        * Tries to extract a country calling code from a number. This method will return zero if no
        * country calling code is considered to be present. Country calling codes are extracted in the
        * following ways:
        * <ul>
        *  <li> by stripping the international dialing prefix of the region the person is dialing from,
        *       if this is present in the number, and looking at the next digits
        *  <li> by stripping the '+' sign if present and then looking at the next digits
        *  <li> by comparing the start of the number and the country calling code of the default region.
        *       If the number is not considered possible for the numbering plan of the default region
        *       initially, but starts with the country calling code of this region, validation will be
        *       reattempted after stripping this country calling code. If this number is considered a
        *       possible number, then the first digits will be considered the country calling code and
        *       removed as such.
        * </ul>
        * It will throw a NumberParseException if the number starts with a '+' but the country calling
        * code supplied after this does not match that of any known region.
        * @param number  non-normalized telephone number that we wish to extract a country calling
        *     code from - may begin with '+'
        * @param defaultRegionMetadata  metadata about the region this number may be from
        * @param nationalNumber  a string buffer to store the national significant number in, in the case
        *     that a country calling code was extracted. The number is appended to any existing contents.
        *     If no country calling code was extracted, this will be left unchanged.
        * @param keepRawInput  true if the country_code_source and preferred_carrier_code fields of
        *     phoneNumber should be populated.
        * @param phoneNumber  the PhoneNumber object where the country_code and country_code_source need
        *     to be populated. Note the country_code is always populated, whereas country_code_source is
        *     only populated when keepCountryCodeSource is true.
        * @return  the country calling code extracted or 0 if none could be extracted
        public int MaybeExtractCountryCode(String number, PhoneMetadata defaultRegionMetadata,
            StringBuilder nationalNumber, bool keepRawInput, PhoneNumber.Builder phoneNumber)
            if (number.Length == 0)
                return 0;
            StringBuilder fullNumber = new StringBuilder(number);
            // Set the default prefix to be something that will never match.
            String possibleCountryIddPrefix = "NonMatch";
            if (defaultRegionMetadata != null)
                possibleCountryIddPrefix = defaultRegionMetadata.InternationalPrefix;

            CountryCodeSource countryCodeSource =
                MaybeStripInternationalPrefixAndNormalize(fullNumber, possibleCountryIddPrefix);
            if (keepRawInput)
            if (countryCodeSource != CountryCodeSource.FROM_DEFAULT_COUNTRY)
                if (fullNumber.Length <= MIN_LENGTH_FOR_NSN)
                    throw new NumberParseException(ErrorType.TOO_SHORT_AFTER_IDD,
                           "Phone number had an IDD, but after this was not "
                           + "long enough to be a viable phone number.");
                int potentialCountryCode = ExtractCountryCode(fullNumber, nationalNumber);
                if (potentialCountryCode != 0)
                    return potentialCountryCode;

                // If this fails, they must be using a strange country calling code that we don't recognize,
                // or that doesn't exist.
                throw new NumberParseException(ErrorType.INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE,
                    "Country calling code supplied was not recognised.");
            else if (defaultRegionMetadata != null)
                // Check to see if the number starts with the country calling code for the default region. If
                // so, we remove the country calling code, and do some checks on the validity of the number
                // before and after.
                int defaultCountryCode = defaultRegionMetadata.CountryCode;
                String defaultCountryCodeString = defaultCountryCode.ToString();
                String normalizedNumber = fullNumber.ToString();
                if (normalizedNumber.StartsWith(defaultCountryCodeString))
                    StringBuilder potentialNationalNumber =
                        new StringBuilder(normalizedNumber.Substring(defaultCountryCodeString.Length));
                    PhoneNumberDesc generalDesc = defaultRegionMetadata.GeneralDesc;
                    var validNumberPattern =
                        potentialNationalNumber, defaultRegionMetadata, null /* Don't need the carrier code */);
                    var possibleNumberPattern =
                    // If the number was not valid before but is valid now, or if it was too long before, we
                    // consider the number with the country calling code stripped to be a better result and
                    // keep that instead.
                    if ((!validNumberPattern.MatchAll(fullNumber.ToString()).Success &&             //XXX: ToString
                     validNumberPattern.MatchAll(potentialNationalNumber.ToString()).Success) ||    //XXX: ToString
                     TestNumberLengthAgainstPattern(possibleNumberPattern, fullNumber.ToString())
                          == ValidationResult.TOO_LONG)
                        if (keepRawInput)
                        return defaultCountryCode;
            // No country calling code present.
            return 0;