public BarCodeRenderInfo(XGraphics gfx, XBrush brush, XFont font, XPoint position) { Gfx = gfx; Brush = brush; Font = font; Position = position; }
/// <summary> /// Demonstrates the use of XGraphics.DrawBeziers. /// </summary> public override void RenderPage(XGraphics gfx) { base.RenderPage(gfx); int n = 2; int count = 1 + 3 * n; XPoint[] points = new XPoint[count]; Random rnd = new Random(42); for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) { points[idx].X = 20 + rnd.Next(600); points[idx].Y = 50 + rnd.Next(800); } // Draw the points XPen pen = new XPen(XColors.Red, 0.5); pen.DashStyle = XDashStyle.Dash; for (int idx = 0; idx + 3 < count; idx += 3) { gfx.DrawEllipse(XBrushes.Red, MakeRect(points[idx])); gfx.DrawEllipse(XBrushes.Red, MakeRect(points[idx + 1])); gfx.DrawEllipse(XBrushes.Red, MakeRect(points[idx + 2])); gfx.DrawEllipse(XBrushes.Red, MakeRect(points[idx + 3])); gfx.DrawLine(pen, points[idx], points[idx + 1]); gfx.DrawLine(pen, points[idx + 2], points[idx + 3]); } // Draw the curve gfx.DrawBeziers(properties.Pen2.Pen, points); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="XLinearGradientBrush"/> class. /// </summary> public XLinearGradientBrush(XPoint point1, XPoint point2, XColor color1, XColor color2) { this.point1 = point1; this.point2 = point2; this.color1 = color1; this.color2 = color2; }
/// <summary> /// Calculates the space used for the axis title. /// </summary> internal override void Format() { XGraphics gfx = _rendererParms.Graphics; AxisTitleRendererInfo atri = ((AxisRendererInfo)_rendererParms.RendererInfo)._axisTitleRendererInfo; if (atri.AxisTitleText != "") { XSize size = gfx.MeasureString(atri.AxisTitleText, atri.AxisTitleFont); if (atri.AxisTitleOrientation != 0) { XPoint[] points = new XPoint[2]; points[0].X = 0; points[0].Y = 0; points[1].X = size.Width; points[1].Y = size.Height; XMatrix matrix = new XMatrix(); matrix.RotatePrepend(-atri.AxisTitleOrientation); matrix.TransformPoints(points); size.Width = Math.Abs(points[1].X - points[0].X); size.Height = Math.Abs(points[1].Y - points[0].Y); } atri.X = 0; atri.Y = 0; atri.Height = size.Height; atri.Width = size.Width; } }
/// <summary> /// Demonstrates the use of XGraphics.DrawRoundedRectangle. /// </summary> public override void RenderPage(XGraphics gfx) { base.RenderPage(gfx); // Stroke ellipse gfx.DrawEllipse(properties.Pen1.Pen, 50, 100, 450, 150); // Fill ellipse gfx.DrawEllipse(properties.Brush2.Brush, new Rectangle(50, 300, 450, 150)); // Stroke and fill ellipse gfx.DrawEllipse(properties.Pen2.Pen, properties.Brush2.Brush, new RectangleF(50, 500, 450, 150)); // Stroke circle gfx.DrawEllipse(properties.Pen2.Pen, new XRect(100, 200, 400, 400)); #if DEBUG int count = 360; XPoint[] circle = new XPoint[count]; for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) { double rad = idx * 2 * Math.PI / count; circle[idx].X = Math.Cos(rad) * 200 + 300; circle[idx].Y = Math.Sin(rad) * 200 + 400; } gfx.DrawPolygon(properties.Pen3.Pen, circle); #endif }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the XRect class. /// </summary> public XRect(XPoint location, XSize size) { this.x = location.X; this.y = location.Y; this.width = size.Width; this.height = size.Height; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the XRect class. /// </summary> public XRect(XPoint point1, XPoint point2) { _x = Math.Min(point1.X, point2.X); _y = Math.Min(point1.Y, point2.Y); _width = Math.Max(Math.Max(point1.X, point2.X) - _x, 0); _height = Math.Max(Math.Max(point1.Y, point2.Y) - _y, 0); }
/// <summary> /// Appends a Bézier segment from a curve. /// </summary> public static BezierSegment CreateCurveSegment(XPoint pt0, XPoint pt1, XPoint pt2, XPoint pt3, double tension3) { return new BezierSegment( new System.Windows.Point(pt1.X + tension3 * (pt2.X - pt0.X), pt1.Y + tension3 * (pt2.Y - pt0.Y)), new System.Windows.Point(pt2.X - tension3 * (pt3.X - pt1.X), pt2.Y - tension3 * (pt3.Y - pt1.Y)), new System.Windows.Point(pt2.X, pt2.Y), true); }
/// <summary> /// Convert from WinForms point to core point. /// </summary> public static XPoint[] Convert(RPoint[] points) { XPoint[] myPoints = new XPoint[points.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++) myPoints[i] = Convert(points[i]); return myPoints; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the XRect class. /// </summary> public XRect(XPoint point1, XPoint point2) { this.x = Math.Min(point1.x, point2.x); this.y = Math.Min(point1.y, point2.y); this.width = Math.Max((double)(Math.Max(point1.x, point2.x) - this.x), 0); this.height = Math.Max((double)(Math.Max(point1.y, point2.y) - this.y), 0); }
/// <summary> /// Draws the content of the area plot area. /// </summary> internal override void Draw() { ChartRendererInfo cri = (ChartRendererInfo)this.rendererParms.RendererInfo; XRect plotAreaRect = cri.plotAreaRendererInfo.Rect; if (plotAreaRect.IsEmpty) return; XGraphics gfx = this.rendererParms.Graphics; XGraphicsState state = gfx.Save(); //gfx.SetClip(plotAreaRect, XCombineMode.Intersect); gfx.IntersectClip(plotAreaRect); XMatrix matrix = cri.plotAreaRendererInfo.matrix; double xMajorTick = cri.xAxisRendererInfo.MajorTick; foreach (SeriesRendererInfo sri in cri.seriesRendererInfos) { int count = sri.series.Elements.Count; XPoint[] points = new XPoint[count + 2]; points[0] = new XPoint(xMajorTick / 2, 0); for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) { double pointValue = sri.series.Elements[idx].Value; if (double.IsNaN(pointValue)) pointValue = 0; points[idx + 1] = new XPoint(idx + xMajorTick / 2, pointValue); } points[count + 1] = new XPoint(count - 1 + xMajorTick / 2, 0); matrix.TransformPoints(points); gfx.DrawPolygon(sri.LineFormat, sri.FillFormat, points, XFillMode.Winding); } //gfx.ResetClip(); gfx.Restore(state); }
public Pagel(Pagel parent, XRect percetileRectangle) { parent.AddChild(this); this.minPoint = new XPoint(parent.Rectangle.X * percetileRectangle.X, parent.Rectangle.Y * percetileRectangle.Y); this.maxPoint = minPoint + new XPoint(parent.Rectangle.Width * percetileRectangle.Width, parent.Rectangle.Height * percetileRectangle.Height); this.Rectangle = new XRect(minPoint, maxPoint); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a five-pointed star with the specified size and center. /// </summary> public static XPoint[] GetPentagram(double size, XPoint center) { XPoint[] points = Pentagram.Clone() as XPoint[]; for (int idx = 0; idx < 5; idx++) { points[idx].X = points[idx].X * size + center.X; points[idx].Y = points[idx].Y * size + center.Y; } return points; }
public void DrawBarCharts(XGraphics gfx) { XPoint backgroundPoint = new XPoint(20, page_.Height * 0.55); XRect backgroundRect = new XRect(backgroundPoint.X, backgroundPoint.Y, page_.Width - 40, page_.Height * 0.425); double quarterRectWidth = backgroundRect.Width * 0.25; double offset = quarterRectWidth * 0.25; DrawingUtil.DrawOutlineRect(backgroundRect, gfx, new XSize(40,40)); gfx.DrawRoundedRectangle(new XSolidBrush(XColor.FromKnownColor(XKnownColor.Gray)), backgroundRect, new XSize(40, 40)); DoubleBar ShoulderFlexionBar = new DoubleBar(userParameters_[dataReadStart + 4], userParameters_[dataReadStart + 9], gfx); ShoulderFlexionBar.Draw(new XPoint(quarterRectWidth - offset, backgroundPoint.Y + 20), backgroundRect, XImage.FromFile(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Content\DOS.png")); DoubleBar hipFlexionBar = new DoubleBar(userParameters_[dataReadStart + 5], userParameters_[dataReadStart + 10], gfx); hipFlexionBar.Draw(new XPoint(quarterRectWidth * 2 - offset, backgroundPoint.Y + 20), backgroundRect, XImage.FromFile(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Content\DOS.png")); DoubleBar kneeFlexionBar = new DoubleBar(userParameters_[dataReadStart + 6], userParameters_[dataReadStart + 11], gfx); kneeFlexionBar.Draw(new XPoint(quarterRectWidth * 3 - offset, backgroundPoint.Y + 20), backgroundRect, XImage.FromFile(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Content\DOS.png")); DoubleBar ankleFlexionBar = new DoubleBar(userParameters_[dataReadStart + 7], userParameters_[dataReadStart + 12], gfx); ankleFlexionBar.Draw(new XPoint(quarterRectWidth * 4 - offset, backgroundPoint.Y + 20), backgroundRect, XImage.FromFile(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Content\DOS.png")); gfx.DrawString("Degrees :", new XFont("Arial", 10), XBrushes.Black, (backgroundPoint + new XPoint(0, 20)) + new XPoint(backgroundRect.Width * 0.05, backgroundRect.Height * 0.05), XStringFormats.Center); gfx.DrawString("LSI % :", new XFont("Arial", 10), XBrushes.Black, (backgroundPoint + new XPoint(0, 20)) + new XPoint(backgroundRect.Width * 0.05, backgroundRect.Height * 0.125), XStringFormats.Center); XPoint top = new XPoint(backgroundPoint.X, backgroundPoint.Y + backgroundRect.Height * 0.2); XPoint bottom = new XPoint(backgroundPoint.X, backgroundPoint.Y + backgroundRect.Height * 0.8); for (int i = 11; i > 0; i--) { float increment = -i * 0.1f; XPoint percentagePoint = DrawingUtil.Instance.Interpolate(top, bottom, increment); percentagePoint = new XPoint(percentagePoint.X, Math.Floor(percentagePoint.Y)); gfx.DrawString(((11 - i) * 10).ToString() + "%", new XFont("Arial", 8), XBrushes.Black, percentagePoint + new XPoint(5, -2)); gfx.DrawLine(XPens.LightGray, percentagePoint, percentagePoint + new XPoint(backgroundRect.Width, 0)); } }
/// <summary> /// Appends a Bézier segment from a curve. /// </summary> public static BezierSegment CreateCurveSegment(XPoint pt0, XPoint pt1, XPoint pt2, XPoint pt3, double tension3) { #if !SILVERLIGHT return new BezierSegment( new System.Windows.Point(pt1.X + tension3 * (pt2.X - pt0.X), pt1.Y + tension3 * (pt2.Y - pt0.Y)), new System.Windows.Point(pt2.X - tension3 * (pt3.X - pt1.X), pt2.Y - tension3 * (pt3.Y - pt1.Y)), new System.Windows.Point(pt2.X, pt2.Y), true); #else return new BezierSegment(); // AGHACK #endif }
public override void RenderPage(XGraphics gfx) { base.RenderPage(gfx); XPoint[] points = new XPoint[] { new XPoint(50, 100), new XPoint(450, 120), new XPoint(550, 300), new XPoint(150, 380), }; gfx.DrawCurve(properties.Pen2.Pen, points, properties.General.Tension); }
public void Draw(XPoint basePoint, XRect baseRect, XImage img) { XFont headerFont = new XFont("Arial", 16); XFont subfont = new XFont("Arial", 10); char degree = Convert.ToChar('\u00b0'); gfx.DrawString(parameterLeft.Name.Substring(5, parameterLeft.Name.Length - 5), headerFont, XBrushes.Black, basePoint, XStringFormats.Center); gfx.DrawString(parameterLeft.Value.ToString() + degree, subfont, XBrushes.Black, basePoint + new XPoint(-15, baseRect.Height * 0.05),XStringFormats.Center); gfx.DrawString(parameterRight.Value.ToString() + degree, subfont, XBrushes.Black, basePoint + new XPoint(20, baseRect.Height * 0.05), XStringFormats.Center); XBrush brush = XBrushes.Black; brush = DrawingUtil.Instance.ChooseBrushColor(parameterLeft.LSI, 49, 74); XRect r = new XRect(basePoint + new XPoint(-baseRect.Width * 0.05, baseRect.Height * 0.075), new XSize(baseRect.Width * 0.1, baseRect.Height * 0.075)); DrawingUtil.DrawOutlineRect(r, gfx, new XSize(10, 10)); gfx.DrawRoundedRectangle(brush, r, new XSize(10,10)); gfx.DrawString(parameterLeft.LSI.ToString("0") + "%", subfont, XBrushes.Black, basePoint + new XPoint(baseRect.Width * -0.025, baseRect.Height * 0.125)); XSolidBrush blue = new XSolidBrush(XColor.FromArgb(127, 0, 0, 255)); XSolidBrush yellow = new XSolidBrush(XColor.FromArgb(127, 255, 255, 0)); XPoint top = new XPoint(basePoint.X - 20,Math.Ceiling( basePoint.Y + baseRect.Height * 0.2)); XPoint bottom = new XPoint(basePoint.X - 20, Math.Ceiling(basePoint.Y + baseRect.Height * 0.8)); XPoint leftRectPoint = Interpolate(bottom, top, -parameterLeft.Percentage); XRect leftBar = new XRect(leftRectPoint, new XSize(20, bottom.Y - leftRectPoint.Y )); gfx.DrawRectangle(blue, leftBar); XPoint rigthRectPoint = Interpolate(bottom, top, -parameterRight.Percentage); XRect rightBar = new XRect(rigthRectPoint + new XPoint(30,0), new XSize(20, bottom.Y - rigthRectPoint.Y)); gfx.DrawRectangle(yellow, rightBar); XPoint offset = new XPoint(25, 0); gfx.DrawLine(XPens.Green, top + offset, bottom + offset); gfx.DrawLine(XPens.Yellow, Interpolate(bottom, top, - parameterLeft.AmberVal) + offset, bottom + offset); gfx.DrawLine(XPens.Red, Interpolate(bottom, top, -parameterLeft.RedVal) + offset, bottom + offset); gfx.DrawString("L", subfont, XBrushes.Black, bottom + new XPoint(5, -2)); gfx.DrawString("R", subfont, XBrushes.Black, bottom + new XPoint(35, -2)); double wRatio = (double)img.PixelWidth / (double)img.PixelHeight; gfx.DrawImage(img, new XRect(new XPoint(bottom.X, bottom.Y), new XSize(wRatio * 50, 50))); img.Dispose(); }
public void DrawStats(XGraphics gfx) { XFont large = new XFont("Arial", 20); XFont small = new XFont("Arial", 12); double yOff = page_.Height * 0.11; XRect rect = new XRect(20, yOff, page_.Width - 40, page_.Height - (yOff + 20)); DrawingUtil.DrawOutlineRect(rect, gfx, cornerRadius); gfx.DrawRoundedRectangle(backgroundBrush, rect, cornerRadius); XPoint center = new XPoint(page_.Width * 0.5, page_.Height * 0.45); XImage sideLunge = XImage.FromFile(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Content\SideLunge.png"); XImage frontLunge = XImage.FromFile(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Content\FrontLunge.png"); gfx.DrawString("Left Lunge", large, XBrushes.Black, new XPoint(center.X - page_.Width * 0.25, page_.Height * 0.25), XStringFormats.Center); gfx.DrawString("Right Lunge", large, XBrushes.Black, new XPoint(center.X + page_.Width * 0.25, page_.Height * 0.25), XStringFormats.Center); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Parameter param1 = userParameters_.ElementAt(dataReadStart + i); Parameter param2 = userParameters_.ElementAt(dataReadStart + i + 4); char degree = Convert.ToChar('\u00b0'); XBrush leftParamCol = XBrushes.Green; XBrush rightParamCol = XBrushes.Green; double y = (i * page_.Height * 0.15f) + page_.Height * 0.35; gfx.DrawString(param1.Name, small, XBrushes.Black, new XPoint(center.X - page_.Width * 0.25, y), XStringFormats.Center); leftParamCol = DrawingUtil.Instance.ChooseBrushColor(param1.Color); XRect infoRect = new XRect(center.X - page_.Width * 0.25 - 25, y + 20, 50, 35); DrawingUtil.DrawOutlineRect(infoRect, gfx, new XSize(10, 10)); gfx.DrawRoundedRectangle(leftParamCol, infoRect, new XSize(10, 10)); gfx.DrawString(param1.Value.ToString() + degree, small, XBrushes.Black, new XPoint(infoRect.X + 25, infoRect.Y + 17.5), XStringFormats.Center); gfx.DrawString(param2.Name, small, XBrushes.Black, new XPoint(center.X + page_.Width * 0.25, y), XStringFormats.Center); rightParamCol = DrawingUtil.Instance.ChooseBrushColor(param2.Color); infoRect = new XRect(center.X + page_.Width * 0.25 - 25, y + 20, 50, 35); DrawingUtil.DrawOutlineRect(infoRect, gfx, new XSize(10, 10)); gfx.DrawRoundedRectangle(rightParamCol, infoRect, new XSize(10, 10)); gfx.DrawString(param2.Value.ToString() + degree, small, XBrushes.Black, new XPoint(infoRect.X + 25, infoRect.Y + 17.5), XStringFormats.Center); XImage img = i > 1 ? frontLunge : sideLunge; double wRatio = (double)img.PixelWidth / (double)sideLunge.PixelHeight; XRect imgRect = new XRect(center.X - wRatio * 40, y, wRatio * 80, 80); gfx.DrawImage(img, imgRect); } }
/// <summary> /// Demonstrates the use of XGraphics.DrawLines. /// </summary> public override void RenderPage(XGraphics gfx) { //base.RenderPage(gfx); XPoint[] points = new XPoint[] { new XPoint(50, 100), new XPoint(450, 120), new XPoint(550, 300), new XPoint(150, 380), new XPoint(120, 190), }; gfx.DrawLines(properties.Pen2.Pen, points); }
/// <summary> /// Appends a Bézier segment from a curve. /// </summary> public static BezierSegment CreateCurveSegment(XPoint pt0, XPoint pt1, XPoint pt2, XPoint pt3, double tension3) { #if !SILVERLIGHT && !NETFX_CORE return new BezierSegment( new SysPoint(pt1.X + tension3 * (pt2.X - pt0.X), pt1.Y + tension3 * (pt2.Y - pt0.Y)), new SysPoint(pt2.X - tension3 * (pt3.X - pt1.X), pt2.Y - tension3 * (pt3.Y - pt1.Y)), new SysPoint(pt2.X, pt2.Y), true); #else BezierSegment bezierSegment = new BezierSegment(); bezierSegment.Point1 = new SysPoint(pt1.X + tension3 * (pt2.X - pt0.X), pt1.Y + tension3 * (pt2.Y - pt0.Y)); bezierSegment.Point2 = new SysPoint(pt2.X - tension3 * (pt3.X - pt1.X), pt2.Y - tension3 * (pt3.Y - pt1.Y)); bezierSegment.Point3 = new SysPoint(pt2.X, pt2.Y); return bezierSegment; #endif }
void DrawCodePage(XGraphics gfx, XPoint origin) { const double dx = 25; const double dy = 25; XFont labelFont = new XFont("Verdana", 10, XFontStyle.Bold); //XFont font = new XFont("Bauhaus", 16); XFont font =; //XFont labelFont = font; //font = new XFont("Symbol", 16); Encoding encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252); double asdf = XColors.LightGray.GS; //XBrush lighter = new XSolidBrush(XColor.FromGrayScale(XColor.LightGray.GS * 1.1)); XBrush lighter = new XSolidBrush(XColor.FromGrayScale(0.9)); XFontStyle style = font.Style; double lineSpace = font.GetHeight(gfx); int cellSpace = font.FontFamily.GetLineSpacing(style); int cellAscent = font.FontFamily.GetCellAscent(style); int cellDescent = font.FontFamily.GetCellDescent(style); int cellLeading = cellSpace - cellAscent - cellDescent; double ascent = lineSpace * cellAscent / cellSpace; double descent = lineSpace * cellDescent / cellSpace; double leading = lineSpace * cellLeading / cellSpace; double x = origin.X + dx; double y = origin.Y; //for (int idx = 0; idx < 16; idx++) // gfx.DrawString("x" + idx.ToString("X"), labelFont, XBrushes.DarkGray, x + idx * dx, y); for (int row = 0; row < 16; row++) { x = origin.X; y += dy; //gfx.DrawString(row.ToString("X") + "x", labelFont, XBrushes.DarkGray, x, y); for (int clm = 0; clm < 16; clm++) { x += dx; string glyph = encoding.GetString(new byte[1]{Convert.ToByte(row * 16 + clm)}); glyph += "!"; XSize size = gfx.MeasureString(glyph, font); gfx.DrawRectangle(XBrushes.LightGray, x, y - size.Height + descent, size.Width, size.Height); gfx.DrawRectangle(lighter, x, y - size.Height + descent, size.Width, leading); gfx.DrawRectangle(lighter, x, y, size.Width, descent); gfx.DrawString(glyph, font, XBrushes.Black, x, y); } } }
/// <summary> /// Renders the OMR code. /// </summary> protected internal override void Render(XGraphics gfx, XBrush brush, XFont font, XPoint position) { XGraphicsState state = gfx.Save(); switch (this.direction) { case CodeDirection.RightToLeft: gfx.RotateAtTransform(180, position); break; case CodeDirection.TopToBottom: gfx.RotateAtTransform(90, position); break; case CodeDirection.BottomToTop: gfx.RotateAtTransform(-90, position); break; } //XPoint pt = center - this.size / 2; XPoint pt = position - CodeBase.CalcDistance(AnchorType.TopLeft, this.anchor, this.size); uint value; uint.TryParse(this.text, out value); #if true // HACK: Project Wallenwein: set LK value |= 1; this.synchronizeCode = true; #endif if (this.synchronizeCode) { XRect rect = new XRect(pt.x, pt.y, this.makerThickness, this.size.height); gfx.DrawRectangle(brush, rect); pt.x += 2 * this.makerDistance; } for (int idx = 0; idx < 32; idx++) { if ((value & 1) == 1) { XRect rect = new XRect(pt.x + idx * this.makerDistance, pt.y, this.makerThickness, this.size.height); gfx.DrawRectangle(brush, rect); } value = value >> 1; } gfx.Restore(state); }
public void Draw(XPoint basePoint, XRect baseRect, XImage image) { XFont headerFont = new XFont("Arial", 16); XFont subfont = new XFont("Arial", 10); char degree = Convert.ToChar('\u00b0'); gfx.DrawString(parameterLeft.Name.Substring(5, parameterLeft.Name.Length - 5), headerFont, XBrushes.Black, basePoint, XStringFormats.Center); gfx.DrawString(parameterLeft.Value.ToString() + degree, subfont, XBrushes.Black, basePoint + new XPoint(-25, baseRect.Height * 0.05),XStringFormats.Center); gfx.DrawString(parameterRight.Value.ToString() + degree, subfont, XBrushes.Black, basePoint + new XPoint(25, baseRect.Height * 0.05), XStringFormats.Center); XBrush brush = XBrushes.Black; if (parameterLeft.LSI >= 75) brush = XBrushes.Green; else brush = XBrushes.Gold; gfx.DrawRoundedRectangle(brush, new XRect(basePoint + new XPoint(-baseRect.Width * 0.05, baseRect.Height * 0.075), new XSize(baseRect.Width * 0.1, baseRect.Height * 0.075)), new XSize(10,10)); gfx.DrawString(parameterLeft.LSI.ToString("0") + "%", subfont, XBrushes.Black, basePoint + new XPoint(baseRect.Width * -0.025, baseRect.Height * 0.125)); XSolidBrush blue = new XSolidBrush(XColor.FromArgb(127, 0, 0, 255)); XSolidBrush yellow = new XSolidBrush(XColor.FromArgb(127, 255, 255, 0)); XPoint top = new XPoint(basePoint.X - 20, basePoint.Y + baseRect.Height * 0.2); XPoint bottom = new XPoint(basePoint.X - 20, basePoint.Y + baseRect.Height * 0.8); XPoint leftRectPoint = Interpolate(bottom, top, -parameterLeft.Percentage); XRect leftBar = new XRect(leftRectPoint, new XSize(20, bottom.Y - leftRectPoint.Y )); gfx.DrawRectangle(blue, leftBar); XPoint rigthRectPoint = Interpolate(bottom, top, -parameterRight.Percentage); XRect rightBar = new XRect(rigthRectPoint + new XPoint(30,0), new XSize(20, bottom.Y - rigthRectPoint.Y)); gfx.DrawRectangle(yellow, rightBar); gfx.DrawString("L", subfont, XBrushes.Black, bottom + new XPoint(5, -2)); gfx.DrawString("R", subfont, XBrushes.Black, bottom + new XPoint(35, -2)); gfx.DrawImage(image, new XRect(bottom.X, bottom.Y, 50, 50)); image.Dispose(); }
private static void DrawLineCurveInternal(XGraphics gfx, XPen pen, bool isStroked, ref XPoint pt1, ref XPoint pt2, double curvature, Core2D.Style.CurveOrientation orientation, Core2D.Shape.PointAlignment pt1a, Core2D.Shape.PointAlignment pt2a) { if (isStroked) { var path = new XGraphicsPath(); double p1x = pt1.X; double p1y = pt1.Y; double p2x = pt2.X; double p2y = pt2.Y; Core2D.Shapes.XLineExtensions.GetCurvedLineBezierControlPoints(orientation, curvature, pt1a, pt2a, ref p1x, ref p1y, ref p2x, ref p2y); path.AddBezier( pt1.X, pt1.Y, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, pt2.X, pt2.Y); gfx.DrawPath(pen, path); } }
public XPoint[] GeneratePoints(XPoint center, float size, int sides, XGraphics gfx, int angleOffset = 270) { XPoint[] points = new XPoint[sides + 1]; float degreeSegments = 360.0f / sides; //calculte all of the point in the polygon for (int i = 0; i < sides; i++) { float angle = i * degreeSegments + angleOffset; angle *= ((float)Math.PI / 180); XPoint location = new XPoint(size * Math.Cos(angle) + center.X, size * Math.Sin(angle) + center.Y); points[i] = location; } points[sides] = points[0]; return points; }
/// <summary> /// Source and more infos: /// </summary> public override void RenderPage(XGraphics gfx) { base.RenderPage(gfx); //int R = 60, r = 60, p = 60, N = 270; // Cardioid //int R = 60, r = -45, p = -101, N = 270; // Rounded Square //int R = 75, r = -25, p = 85, N = 270; // Gold fish //int R = 75, r = -30, p = 60, N = 270; // Star fish //int R = 100, r = 49, p = 66, N = 7; // String of Pearls //int R = 90, r = 1, p = 105, N = 105; // Rotating Triangle //int R = 90, r = 1, p = 105, N = 105; int R = 60, r = 2, p = 122, N = 490; int revs = Math.Abs(r) / Gcd(R, Math.Abs(r)); XPoint[] points = new XPoint[revs * N + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= revs * N; i++) { double t = 4 * i * Math.PI / N; points[i].X = ((R+r)*Math.Cos(t) - p * Math.Cos((R+r)* t / r)); points[i].Y = ((R+r)*Math.Sin(t) - p * Math.Sin((R+r)* t / r)); } #if true // Draw as lines gfx.TranslateTransform(300, 250); gfx.DrawLines(properties.Pen2.Pen, points); //gfx.DrawPolygon(properties.Pen2.Pen, properties.Brush2.Brush, points, properties.General.FillMode); // Draw as closed curve gfx.TranslateTransform(0, 400); gfx.DrawClosedCurve(properties.Pen2.Pen, properties.Brush2.Brush, points, properties.General.FillMode, properties.General.Tension); #else gfx.TranslateTransform(300, 400); XSolidBrush dotBrush = new XSolidBrush(properties.Pen2.Pen.Color); float width = properties.Pen2.Width; for (int i = 0; i < revs * N; i++) gfx.DrawEllipse(dotBrush,points[i].X, points[i].Y, width, width); #endif }
/// <summary> /// Draws the content of the line plot area. /// </summary> internal override void Draw() { ChartRendererInfo cri = (ChartRendererInfo)this.rendererParms.RendererInfo; XRect plotAreaRect = cri.plotAreaRendererInfo.Rect; if (plotAreaRect.IsEmpty) return; XGraphics gfx = this.rendererParms.Graphics; XGraphicsState state = gfx.Save(); //gfx.SetClip(plotAreaRect, XCombineMode.Intersect); gfx.IntersectClip(plotAreaRect); //TODO null-Values müssen berücksichtigt werden. // Verbindungspunkte können fehlen, je nachdem wie null-Values behandelt werden sollen. // (NotPlotted, Interpolate etc.) // Draw lines and markers for each data series. XMatrix matrix = cri.plotAreaRendererInfo.matrix; double xMajorTick = cri.xAxisRendererInfo.MajorTick; foreach (SeriesRendererInfo sri in cri.seriesRendererInfos) { int count = sri.series.Elements.Count; XPoint[] points = new XPoint[count]; for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) { double v = sri.series.Elements[idx].Value; if (double.IsNaN(v)) v = 0; points[idx] = new XPoint(idx + xMajorTick / 2, v); } matrix.TransformPoints(points); gfx.DrawLines(sri.LineFormat, points); DrawMarker(gfx, points, sri); } //gfx.ResetClip(); gfx.Restore(state); }
public void DrawBarCharts(XGraphics gfx) { XPoint backgroundPoint = new XPoint(20, page.Height * 0.585); XRect backgroundRect = new XRect(backgroundPoint.X, backgroundPoint.Y, page.Width - 40, page.Height * 0.41); gfx.DrawRoundedRectangle(new XSolidBrush(XColor.FromKnownColor(XKnownColor.Gray)), backgroundRect, new XSize(40, 40)); DoubleBar ShoulderFlexionBar = new DoubleBar(userParameters["LEFT Shoulder Flexion"], userParameters["RIGHT Shoulder Flexion"], gfx); ShoulderFlexionBar.Draw(new XPoint(quaterWidth * 0.5 - 10,backgroundPoint.Y + 20), backgroundRect, XImage.FromFile(@"C:\Users\kevin\Desktop\PDFsharp\samples\Samples C#\Based on WPF\HelloWorld\Content\Shoulder Flexion.png")); DoubleBar hipFlexionBar = new DoubleBar(userParameters["LEFT Hip Flexion"], userParameters["RIGHT Hip Flexion"], gfx); hipFlexionBar.Draw(new XPoint(quaterWidth * 2 - (quaterWidth * 0.5) - 10, backgroundPoint.Y + 20), backgroundRect, XImage.FromFile(@"C:\Users\kevin\Desktop\PDFsharp\samples\Samples C#\Based on WPF\HelloWorld\Content\Hip Flexion.png")); DoubleBar kneeFlexionBar = new DoubleBar(userParameters["LEFT Knee Flexion"], userParameters["RIGHT Knee Flexion"], gfx); kneeFlexionBar.Draw(new XPoint(quaterWidth * 3 - (quaterWidth * 0.5) - 10, backgroundPoint.Y + 20), backgroundRect, XImage.FromFile(@"C:\Users\kevin\Desktop\PDFsharp\samples\Samples C#\Based on WPF\HelloWorld\Content\Knee Flexion.png")); DoubleBar ankleFlexionBar = new DoubleBar(userParameters["LEFT Ankle Flexion"], userParameters["RIGHT Ankle Flexion"], gfx); ankleFlexionBar.Draw(new XPoint(quaterWidth * 4 - (quaterWidth * 0.5) - 10, backgroundPoint.Y + 20), backgroundRect, XImage.FromFile(@"C:\Users\kevin\Desktop\PDFsharp\samples\Samples C#\Based on WPF\HelloWorld\Content\Ankle Flexion.png")); XPoint top = new XPoint(backgroundPoint.X, backgroundPoint.Y + backgroundRect.Height * 0.2); XPoint bottom = new XPoint(backgroundPoint.X, backgroundPoint.Y + backgroundRect.Height * 0.8); for (int i = 11; i > 0; i--) { float increment = -i * 0.1f; XPoint percentagePoint = Interpolate(top, bottom, increment); gfx.DrawString(((11 - i) * 10).ToString() + "%", new XFont("Arial", 8), XBrushes.Black, percentagePoint + new XPoint(5, 0)); gfx.DrawLine(XPens.Black, percentagePoint, percentagePoint + new XPoint(backgroundRect.Width, 0)); } }
/// <summary> /// Draws the content of the line plot area. /// </summary> internal override void Draw() { ChartRendererInfo cri = (ChartRendererInfo)_rendererParms.RendererInfo; XRect plotAreaRect = cri.plotAreaRendererInfo.Rect; if (plotAreaRect.IsEmpty) return; XGraphics gfx = _rendererParms.Graphics; XGraphicsState state = gfx.Save(); //gfx.SetClip(plotAreaRect, XCombineMode.Intersect); gfx.IntersectClip(plotAreaRect); //TODO Treat null values correctly. // Points can be missing. Treat null values accordingly (NotPlotted, Interpolate etc.) // Draw lines and markers for each data series. XMatrix matrix = cri.plotAreaRendererInfo._matrix; double xMajorTick = cri.xAxisRendererInfo.MajorTick; foreach (SeriesRendererInfo sri in cri.seriesRendererInfos) { int count = sri._series.Elements.Count; XPoint[] points = new XPoint[count]; for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) { double v = sri._series.Elements[idx].Value; if (double.IsNaN(v)) v = 0; points[idx] = new XPoint(idx + xMajorTick / 2, v); } matrix.TransformPoints(points); gfx.DrawLines(sri.LineFormat, points); DrawMarker(gfx, points, sri); } //gfx.ResetClip(); gfx.Restore(state); }
/// <summary> /// Indicates whether the rectangle contains the specified point. /// </summary> public bool Contains(XPoint point) { return(Contains(point.X, point.Y)); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a point and a vector. /// </summary> public static XPoint Add(XPoint point, XVector vector) { return(new XPoint(point._x + vector.X, point._y + vector.Y)); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a point and a vector. /// </summary> public static XPoint Add(XPoint point, XVector vector) { return(new XPoint(point.x + vector.x, point.y + vector.y)); }
public static PDF.XGraphicsPath ToXGraphicsPath(this IPathGeometry pg, Func <double, double> scale) { var gp = new PDF.XGraphicsPath() { FillMode = pg.FillRule == FillRule.EvenOdd ? PDF.XFillMode.Alternate : PDF.XFillMode.Winding }; foreach (var pf in pg.Figures) { var startPoint = pf.StartPoint; foreach (var segment in pf.Segments) { if (segment is IArcSegment arcSegment) { #if WPF var point1 = new PDF.XPoint( scale(startPoint.X), scale(startPoint.Y)); var point2 = new PDF.XPoint( scale(arcSegment.Point.X), scale(arcSegment.Point.Y)); var size = new PDF.XSize( scale(arcSegment.Size.Width), scale(arcSegment.Size.Height)); gp.AddArc( point1, point2, size, arcSegment.RotationAngle, arcSegment.IsLargeArc, arcSegment.SweepDirection == SweepDirection.Clockwise ? PDF.XSweepDirection.Clockwise : PDF.XSweepDirection.Counterclockwise); startPoint = arcSegment.Point; #else // TODO: Convert WPF/SVG elliptical arc segment format to GDI+ bezier curves. startPoint = arcSegment.Point; #endif } else if (segment is ICubicBezierSegment cubicBezierSegment) { gp.AddBezier( scale(startPoint.X), scale(startPoint.Y), scale(cubicBezierSegment.Point1.X), scale(cubicBezierSegment.Point1.Y), scale(cubicBezierSegment.Point2.X), scale(cubicBezierSegment.Point2.Y), scale(cubicBezierSegment.Point3.X), scale(cubicBezierSegment.Point3.Y)); startPoint = cubicBezierSegment.Point3; } else if (segment is ILineSegment) { var lineSegment = segment as ILineSegment; gp.AddLine( scale(startPoint.X), scale(startPoint.Y), scale(lineSegment.Point.X), scale(lineSegment.Point.Y)); startPoint = lineSegment.Point; } else if (segment is IQuadraticBezierSegment quadraticBezierSegment) { var p1 = startPoint; var p2 = quadraticBezierSegment.Point1; var p3 = quadraticBezierSegment.Point2; double x1 = p1.X; double y1 = p1.Y; double x2 = p1.X + (2.0 * (p2.X - p1.X)) / 3.0; double y2 = p1.Y + (2.0 * (p2.Y - p1.Y)) / 3.0; double x3 = x2 + (p3.X - p1.X) / 3.0; double y3 = y2 + (p3.Y - p1.Y) / 3.0; double x4 = p3.X; double y4 = p3.Y; gp.AddBezier( scale(x1), scale(y1), scale(x2), scale(y2), scale(x3), scale(y3), scale(x4), scale(y4)); startPoint = quadraticBezierSegment.Point2; } else { throw new NotSupportedException("Not supported segment type: " + segment.GetType()); } } if (pf.IsClosed) { gp.CloseFigure(); } else { gp.StartFigure(); } } return(gp); }
/// <summary> /// Creates between 1 and 5 Béziers curves from parameters specified like in WPF. /// </summary> public static List <XPoint> BezierCurveFromArc(XPoint point1, XPoint point2, XSize size, double rotationAngle, bool isLargeArc, bool clockwise, PathStart pathStart) { // See also from January 2, 2008: // double δx = size.Width; double δy = size.Height; Debug.Assert(δx * δy > 0); double factor = δy / δx; bool isCounterclockwise = !clockwise; // Adjust for different radii and rotation angle. XMatrix matrix = new XMatrix(); matrix.RotateAppend(-rotationAngle); matrix.ScaleAppend(δy / δx, 1); XPoint pt1 = matrix.Transform(point1); XPoint pt2 = matrix.Transform(point2); // Get info about chord that connects both points. XPoint midPoint = new XPoint((pt1.X + pt2.X) / 2, (pt1.Y + pt2.Y) / 2); XVector vect = pt2 - pt1; double halfChord = vect.Length / 2; // Get vector from chord to center. XVector vectRotated; // (comparing two Booleans here!) if (isLargeArc == isCounterclockwise) { vectRotated = new XVector(-vect.Y, vect.X); } else { vectRotated = new XVector(vect.Y, -vect.X); } vectRotated.Normalize(); // Distance from chord to center. double centerDistance = Math.Sqrt(δy * δy - halfChord * halfChord); if (double.IsNaN(centerDistance)) { centerDistance = 0; } // Calculate center point. XPoint center = midPoint + centerDistance * vectRotated; // Get angles from center to the two points. double α = Math.Atan2(pt1.Y - center.Y, pt1.X - center.X); double β = Math.Atan2(pt2.Y - center.Y, pt2.X - center.X); // (another comparison of two Booleans!) if (isLargeArc == (Math.Abs(β - α) < Math.PI)) { if (α < β) { α += 2 * Math.PI; } else { β += 2 * Math.PI; } } // Invert matrix for final point calculation. matrix.Invert(); double sweepAngle = β - α; // Let the algorithm of GDI+ DrawArc to Bézier curves do the rest of the job return(BezierCurveFromArc(center.X - δx * factor, center.Y - δy, 2 * δx * factor, 2 * δy, α / Calc.Deg2Rad, sweepAngle / Calc.Deg2Rad, pathStart, ref matrix)); }
/// <summary> /// Multiplies a point with a matrix. /// </summary> public static XPoint Multiply(XPoint point, XMatrix matrix) { return(matrix.Transform(point)); }
/// <summary> /// Indicates whether this instance and a specified point are equal. /// </summary> public bool Equals(XPoint value) { return(Equals(this, value)); }
public static XPoint Add(XVector vector, XPoint point) { return(new XPoint(point.X + vector._x, point.Y + vector._y)); }
/// <summary> /// Appends a Bézier segment from a curve. /// </summary> public static BezierSegment CreateCurveSegment(XPoint pt0, XPoint pt1, XPoint pt2, XPoint pt3, double tension3) { #if !SILVERLIGHT && !NETFX_CORE return(new BezierSegment( new SysPoint(pt1.X + tension3 * (pt2.X - pt0.X), pt1.Y + tension3 * (pt2.Y - pt0.Y)), new SysPoint(pt2.X - tension3 * (pt3.X - pt1.X), pt2.Y - tension3 * (pt3.Y - pt1.Y)), new SysPoint(pt2.X, pt2.Y), true)); #else BezierSegment bezierSegment = new BezierSegment(); bezierSegment.Point1 = new SysPoint(pt1.X + tension3 * (pt2.X - pt0.X), pt1.Y + tension3 * (pt2.Y - pt0.Y)); bezierSegment.Point2 = new SysPoint(pt2.X - tension3 * (pt3.X - pt1.X), pt2.Y - tension3 * (pt3.Y - pt1.Y)); bezierSegment.Point3 = new SysPoint(pt2.X, pt2.Y); return(bezierSegment); #endif }
/// <summary> /// Sets current rectangle to the union of the current rectangle and the specified point. /// </summary> public void Union(XPoint point) { Union(new XRect(point, point)); }
GetArcAngle( XPoint startPoint, // Start point XPoint endPoint, // End point bool isLargeArc, // Choose the larger of the 2 possible arcs if TRUE //SweepDirection sweepDirection, // Direction n which to sweep the arc. bool isClockwise, out double cosArcAngle, // Cosine of a the sweep angle of one arc piece out double sinArcAngle, // Sine of a the sweep angle of one arc piece out int pieces) // Out: The number of pieces { double angle; // The points are on the unit circle, so: cosArcAngle = startPoint.X * endPoint.X + startPoint.Y * endPoint.Y; sinArcAngle = startPoint.X * endPoint.Y - startPoint.Y * endPoint.X; if (cosArcAngle >= 0) { if (isLargeArc) { // The angle is between 270 and 360 degrees, so pieces = 4; } else { // The angle is between 0 and 90 degrees, so pieces = 1; return; // We already have the cosine and sine of the angle } } else { if (isLargeArc) { // The angle is between 180 and 270 degrees, so pieces = 3; } else { // The angle is between 90 and 180 degrees, so pieces = 2; } } // We have to chop the arc into the computed number of pieces. For cPieces=2 and 4 we could // have uses the half-angle trig formulas, but for pieces=3 it requires solving a cubic // equation; the performance difference is not worth the extra code, so we'll get the angle, // divide it, and get its sine and cosine. Debug.Assert(pieces > 0); angle = Math.Atan2(sinArcAngle, cosArcAngle); if (isClockwise) { if (angle < 0) { angle += Math.PI * 2; } } else { if (angle > 0) { angle -= Math.PI * 2; } } angle /= pieces; cosArcAngle = Math.Cos(angle); sinArcAngle = Math.Sin(angle); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the intersection of a rectangle and a point. /// </summary> public static XRect Union(XRect rect, XPoint point) { rect.Union(new XRect(point, point)); return(rect); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the XRect class. /// </summary> public XRect(XPoint point, XVector vector) : this(point, point + vector) { }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: ArcToBezier // // Synopsis: Compute the Bezier approximation of an arc // // Notes: This utilitycomputes the Bezier approximation for an elliptical arc as it is defined // in the SVG arc spec. The ellipse from which the arc is carved is axis-aligned in its // own coordinates, and defined there by its x and y radii. The rotation angle defines // how the ellipse's axes are rotated relative to our x axis. The start and end points // define one of 4 possible arcs; the sweep and large-arc flags determine which one of // these arcs will be chosen. See SVG spec for details. // // Returning pieces = 0 indicates a line instead of an arc // pieces = -1 indicates that the arc degenerates to a point // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static PointCollection ArcToBezier(double xStart, double yStart, double xRadius, double yRadius, double rotationAngle, bool isLargeArc, bool isClockwise, double xEnd, double yEnd, out int pieces) { double cosArcAngle, sinArcAngle, xCenter, yCenter, r, bezDist; XVector vecToBez1, vecToBez2; XMatrix matToEllipse; double fuzz2 = FUZZ * FUZZ; bool isZeroCenter = false; pieces = -1; // In the following, the line segment between between the arc's start and // end points is referred to as "the chord". // Transform 1: Shift the origin to the chord's midpoint double x = (xEnd - xStart) / 2; double y = (yEnd - yStart) / 2; double halfChord2 = x * x + y * y; // (half chord length)^2 // Degenerate case: single point if (halfChord2 < fuzz2) { // The chord degeneartes to a point, the arc will be ignored return(null); } // Degenerate case: straight line if (!AcceptRadius(halfChord2, fuzz2, ref xRadius) || !AcceptRadius(halfChord2, fuzz2, ref yRadius)) { // We have a zero radius, add a straight line segment instead of an arc pieces = 0; return(null); } if (xRadius == 0 || yRadius == 0) { // We have a zero radius, add a straight line segment instead of an arc pieces = 0; return(null); } // Transform 2: Rotate to the ellipse's coordinate system rotationAngle = -rotationAngle * Calc.Deg2Rad; double cos = Math.Cos(rotationAngle); double sin = Math.Sin(rotationAngle); r = x * cos - y * sin; y = x * sin + y * cos; x = r; // Transform 3: Scale so that the ellipse will become a unit circle x /= xRadius; y /= yRadius; // We get to the center of that circle along a verctor perpendicular to the chord // from the origin, which is the chord's midpoint. By Pythagoras, the length of that // vector is sqrt(1 - (half chord)^2). halfChord2 = x * x + y * y; // now in the circle coordinates if (halfChord2 > 1) { // The chord is longer than the circle's diameter; we scale the radii uniformly so // that the chord will be a diameter. The center will then be the chord's midpoint, // which is now the origin. r = Math.Sqrt(halfChord2); xRadius *= r; yRadius *= r; xCenter = yCenter = 0; isZeroCenter = true; // Adjust the unit-circle coordinates x and y x /= r; y /= r; } else { // The length of (-y,x) or (x,-y) is sqrt(rHalfChord2), and we want a vector // of length sqrt(1 - rHalfChord2), so we'll multiply it by: r = Math.Sqrt((1 - halfChord2) / halfChord2); //if (isLargeArc != (eSweepDirection == SweepDirection.Clockwise)) if (isLargeArc != isClockwise) // Going to the center from the origin=chord-midpoint { // in the direction of (-y, x) xCenter = -r * y; yCenter = r * x; } else { // in the direction of (y, -x) xCenter = r * y; yCenter = -r * x; } } // Transformation 4: shift the origin to the center of the circle, which then becomes // the unit circle. Since the chord's midpoint is the origin, the start point is (-x, -y) // and the endpoint is (x, y). XPoint ptStart = new XPoint(-x - xCenter, -y - yCenter); XPoint ptEnd = new XPoint(x - xCenter, y - yCenter); // Set up the matrix that will take us back to our coordinate system. This matrix is // the inverse of the combination of transformation 1 thru 4. matToEllipse = new XMatrix(cos * xRadius, -sin * xRadius, sin * yRadius, cos * yRadius, (xEnd + xStart) / 2, (yEnd + yStart) / 2); if (!isZeroCenter) { // Prepend the translation that will take the origin to the circle's center matToEllipse.OffsetX += (matToEllipse.M11 * xCenter + matToEllipse.M21 * yCenter); matToEllipse.OffsetY += (matToEllipse.M12 * xCenter + matToEllipse.M22 * yCenter); } // Get the sine & cosine of the angle that will generate the arc pieces GetArcAngle(ptStart, ptEnd, isLargeArc, isClockwise, out cosArcAngle, out sinArcAngle, out pieces); // Get the vector to the first Bezier control point bezDist = GetBezierDistance(cosArcAngle, 1); //if (eSweepDirection == SweepDirection.Counterclockwise) if (!isClockwise) { bezDist = -bezDist; } vecToBez1 = new XVector(-bezDist * ptStart.Y, bezDist * ptStart.X); PointCollection result = new PointCollection(); // Add the arc pieces, except for the last for (int idx = 1; idx < pieces; idx++) { // Get the arc piece's endpoint XPoint ptPieceEnd = new XPoint(ptStart.X * cosArcAngle - ptStart.Y * sinArcAngle, ptStart.X * sinArcAngle + ptStart.Y * cosArcAngle); vecToBez2 = new XVector(-bezDist * ptPieceEnd.Y, bezDist * ptPieceEnd.X); result.Add(matToEllipse.Transform(ptStart + vecToBez1)); result.Add(matToEllipse.Transform(ptPieceEnd - vecToBez2)); result.Add(matToEllipse.Transform(ptPieceEnd)); // Move on to the next arc ptStart = ptPieceEnd; vecToBez1 = vecToBez2; } // Last arc - we know the endpoint vecToBez2 = new XVector(-bezDist * ptEnd.Y, bezDist * ptEnd.X); result.Add(matToEllipse.Transform(ptStart + vecToBez1)); result.Add(matToEllipse.Transform(ptEnd - vecToBez2)); result.Add(new XPoint(xEnd, yEnd)); return(result); }
public XSize(XPoint pt) // DELETE: 08-12-31 { width = pt.X; height = pt.Y; }
/// <summary> /// Appends a Bézier segment from a curve. /// </summary> public static BezierSegment CreateCurveSegment(XPoint pt0, XPoint pt1, XPoint pt2, XPoint pt3, double tension3) { #if !SILVERLIGHT return(new BezierSegment( new Point(pt1.X + tension3 * (pt2.X - pt0.X), pt1.Y + tension3 * (pt2.Y - pt0.Y)), new Point(pt2.X - tension3 * (pt3.X - pt1.X), pt2.Y - tension3 * (pt3.Y - pt1.Y)), new Point(pt2.X, pt2.Y), true)); #else return(new BezierSegment()); // AGHACK #endif }
/// <summary> /// Subtracts a vector from a point. /// </summary> public static XPoint Subtract(XPoint point, XVector vector) { return(new XPoint(point._x - vector.X, point._y - vector.Y)); }
/// <summary> /// Subtracts a vector from a point. /// </summary> public static XPoint Subtract(XPoint point, XVector vector) { return(new XPoint(point.x - vector.x, point.y - vector.y)); }
/// <summary> /// Subtracts a point from a point. /// </summary> public static XVector Subtract(XPoint point1, XPoint point2) { return(new XVector(point1._x - point2._x, point1._y - point2._y)); }
/// <summary> /// Indicates whether the specified points are equal. /// </summary> public static bool Equals(XPoint point1, XPoint point2) { return(point1.X.Equals(point2.X) && point1.Y.Equals(point2.Y)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="pg"></param> /// <param name="dx"></param> /// <param name="dy"></param> /// <param name="scale"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static PDF.XGraphicsPath ToXGraphicsPath(this IPathGeometry pg, double dx, double dy, Func <double, double> scale) { var gp = new PDF.XGraphicsPath() { FillMode = pg.FillRule == FillRule.EvenOdd ? PDF.XFillMode.Alternate : PDF.XFillMode.Winding }; foreach (var pf in pg.Figures) { var startPoint = pf.StartPoint; foreach (var segment in pf.Segments) { if (segment is IArcSegment arcSegment) { #if WPF var point1 = new PDF.XPoint( scale(startPoint.X + dx), scale(startPoint.Y + dy)); var point2 = new PDF.XPoint( scale(arcSegment.Point.X + dx), scale(arcSegment.Point.Y + dy)); var size = new PDF.XSize( scale(arcSegment.Size.Width), scale(arcSegment.Size.Height)); gp.AddArc( point1, point2, size, arcSegment.RotationAngle, arcSegment.IsLargeArc, arcSegment.SweepDirection == SweepDirection.Clockwise ? PDF.XSweepDirection.Clockwise : PDF.XSweepDirection.Counterclockwise); startPoint = arcSegment.Point; #else throw new NotSupportedException("Not supported segment type: " + segment.GetType()); // TODO: Convert WPF/SVG elliptical arc segment format to GDI+ bezier curves. //startPoint = arcSegment.Point; #endif } else if (segment is ICubicBezierSegment cubicBezierSegment) { gp.AddBezier( scale(startPoint.X + dx), scale(startPoint.Y + dy), scale(cubicBezierSegment.Point1.X + dx), scale(cubicBezierSegment.Point1.Y + dy), scale(cubicBezierSegment.Point2.X + dx), scale(cubicBezierSegment.Point2.Y + dy), scale(cubicBezierSegment.Point3.X + dx), scale(cubicBezierSegment.Point3.Y + dy)); startPoint = cubicBezierSegment.Point3; } else if (segment is ILineSegment) { var lineSegment = segment as ILineSegment; gp.AddLine( scale(startPoint.X + dx), scale(startPoint.Y + dy), scale(lineSegment.Point.X + dx), scale(lineSegment.Point.Y + dy)); startPoint = lineSegment.Point; } else if (segment is IPolyCubicBezierSegment polyCubicBezierSegment) { if (polyCubicBezierSegment.Points.Length >= 3) { gp.AddBezier( scale(startPoint.X + dx), scale(startPoint.Y + dy), scale(polyCubicBezierSegment.Points[0].X + dx), scale(polyCubicBezierSegment.Points[0].Y + dy), scale(polyCubicBezierSegment.Points[1].X + dx), scale(polyCubicBezierSegment.Points[1].Y + dy), scale(polyCubicBezierSegment.Points[2].X + dx), scale(polyCubicBezierSegment.Points[2].Y + dy)); } if (polyCubicBezierSegment.Points.Length > 3 && polyCubicBezierSegment.Points.Length % 3 == 0) { for (int i = 3; i < polyCubicBezierSegment.Points.Length; i += 3) { gp.AddBezier( scale(polyCubicBezierSegment.Points[i - 1].X + dx), scale(polyCubicBezierSegment.Points[i - 1].Y + dy), scale(polyCubicBezierSegment.Points[i].X + dx), scale(polyCubicBezierSegment.Points[i].Y + dy), scale(polyCubicBezierSegment.Points[i + 1].X + dx), scale(polyCubicBezierSegment.Points[i + 1].Y + dy), scale(polyCubicBezierSegment.Points[i + 2].X + dx), scale(polyCubicBezierSegment.Points[i + 2].Y + dy)); } } startPoint = polyCubicBezierSegment.Points.Last(); } else if (segment is IPolyLineSegment polyLineSegment) { if (polyLineSegment.Points.Length >= 1) { gp.AddLine( scale(startPoint.X + dx), scale(startPoint.Y + dy), scale(polyLineSegment.Points[0].X + dx), scale(polyLineSegment.Points[0].Y + dy)); } if (polyLineSegment.Points.Length > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < polyLineSegment.Points.Length; i++) { gp.AddLine( scale(polyLineSegment.Points[i - 1].X + dx), scale(polyLineSegment.Points[i - 1].Y + dy), scale(polyLineSegment.Points[i].X + dx), scale(polyLineSegment.Points[i].Y + dy)); } } startPoint = polyLineSegment.Points.Last(); } else if (segment is IPolyQuadraticBezierSegment polyQuadraticSegment) { if (polyQuadraticSegment.Points.Length >= 2) { var p1 = startPoint; var p2 = polyQuadraticSegment.Points[0]; var p3 = polyQuadraticSegment.Points[1]; double x1 = p1.X; double y1 = p1.Y; double x2 = p1.X + (2.0 * (p2.X - p1.X)) / 3.0; double y2 = p1.Y + (2.0 * (p2.Y - p1.Y)) / 3.0; double x3 = x2 + (p3.X - p1.X) / 3.0; double y3 = y2 + (p3.Y - p1.Y) / 3.0; double x4 = p3.X; double y4 = p3.Y; gp.AddBezier( scale(x1 + dx), scale(y1 + dy), scale(x2 + dx), scale(y2 + dy), scale(x3 + dx), scale(y3 + dy), scale(x4 + dx), scale(y4 + dy)); } if (polyQuadraticSegment.Points.Length > 2 && polyQuadraticSegment.Points.Length % 2 == 0) { for (int i = 3; i < polyQuadraticSegment.Points.Length; i += 3) { var p1 = polyQuadraticSegment.Points[i - 1]; var p2 = polyQuadraticSegment.Points[i]; var p3 = polyQuadraticSegment.Points[i + 1]; double x1 = p1.X; double y1 = p1.Y; double x2 = p1.X + (2.0 * (p2.X - p1.X)) / 3.0; double y2 = p1.Y + (2.0 * (p2.Y - p1.Y)) / 3.0; double x3 = x2 + (p3.X - p1.X) / 3.0; double y3 = y2 + (p3.Y - p1.Y) / 3.0; double x4 = p3.X; double y4 = p3.Y; gp.AddBezier( scale(x1 + dx), scale(y1 + dy), scale(x2 + dx), scale(y2 + dy), scale(x3 + dx), scale(y3 + dy), scale(x4 + dx), scale(y4 + dy)); } } startPoint = polyQuadraticSegment.Points.Last(); } else if (segment is IQuadraticBezierSegment quadraticBezierSegment) { var p1 = startPoint; var p2 = quadraticBezierSegment.Point1; var p3 = quadraticBezierSegment.Point2; double x1 = p1.X; double y1 = p1.Y; double x2 = p1.X + (2.0 * (p2.X - p1.X)) / 3.0; double y2 = p1.Y + (2.0 * (p2.Y - p1.Y)) / 3.0; double x3 = x2 + (p3.X - p1.X) / 3.0; double y3 = y2 + (p3.Y - p1.Y) / 3.0; double x4 = p3.X; double y4 = p3.Y; gp.AddBezier( scale(x1 + dx), scale(y1 + dy), scale(x2 + dx), scale(y2 + dy), scale(x3 + dx), scale(y3 + dy), scale(x4 + dx), scale(y4 + dy)); startPoint = quadraticBezierSegment.Point2; } else { throw new NotSupportedException("Not supported segment type: " + segment.GetType()); } } if (pf.IsClosed) { gp.CloseFigure(); } else { gp.StartFigure(); } } return(gp); }
public XSize(XPoint pt) // DELETE: 08-12-31 { this.width = pt.X; this.height = pt.Y; }
private static void DrawLineInternal(XGraphics gfx, XPen pen, bool isStroked, ref XPoint p0, ref XPoint p1) { if (isStroked) { gfx.DrawLine(pen, p0, p1); } }