Represents a page in a PDF document.
Inheritance: PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfDictionary, IContentStream
Example #1
        public static bool Genereer(Deelnemer deelnemer, DeelnemerVerhuisd deelnemerVerhuisd)
            _deelnemer = deelnemer;
            _event = deelnemerVerhuisd;

            // start pdf document
            _document = new PdfDocument();
            _document.Info.Title = "Verhuisbrief " + _deelnemer.Naam;
            _document.Info.Author = "Verhuisbrief Generator";

            // voeg pagina toe
            _page = _document.AddPage();
            _gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(_page);

            // vul pagina

            // sla document op

            return true;
Example #2
        public void Create(string filename, int qcount, int cellsinq, List<string> cellslabels,int rowscount)
            s_document = new PdfDocument();

            _page = new PdfPage();
            _page.Orientation = PageOrientation.Landscape;
            _page.Size = PageSize.A4;
            gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(_page);


            DrawSideMarker(7, 10, 10);
            DrawSideMarker(7, 285, 10);
            DrawSideMarker(7, 10, 200);
            DrawSideMarker(7, 285, 200);



            // Save the s_document...
            // ...and start a viewer
Example #3
        //PdfSharp version
        public static IEnumerable <string> ExtractText(PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfPage page)
            CObject content = ContentReader.ReadContent(page);
            var     text    = ExtractText(content);

Example #4
    //private PdfHelper()

    //public static PdfHelper Instance { get; } = new PdfHelper();

    internal void SaveImageAsPdf(string imageFileName, string pdfFileName, int width = 600, bool deleteImage = false)
        using (var document = new PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfDocument())
            PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfPage page = document.AddPage();
            using (XImage img = XImage.FromFile(imageFileName))
                // Calculate new height to keep image ratio
                var height = (int)(((double)width / (double)img.PixelWidth) * img.PixelHeight);

                // Change PDF Page size to match image
                page.Width  = width;
                page.Height = height;

                XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);
                gfx.DrawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height);
            var PtPosition  = imageFileName.LastIndexOf('.');
            var PathTemp    = imageFileName.Remove(PtPosition);
            var pathPdfFile = PathTemp + ".pdf";
            document.Save(pathPdfFile /*pdfFileName*/);

        if (deleteImage)
Example #5
 public CParser(PdfPage page)
 { = page;
   PdfContent content = page.Contents.CreateSingleContent();
   byte[] bytes = content.Stream.Value;
   this.lexer = new CLexer(bytes);
Example #6
    internal void RenderPage(PdfPage page, FixedPage fixedPage)
    { = page;

      this.context = new DocumentRenderingContext(page.Owner);

      // = fixedPage.Width;
      // = fixedPage.Height;

      //this.gsStack = new GraphicsStateStack(this);
      PdfContent content = null;
      //switch (options)
      //  case XGraphicsPdfPageOptions.Replace:
      //    page.Contents.Elements.Clear();
      //    goto case XGraphicsPdfPageOptions.Append;

      //  case XGraphicsPdfPageOptions.Prepend:
      //    content = page.Contents.PrependContent();
      //    break;

      //  case XGraphicsPdfPageOptions.Append:
      content = page.Contents.AppendContent();
      //    break;
      page.RenderContent = content;

      this.writer = new PdfContentWriter(this.context,;


Example #7
        //PDFSharp - less features but same company as MigraDoc
        public PdfDocument ConvertToPdf2(ArrayList translationInput, int caseNumber, int evidenceNumber)
            PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument();

            document.Info.Title = "Decrypted Translations";

            PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfPage page = document.AddPage();

            XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);

            XFont font = new XFont("Verdna", 11, XFontStyle.Regular);

            var    formatter = new PdfSharp.Drawing.Layout.XTextFormatter(gfx);
            var    rectangle = new XRect(10, 10, page.Width, page.Height);
            string newText   = "";
            //string newText2 = "";
            int i = 0;

            foreach (string text in translationInput)
                Console.WriteLine(i + " " + text);
                newText = newText + i + ". " + text + "\r\n";
            formatter.DrawString(newText, font, XBrushes.Black, rectangle);

            string filename = "CsNum" + caseNumber + ".EviNum" + evidenceNumber + ".pdf";


Example #8
        public static byte[] AppendImageToPdf(byte[] pdf, byte[] img, Point position, double scale)
            using (System.IO.MemoryStream msPdf = new System.IO.MemoryStream(pdf))
                using (System.IO.MemoryStream msImg = new System.IO.MemoryStream(img))
                    System.Drawing.Image       image    = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(msImg);
                    PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfDocument   document = PdfSharp.Pdf.IO.PdfReader.Open(msPdf);
                    PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfPage       page     = document.Pages[0];
                    PdfSharp.Drawing.XGraphics gfx      = PdfSharp.Drawing.XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);
                    PdfSharp.Drawing.XImage    ximg     = PdfSharp.Drawing.XImage.FromGdiPlusImage(image);

                        ximg.Width * scale,
                        ximg.Height * scale

                    using (System.IO.MemoryStream msFinal = new System.IO.MemoryStream())
Example #9
 public override void Visit(ExportPage page)
     PdfPage = pdfDocument.AddPage();
     xGraphics = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(PdfPage);
     textFormatter  = new XTextFormatter(xGraphics);
 public Export_to_Pdf()
     //Create object for pdf.
     document = new PdfDocument();
     page = document.AddPage();
     gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);
     //Set by default values.
     font = new XFont("Arial", 12, XFontStyle.Regular);
     header_font = new XFont("Arial", 12, XFontStyle.Regular);
     page.Size = PageSize.A4;
     page.Orientation = PageOrientation.Portrait;
     //Create a fake questionanire to test the print process to pdf.
     if (questionaire != null)
         List<Question> question_list = new List<Question>();
         List<Answer> answer_list = new List<Answer>();
         Answer ans = new Answer();
         ans.Answer_descr = "einai to dsfgdsfgsd";
         Question quest = new Question() { AnswerList = answer_list };
         quest.Question_descr = "H ekfoonisi tis erotisis aytis einai blablbalbablbalblab";
         for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
     questionaire = new Quastionnaire.Model.Questionaire() { Questionaire_descr = "sdfsakdfjdflshsadflkjashflasdfkh", QuestionList = question_list };
Example #11
        private void btnJPGtoPDF_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog();

            dlg.InitialDirectory = "C:\\PDFDemoTemp";
            dlg.Filter           = "JPEG files (*.jpg)|*.jpg|All files (*.*)|*.*";
            dlg.Multiselect      = true;

            if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument();
                document.Info.Title = "Created using PDFsharp";

                foreach (string fileSpec in dlg.FileNames)
                    PdfPage   page = document.AddPage();
                    XGraphics gfx  = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);
                    DrawImage(gfx, fileSpec, 0, 0, (int)page.Width, (int)page.Height);
                if (document.PageCount > 0)
                    document.Save(@"C: \Users\winst\Desktop\testResultOneImagePerPage.pdf");                          //경로가 절대 주소여서 바꿔줘야 합니다.
    private void addNextPDF()

        PdfPage page = new PdfPage();
        page.Size = PageSize.A4;

        double h = SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight;
        double w = SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenWidth;
        //XPdfFontOptions options = new XPdfFontOptions(PdfFontEncoding.Unicode, PdfFontEmbedding.Always);
        var rateW = page.Width / w;
        var rateH = page.Height / h;

        var strokes = CanvasStroke.ToList();
        List<Point[]> pl = new List<Point[]>();
        foreach (Stroke stroke in strokes)

            StylusPointCollection points = stroke.StylusPoints;
            StylusPointCollection newPoints = new StylusPointCollection();
            var pointList = points.ToList();
            foreach (StylusPoint pt in pointList)

                StylusPoint newPt = new StylusPoint(pt.X * rateW, pt.Y * rateH);
            Point[] p = (Point[])newPoints;


Example #13
        private void btnFitPageToImage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog();

            dlg.InitialDirectory = "C:\\PDFDemoTemp";
            dlg.Filter           = "JPEG files (*.jpg)|*.jpg|All files (*.*)|*.*";
            dlg.Multiselect      = true;

            if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument();
                document.Info.Title = "Created using PDFsharp";

                PdfPage   page = document.AddPage();
                XGraphics gfx  = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);

                foreach (string fileSpec in dlg.FileNames)
                    System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(fileSpec);
                    page.Width  = img.Width;
                    page.Height = img.Height;
                    DrawImage(gfx, fileSpec, 0, 0, (int)page.Width, (int)page.Height);
                if (document.PageCount > 0)
Example #14
        private void btnMultiplePDF_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog();

            dlg.InitialDirectory = "C:\\PDFDemoTemp";
            dlg.Filter           = "JPEG files (*.jpg)|*.jpg|All files (*.*)|*.*";
            dlg.Multiselect      = true;

            if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument();
                document.Info.Title = "Created using PDFsharp";

                PdfPage   page   = document.AddPage();
                int       StartX = 0 - (int)page.Width / 2;
                int       StartY = 0 - (int)page.Height / 2;
                XGraphics gfx    = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);
                foreach (string fileSpec in dlg.FileNames)
                    DrawImage(gfx, fileSpec, StartX, StartY, (int)page.Width * 2, (int)page.Height * 2);
                    StartX += (int)page.Width / 2;
                    StartY += (int)page.Height / 2;
                if (document.PageCount > 0)
Example #15
 void CreatePage()
     Page             = _document.AddPage();
     Page.Size        = PageSize.A4;
     Gfx              = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(Page);
     _currentPosition = _topPosition;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create new page
 /// </summary>
 void CreatePage()
     Page = _document.AddPage();
     Page.Size = PageSize.A4;
     Gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(Page);
     _currentPosition = _topPosition;
Example #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PdfOutline"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="title">The outline text.</param>
 /// <param name="destinationPage">The destination page.</param>
 /// <param name="opened">Specifies whether the node is displayed expanded (opened) or collapsed.</param>
 /// <param name="style">The font style used to draw the outline text.</param>
 /// <param name="textColor">The color used to draw the outline text.</param>
 public PdfOutline(string title, PdfPage destinationPage, bool opened, PdfOutlineStyle style, XColor textColor)
     Title = title;
     DestinationPage = destinationPage;
     Opened = opened;
     Style = style;
     TextColor = textColor;
Example #18
 private IEnumerable<IScannedImage> GetImagesFromPage(PdfPage page)
     // Get resources dictionary
     PdfDictionary resources = page.Elements.GetDictionary("/Resources");
     if (resources == null)
         yield break;
     // Get external objects dictionary
     PdfDictionary xObjects = resources.Elements.GetDictionary("/XObject");
     if (xObjects == null)
         yield break;
     // Iterate references to external objects
     foreach (PdfItem item in xObjects.Elements.Values)
         var reference = item as PdfReference;
         if (reference == null)
         var xObject = reference.Value as PdfDictionary;
         // Is external object an image?
         if (xObject != null && xObject.Elements.GetString("/Subtype") == "/Image")
             // Support multiple filter schemes
             // For JPEG: "/DCTDecode" OR ["/DCTDecode", "/FlateDecode"]
             // For PNG: "/FlateDecode"
             var element = xObject.Elements.Single(x => x.Key == "/Filter");
             var elementAsArray = element.Value as PdfArray;
             var elementAsName = element.Value as PdfName;
             if (elementAsArray != null)
                 // JPEG ["/DCTDecode", "/FlateDecode"]
                 yield return ExportJpegImage(page, Filtering.Decode(xObject.Stream.Value, "/FlateDecode"));
             else if (elementAsName != null)
                 switch (elementAsName.Value)
                     case "/DCTDecode":
                         yield return ExportJpegImage(page, xObject.Stream.Value);
                     case "/FlateDecode":
                         yield return ExportAsPngImage(page, xObject);
                         throw new NotImplementedException("Unsupported image encoding");
                 throw new NotImplementedException("Unsupported filter");
Example #19
 static PdfPrintTarget()
     m_doc = new PdfDocument();
     m_page = m_doc.AddPage();
     m_info = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(m_page);
     m_size = PageSizeConverter.ToSize(m_page.Size);
     m_mmkx = m_size.Width / 210.0f;
     m_mmky = m_size.Height / 297.0f;
Example #20
        public OHS_Page(PdfPage page, ProfileInfo userProfile, List<Parameter> userParameters)
   = page;
            this.userProfile = userProfile;

            foreach (Parameter p in userParameters)
                this.userParameters.Add(p.Name, p);

            quaterWidth = page.Width / 4;
Example #21
 public XGraphicsPdfRenderer(PdfPage page, XGraphics gfx, XGraphicsPdfPageOptions options)
     _page = page;
     _colorMode = page._document.Options.ColorMode;
     _options = options;
     _gfx = gfx;
     _content = new StringBuilder();
     page.RenderContent._pdfRenderer = this;
     _gfxState = new PdfGraphicsState(this);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PdfContentWriter"/> class
 /// for creating a content stream of the specified page.
 /// </summary>
 public PdfContentWriter(DocumentRenderingContext context, PdfPage page) // , XGraphics gfx, XGraphicsPdfPageOptions options)
   this.context = context; = page;
   this.contentStreamDictionary = page;
   //this.colorMode = page.document.Options.ColorMode;
   //this.options = options;
   this.content = new StringBuilder();
   this.graphicsState = new PdfGraphicsState(this);
Example #23
    public void DrawPage(PdfPage page)
      XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);

      DrawTitle(page, gfx, "Text");

      DrawText(gfx, 1);
      DrawTextAlignment(gfx, 2);
      MeasureText(gfx, 3);
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets page size in mm or inch.
 /// </summary>
 public static string PageSize(PdfPage page, bool metric)
   if (metric)
     return String.Format("{0:0.#} x {1:0.#} mm", 
     return String.Format("{0:0.#} x {1:0.#} inch", 
Example #25
        private void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;

            List <int> pageIndexes = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < lvPages.Items.Count; i++)
                if (lvPages.Items[i].Checked)

            /*Bitmap[] bmps = MupdfSharp.PageRenderer.Render(path, PAGETHEIGHTPIXEL, pageIndexes.ToArray());
             * for(int i = 0; i < bmps.Length; i++)
             * {
             *  Bitmap tmp = bmps[i];
             *  bmps[i] = tmp.MakeBackgroundTransparent(Color.White);
             *  tmp.Dispose();
             * }*/

            if (!Directory.Exists(TmpManager.GetTmpDir() + "\\render"))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(TmpManager.GetTmpDir() + "\\render");

            Pages = new KPage[pageIndexes.Count];
            pdf.PdfDocument pdfdoc = pdf_io.PdfReader.Open(path, pdf_io.PdfDocumentOpenMode.Modify | pdf_io.PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import);

            for (int i = 0; i < pageIndexes.Count; i++)
                int         p     = pageIndexes[i];
                KPage       page  = new KPage(KDocument.EmptyDocument);
                pdf.PdfPage pPage = pdfdoc.Pages[p];
                float       w     = (float)pPage.Width.Millimeter;
                float       h     = (float)pPage.Height.Millimeter;
                if (pPage.Rotate == 90 || pPage.Rotate == 270)
                    Util.Swap(ref w, ref h);
                page.Format       = new PageFormat(w, h);
                page.Background   = null;
                page.ShowDate     = false;
                page.OriginalPage = pPage;

                 *  = new Renderer.Image(bmps[i]);*/

                page.PdfRenderPath = TmpManager.NewFilename(TmpManager.GetTmpDir() + "\\render", "page", ".png");
                Pages[i]           = page;
Example #26
        public MemoryStream Message2Pdf(MimeMessage message)
            MemoryStream msMail = new MemoryStream();
            string       html   = message.GetTextBody(MimeKit.Text.TextFormat.Html);
            string       txt    = message.GetTextBody(MimeKit.Text.TextFormat.Text);

            HtmlToPdf converter = new HtmlToPdf();

            SelectPdf.PdfDocument pdfdok = null;
            if (html != null)
                pdfdok = converter.ConvertHtmlString(html);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt))
                    txt = "Tom email";
                pdfdok = converter.ConvertHtmlString(txt);
            msMail.Position = 0;

            XPdfForm form = XPdfForm.FromStream(msMail);

            PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfDocument outputDocument = new PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfDocument();
            XGraphics gfx;

            int count = form.PageCount;

            for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++)
                PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfPage page = outputDocument.AddPage();
                if (form.PageCount > idx)
                    // Get a graphics object for page
                    gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);
                    if (idx == 0)
                        DrawPageHeading(page, gfx, message);
                        // Draw the page like an image
                        gfx.DrawImage(form, new XRect(form.PointWidth * 0.02, form.PointHeight * 0.10, form.PointWidth * 0.90, form.PointHeight * 0.90));
                        gfx.DrawImage(form, new XRect(form.PointWidth, form.PointHeight, form.PointWidth, form.PointHeight));
            msMail = new MemoryStream();
            outputDocument.Save(msMail, false);
Example #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PdfRenderContext" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="width">The width.</param>
 /// <param name="height">The height.</param>
 /// <param name="background">The background color.</param>
 public PdfRenderContext(double width, double height, OxyColor background)
     this.RendersToScreen = false;
     this.doc = new PdfDocument();
     var page = new PdfPage { Width = new XUnit(width), Height = new XUnit(height) };
     this.g = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);
     if (background.IsVisible())
         this.g.DrawRectangle(ToBrush(background), 0, 0, width, height);
Example #28
    public void DrawPage(PdfPage page)
      XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);

      DrawTitle(page, gfx, "Paths");

      DrawPathOpen(gfx, 1);
      DrawPathClosed(gfx, 2);
      DrawPathAlternateAndWinding(gfx, 3);
      DrawGlyphs(gfx, 5);
      DrawClipPath(gfx, 6);
Example #29
    public void DrawPage(PdfPage page)
      XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);

      DrawTitle(page, gfx, "Shapes");

      DrawRectangle(gfx, 1);
      DrawRoundedRectangle(gfx, 2);
      DrawEllipse(gfx, 3);
      DrawPolygon(gfx, 4);
      DrawPie(gfx, 5);
      DrawClosedCurve(gfx, 6);
    public void DrawPage(PdfPage page)
      XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);

      DrawTitle(page, gfx, "Lines & Curves");

      DrawLine(gfx, 1);
      DrawLines(gfx, 2);
      DrawBezier(gfx, 3);
      DrawBeziers(gfx, 4);
      DrawCurve(gfx, 5);
      DrawArc(gfx, 6);
 public ConversionViewModel()
     //collect the ratios
     PdfPage page = new PdfPage();
     _paperRatios = new Dictionary<PageSize, double>();
     foreach (PageSize p in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PageSize)))
         if (p != PageSize.Undefined)
             page.Size = p;
             _paperRatios.Add(p, page.Width.Value / page.Height.Value);
Example #32
    public XGraphicsPdfRenderer(PdfPage page, XGraphics gfx, XGraphicsPdfPageOptions options)
    { = page;
      this.colorMode = page.document.Options.ColorMode;
      this.options = options;
      this.options = options & ~XGraphicsPdfPageOptions.PDFlibHack;
      pdflibHack = (options & XGraphicsPdfPageOptions.PDFlibHack) != 0;
      this.gfx = gfx;
      this.content = new StringBuilder();
      page.RenderContent.pdfRenderer = this;
      this.gfxState = new PdfGraphicsState(this);
Example #33
    public void DrawPage(PdfPage page)
      XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);

      DrawTitle(page, gfx, "Images");

      DrawImage(gfx, 1);
      DrawImageScaled(gfx, 2);
      DrawImageRotated(gfx, 3);
      DrawImageSheared(gfx, 4);
      DrawGif(gfx, 5);
      DrawPng(gfx, 6);
      DrawTiff(gfx, 7);
      DrawFormXObject(gfx, 8);
    /// <summary>
    /// Generates a PDF document from the collection of enumerations with each image representing
    /// a new page.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="images">The collection of images to convert to pages.</param>
    /// <returns>The <see cref="PdfDocument"/> containing the images.</returns>
    public static PdfDocument ToPdf(this IEnumerable<Image> images)
      PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument();
      foreach (var image in images) {
        PdfPage page = new PdfPage() {
          Width = image.Width,
          Height = image.Height

        XGraphics xGraphics = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);
        XImage xImage = XImage.FromGdiPlusImage(image);
        xGraphics.DrawImage(xImage, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);
      return (document);
Example #35
        public void Render(PdfPage page)
            PageHeight = page.Height;
            PageWidth = page.Width;
            using (var gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page))
                var positions = CalculateRects().Zip(_cards, (rect, card) => new { Rect = rect, Card = card });
                foreach (var position in positions)
                    var card = position.Card;
                    var rect = position.Rect;
                    card.Render(rect, gfx, _fontName);

Example #36
        public IEnumerable<PdfPage> GenerateFromStream(Stream source, PdfDocument pdf)
            var page = new PdfPage(pdf);

            using (var gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page)) {

                using (var img = XImage.FromGdiPlusImage(Image.FromStream(source))) {

                    page.Width = img.PointWidth;
                    page.Height = img.PointHeight;

                    gfx.DrawImage(img, 0, 0);

            return new[] { page };
Example #37
        private void btnHello_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument();

            document.Info.Title = "Created with PDFsharp";
            PdfPage page = document.AddPage();
            //page.Size = PdfSharp.PageSize.A5;
            XGraphics gfx  = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);
            XFont     font = new XFont("Verdana", 20, XFontStyle.BoldItalic);

            gfx.DrawString("Hello, World!", font, XBrushes.Black,
                           new XRect(0, 0, page.Width, page.Height),
            const string filename = "c:\\PDFDemoTemp\\ResultHelloWorld.pdf";

Example #38
        public TextFormatter()
            // Create a new PDF document
            _document = new PdfDocument();
            _document.Info.Title = "Poor Man's Text Formatter";

            // Create an empty page
            _page = _document.AddPage();

            // Get an XGraphics object for drawing
            _graphics = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(_page);

            _indent = 1;
            _fontSize = 14;
            row = 0;
            _rowWidth = indentWidth;
            _fill = false;
Example #39
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the page with the specified index.
    /// </summary>
    public PdfPage this[int index]
        if (index < 0 || index >= Count)
          throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", index, PSSR.PageIndexOutOfRange);

        PdfDictionary dict = (PdfDictionary)((PdfReference)PagesArray.Elements[index]).Value;
        if (!(dict is PdfPage))
          dict = new PdfPage(dict);
        return (PdfPage)dict;
      //  if (index < 0 || index >= this.pages.Count)
      //    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", index, PSSR.PageIndexOutOfRange);
      //  this.pages[index] = value;
Example #40
        private void comPDF0(List <string> filelist, string path0)
            Sharp.PdfDocument outputDocument = new Sharp.PdfDocument();
            outputDocument.PageLayout = Sharp.PdfPageLayout.TwoColumnLeft;
            foreach (string f in filelist)
                Sharp.PdfDocument inputDocument = SharpIO.PdfReader.Open(f, SharpIO.PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import);
                int count = inputDocument.PageCount;
                for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++)
                    Sharp.PdfPage page = inputDocument.Pages[idx];
            string filename = path0;

Example #41
        public void Create(string filename, int qcount, int cellsinq, List<string> cellslabels, int rowscount)
            s_document = new PdfDocument();
            _page = new PdfPage();
            _page.Orientation = PageOrientation.Landscape;
            _page.Size = PageSize.A4;
            gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(_page);


            PdfRectangle leftpage = new PdfRectangle(new XPoint(0, 0), new XPoint(_page.Width / 2, _page.Height));
            PdfRectangle rightpage = new PdfRectangle(new XPoint(_page.Width / 2, 0), new XPoint(_page.Width, _page.Height));

            //left part
            float leftcenter = (float)(_page.Width / 4) * 1f;
            DrawCenterMarker(7, leftcenter);
            DrawSideMarker(7, 10, 10);
            DrawSideMarker(7, XUnit.FromPoint(leftpage.Width).Millimeter-10, 10);
            DrawSideMarker(7, 10, XUnit.FromPoint(leftpage.Height).Millimeter - 10);
            DrawSideMarker(7, XUnit.FromPoint(leftpage.Width).Millimeter - 10, XUnit.FromPoint(leftpage.Height).Millimeter - 10);


            AddQuestions(qcount, cellsinq, cellslabels, rowscount, leftpage);

            //right part
            float rigthcenter = (float)(_page.Width / 4) * 3f;
            DrawCenterMarker(7, rigthcenter);
            DrawSideMarker(7, XUnit.FromPoint(rightpage.X1).Millimeter+10, XUnit.FromPoint(rightpage.Y1).Millimeter+10);
            DrawSideMarker(7, XUnit.FromPoint(rightpage.X2).Millimeter - 10, XUnit.FromPoint(rightpage.Y1).Millimeter + 10);
            DrawSideMarker(7, XUnit.FromPoint(rightpage.X1).Millimeter + 10, XUnit.FromPoint(rightpage.Y2).Millimeter - 10);
            DrawSideMarker(7, XUnit.FromPoint(rightpage.X2).Millimeter - 10, XUnit.FromPoint(rightpage.Y2).Millimeter - 10);

            AddQuestions(qcount, cellsinq, cellslabels, rowscount, rightpage);

            // Save the s_document...
            // ...and start a viewer
Example #42
        public static void PDFExport(string Paydate)
            string InvoiceNumber = "" + SelectedInvoiceNumber + "";

            PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument();
            document.Info.Title = "Invoice";
            document.Info.Author = "Jack Huckins";
            document.Info.Subject = "Service Invoice";

            PdfPage page = new PdfPage();
            page = document.AddPage();
            page.Width = XUnit.FromInch(8.5);
            page.Height = XUnit.FromInch(11);

            XGraphics gfx = default(XGraphics);
            gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);

            XForm form = new XForm(document, XUnit.FromMillimeter(300), XUnit.FromMillimeter(300));

            XGraphics formGfx = default(XGraphics);
            formGfx = XGraphics.FromForm(form);

            XGraphicsState state = default(XGraphicsState);
            state = formGfx.Save();
            //..... Invoice Results
            PrepareInvoiceTop(formGfx, state, InvoiceNumber);
            PrepareInvoiceData(6, 217, formGfx);

            state = formGfx.Save();
            gfx.DrawImage(form, 0, 0);
            //document.Save("c:\\Invoices\\Inv " + InvoiceNumber + ".pdf")
            TimeConnector.Data.ActionLog.Insert("PDF Export", "" + InvoiceNumber + "");
            //UpdatePDFLabel("30 second Check", Form1.lblPDFStatus);
            //var _with1 = ViewPDF;
            //_with1.PdfName = Export.ReportPath;
Example #43
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string pdfPath = "/";                                                  //PDF 경로
            string pdfname = "test.pdf";                                           //PDF 파일 이름

            string[]    jpgFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(pdfPath, "*.jpg"); //파일 읽어옴
            PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument();

            document.Info.Title = "Created using PDFsharp";

            for (int i = 0; i < jpgFiles.Length; i++)
                PdfPage   page = document.AddPage();
                XGraphics gfx  = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);
                DrawImage(gfx, jpgFiles[i], 0, 0, (int)page.Width, (int)page.Height);
            if (document.PageCount > 0)
                document.Save(pdfPath + pdfname);
Example #44
        private void comPDF0(String filename1, String filename2, String out3)
            Sharp.PdfDocument inputDocument1 = SharpIO.PdfReader.Open(filename1, SharpIO.PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import);
            Sharp.PdfDocument inputDocument2 = SharpIO.PdfReader.Open(filename2, SharpIO.PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import);
            Sharp.PdfDocument outputDocument = new Sharp.PdfDocument();
            // Show consecutive pages facing. Requires Acrobat 5 or higher.
            outputDocument.PageLayout = Sharp.PdfPageLayout.TwoColumnLeft;
            int count = Math.Max(inputDocument1.PageCount, inputDocument2.PageCount);

            for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++)
                Sharp.PdfPage page1 = inputDocument1.PageCount > idx ?
                                      inputDocument1.Pages[idx] : new Sharp.PdfPage();
                Sharp.PdfPage page2 = inputDocument2.PageCount > idx ?
                                      inputDocument2.Pages[idx] : new Sharp.PdfPage();

                // Add both pages to the output document
                page1 = outputDocument.AddPage(page1);
                page2 = outputDocument.AddPage(page2);
            string filename = out3;

Example #45
        void SplitDestinationPage(PdfArray destination)  // Reference: 8.2 Destination syntax / Page 582
            // ReSharper disable HeuristicUnreachableCode
//#pragma warning disable 162

            // The destination page may not yet have been transformed to PdfPage.
            PdfDictionary destPage = (PdfDictionary)((PdfReference)destination.Elements[0]).Value;
            PdfPage       page     = destPage as PdfPage;

            if (page == null)
                page = new PdfPage(destPage);

            DestinationPage = page;
            PdfName type = destination.Elements[1] as PdfName;

            if (type != null)
                PageDestinationType = (PdfPageDestinationType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PdfPageDestinationType), type.Value.Substring(1), true);
                switch (PageDestinationType)
                // [page /XYZ left top zoom] -- left, top, and zoom can be null.
                case PdfPageDestinationType.Xyz:
                    Left = destination.Elements.GetNullableReal(2);
                    Top  = destination.Elements.GetNullableReal(3);
                    Zoom = destination.Elements.GetNullableReal(4);     // For this parameter, null and 0 have the same meaning.

                // [page /Fit]
                case PdfPageDestinationType.Fit:
                    // /Fit has no parameters.

                // [page /FitH top] -- top can be null.
                case PdfPageDestinationType.FitH:
                    Top = destination.Elements.GetNullableReal(2);

                // [page /FitV left] -- left can be null.
                case PdfPageDestinationType.FitV:
                    Left = destination.Elements.GetNullableReal(2);

                // [page /FitR left bottom right top] -- left, bottom, right, and top must not be null.
                // TODO An exception in GetReal leads to an inconsistent document. Deal with that - e.g. by registering the corruption and preventing the user from saving the corrupted document.
                case PdfPageDestinationType.FitR:
                    Left   = destination.Elements.GetReal(2);
                    Bottom = destination.Elements.GetReal(3);
                    Right  = destination.Elements.GetReal(4);
                    Top    = destination.Elements.GetReal(5);

                // [page /FitB]
                case PdfPageDestinationType.FitB:
                    // /Fit has no parameters.

                // [page /FitBH top] -- top can be null.
                case PdfPageDestinationType.FitBH:
                    Top = destination.Elements.GetReal(2);

                // [page /FitBV left] -- left can be null.
                case PdfPageDestinationType.FitBV:
                    Left = destination.Elements.GetReal(2);

                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

//#pragma warning restore 162
            // ReSharper restore HeuristicUnreachableCode
Example #46
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the specified PdfPage to this document and maybe returns a new PdfPage object.
 /// The value returned is a new object if the added page comes from a foreign document.
 /// </summary>
 public PdfPage Add(PdfPage page)
     return(Insert(Count, page));
Example #47
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PdfOutline"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="title">The outline text.</param>
 /// <param name="destinationPage">The destination page.</param>
 /// <param name="opened">Specifies whether the node is displayed expanded (opened) or collapsed.</param>
 public PdfOutline(string title, PdfPage destinationPage, bool opened)
     Title           = title;
     DestinationPage = destinationPage;
     Opened          = opened;
Example #48
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes the specified page from the document.
 /// </summary>
 public void Remove(PdfPage page)
     Elements.SetInteger(PdfPages.Keys.Count, PagesArray.Elements.Count);
Example #49
        // create charges file
        public void CreateCharges(string nom, string prenom, string niveau)
            // Create a new PDF document

            PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfDocument document = new PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfDocument();

            document.Info.Title = "Created with PDFsharp";
            // Create an empty page
            PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfPage page = document.AddPage();
            // Get an XGraphics object for drawing
            page.Size        = PageSize.A5;
            page.Orientation = PageOrientation.Landscape;
            XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);

            // Create a font
            XFont fonti = new XFont("Verdana", 20, XFontStyle.Regular);
            XFont font  = new XFont("Verdana", 16, XFontStyle.Regular);
            XFont fonta = new XFont("Verdana", 12, XFontStyle.Regular);

            // create an image
            string       fileLocation = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, @"Bridges.png");
            XImage       img = XImage.FromFile(fileLocation);
            const double tx = 190, ty = 100, txa = 1010;
            double       wid = img.PixelWidth * 18 / img.HorizontalResolution;
            double       hei = img.PixelHeight * 18 / img.HorizontalResolution;

            gfx.DrawImage(img, (tx - wid) / 2, (ty - hei) / 2, wid, hei);
            gfx.DrawImage(img, (txa - wid) / 2, (ty - hei) / 2, wid, hei);

            // Draw the text
            gfx.DrawString("Bridges Of Knowledge Center", font, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(0, -160, page.Width, page.Height), XStringFormats.Center);
            gfx.DrawString("Nom: " + nom, font, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(-(180 - nom.Length * 4), -50, page.Width, page.Height), XStringFormats.Center);
            gfx.DrawString("Prenom: " + prenom, font, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(-(168 - prenom.Length * 4), -10, page.Width, page.Height), XStringFormats.Center);
            gfx.DrawString("Niveau: " + niveau, font, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(-(172 - niveau.Length * 4), 30, page.Width, page.Height), XStringFormats.Center);
            gfx.DrawString("Paiement: 400 DZD", font, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(-162, 70, page.Width, page.Height), XStringFormats.Center);
            gfx.DrawString("Le : " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy", new CultureInfo("fr-FR")), fonta, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(180, 120, page.Width, page.Height), XStringFormats.Center);
            gfx.DrawString("à : " + DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm tt"), fonta, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(174, 140, page.Width, page.Height), XStringFormats.Center);
            gfx.DrawString("© " + DateTime.Now.Year + ".", fonta, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(0, 200, page.Width, page.Height), XStringFormats.Center);
            XPen pen = new XPen(XColors.Navy, .5);

            gfx.DrawLine(pen, 70, 365, 520, 365);
            gfx.DrawString("Cité Hchachna en face CEM 1272 - Batna.", fonta, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(-135, 165, page.Width, page.Height), XStringFormats.Center);
            gfx.DrawString("Fixe : 033 28 30 67. Mobile : 0655 16 09 34", fonta, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(135, 165, page.Width, page.Height), XStringFormats.Center);
            XImage       image = XImage.FromFile(@"face.png");
            XImage       imagea = XImage.FromFile(@"twitter.png");
            XImage       imageb = XImage.FromFile(@"insta.png");
            XImage       imagec = XImage.FromFile(@"google.png");
            XImage       imaged = XImage.FromFile(@"link.png");
            const double dx = 500, dy = 790, dxa = 550, dxb = 600, dxc = 650, dxd = 700;

            double width = image.PixelWidth * 4.5 / image.HorizontalResolution;

            double height = image.PixelHeight * 4.5 / image.HorizontalResolution;

            gfx.DrawImage(image, (dx - width) / 2, (dy - height) / 2, width, height);
            gfx.DrawImage(imagea, (dxa - width) / 2, (dy - height) / 2, width, height);
            gfx.DrawImage(imageb, (dxb - width) / 2, (dy - height) / 2, width, height);
            gfx.DrawImage(imagec, (dxc - width) / 2, (dy - height) / 2, width, height);
            gfx.DrawImage(imaged, (dxd - width) / 2, (dy - height) / 2, width, height);

            // Save the document...
            FillExcelYear(nom, prenom, niveau, username);

            // Process open file dialog box results
            string mira  = i + "spec.pdf";
            string petha = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "Printex");

            document.Save(System.IO.Path.Combine(petha, mira));
            // ...and start a viewer.
            var prima = new Imprimir();

            prima.Viewer.Navigate(System.IO.Path.Combine(petha, mira));
Example #50
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PdfOutline"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="title">The outline text.</param>
 /// <param name="destinationPage">The destination page.</param>
 public PdfOutline(string title, PdfPage destinationPage)
     Title           = title;
     DestinationPage = destinationPage;
Example #51
        private async void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            client = new FireSharp.FirebaseClient(config);
            if (!nameBox.Text.Equals(null) || !unameBox.Text.Equals(null) || !passBox1.Text.Equals(null) || !passBox2.Text.Equals(null) || !hstudyBox.Text.Equals(null) || !desigBox.Text.Equals(null) || !phnBox.Text.Equals(null) || !mailBox.Text.Equals(null) || !idBox.Text.Equals(null) || deptCBox.SelectedIndex == -1 || sessionBox.SelectedIndex == -1 || pictureBox1.Image == null)
                if (passBox1.Text.Equals(passBox2.Text))
                    StudentData d = new StudentData();
             = hstudyBox.Text;
                    d.pass = passBox1.Text;
                    SetResponse res = null;
                    if (uType.Equals("Student"))
                        res = await client.SetTaskAsync("Student" + "Login/" + sessionBox.SelectedItem.ToString() + "/" + ch3 + unameBox.Text, d);
                    else if (uType.Equals("Alumni"))
                        AlumniData d1 = new AlumniData();
                   = nameBox.Text;
                     = idBox.Text;
                        d1.pass     = passBox1.Text;
                        d1.hStudy   = hstudyBox.Text;
                        d1.desig    = desigBox.Text;
                        d1.pAddrees = paddressBox.Text;
                        d1.phn      = phnBox.Text;
                        d1.mailid   = mailBox.Text;

                        String picSource = "D://3-1//Project c#//StudentTeacher//picSource//" + unameBox.Text + sessionBox.SelectedItem.ToString() + ".jpg";
                        d1.picid = picSource;
                        res      = await client.SetTaskAsync("AlumniLogin/" + ch3 + "/" + sessionBox.SelectedItem.ToString() + "/" + unameBox.Text, d1);

                        //MessageBox.Show(imgLoc + "  " + picSource);
                        System.IO.File.Copy(imgLoc, picSource);

                        //MessageBox.Show(imgLoc+"  "+picSource);

                        String text = "\nName: " + nameBox.Text + "\nId: " + idBox.Text + "\nHigher Study Info: " + hstudyBox.Text + "\nDesignation: " + desigBox.Text + "\nPressent Address: " + paddressBox.Text + "\nContact No.: " + phnBox.Text + "\nEmai: " + mailBox.Text + "\nDepartment: " + deptCBox.SelectedItem.ToString() + "\nSession: " + sessionBox.SelectedItem.ToString();
                        PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfDocument document = new PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfDocument();
                        PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfPage     page     = document.AddPage();
                        XGraphics gfx  = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);
                        XFont     font = new XFont("Times New Roman", 10, XFontStyle.Bold);
                        PdfSharp.Drawing.Layout.XTextFormatter tf = new PdfSharp.Drawing.Layout.XTextFormatter(gfx);

                        XRect rect = new XRect(40, 100, 250, 220);
                        gfx.DrawRectangle(XBrushes.SeaShell, rect);
                        tf.DrawString(text, font, XBrushes.Black, rect, XStringFormats.TopLeft);

                        string pdfFilename = "D://3-1//Project c#//StudentTeacher//pdfSource//" + sessionBox.SelectedItem.ToString() + unameBox.Text + ".pdf";

                        if (d1.pass.Equals(passBox1.Text))
                            MessageBox.Show("Registration Successfull..");

                    else if (uType.Equals("Teacher"))
                        res = await client.SetTaskAsync(uType + "Login/" + unameBox.Text, d);
                    MessageBox.Show("Passwords Are Not Identical..");
                MessageBox.Show("Some Fields are Not yet Filled or Selected....");
Example #52
        // create a preview
        public void CreatePreview()
            XRect rect;
            XPen  pen;

            PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfDocument document = new PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfDocument();

            document.Info.Title = "Created with PDFsharp";

            // Create an empty page
            PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfPage page = document.AddPage();

            // Get an XGraphics object for drawing
            page.Size        = PageSize.A5;
            page.Orientation = PageOrientation.Landscape;
            XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);
            double    x = 50, y = 100;
            XFont     fontH1 = new XFont("Times", 18, XFontStyle.Bold);

            XFont font = new XFont("Times", 12);

            XFont fontItalic = new XFont("Times", 12, XFontStyle.BoldItalic);

            double ls = font.GetHeight(gfx);

            // Draw some text

            gfx.DrawString("Create PDF on the fly with PDFsharp", fontH1, XBrushes.Black, x, x);

            gfx.DrawString("With PDFsharp you can use the same code to draw graphic, " +
                           "text and images on different targets.", font, XBrushes.Black, x, y);
            y += ls;
            gfx.DrawString("The object used for drawing is the XGraphics object.",
                           font, XBrushes.Black, x, y);
            y += 2 * ls;
            // Draw an arc

            pen = new XPen(XColors.Red, 4);

            pen.DashStyle = XDashStyle.Dash;

            gfx.DrawArc(pen, x + 20, y, 100, 60, 150, 120);

            // Draw a star
            XGraphicsState gs = gfx.Save();

            gfx.TranslateTransform(x + 140, y + 30);

            for (int idx = 0; idx < 360; idx += 10)


                gfx.DrawLine(XPens.DarkGreen, 0, 0, 30, 0);


            // Draw a rounded rectangle
            rect = new XRect(x + 230, y, 100, 60);
            pen  = new XPen(XColors.DarkBlue, 2.5);
            XColor color1 = XColor.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.DarkBlue);
            XColor color2 = XColors.Red;
            XLinearGradientBrush lbrush = new XLinearGradientBrush(rect, color1, color2,

            gfx.DrawRoundedRectangle(pen, lbrush, rect, new XSize(10, 10));

            // Draw a pie
            pen           = new XPen(XColors.DarkOrange, 1.5);
            pen.DashStyle = XDashStyle.Dot;
            gfx.DrawPie(pen, XBrushes.Blue, x + 360, y, 100, 60, -130, 135);

            // Draw some more text
            y += 60 + 2 * ls;
            gfx.DrawString("With XGraphics you can draw on a PDF page as well as on any System.Drawing.Graphics object.", font, XBrushes.Black, x, y);
            y += ls * 1.1;
            gfx.DrawString("Use the same code to", font, XBrushes.Black, x, y);
            x += 10;
            y += ls * 1.1;
            gfx.DrawString("• draw on a newly created PDF page", font, XBrushes.Black, x, y);
            y += ls;
            gfx.DrawString("• draw above or beneath of the content of an existing PDF page", font, XBrushes.Black, x, y);
            y += ls;
            gfx.DrawString("• draw in a window", font, XBrushes.Black, x, y);
            y += ls;
            gfx.DrawString("• draw on a printer", font, XBrushes.Black, x, y);
            y += ls;
            gfx.DrawString("• draw in a bitmap image", font, XBrushes.Black, x, y);
            x -= 10;
            y += ls * 1.1;
            gfx.DrawString("You can also import an existing PDF page and use it like an image, e.g. draw it on another PDF page.", font, XBrushes.Black, x, y);
            y += ls * 1.1 * 2;
            gfx.DrawString("Imported PDF pages are neither drawn nor printed; create a PDF file to see or print them!", fontItalic, XBrushes.Firebrick, x, y);
            y += ls * 1.1;
            gfx.DrawString("Below this text is a PDF form that will be visible when viewed or printed with a PDF viewer.", fontItalic, XBrushes.Firebrick, x, y);
            y += ls * 1.1;
            XGraphicsState state   = gfx.Save();
            XRect          rcImage = new XRect(100, y, 100, 100 * Math.Sqrt(2));

            gfx.DrawRectangle(XBrushes.Snow, rcImage);
            string kara = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "Printex");

            gfx.DrawImage(XPdfForm.FromFile(System.IO.Path.Combine(kara, "slother.pdf")), rcImage);
Example #53
 public void Reset()
     this.currentElement = null;
     this.index          = -1;
Example #54
 private bool IsPageSplit(PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfPage page)
     return(page.Annotations.Count == 1 && GetUrlLink(page.Annotations[0]) == SplitDocumentUri);
Example #55
        void DrawPageHeading(PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfPage page, XGraphics gfx, MimeMessage message)
            var From = message.From.ToString();

            From = Regex.Replace(From, @"""", "");
            var ResentDate = message.ResentDate.DateTime.ToString();
            var Date       = message.Date.DateTime.ToString();
            var To         = message.To.ToString();

            To = Regex.Replace(To, @"""", "");
            var    Subject = message.Subject;
            string filer   = "";

            foreach (var msg_attachment in message.Attachments)
                if ((msg_attachment is MimePart))
                    var part = msg_attachment as MimePart;
                    if (filer.Length > 0)
                        filer += "," + part.FileName;
                        filer += part.FileName;

            // HACK²
            gfx.MUH  = PdfFontEncoding.Unicode;
            gfx.MFEH = PdfFontEmbedding.Default;

            // You always need a MigraDoc document for rendering.
            MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Document doc = new MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Document();

            // Create a new style called Table based on style Normal
            var style = doc.Styles.AddStyle("Table", "Normal");

            style.Font.Name = "Verdana";
            style.Font.Name = "Arial";
            style.Font.Size = 9;

            Section sec   = doc.AddSection();
            var     table = sec.AddTable();

            table.Style = "Table";

            // Before you can add a row, you must define the columns
            Column column = table.AddColumn("3cm");

            column.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Left;
            column = table.AddColumn("17cm");
            column.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Left;

            Row row = table.AddRow();

            row.Cells[0].Borders.Visible = false;
            row.Cells[0].Format.Font.Bold = true;
            row.Cells[0].Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Left;
            row.Cells[1].Borders.Visible  = false;
            row.Cells[1].Format.Font.Bold = false;
            row.Cells[1].Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Left;
            row.Format.SpaceAfter         = 2;

            row = table.AddRow();
            row.Cells[0].Borders.Visible = false;
            row.Cells[0].AddParagraph("Sendt: ");
            row.Cells[0].Format.Font.Bold = true;
            row.Cells[0].Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Left;
            row.Cells[1].Borders.Visible  = false;
            row.Cells[1].Format.Font.Bold = false;
            row.Cells[1].Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Left;
            row.Format.SpaceAfter         = 2;

            row = table.AddRow();
            row.Cells[0].Borders.Visible = false;
            row.Cells[0].Format.Font.Bold = true;
            row.Cells[0].Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Left;
            row.Cells[1].Borders.Visible  = false;
            row.Cells[1].Format.Font.Bold = false;
            row.Cells[1].Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Left;
            row.Format.SpaceAfter         = 2;

            row = table.AddRow();
            row.Cells[0].Borders.Visible = false;
            row.Cells[0].Format.Font.Bold = true;
            row.Cells[0].Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Left;
            row.Cells[1].Borders.Visible  = false;
            row.Cells[1].Format.Font.Bold = false;
            row.Cells[1].Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Left;

            if (filer.Length > 0)
                row.Format.SpaceAfter = 2;
                row = table.AddRow();
                row.Cells[0].Borders.Visible = false;
                row.Cells[0].AddParagraph("Vedhæftede filer:");
                row.Cells[0].Format.Font.Bold = true;
                row.Cells[0].Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Left;
                row.Cells[1].Borders.Visible  = false;
                row.Cells[1].Format.Font.Bold = false;
                row.Cells[1].Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Left;

            // Create a renderer and prepare (=layout) the document
            MigraDoc.Rendering.DocumentRenderer docRenderer = new DocumentRenderer(doc);

            var box = page.MediaBox.ToXRect();

            box.Inflate(-20, -25);
            // Render the paragraph. You can render tables or shapes the same way.
            docRenderer.RenderObject(gfx, box.Location.X, box.Location.X, box.Width, table);