        // Is a cell intersecting with a rectangle
        public static bool IsCellIntersectingWithRectangle(Vector3 cellPos, float cellSize, Rectangle obstacle)
            bool isColliding = false;

            float halfCellSize = cellSize * 0.5f;

            Vector3 FL = new Vector3(cellPos.x - halfCellSize, cellPos.y, cellPos.z + halfCellSize);
            Vector3 FR = new Vector3(cellPos.x + halfCellSize, cellPos.y, cellPos.z + halfCellSize);
            Vector3 BL = new Vector3(cellPos.x - halfCellSize, cellPos.y, cellPos.z - halfCellSize);
            Vector3 BR = new Vector3(cellPos.x + halfCellSize, cellPos.y, cellPos.z - halfCellSize);

            Rectangle cell = new Rectangle(FL, FR, BL, BR);

            //Step 1. AABB
            if (Intersections.AreIntersectingAABB(obstacle, cell))
                //Step 2. Triangle-triangle intersections
                if (Intersections.AreRectangleRectangleIntersecting(obstacle, cell))
                    isColliding = true;

        // Methods that returns obstacles that are close to a car, because it's slow to check ALL obstacles

        //Method 1 - Search through all obstacles to find which are close within a radius
        //private static List<Obstacle> FindCloseObstaclesWithinRadius(Vector3 pos, float radiusSqr)
        //    //The list with close obstacles
        //    List<Obstacle> closeObstacles = new List<Obstacle>();

        //    //Method 1 - Search through all obstacles to find which are close
        //    //The list with all obstacles in the map
        //    List<Obstacle> allObstacles = ObstaclesController.allObstacles;

        //    //Find close obstacles
        //    for (int i = 0; i < allObstacles.Count; i++)
        //    {
        //        float distSqr = (pos - allObstacles[i].centerPos).sqrMagnitude;

        //        //Add to the list of close obstacles if close enough
        //        if (distSqr < radiusSqr)
        //        {
        //            closeObstacles.Add(allObstacles[i]);
        //        }
        //    }

        //    return closeObstacles;

        //Method 2 - Find all obstacles the car might collide with by checking surrounding cells
        //might not be accurate because we dont alway knows how far from the car we should search
        //private static List<Obstacle> FindCloseObstaclesCell(Vector3 carPos)
        //    //The list with close obstacles
        //    List<Obstacle> closeObstacles = new List<Obstacle>();

        //    IntVector2 carCellPos = PathfindingController.ConvertCoordinateToCellPos(carPos);

        //    //Check an area of cells around the car's cell for obstacles
        //    //The car is 5 m long so search 3 m to each side?
        //    int searchArea = 3;

        //    for (int x = -searchArea; x <= searchArea; x++)
        //    {
        //        for (int z = -searchArea; z <= searchArea; z++)
        //        {
        //            IntVector2 cellPos = new IntVector2(carCellPos.x + x, carCellPos.z + z);

        //            //Is this cell within the map?
        //            if (PathfindingController.IsCellWithinGrid(cellPos))
        //            {
        //                //Add all obstacles from this list to the list of close obstacles
        //                List<Obstacle> obstaclesInCell = ObstaclesController.allObstaclesInEachCell[cellPos.x, cellPos.z];

        //                if (obstaclesInCell != null)
        //                {
        //                    for (int i = 0; i < obstaclesInCell.Count; i++)
        //                    {
        //                        //Might add the same obstacle more than one time, but maybe that's not a big problem?
        //                        closeObstacles.Add(obstaclesInCell[i]);
        //                    }
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }

        //    return closeObstacles;

        //Method 3 - Find all obstacles the car might collide with by using AABB
        public static List <Obstacle> FindCloseObstaclesAABB(Rectangle carRect, Map map)
            List <Obstacle> closeObstacles = new List <Obstacle>();

            //The list with all obstacles in the map
            List <Obstacle> allObstacles = map.allObstacles;

            //Find close obstacles
            for (int i = 0; i < allObstacles.Count; i++)
                Rectangle obsRect = allObstacles[i].cornerPos;

                //Are the AABB intersecting?
                if (Intersections.AreIntersectingAABB(carRect, obsRect))
