public void TearDown() { this.checksumService = null; this.items = null; this.billingAddress = null; this.shippingAddress = null; this.fee = null; }
public void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); this.checksumService = _paymill.ChecksumService; this.items = new List<ShoppingCartItem>(); this.items.Add(createShopingCardItem("Rambo Poster", "John J. Rambo", 2200, 3, "898-24342-343", "")); this.items.Add(createShopingCardItem("Comando Poster", "John Matrix", 3100, 1, "898-24342-341", "")); this.billingAddress = createAddress("John Rambo", "TH", "Buriram", "Buriram", "Wat Sawai So 2", "23/4/14", "1527", "+66 32 12-555-23"); this.shippingAddress = createAddress("Rocky Balboa", "US", "Pennsylvania", "Philadelphia", "1818 East Tusculum Street", "34/2B", "19134", "+1 215 23-555-32"); this.fee = new Fee(); this.fee.Amount = this.feeAmount; this.fee.Payment = this.feePayment; }
static internal void ValidatesFee(Fee fee) { if (fee != null) { if (fee.Amount.HasValue && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fee.Payment)) throw new ArgumentException("When fee amount is given, fee payment is mandatory"); if (fee.Amount.HasValue == false && String.IsNullOrEmpty(fee.Payment) == false) throw new ArgumentException("When fee payment is given, fee amount is mandatory"); if (fee.Amount.HasValue && String.IsNullOrEmpty(fee.Payment) == false) { if (fee.Amount.Value < 0) throw new ArgumentException("Fee amount can not be negative"); if (!fee.Payment.StartsWith("pay_")) { throw new ArgumentException("Fee payment should statrt with 'pay_' prefix"); } } } }