public void AddCaptures(List <int[]> parameters, List <int> ind, List <string> folders)
            MainCapture  mc      = new MainCapture();
            List <Image> samples = new List <Image>();

            samples = mc.Samples(folders, ind);

            for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++)
                capturesList.Add(new CaptureWindow(this, samples.ElementAt(i), parameters.ElementAt(parameters.Count - 1 - i), folders.ElementAt(folders.Count - 1 - i)));
                capturesList.ElementAt(i).Uid = (i).ToString();
                samplesList.ElementAt(i).Uid = (i).ToString();



            infoLabel.Content = "1/" + capturesList.Count.ToString();

            MainPage.capturesRunning = true;

            Border1.Visibility   = Visibility.Visible;
            Border2.Visibility   = Visibility.Visible;
            sampleSP.Visibility  = Visibility.Visible;
            infoLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            ShowButton.IsEnabled = true;
        // Parameters are received from MainPage listing the features of the new captures to be built
        // In this method they are built and added to the UI

        public void AddCaptures(List <int[]> parameters, List <int> ind, List <string> folders, List <bool[]> analysis, List <string> names, List <PcPhysicalPoint> locations, List <System.Drawing.Point> sizes, List <string> maps)
            MainCapture       mc      = new MainCapture();
            List <Image>      samples = new List <Image>();
            List <IPcOutline> outlines;

            object[] returnable = new object[3];

            returnable = mc.Samples(folders, ind, locations, sizes);

            samples = (List <Image>)returnable[0];

            outlines = (List <IPcOutline>)returnable[1];

            List <int> moved = (List <int>)returnable[2];

            // Capture Window holds the control of a process.

            int previousCaptures = capturesList.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++)
                if (moved[i] != 2)
                    PcPhysicalPoint      location = new PcPhysicalPoint(outlines[i].PhysicalBoundaries.Location.X * (outlines[i].PixelDensity.X), outlines[i].PhysicalBoundaries.Location.Y * (outlines[i].PixelDensity.Y));
                    System.Drawing.Point size     = new System.Drawing.Point(Convert.ToInt32(PictureHandling.GetOutlineWidth(outlines[i])), Convert.ToInt32(PictureHandling.GetOutlineHeight(outlines[i])));

                    if (moved[i] == 0)
                        capturesList.Add(new CaptureWindow(this, samples.ElementAt(i), parameters.ElementAt(parameters.Count - 1 - i),
                                                           folders.ElementAt(folders.Count - 1 - i), analysis.ElementAt(analysis.Count - 1 - i), names.ElementAt(names.Count - 1 - i),
                                                           location, size, false, maps.ElementAt(maps.Count - 1 - i)));
                        capturesList.Add(new CaptureWindow(this, samples.ElementAt(i), parameters.ElementAt(parameters.Count - 1 - i),
                                                           folders.ElementAt(folders.Count - 1 - i), analysis.ElementAt(analysis.Count - 1 - i), names.ElementAt(names.Count - 1 - i),
                                                           location, size, true, maps.ElementAt(maps.Count - 1 - i)));

                    capturesList.ElementAt(i + previousCaptures).Uid = (i + previousCaptures).ToString();
                    samplesList.ElementAt(i + previousCaptures).Uid = (i + previousCaptures).ToString();
                    capturesNames.Add(names.ElementAt(names.Count - 1 - i));

                    MessageBox.Show("Capture of process " + names.ElementAt(names.Count - 1 - i) + " could not be accomplished. Object not found.");


            // UI modification according to new situation


            infoLabel.Content = "Process 1/" + capturesList.Count.ToString();

            if (capturesList.Count >= 2)
                rightSp.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                leftSp.Visibility  = Visibility.Visible;

            MainPage.capturesRunning = true;

            Border1.Visibility   = Visibility.Visible;
            Border2.Visibility   = Visibility.Visible;
            sampleSP.Visibility  = Visibility.Visible;
            infoLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            nameLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            ShowButton.IsEnabled = true;

            // If this is the first time

            if (parameters.Count == capturesList.Count)