public static XslFORenderFileOutput RenderXslFOToPdfFile(this XDocument xXslFODoc, FileInfo pdfOutputFileInfo, XslFORenderOptions options)
                //NOTE:  MUST pass the FileStream with READ & WRITE access so that it can be validated after Rendering!
                using (FileStream fileStream = pdfOutputFileInfo.Open(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None))
                    //var xmlNotifyReader = XmlNotificationReader.Create(xXslFODoc.CreateReader());
                    //xmlNotifyReader.AddNotification(XName.Get("ReportProgress", XsltSystemCustomExtensionObject.XmlnsUrn), (xEl) =>
                    //    var text = xEl.GetInnerText();
                    //    Debug.WriteLine(text);
                    //    return xEl;

                    XslFOFonetHelper.Render(xXslFODoc, fileStream, options);

                //NOTE:  The stream will be managed because the XslFORenderStreamOutput wraps it and correctly supports IDisposable interface.
                return(new XslFORenderFileOutput(xXslFODoc, pdfOutputFileInfo));
            catch (Exception exc)
                throw new XslFORenderException("Error occurred while rendering the XslFO into Pdf File output.", exc, xXslFODoc.ToString());
        public static XslFORenderStreamOutput RenderXslFOToPdf(this XDocument xXslFODoc, XslFORenderOptions options)
                //NOTE: We do NOT wrap the memory stream in a using{} block or dispose of it because it must
                //      be returned to the caller who will manage its life/scope
                MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
                XslFOFonetHelper.Render(xXslFODoc, memoryStream, options);

                //NOTE:  The stream will be managed because the XslFORenderStreamOutput wraps it and correctly supports IDisposable interface.
                return(new XslFORenderStreamOutput(xXslFODoc, memoryStream));
            catch (Exception exc)
                throw new XslFORenderException("Error occurred while rendering the XslFO into Pdf File output.", exc, xXslFODoc.ToString());