public StatusTextWriter(StatusBar statusBar, TextWriter stream) { m_statusBar = statusBar; m_stream = stream; }
/// <summary> /// Called when the application is started. /// </summary> private void ApplicationStarted() { MainWindow = new MainWindow(); var logFile = File.CreateText(App.LogFileName); StatusBar.AttachWriterToLogStream(logFile); App.CommandProcessor.LogFile = MainWindow.StatusBar.LogWriter; // Work around for Non-English/US locale (e.g. French) where among other things the decimal point is a comma. // WPF never uses the CurrentCulture when it formats numbers (it always uses US) // This sets the default to the current culture. // see FrameworkElement.LanguageProperty.OverrideMetadata( typeof(FrameworkElement), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(XmlLanguage.GetLanguage(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.IetfLanguageTag))); if (App.CommandLineArgs.HelpRequested) { MainWindow.Show(); MainWindow.DoCommandLineHelp(null, null); return; } MainWindow.StatusBar.LogWriter.WriteLine("Started with command line: {0}", Environment.CommandLine); MainWindow.StatusBar.LogWriter.WriteLine("PerfView Version: {0} BuildDate: {1}", AppLog.VersionNumber, AppLog.BuildDate); MainWindow.StatusBar.LogWriter.WriteLine("PerfView Start Time {0}", DateTime.Now); if (App.NeedsEulaConfirmation(App.CommandLineArgs)) { var eula = new PerfView.Dialogs.EULADialog(MainWindow); bool?accepted = eula.ShowDialog(); if (!(accepted ?? false)) { Environment.Exit(-10); } App.AcceptEula(); // Remember that we have accepted the EULA for next time. } MainWindow.Loaded += delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs ev) { string[] providers = App.CommandLineArgs.Providers; if (App.CommandLineArgs.CommandLineFailure != null) { var message = App.CommandLineArgs.CommandLineFailure.Message; if (message.Contains("\n")) { MainWindow.StatusBar.LogError("Command Line Error, see log file for details."); MainWindow.StatusBar.Log(message); } else { MainWindow.StatusBar.LogError("Command Line Error: " + message); } return; } if (App.CommandLineArgs.DoCommand == null) { App.CommandLineArgs.DoCommand = App.CommandProcessor.View; } string commandName = "View"; Action continuation = delegate { if (App.CommandLineArgs.DataFile != null) { MainWindow.OpenPath(App.CommandLineArgs.DataFile); } }; if (App.CommandLineArgs.DoCommand != App.CommandProcessor.View) { commandName = App.CommandLineArgs.DoCommand.Method.Name; continuation = null; } // Run commands in the PerfViewExtensions\PerfViewStartup file. PerfViewExtensibility.Extensions.RunUserStartupCommands(MainWindow.StatusBar); MainWindow.OpenPreviouslyOpened(); MainWindow.ExecuteCommand(commandName, App.CommandLineArgs.DoCommand, null, continuation); }; MainWindow.Show(); }
void LaunchViewer(List <IProcess> selectedProcesses) { // Single process only if (selectedProcesses != null && selectedProcesses.Count != 1) { return; } IProcess proc = selectedProcesses[0]; int procID = proc.ProcessID; // Create the application's main window m_mainWindow = new Window(); m_mainWindow.Title = String.Format(FullTitle, proc.Name, procID); // HelpBox m_helpBox = new TextBox(); m_helpBox.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap; m_helpBox.Foreground = Brushes.Blue; m_statusBar = new StatusBar(); m_statusBar.Height = 24; // GCInfoView Panel GcInfoView gcinfo = new GcInfoView(); // Grid for 5 panels with adjustable heights Grid grid = new Grid(); m_gcInfoPanel = new GridRow(grid, gcinfo.CreateGCInfoPanel(m_helpBox).Wrap(GCEventPanelName), true, true, 0, 111); // HeapTickView Panel HeapAllocView heapAlloc = new HeapAllocView(); m_heapAllocPanel = new GridRow(grid, heapAlloc.CreateHeapAllocPanel(m_traceLog).Wrap(AllocTickPanelName), false, true, 1, 111); // Thread Panel ThreadView threadView = new ThreadView(); m_threadPanel = new GridRow(grid, threadView.CreateThreadViewPanel().Wrap(ThreadPanelName), false, true, 2, 111); // Issue Panel IssueView issue = new IssueView(); m_issuePanel = new GridRow(grid, issue.CreateIssuePanel(m_helpBox).Wrap(IssuePanelName), false, true, 3, 111); // HeapDiagram Panel HeapDiagram diagram = new HeapDiagram(m_dataFile, m_statusBar, m_mainWindow); m_heapDiagramPanel = new GridRow(grid, diagram.CreateHeapDiagramPanel(m_helpBox).Wrap(HeapDiagramPanelName), true, false, 4, 111); DockPanel main = new DockPanel(); main.DockBottom(m_statusBar); main.DockTop(CreateMainMenu()); main.DockBottom(grid); m_mainWindow.Content = main; m_mainWindow.Closed += CloseMainWindow; m_mainWindow.Show(); // Load events for the process m_heapInfo = new ProcessMemoryInfo(m_traceLog, m_dataFile, m_statusBar); m_statusBar.StartWork(String.Format("Loading events for process {0} (pid={1})", proc.Name, procID), delegate() { m_heapInfo.LoadEvents(procID, (int)m_traceLog.SampleProfileInterval.Ticks); m_statusBar.EndWork(delegate() { gcinfo.SetGCEvents(m_heapInfo.GcEvents); heapAlloc.SetAllocEvents(m_heapInfo.m_allocSites); threadView.SetData(m_heapInfo); diagram.SetData(m_heapInfo); issue.SetData(m_heapInfo); }); }); }