public ShellViewModel() { // Set the window title to the title in the resources assembly. // Append network name to window title if not running on mainnet. var activeNetwork = App.Current.ActiveNetwork; var productTitle = AssemblyResources.Title; if (activeNetwork == BlockChainIdentity.MainNet) { WindowTitle = productTitle; } else { WindowTitle = $"{productTitle} [{activeNetwork.Name}]"; } CreateAccountCommand = new DelegateCommand(CreateAccount); NavigateBack = new DelegateCommand(ShowRecentActivity); _recentActivityViewModel = new RecentActivityViewModel(this); VisibleContent = _recentActivityViewModel; StartupWizard = new StartupWizard(this); StartupWizard.WalletOpened += StartupWizard_WalletOpened; StartupWizardVisible = true; }
public CreateOrImportSeedDialog(StartupWizard wizard) : base(wizard) { _randomSeed = WalletSeed.GenerateRandomSeed(); ContinueCommand = new DelegateCommand(Continue); ContinueCommand.Executable = false; }
public BtcdRpcConnectionDialog(StartupWizard wizard) : base(wizard) { ConnectCommand = new DelegateCommand(Connect); // Do not autofill local defaults if they don't exist. if (!File.Exists(BtcdCertificateFile)) { BtcdNetworkAddress = ""; BtcdCertificateFile = ""; } }
public ConfirmSeedBackupDialog(StartupWizard wizard, CreateOrImportSeedDialog previousDialog, byte[] seed, PgpWordList pgpWordlist) : base(wizard) { _previousDialog = previousDialog; _seed = seed; _pgpWordList = pgpWordlist; ConfirmSeedCommand = new DelegateCommand(ConfirmSeed); BackCommand = new DelegateCommand(Back); }
public ConsensusServerRpcConnectionDialog(StartupWizard wizard) : base(wizard) { ConnectCommand = new DelegateCommand(Connect); // Do not autofill local defaults if they don't exist. if (!File.Exists(ConsensusServerCertificateFile)) { ConsensusServerNetworkAddress = ""; ConsensusServerCertificateFile = ""; } }
public ShellViewModel() { CreateAccountCommand = new DelegateCommand(CreateAccount); NavigateBack = new DelegateCommand(ShowRecentActivity); _recentActivityViewModel = new RecentActivityViewModel(this); VisibleContent = _recentActivityViewModel; StartupWizard = new StartupWizard(this); StartupWizard.WalletOpened += StartupWizard_WalletOpened; StartupWizardVisible = true; }
public PromptPassphrasesDialog(StartupWizard wizard, byte[] seed) : base(wizard) { _seed = seed; CreateWalletCommand = new DelegateCommand(CreateWallet); }
public ConnectionWizardDialog(StartupWizard wizard) : base(wizard.Shell, wizard) { Wizard = wizard; }
public PromptPublicPassphraseDialog(StartupWizard wizard) : base(wizard) { OpenWalletCommand = new DelegateCommand(OpenWallet); }
public PromptPassphrasesDialog(StartupWizard wizard) : base(wizard) { CreateWalletCommand = new DelegateCommand(CreateWallet); }
public ConfirmSeedBackupDialog(StartupWizard wizard) : base(wizard) { if (wizard.WalletSeed == null) { throw new Exception("Verification dialog requires seed"); } ConfirmSeedCommand = new DelegateCommand(ConfirmSeed); BackCommand = new DelegateCommand(Back); }
public DisplaySeedDialog(StartupWizard wizard) : base(wizard) { AdvanceToConfirmationCommand = new DelegateCommand(AdvanceToConfirmation); if (wizard.WalletSeed == null) { wizard.WalletSeed = Wallet.RandomSeed(); } }