internal static void RegisterTypeListener(SessionListener listener)
            // Get a single bit number representing the session type.
            ulong key = GetIdentifier(listener.BroadcastingType).sessionOnly;

            // Look for existing sessions that match this type.
            foreach (var session in Sessions)
                if (listener.BroadcastingType.GetTypeInfo().IsAssignableFrom(session.GetType().GetTypeInfo()) &&
                    listener.HookSession(session, false);

            // Ensure that this type is in the listener table.
            if (!listenerTypeLookup.ContainsKey(key))
                listenerTypeLookup[key] = new List <SessionListener>();

            // Add the listener to the lookup table.
 public Path(SessionListener listener, string pathToSession)
     this._listener     = listener;
     this.PathTosession = pathToSession;