredDeltaVelocity / impulseContact.X;
                impulseContact.Y *= contactData.friction * impulseContact.X;
                impulseContact.Z *= contactData.friction * impulseContact.X;
            return impulseContact;
Example #5
        public void ApplyVelocityChange(Contact contactData,out Vector3[] velocityChange,out Vector3[] rotationChange)
            Body one = contactData.body[0];
            Body two = contactData.body[1];
            velocityChange = new Vector3[2];
            rotationChange = new Vector3[2];
            // Get hold of the inverse mass and inverse inertia tensor, both in
            // world coordinates.
            Matrix3[] inverseInertiaTensor = new Matrix3[2];
            inverseInertiaTensor[0] = one.InverseInertiaTensorWorld;
            if (two != null)
                inverseInertiaTensor[1] = two.InverseInertiaTensorWorld;

            // We will calculate the impulse for each contact axis
            Vector3 impulseContact;

            if (contactData.friction == 0.0f)
                //ther is no friction
                impulseContact = CalculateFrictionlessImpulse(contactData, inverseInertiaTensor);
                // Otherwise we may have impulses that aren't in the direction of the
                // contact, so we need the more complex version.
                impulseContact = CalculateFrictionImpulse(contactData, inverseInertiaTensor);

            // Convert impulse to world coordinates
            Vector3 impulse = contactData.ContactToWorld.transform(impulseContact);

            // Split in the impulse into linear and rotational components
            Vector3 impulsiveTorqueOne = Vector3.Cross(contactData.relativeContactPosition[0],impulse);
            rotationChange[0] = inverseInertiaTensor[0].transform(impulsiveTorqueOne);

            velocityChange[0] = impulse * one.InverseMass;

            // Apply the changes
            one.Rotation += rotationChange[0];

            if (two != null)
                // Work out body one's linear and angular changes
                Vector3 impulsiveTorqueTwo = Vector3.Cross(impulse,contactData.relativeContactPosition[1]);
                rotationChange[1] = inverseInertiaTensor[1].transform(impulsiveTorqueTwo);
                velocityChange[1] = -impulse * two.InverseMass;

                // And apply them.
                two.Rotation += rotationChange[1];
Example #6
 ///<summary> Returns a new matrix containing the transpose of this matrix. ///</summary>
 public Matrix3 transpose()
     Matrix3 result = new Matrix3();
     return result;
Example #7
 ///Interpolates a couple of matrices.
 static Matrix3 linearInterpolate(Matrix3 a, Matrix3 b, float prop)
     Matrix3 result = new Matrix3();
     for (uint i = 0; i < 9; i++)
         result.data[i] = a.data[i] * (1 - prop) + b.data[i] * prop;
     return result;
Example #8
 ///Sets the matrix to be the transpose of the given matrix.
 ///@param m The matrix to transpose and use to set this.
 public void setTranspose(Matrix3 m)
     data[0] = m.data[0];
     data[1] = m.data[3];
     data[2] = m.data[6];
     data[3] = m.data[1];
     data[4] = m.data[4];
     data[5] = m.data[7];
     data[6] = m.data[2];
     data[7] = m.data[5];
     data[8] = m.data[8];
Example #9
        ///Sets the matrix to be the inverse of the given matrix.
        ///@param m The matrix to invert and use to set this.
        public void setInverse(Matrix3 m)
            float t4 = m.data[0] * m.data[4];
            float t6 = m.data[0] * m.data[5];
            float t8 = m.data[1] * m.data[3];
            float t10 = m.data[2] * m.data[3];
            float t12 = m.data[1] * m.data[6];
            float t14 = m.data[2] * m.data[6];

            /// Calculate the determinant
            float t16 = (t4 * m.data[8] - t6 * m.data[7] - t8 * m.data[8] +
                        t10 * m.data[7] + t12 * m.data[5] - t14 * m.data[4]);

            /// Make sure the determinant is non-zero.
            if (t16 == (float)0.0f) return;
            float t17 = 1 / t16;

            data[0] = (m.data[4] * m.data[8] - m.data[5] * m.data[7]) * t17;
            data[1] = -(m.data[1] * m.data[8] - m.data[2] * m.data[7]) * t17;
            data[2] = (m.data[1] * m.data[5] - m.data[2] * m.data[4]) * t17;
            data[3] = -(m.data[3] * m.data[8] - m.data[5] * m.data[6]) * t17;
            data[4] = (m.data[0] * m.data[8] - t14) * t17;
            data[5] = -(t6 - t10) * t17;
            data[6] = (m.data[3] * m.data[7] - m.data[4] * m.data[6]) * t17;
            data[7] = -(m.data[0] * m.data[7] - t12) * t17;
            data[8] = (t4 - t8) * t17;
Example #10
 ///<summary> Returns a new matrix containing the inverse of this matrix. ///</summary>
 public Matrix3 inverse()
     Matrix3 result = new Matrix3();
     return result;
Example #11
 ///Does a component-wise addition of this matrix and the given
 public static Matrix3 operator +(Matrix3 m, Matrix3 o)
     Matrix3 result = new Matrix3(
         m.data[0] + o.data[0],
         m.data[1] + o.data[1],
         m.data[2] + o.data[2],
         m.data[3] + o.data[3],
         m.data[4] + o.data[4],
         m.data[5] + o.data[5],
         m.data[6] + o.data[6],
         m.data[7] + o.data[7],
         m.data[8] + o.data[8]
     return result;
Example #12
 ///Multiplies this matrix in place by the given scalar.
 public static Matrix3 operator *(Matrix3 m, float scalar)
     Matrix3 result = new Matrix3(
         m.data[0] * scalar, m.data[1] * scalar, m.data[2] * scalar,
         m.data[3] * scalar, m.data[4] * scalar, m.data[5] * scalar,
         m.data[6] * scalar, m.data[7] * scalar, m.data[8] * scalar
     return result;