Example #1
 static public void HowToFeedDog(this Dog dog)
     Console.WriteLine("Play a video about how to feed a dog");
Example #2
 static public void HowToFeedDog(this Dog dog)
     Console.WriteLine("play video about how to feed pet");
Example #3
        delegate void ActCute();  //委托

        static void Main(string[] args)
        {                                       /*基类的引用  派生类的对象包含基类部分和派生部分,所以
                                                 * 我们可以通过一个基类类型的引用指向派生类。
                                                 * //Pet dog = new Dog();                  通过指向派生类的基类引用,我们仅仅能访问派生类中的基类部分*/
                                                /*  Dog dog = new Dog();
                                                 * dog._name = "jack";
                                                 * dog.PrintName();
                                                 * //Pet dog = new Dog();
                                                 * Cat cat = new Cat();
                                                 * cat._name = "tom";
                                                 * cat.PrintName(); */
                                                /*  Pet[] pets = new Pet[]{new Dog("Jack"),new Cat("tom") }; //基类的引用指向派生类 调用的是重写的方法
                                                 *  for(int i=0; i < pets.Length; i++)
                                                 *  {
                                                 *      pets[i].Speak();
                                                 *  }
                                                 *  Dog c = new Dog("tom2");
                                                 *  ICatchMice Catch = (ICatchMice)c;
                                                 *  c.CatchMice();
                                                 *  Catch.CatchMice();  //只能调用接口内的方法
                                                 *  IClimTree Clim = (IClimTree)c;
                                                 *  Clim.ClimTree();
                                                 *  Cat.ShowNum();
                                                 *  Dog dog = new Dog("dd");
                                                 *  dog.HowToFeedDog();
                                                 *  {
                                                 *      int i = 3;
                                                 *      object oi = i;           //装箱操作
                                                 *      Console.WriteLine("i=" + i + "oi=" + oi.ToString());
                                                 *      oi = 10;
                                                 *      i = 7;
                                                 *      Console.WriteLine("i=" + i + "oi=" + oi.ToString());
                                                 *      int j = (int)oi;            //拆箱
                                                 *     Console.WriteLine("oi= " + j);
                                                 * }                                           */

            /*   Dog dog = new Dog("jack");
             * dog.Speak();
             * Cat cat = dog;       //隐示转换
             * cat.Speak();
             * cat.PrintName();
             * Dog dog2 = (Dog)cat;  //显示转换
             * cat.Speak();               */

            /*    Pet[] pets = new Pet[]{new Dog("Jack"),new Cat("tom") };
             *  for(int i=0; i < pets.Length; i++)
             *  {
             *     pets[i]++;
             *      pets[i].ShowAge();
             *  }         */
            /*        var catCage = new Cage<Cat>(1);
             *      catCage.Putin(new Cat("A"));
             *      catCage.Putin(new Cat("b"));
             *      var cat = catCage.Takeout();
             *      cat.PrintName();          范指类              */

            var dog = new Dog("A");

            dog.isHappy <Person>(new Person());

            // dog.isHappy<int>(3);

            // dog.isHappy<Cat>(new Cat("d"));


            /*  Labrador dog = new Labrador("A");
             * dog.Act(new SitDogCmd());*/



            /*  List<Dog> list = new List<Dog>();    //lis<>方法
             * list.Add(new Dog("A"));
             * list.Add(new Dog("B"));
             * list.Add(new Dog("C"));
             * list.RemoveAt(1);
             * for (int i= 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
             * {
             *    list[i].PrintName();
             * }                                */

            /*        Dictionary<string, Dog> dic = new Dictionary<string, Dog>();  //字典
             *      dic.Add("a", new Dog("A"));
             *      dic.Add("a", new Dog("B"));
             *      dic.Add("a", new Dog("C"));
             *      dic["A"].PrintName();
             *      Stack<Pet> stack = new Stack<Pet>();  //stack 栈
             *      stack.Push(new Dog("A"));
             *      stack.Push(new Cat("B"));
             *      stack.Peek().PrintName();
             *      stack.Pop();
             *      stack.Peek().PrintName();  */

            /*       Queue<Pet> queue = new Queue<Pet>();     // 队列
             *     queue.Enqueue(new Dog("D"));
             *     queue.Enqueue(new Dog("E"));
             *     queue.Enqueue(new Cat("F"));
             *     Pet p = null;
             *     p = queue.Dequeue();
             *     p.PrintName();
             *     p = queue.Dequeue();
             *     p.PrintName();
             *     p = queue.Dequeue();
             *     p.PrintName();            */


            //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>委托 匿名函数lambda表达式

            /*  ActCute del = null;
             * Dog dog = new Dog("A");
             * Cat cat = new Cat("B");
             * del = dog.WagTail;
             * del+= cat.InnocentLook;
             * del += () =>        // lambda表达式
             * {
             *    Console.WriteLine("do nothing");
             * };
             * del();       //委托调用 与函数相同 有参数在括号 调用出所有的函数方法

            //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>委托 匿名函数lambda表达式

            /*    client c1 = new client();
             *  client c2 = new client();
             *  Cat.NewCat += c1.WantADog;  //通过对象订阅
             * Cat.NewCat += c2.WantADog;
             *  Cat cat = new Cat("q"); */
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var dog = new Dog("A");

            dog.IsHappy <Cat>(new Cat("Tom"));
            //dog.IsHappy<int>( 3);
            //var dogCage = new Cage<Dog>(1);
            //dogCage.Putin(new Dog("A"));
            //dogCage.Putin(new Dog("B"));

            //var dog = dogCage.TakeOut();

            //Dog dog = new Dog("Jack");
            //Cat cat = dog;

            //Dog dog2=(Dog)cat;

            //Pet[] pets = new Pet[] { new Dog("Jack"), new Cat("Tom"), new Dog("Cherry") };
            //for (int i=0;i<pets.Length;++i)
            //    pets[i]++;
            //    pets[i].ShowAge();

            //Pet[] pets = new Pet[] {new Dog("Jack"), new Cat("Tom") ,new Dog("Cherry")};
            //for(int i=0;i<pets.Length;i++)
            //    pets[i].Speak();

            //Cat c = new Cat("Tom2");
            //IClimbTree climb = (IClimbTree)c;
            //ICatchMice catchM = (ICatchMice)c;


            //Dog dog = new Dog("Tommy");

            //    int i = 3;
            //    object oi = i;
            //    Console.WriteLine("i="+i+"oi="+oi.ToString());
            //    oi = 10;
            //    i = 7;
            //    Console.WriteLine("i=" + i + "oi=" + oi.ToString());
            //    int j = (int)oi;
            //    Console.WriteLine("j="+j);
            //Pet dog = new Dog();
            //dog.Name ="Jack";

            //Pet cat = new Cat();
            //cat.Name = "Tom";