void ILambdaContainerSymbol.AddLambda(SourceLambdaSymbol routine)
     if (_lambdas == null)
         _lambdas = new List <SourceLambdaSymbol>();
            public override void VisitLambdaFunctionExpr(LambdaFunctionExpr x)
                var container    = _containerStack.Peek();
                var lambdasymbol = new SourceLambdaSymbol(x, container, !x.IsStatic);

                Debug.Assert(container is ILambdaContainerSymbol);

        public void AddSyntaxTree(PhpSyntaxTree tree)

            Debug.Assert(tree.Root != null);

            // create file symbol (~ php script containing type)
            var fsymbol = new SourceFileSymbol(_compilation, tree);

            if (FirstScript == null)
                FirstScript = fsymbol;

            // collect type declarations
            foreach (var t in tree.Types)
                var typesymbol = (t is AnonymousTypeDecl)
                    ? new SourceAnonymousTypeSymbol(fsymbol, (AnonymousTypeDecl)t)
                    : new SourceTypeSymbol(fsymbol, t);

                t.SetProperty(typesymbol);    // remember bound type symbol

            // annotate routines that contain yield
            if (!tree.YieldNodes.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                var yieldsInRoutines = new Dictionary <LangElement, List <IYieldLikeEx> >();
                foreach (var y in tree.YieldNodes)
                    Debug.Assert(y is IYieldLikeEx);
                    var yield = y as IYieldLikeEx;

                    var containingRoutine = y.GetContainingRoutine();
                    Debug.Assert(containingRoutine != null);

                    if (!yieldsInRoutines.ContainsKey(containingRoutine))
                        yieldsInRoutines.Add(containingRoutine, new List <IYieldLikeEx>());

                foreach (var yieldsInRoutine in yieldsInRoutines)
                    var routine = yieldsInRoutine.Key;
                    var yields  = yieldsInRoutine.Value;

                    routine.Properties.SetProperty(typeof(ImmutableArray <IYieldLikeEx>), yields.ToImmutableArray());

            foreach (var f in tree.Functions)
                var routine = new SourceFunctionSymbol(fsymbol, f);

                f.SetProperty(routine); // remember bound function symbol

            foreach (var l in tree.Lambdas)
                var containingtype = l.ContainingType;
                var container      = (containingtype != null) ? (NamedTypeSymbol)containingtype.GetProperty <SourceTypeSymbol>() : fsymbol;

                var lambdasymbol = new SourceLambdaSymbol(l, container, !l.IsStatic);
                Debug.Assert(container is ILambdaContainerSymbol);

            _files.Add(fsymbol.RelativeFilePath, fsymbol);
            _ordinalMap.Add(tree, _ordinalMap.Count);
        public void AddSyntaxTree(PhpSyntaxTree tree)

            Debug.Assert(tree.Root != null);

            // create file symbol (~ php script containing type)
            var fsymbol = new SourceFileSymbol(_compilation, tree);

            if (FirstScript == null)
                FirstScript = fsymbol;

            // collect type declarations
            foreach (var t in tree.Types)
                var typesymbol = (t is AnonymousTypeDecl)
                    ? new SourceAnonymousTypeSymbol(fsymbol, (AnonymousTypeDecl)t)
                    : new SourceTypeSymbol(fsymbol, t);

                t.SetProperty(typesymbol);    // remember bound type symbol

            // annotate routines that contain yield
            if (!tree.YieldNodes.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                foreach (var y in tree.YieldNodes)
                    var containingroutine = y.GetContainingRoutine();
                    Debug.Assert(containingroutine != null);
                    // TODO: annotate routine as generator ! so it can be bound as generator already

            foreach (var f in tree.Functions)
                var routine = new SourceFunctionSymbol(fsymbol, f);

                f.SetProperty(routine); // remember bound function symbol

            foreach (var l in tree.Lambdas)
                var containingtype = l.ContainingType;
                var container      = (containingtype != null) ? (NamedTypeSymbol)containingtype.GetProperty <SourceTypeSymbol>() : fsymbol;

                var lambdasymbol = new SourceLambdaSymbol(l, container, !l.IsStatic);
                Debug.Assert(container is ILambdaContainerSymbol);

            _files.Add(fsymbol.RelativeFilePath, fsymbol);
            _ordinalMap.Add(tree, _ordinalMap.Count);
 void ILambdaContainerSymbol.AddLambda(SourceLambdaSymbol routine)