Example #1
        public static void ReadTerrainTextures(Terrain terrain, IntPtr terrainHandle, Collector collector, string cacheLocation = null)
            TerrainData tData     = terrain.terrainData;
            IntPtr      matHandle = terrainGetMaterial(terrainHandle);
            int         texCount  = terrainGetLayerCount(terrainHandle);

            TerrainLayer[] layers = new TerrainLayer[texCount];

            float[,,] alphamaps = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < texCount; ++i)
                // Distribution
                string distribTex    = materialGetCustomMap(matHandle, "distribution" + i);
                IntPtr distribHandle = collector.GetTerrainHandle(distribTex);

                if (distribHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                    int distribRes = terrainGetResolution(distribHandle);

                    if (alphamaps == null)
                        alphamaps = new float[distribRes, distribRes, texCount];
                        tData.alphamapResolution = distribRes;

                    float[,] alphamap = new float[distribRes, distribRes];
                    readTerrain(distribHandle, alphamap, false);

                    // TODO find more elegant way to copy data (direct copy from C++, use of Array.Copy...)
                    for (int x = 0; x < distribRes; ++x)
                        for (int y = 0; y < distribRes; ++y)
                            alphamaps[x, y, i] = alphamap[y, x];

                            for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
                                alphamaps[x, y, j] *= 1 - alphamap[y, x];

                // Texture
                string layerTex = materialGetCustomMap(matHandle, "texture" + i);
                if (cacheLocation == null)
                layers[i] = new TerrainLayer
                    diffuseTexture = collector.GetTexture(layerTex)
                string    texPath = cacheLocation + layerTex + ".png";
                Texture2D tex     = (Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(texPath, typeof(Texture2D));
                layers[i] = new TerrainLayer
                    diffuseTexture = tex

            if (texCount != 0)
                tData.terrainLayers = layers;
                tData.SetAlphamaps(0, 0, alphamaps);