Example #1
        public static DNGxyCoord XYZtoXY(DNGVector3 coord)
            double X = coord[0];
            double Y = coord[1];
            double Z = coord[2];

            double total = X + Y + Z;

            if (total > 0.0)
                return(new DNGxyCoord(X / total, Y / total));

Example #2
        /// Return the XY value to use for SetWhiteXY for a given camera color
        /// space coordinate as the white point.
        /// \param neutral A camera color space value to use for white point.
        /// Components range from 0.0 to 1.0 and should be normalized such that
        /// the largest value is 1.0 .
        /// \retval White point in XY space that makes neutral map to this
        /// XY value as closely as possible.
        public DNGxyCoord NeutralToXY(DNGVector neutral)
            const uint kMaxPasses = 30;

            if (fChannels == 1)

            DNGxyCoord last = DNGxyCoord.D50;

            for (uint pass = 0; pass < kMaxPasses; pass++)
                DNGMatrix nullMat     = null;
                DNGMatrix xyzToCamera = FindXYZtoCamera(last, ref nullMat, ref nullMat, ref nullMat);

                DNGMatrix  inv  = xyzToCamera.Invert();
                DNGVector  vec  = inv * neutral;
                DNGVector3 vec3 = new DNGVector3(vec);

                DNGxyCoord next = DNGxyCoord.XYZtoXY(new DNGVector3(xyzToCamera.Invert() * neutral));

                if (Math.Abs(next.X - last.X) +
                    Math.Abs(next.Y - last.Y) < 0.0000001)

                // If we reach the limit without converging, we are most likely
                // in a two value oscillation.  So take the average of the last
                // two estimates and give up.
                if (pass == kMaxPasses - 1)
                    next.X = (last.X + next.X) * 0.5;
                    next.Y = (last.Y + next.Y) * 0.5;
                last = next;