Example #1
        protected async override void OnStart()
            // Handle when your app starts
            AzureRepo ar = new AzureRepo();
            await ar.getPictureBlob(pp);

            await ar.getCommentBlob(pp);
Example #2
        public PhotosPage()

            ar = new AzureRepo();

            UserPicture p = new UserPicture();

            pic     = new ObservableCollection <UserPicture>();
            comment = new ObservableCollection <PictureComment>();
            comment.Where((comment) => comment.PictureId.Contains("0"));
            CarouselPics.ItemsSource = pic;
            lstView.ItemsSource      = comment;
            layout_editor.IsVisible  = false;

            Debug.WriteLine("Counter Settings: " + pic.Count.ToString());

             * Image img = new Image
             * {
             *  Source = "photo_begin"
             * };

            //    pic.Add(new UserPicture(img.Source, "0",null));

            // Getting data back from native system
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <byte[]>(this, "ImageSelected", (args) =>
                // async lambda expression because of blob storage
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() =>
                    //Set the source of the image view with the byte array

                    p.Picture     = ImageSource.FromStream(() => new MemoryStream((byte[])args));
                    p.BytePicture = (byte[])args;
                    up            = new UserPicture(p.Picture, counter.ToString(), p.BytePicture);

                    await ar.AddPicture(up);
                    Debug.WriteLine("Added Picture" + pic.Count.ToString());

                    CarouselPics.Position = counter;

                    Debug.WriteLine("I am the Message Center" + counter.ToString());