Example #1
 public PathThreadInfo(int index, AstarPath astar, NodeRunData runData)
     this.threadIndex = index;
     this.astar       = astar;
     this.runData     = runData;
     _lock            = new object();
Example #2
 public PathThreadInfo(int index, AstarPath astar, NodeRunData runData)
     this.threadIndex = index;
     this.astar = astar;
     this.runData = runData;
     _lock = new object();
Example #3
File: Node.cs Project: klobodnf/st1
		//public override int GetHashCode () { return GetNodeIndex (); }
		public NodeRun GetNodeRun (NodeRunData data) {
			return (NodeRun)this;
			return data.nodes[nodeIndex];
Example #4
		public NodeRun GetNodeRun (NodeRunData data) {
#if SingleCoreOptimize
			return (NodeRun)this;
			return data.nodes[nodeIndex];
Example #5
        public void UpdateG(NodeRun nodeR, NodeRunData nodeRunData)
            nodeR.g = nodeR.parent.g + nodeR.cost + penalty
#if !ASTAR_NoTagPenalty
                      + nodeRunData.path.GetTagPenalty(tags)
Example #6
        //public override int GetHashCode () { return GetNodeIndex (); }

        public NodeRun GetNodeRun(NodeRunData data)
Example #7
        public NodeRun GetNodeRun(NodeRunData data)
#if SingleCoreOptimize
Example #8
        /** Reset all values to their default values.
         * \note All inheriting path types (e.g ConstantPath, RandomPath, etc.) which declare their own variables need to
         * override this function, resetting ALL their variables to enable recycling of paths.
         * If this is not done, trying to use that path type for pooling might result in weird behaviour.
         * The best way is to reset to default values the variables declared in the extended path type and then
         * call this base function in inheriting types with base.Reset ().
         * \warning This function should not be called manually.
        public virtual void Reset()
            pathTraceInfo  = "This path was got from the pool or created from here (stacktrace):\n";
            pathTraceInfo += System.Environment.StackTrace;

            if (AstarPath.active == null)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("No AstarPath object found in the scene. " +
                                                        "Make sure there is one or do not create paths in Awake");

            hasBeenReset      = true;
            state             = (int)PathState.Created;
            releasedNotSilent = false;

            runData           = null;
            callback          = null;
            _errorLog         = "";
            pathCompleteState = PathCompleteState.NotCalculated;

            path = Pathfinding.Util.ListPool <Node> .Claim();

            vectorPath = Pathfinding.Util.ListPool <Vector3> .Claim();

            currentR = null;

            duration         = 0;
            searchIterations = 0;
            searchedNodes    = 0;

            nnConstraint = PathNNConstraint.Default;
            next         = null;

            radius          = 0;
            walkabilityMask = -1;
            height          = 0;
            turnRadius      = 0;
            speed           = 0;

            //heuristic = (Heuristic)0;
            //heuristicScale = 1F;
            heuristic      = AstarPath.active.heuristic;
            heuristicScale = AstarPath.active.heuristicScale;

            pathID       = 0;
            enabledTags  = -1;
            tagPenalties = null;

            callTime = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
            pathID   = AstarPath.active.GetNextPathID();
Example #9
        /** Prepares low level path variables for calculation.
         * Called before a path search will take place.
         * Always called before the Prepare, Initialize and CalculateStep functions
        public void PrepareBase(NodeRunData runData)
            //Path IDs have overflowed 65K, cleanup is needed
            //Since pathIDs are handed out sequentially, we can do this
            if (runData.pathID > pathID)

            //Make sure the path has a reference to the runData
            this.runData = runData;
            //Assign relevant path data to the runData

            try {
            } catch (System.Exception e) {
                ForceLogError("Exception in path " + pathID + "\n" + e.ToString());
Example #10
        protected void BaseUpdateAllG(NodeRun nodeR, NodeRunData nodeRunData)
            UpdateG(nodeR, nodeRunData);


            if (connections == null)

            //Loop through the connections of this node and call UpdateALlG on nodes which have this node set as #parent and has been searched by the pathfinder for this path */
            for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++)
                NodeRun otherR = connections[i].GetNodeRun(nodeRunData);
                if (otherR.parent == nodeR && otherR.pathID == nodeRunData.pathID)
                    connections[i].UpdateAllG(otherR, nodeRunData);
Example #11
 public NodeRun GetNodeRun(NodeRunData data)
     return (NodeRun)this;
Example #12
File: Node.cs Project: klobodnf/st1
		public void UpdateG (NodeRun nodeR, NodeRunData nodeRunData) {
			nodeR.g = nodeR.parent.g+nodeR.cost+penalty
#if !ASTAR_NoTagPenalty
				+ nodeRunData.path.GetTagPenalty(tags)
Example #13
		public override	void UpdateAllG (NodeRun nodeR, NodeRunData nodeRunData) {
			BaseUpdateAllG (nodeR, nodeRunData);
			int index = GetIndex ();
			int[] neighbourOffsets = gridGraphs[indices >> 24].neighbourOffsets;
			Node[] nodes = gridGraphs[indices >> 24].nodes;
			for (int i=0;i<8;i++) {
				if (GetConnection (i)) {
				//if (((flags >> i) & 1) == 1) {
					Node node = nodes[index+neighbourOffsets[i]];
					NodeRun nodeR2 = node.GetNodeRun (nodeRunData);
					if (nodeR2.parent == nodeR && nodeR2.pathID == nodeRunData.pathID) {
						node.UpdateAllG (nodeR2,nodeRunData);
Example #14
		public override void Open (NodeRunData nodeRunData, NodeRun nodeR, Int3 targetPosition, Path path) {
			BaseOpen (nodeRunData, nodeR, targetPosition, path);
			GridGraph graph = gridGraphs[indices >> 24];
			int[] neighbourOffsets = graph.neighbourOffsets;
			int[] neighbourCosts = graph.neighbourCosts;
			Node[] nodes = graph.nodes;
			int index = GetIndex ();//indices & 0xFFFFFF;
			for (int i=0;i<8;i++) {
				if (GetConnection (i)) {
				//if (((flags >> i) & 1) == 1) {
					Node node = nodes[index+neighbourOffsets[i]];
					if (!path.CanTraverse (node)) continue;
					NodeRun nodeR2 = node.GetNodeRun (nodeRunData);
					if (nodeR2.pathID != nodeRunData.pathID) {
						nodeR2.parent = nodeR;
						nodeR2.pathID = nodeRunData.pathID;
						nodeR2.cost = (uint)neighbourCosts[i];
						node.UpdateH (targetPosition,path.heuristic,path.heuristicScale, nodeR2);
						node.UpdateG (nodeR2,nodeRunData);
						nodeRunData.open.Add (nodeR2);
					} else {
						//If not we can test if the path from the current node to this one is a better one then the one already used
						uint tmpCost = (uint)neighbourCosts[i];//(current.costs == null || current.costs.Length == 0 ? costs[current.neighboursKeys[i]] : current.costs[current.neighboursKeys[i]]);
						if (nodeR.g+tmpCost+node.penalty
				+ path.GetTagPenalty(node.tags)
						  		< nodeR2.g) {
							nodeR2.cost = tmpCost;
							nodeR2.parent = nodeR;
							node.UpdateAllG (nodeR2,nodeRunData);
						 else if (nodeR2.g+tmpCost+penalty
				+ path.GetTagPenalty(tags)
						         < nodeR.g) {//Or if the path from this node ("node") to the current ("current") is better
							/*bool contains = false;
							//[Edit, no one-way links between nodes in a single grid] Make sure we don't travel along the wrong direction of a one way link now, make sure the Current node can be accesed from the Node.
							/*for (int y=0;y<node.connections.Length;y++) {
								if (node.connections[y].endNode == this) {
									contains = true;
							if (!contains) {
							nodeR.parent = nodeR2;
							nodeR.cost = tmpCost;
							UpdateAllG (nodeR,nodeRunData);
        /** Prepares low level path variables for calculation.
          * Called before a path search will take place.
          * Always called before the Prepare, Initialize and CalculateStep functions
        public void PrepareBase(NodeRunData runData)
            //Path IDs have overflowed 65K, cleanup is needed
            //Since pathIDs are handed out sequentially, we can do this
            if (runData.pathID > pathID) {
                runData.ClearPathIDs ();

            //Make sure the path has a reference to the runData
            this.runData = runData;
            //Assign relevant path data to the runData
            runData.Initialize (this);

            try {
                ErrorCheck ();
            } catch (System.Exception e) {
                ForceLogError ("Exception in path "+pathID+"\n"+e.ToString());
        /** Reset all values to their default values.
         * \note All inheriting path types (e.g ConstantPath, RandomPath, etc.) which declare their own variables need to
         * override this function, resetting ALL their variables to enable recycling of paths.
         * If this is not done, trying to use that path type for pooling might result in weird behaviour.
         * The best way is to reset to default values the variables declared in the extended path type and then
         * call this base function in inheriting types with base.Reset ().
         * \warning This function should not be called manually.
        public virtual void Reset()
            if (AstarPath.active == null)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException ("No AstarPath object found in the scene. " +
                    "Make sure there is one or do not create paths in Awake");

            hasBeenReset = true;
            state = (int)PathState.Created;
            releasedNotSilent = false;

            runData = null;
            callback = null;
            _errorLog = "";
            pathCompleteState = PathCompleteState.NotCalculated;

            path = Pathfinding.Util.ListPool<Node>.Claim();
            vectorPath = Pathfinding.Util.ListPool<Vector3>.Claim();

            currentR = null;

            duration = 0;
            searchIterations = 0;
            searchedNodes = 0;

            nnConstraint = PathNNConstraint.Default;
            next = null;

            radius = 0;
            walkabilityMask = -1;
            height = 0;
            turnRadius = 0;
            speed = 0;

            //heuristic = (Heuristic)0;
            //heuristicScale = 1F;
            heuristic = AstarPath.active.heuristic;
            heuristicScale = AstarPath.active.heuristicScale;

            pathID = 0;
            enabledTags = -1;
            tagPenalties = null;

            callTime = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
            pathID = AstarPath.active.GetNextPathID ();
        public new override void UpdateAllG(NodeRun nodeR, NodeRunData nodeRunData)
            BaseUpdateAllG (nodeR, nodeRunData);

            //Called in the base function
            //open.Add (this);

            int index = GetIndex ();//indices & 0xFFFFFF;

            LayerGridGraph graph = gridGraphs[indices >> 24];
            int[] neighbourOffsets = graph.neighbourOffsets;
            Node[] nodes = graph.nodes;
            //int[] nodeCellIndices = gridGraphs[indices >> 24].nodeCellIndices;

            for (int i=0;i<4;i++) {
                int conn = GetConnectionValue(i);//(gridConnections >> i*4) & 0xF;
                if (conn != LevelGridNode.NoConnection) {

                    Node node = nodes[index+neighbourOffsets[i] + graph.width*graph.depth*conn];
                    NodeRun nodeR2 = node.GetNodeRun(nodeRunData);
                    if (nodeR2.parent == nodeR && nodeR2.pathID == nodeRunData.pathID) {
                        node.UpdateAllG (nodeR2,nodeRunData);
        //public override int GetHashCode () { return GetNodeIndex (); }

        public NodeRun GetNodeRun(NodeRunData data)
Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a color to be used for the specified node with the current debug settings (editor only)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">
        /// A <see cref="Node"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A <see cref="Color"/>
        /// </returns>
        public virtual Color NodeColor(Node node, NodeRunData data)
        #if !PhotonImplementation
            Color c      = AstarColor.NodeConnection;
            bool  colSet = false;

            if (node == null)

            switch (AstarPath.active.debugMode)
            case GraphDebugMode.Areas:
                c      = AstarColor.GetAreaColor(node.area);
                colSet = true;

            case GraphDebugMode.Penalty:
                c      = Color.Lerp(AstarColor.ConnectionLowLerp, AstarColor.ConnectionHighLerp, (float)node.penalty / (float)AstarPath.active.debugRoof);
                colSet = true;

            case GraphDebugMode.Tags:
                c      = Mathfx.IntToColor(node.tags, 0.5F);
                colSet = true;

                /* Wasn't really usefull
                 * case GraphDebugMode.Position:
                 *      float r = Mathf.PingPong (node.position.x/10000F,1F) + Mathf.PingPong (node.position.x/300000F,1F);
                 *      float g = Mathf.PingPong (node.position.y/10000F,1F) + Mathf.PingPong (node.position.y/200000F,1F);
                 *      float b = Mathf.PingPong (node.position.z/10000F,1F) + Mathf.PingPong (node.position.z/100000F,1F);
                 *      c = new Color (r,g,b);
                 *      break;

            if (!colSet)
                if (data == null)

                NodeRun nodeR = node.GetNodeRun(data);

                if (nodeR == null)

                switch (AstarPath.active.debugMode)
                case GraphDebugMode.G:
                    //c = Mathfx.IntToColor (node.g,0.5F);
                    c = Color.Lerp(AstarColor.ConnectionLowLerp, AstarColor.ConnectionHighLerp, (float)nodeR.g / (float)AstarPath.active.debugRoof);

                case GraphDebugMode.H:
                    c = Color.Lerp(AstarColor.ConnectionLowLerp, AstarColor.ConnectionHighLerp, (float)nodeR.h / (float)AstarPath.active.debugRoof);

                case GraphDebugMode.F:
                    c = Color.Lerp(AstarColor.ConnectionLowLerp, AstarColor.ConnectionHighLerp, (float)nodeR.f / (float)AstarPath.active.debugRoof);
            c.a *= 0.5F;
            return(new Color(1, 1, 1));
Example #20
File: Node.cs Project: klobodnf/st1
		public virtual void Open (NodeRunData nodeRunData, NodeRun nodeR, Int3 targetPosition, Path path) {
			BaseOpen (nodeRunData,nodeR, targetPosition,path);
Example #21
File: Node.cs Project: klobodnf/st1
		protected void BaseUpdateAllG (NodeRun nodeR, NodeRunData nodeRunData) {
			UpdateG (nodeR, nodeRunData);
			nodeRunData.open.Add (nodeR);
			if (connections == null) {
			//Loop through the connections of this node and call UpdateALlG on nodes which have this node set as #parent and has been searched by the pathfinder for this path */
			for (int i=0;i<connections.Length;i++) {
				NodeRun otherR = connections[i].GetNodeRun (nodeRunData);
				if (otherR.parent == nodeR && otherR.pathID == nodeRunData.pathID) {
					connections[i].UpdateAllG (otherR, nodeRunData);
Example #22
 public void UpdateG(NodeRun nodeR, NodeRunData nodeRunData)
     nodeR.g = nodeR.parent.g + nodeR.cost + penalty + nodeRunData.path.GetTagPenalty(tags);
Example #23
		public void UpdateG (NodeRun nodeR, NodeRunData nodeRunData) {
			nodeR.g = nodeR.parent.g+nodeR.cost+penalty + nodeRunData.path.GetTagPenalty(tags);
Example #24
File: Node.cs Project: klobodnf/st1
		public virtual void UpdateAllG (NodeRun nodeR, NodeRunData nodeRunData) {
			BaseUpdateAllG (nodeR, nodeRunData);
Example #25
 public virtual void UpdateAllG(NodeRun nodeR, NodeRunData nodeRunData)
     BaseUpdateAllG(nodeR, nodeRunData);
Example #26
File: Node.cs Project: klobodnf/st1
		/** Opens the nodes connected to this node. This is a base call and can be called by node classes overriding the Open function to open all connections in the #connections array.
		 * \see #connections
		 * \see Open */
		public void BaseOpen (NodeRunData nodeRunData, NodeRun nodeR, Int3 targetPosition, Path path) {
			if (connections == null) return;
			for (int i=0;i<connections.Length;i++) {
				Node conNode = connections[i];
				if (!path.CanTraverse (conNode)) {
				NodeRun nodeR2 = conNode.GetNodeRun (nodeRunData);
				if (nodeR2.pathID != nodeRunData.pathID) {
					nodeR2.parent = nodeR;
					nodeR2.pathID = nodeRunData.pathID;
					nodeR2.cost = (uint)connectionCosts[i];
					conNode.UpdateH (targetPosition, path.heuristic, path.heuristicScale, nodeR2);
					conNode.UpdateG (nodeR2, nodeRunData);
					nodeRunData.open.Add (nodeR2);
					//Debug.DrawLine (position,node.position,Color.cyan);
					//Debug.Log ("Opening	Node "+node.position.ToString ()+" "+g+" "+node.cost+" "+node.g+" "+node.f);
				} else {
					//If not we can test if the path from the current node to this one is a better one then the one already used
					uint tmpCost = (uint)connectionCosts[i];
					if (nodeR.g+tmpCost+conNode.penalty
#if !ASTAR_NoTagPenalty
				+ path.GetTagPenalty(conNode.tags)
					    	< nodeR2.g) {
						nodeR2.cost = tmpCost;
						nodeR2.parent = nodeR;
						conNode.UpdateAllG (nodeR2,nodeRunData);
						nodeRunData.open.Add (nodeR2);
					 else if (nodeR2.g+tmpCost+penalty
#if !ASTAR_NoTagPenalty
				+ path.GetTagPenalty(tags)
					         < nodeR.g) {//Or if the path from this node ("node") to the current ("current") is better
						bool contains = conNode.ContainsConnection (this);
						//Make sure we don't travel along the wrong direction of a one way link now, make sure the Current node can be moved to from the other Node.
						/*if (node.connections != null) {
							for (int y=0;y<node.connections.Length;y++) {
								if (node.connections[y] == this) {
									contains = true;
						if (!contains) {
						nodeR.parent = nodeR2;
						nodeR.cost = tmpCost;
						UpdateAllG (nodeR,nodeRunData);
						nodeRunData.open.Add (nodeR);
Example #27
 public virtual void Open(NodeRunData nodeRunData, NodeRun nodeR, Int3 targetPosition, Path path)
     BaseOpen(nodeRunData, nodeR, targetPosition, path);
        public new override void Open(NodeRunData nodeRunData, NodeRun nodeR, Int3 targetPosition, Path path)
            BaseOpen (nodeRunData, nodeR, targetPosition, path);

            LayerGridGraph graph = gridGraphs[indices >> 24];
            int[] neighbourOffsets = graph.neighbourOffsets;
            int[] neighbourCosts = graph.neighbourCosts;
            Node[] nodes = graph.nodes;

            int index = GetIndex();//indices & 0xFFFFFF;

            for (int i=0;i<4;i++) {
                int conn = GetConnectionValue(i);//(gridConnections >> i*4) & 0xF;
                if (conn != LevelGridNode.NoConnection) {

                    Node node = nodes[index+neighbourOffsets[i] + graph.width*graph.depth*conn];

                    if (!path.CanTraverse (node)) {

                    NodeRun nodeR2 = node.GetNodeRun (nodeRunData);

                    if (nodeR2.pathID != nodeRunData.pathID) {

                        nodeR2.parent = nodeR;
                        nodeR2.pathID = nodeRunData.pathID;

                        nodeR2.cost = (uint)neighbourCosts[i];

                        node.UpdateH (targetPosition, path.heuristic, path.heuristicScale, nodeR2);
                        node.UpdateG (nodeR2, nodeRunData);

                        nodeRunData.open.Add (nodeR2);

                    } else {
                        //If not we can test if the path from the current node to this one is a better one then the one already used
                        uint tmpCost = (uint)neighbourCosts[i];

                        if (nodeR.g+tmpCost+node.penalty
            #if !NoTagPenalty
                    + path.GetTagPenalty(node.tags)
                                < nodeR2.g) {

                            nodeR2.cost = tmpCost;
                            nodeR2.parent = nodeR;

                            //TODO!!!!! ??
                            node.UpdateAllG (nodeR2,nodeRunData);

                            nodeRunData.open.Add (nodeR2);

                         else if (nodeR2.g+tmpCost+penalty
            #if !NoTagPenalty
                    + path.GetTagPenalty(tags)
                                 < nodeR.g) {//Or if the path from this node ("node") to the current ("current") is better

                            bool contains = node.ContainsConnection (this);

                            //Make sure we don't travel along the wrong direction of a one way link now, make sure the Current node can be moved to from the other Node.
                            /*if (node.connections != null) {
                                for (int y=0;y<node.connections.Length;y++) {
                                    if (node.connections[y] == this) {
                                        contains = true;

                            if (!contains) {

                            nodeR.parent = nodeR2;
                            nodeR.cost = tmpCost;

                            //TODO!!!!!!! ??
                            UpdateAllG (nodeR,nodeRunData);

                            nodeRunData.open.Add (nodeR);
Example #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a color to be used for the specified node with the current debug settings (editor only)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">
        /// A <see cref="Node"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A <see cref="Color"/>
        /// </returns>
        public virtual Color NodeColor(Node node, NodeRunData data)
            Color c = AstarColor.NodeConnection;
            bool colSet = false;

            if (node == null) return AstarColor.NodeConnection;

            switch (AstarPath.active.debugMode) {
                case GraphDebugMode.Areas:
                    c = AstarColor.GetAreaColor (node.area);
                    colSet = true;
                case GraphDebugMode.Penalty:
                    c = Color.Lerp (AstarColor.ConnectionLowLerp,AstarColor.ConnectionHighLerp, (float)node.penalty / (float)AstarPath.active.debugRoof);
                    colSet = true;
                case GraphDebugMode.Tags:
                    c = Mathfx.IntToColor (node.tags,0.5F);
                    colSet = true;

                /* Wasn't really usefull
                case GraphDebugMode.Position:
                    float r = Mathf.PingPong (node.position.x/10000F,1F) + Mathf.PingPong (node.position.x/300000F,1F);
                    float g = Mathf.PingPong (node.position.y/10000F,1F) + Mathf.PingPong (node.position.y/200000F,1F);
                    float b = Mathf.PingPong (node.position.z/10000F,1F) + Mathf.PingPong (node.position.z/100000F,1F);

                    c = new Color (r,g,b);

            if (!colSet) {
                if (data == null) return AstarColor.NodeConnection;

                NodeRun nodeR = node.GetNodeRun (data);

                if (nodeR == null) return AstarColor.NodeConnection;

                switch (AstarPath.active.debugMode) {
                    case GraphDebugMode.G:
                        //c = Mathfx.IntToColor (node.g,0.5F);
                        c = Color.Lerp (AstarColor.ConnectionLowLerp,AstarColor.ConnectionHighLerp, (float)nodeR.g / (float)AstarPath.active.debugRoof);
                    case GraphDebugMode.H:
                        c = Color.Lerp (AstarColor.ConnectionLowLerp,AstarColor.ConnectionHighLerp, (float)nodeR.h / (float)AstarPath.active.debugRoof);
                    case GraphDebugMode.F:
                        c = Color.Lerp (AstarColor.ConnectionLowLerp,AstarColor.ConnectionHighLerp, (float)nodeR.f / (float)AstarPath.active.debugRoof);
            c.a *= 0.5F;
            return c;
Example #30
        /** Opens the nodes connected to this node. This is a base call and can be called by node classes overriding the Open function to open all connections in the #connections array.
         * \see #connections
         * \see Open */
        public void BaseOpen(NodeRunData nodeRunData, NodeRun nodeR, Int3 targetPosition, Path path)
            if (connections == null)

            for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++)
                Node node = connections[i];

                if (!path.CanTraverse(node))

                NodeRun nodeR2 = node.GetNodeRun(nodeRunData);

                if (nodeR2.pathID != nodeRunData.pathID)
                    nodeR2.parent = nodeR;
                    nodeR2.pathID = nodeRunData.pathID;

                    nodeR2.cost = (uint)connectionCosts[i];

                    node.UpdateH(targetPosition, path.heuristic, path.heuristicScale, nodeR2);
                    node.UpdateG(nodeR2, nodeRunData);


                    //Debug.DrawLine (position,node.position,Color.cyan);
                    //Debug.Log ("Opening	Node "+node.position.ToString ()+" "+g+" "+node.cost+" "+node.g+" "+node.f);
                    //If not we can test if the path from the current node to this one is a better one then the one already used
                    uint tmpCost = (uint)connectionCosts[i];

                    if (nodeR.g + tmpCost + node.penalty
#if !NoTagPenalty
                        + path.GetTagPenalty(node.tags)
                        < nodeR2.g)
                        nodeR2.cost   = tmpCost;
                        nodeR2.parent = nodeR;

                        //TODO!!!!! ??
                        node.UpdateAllG(nodeR2, nodeRunData);


                    else if (nodeR2.g + tmpCost + penalty
#if !NoTagPenalty
                             + path.GetTagPenalty(tags)
                             < nodeR.g)                      //Or if the path from this node ("node") to the current ("current") is better

                        bool contains = node.ContainsConnection(this);

                        //Make sure we don't travel along the wrong direction of a one way link now, make sure the Current node can be moved to from the other Node.

                        /*if (node.connections != null) {
                         *      for (int y=0;y<node.connections.Length;y++) {
                         *              if (node.connections[y] == this) {
                         *                      contains = true;
                         *                      break;
                         *              }
                         *      }
                         * }*/

                        if (!contains)

                        nodeR.parent = nodeR2;
                        nodeR.cost   = tmpCost;

                        //TODO!!!!!!! ??
                        UpdateAllG(nodeR, nodeRunData);

 public static FsmNodeRunData SetNodeRunData(NodeRunData gameObject)
     return new FsmNodeRunData()
         Value = gameObject