Example #1
        public override void Apply(Path p)
            if (p.path == null || p.path.Count == 0 || p.vectorPath == null || p.vectorPath.Count == 0)

            List <Vector3> funnelPath = ListPool <Vector3> .Claim();

            var parts = Funnel.SplitIntoParts(p);

            for (int i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++)
                var part = parts[i];
                if (!part.isLink)
                    var portals = Funnel.ConstructFunnelPortals(p.path, part);
                    var result  = Funnel.Calculate(portals, unwrap, splitAtEveryPortal);
                    ListPool <Vector3> .Release(result);
            ListPool <Funnel.PathPart> .Release(parts);

            ListPool <Vector3> .Release(p.vectorPath);

            p.vectorPath = funnelPath;
Example #2
        public static void Unwrap(Funnel.FunnelPortals funnel, Vector2[] left, Vector2[] right)
            Vector3 fromDirection = Vector3.Cross(funnel.right[1] - funnel.left[0], funnel.left[1] - funnel.left[0]);

            left[0] = (right[0] = Vector2.zero);
            Vector3    vector    = funnel.left[1];
            Vector3    vector2   = funnel.right[1];
            Vector3    prevPoint = funnel.left[0];
            Quaternion rotation  = Quaternion.FromToRotation(fromDirection, Vector3.forward);
            Vector3    b         = rotation * -funnel.right[0];

            for (int i = 1; i < funnel.left.Count; i++)
                if (Funnel.UnwrapHelper(vector, vector2, prevPoint, funnel.left[i], ref rotation, ref b))
                    prevPoint = vector;
                    vector    = funnel.left[i];
                left[i] = rotation * funnel.left[i] + b;
                if (Funnel.UnwrapHelper(vector, vector2, prevPoint, funnel.right[i], ref rotation, ref b))
                    prevPoint = vector2;
                    vector2   = funnel.right[i];
                right[i] = rotation * funnel.right[i] + b;
        public override void Apply(Path p)
            if (p.path == null || p.path.Count == 0 || p.vectorPath == null || p.vectorPath.Count == 0)
            List <Vector3> list = ListPool <Vector3> .Claim();

            List <Funnel.PathPart> list2 = Funnel.SplitIntoParts(p);

            for (int i = 0; i < list2.Count; i++)
                Funnel.PathPart pathPart = list2[i];
                if (!pathPart.isLink)
                    List <Vector3> list3 = Funnel.Calculate(Funnel.ConstructFunnelPortals(p.path, pathPart), this.unwrap, this.splitAtEveryPortal);
                    ListPool <Vector3> .Release(list3);
            ListPool <Funnel.PathPart> .Release(list2);

            ListPool <Vector3> .Release(p.vectorPath);

            p.vectorPath = list;
        public override void Apply(Path p)
            if (p.path == null || p.path.Count == 0 || p.vectorPath == null || p.vectorPath.Count == 0)

            List <Vector3> funnelPath = ListPool <Vector3> .Claim();

            // Split the path into different parts (separated by custom links)
            // and run the funnel algorithm on each of them in turn
            var parts = Funnel.SplitIntoParts(p);

            for (int i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++)
                var part = parts[i];
                if (!part.isLink)
                    var portals = Funnel.ConstructFunnelPortals(p.path, part);
                    var result  = Funnel.Calculate(portals, unwrap, splitAtEveryPortal);
                    ListPool <Vector3> .Release(result);
            ListPool <Funnel.PathPart> .Release(parts);

            // Pool the previous vectorPath
            ListPool <Vector3> .Release(p.vectorPath);

            p.vectorPath = funnelPath;
        // Token: 0x06002648 RID: 9800 RVA: 0x001A5D98 File Offset: 0x001A3F98
        public override void Apply(Path p)
            if (p.path == null || p.path.Count == 0 || p.vectorPath == null || p.vectorPath.Count == 0)
            List <Vector3> list = ListPool <Vector3> .Claim();

            List <Funnel.PathPart> list2 = Funnel.SplitIntoParts(p);

            if (list2.Count == 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < list2.Count; i++)
                Funnel.PathPart pathPart = list2[i];
                if (!pathPart.isLink)
                    Funnel.FunnelPortals funnel     = Funnel.ConstructFunnelPortals(p.path, pathPart);
                    List <Vector3>       collection = Funnel.Calculate(funnel, this.unwrap, this.splitAtEveryPortal);
                    ListPool <Vector3> .Release(ref funnel.left);

                    ListPool <Vector3> .Release(ref funnel.right);

                    ListPool <Vector3> .Release(ref collection);
                    if (i == 0 || list2[i - 1].isLink)
                    if (i == list2.Count - 1 || list2[i + 1].isLink)
            ListPool <Funnel.PathPart> .Release(ref list2);

            ListPool <Vector3> .Release(ref p.vectorPath);

            p.vectorPath = list;
        public override void Apply(Path p)
            if (p.path == null || p.path.Count == 0 || p.vectorPath == null || p.vectorPath.Count == 0)

            List <Vector3> funnelPath = ListPool <Vector3> .Claim();

            // Split the path into different parts (separated by custom links)
            // and run the funnel algorithm on each of them in turn
            var parts = Funnel.SplitIntoParts(p);

            if (parts.Count == 0)
                // As a really special case, it might happen that the path contained only a single node
                // and that node was part of a custom link (e.g added by the NodeLink2 component).
                // In that case the SplitIntoParts method will not know what to do with it because it is
                // neither a link (as only 1 of the 2 nodes of the link was part of the path) nor a normal
                // path part. So it will skip it. This will cause it to return an empty list.
                // In that case we want to simply keep the original path, which is just a single point.

            for (int i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++)
                var part = parts[i];
                if (!part.isLink)
                    var portals = Funnel.ConstructFunnelPortals(p.path, part);
                    var result  = Funnel.Calculate(portals, unwrap, splitAtEveryPortal);
                    ListPool <Vector3> .Release(ref portals.left);

                    ListPool <Vector3> .Release(ref portals.right);

                    ListPool <Vector3> .Release(ref result);
                    // non-link parts will add the start/end points for the adjacent parts.
                    // So if there is no non-link part before this one, then we need to add the start point of the link
                    // and if there is no non-link part after this one, then we need to add the end point.
                    if (i == 0 || parts[i - 1].isLink)
                    if (i == parts.Count - 1 || parts[i + 1].isLink)

            UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.IsTrue(funnelPath.Count >= 1);
            ListPool <Funnel.PathPart> .Release(ref parts);

            // Pool the previous vectorPath
            ListPool <Vector3> .Release(ref p.vectorPath);

            p.vectorPath = funnelPath;
Example #7
        private static void Calculate(Vector2[] left, Vector2[] right, int startIndex, List <int> funnelPath, int maxCorners, out bool lastCorner)
            if (left.Length != right.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException();
            lastCorner = false;
            int     num     = startIndex + 1;
            int     num2    = startIndex + 1;
            Vector2 vector  = left[startIndex];
            Vector2 vector2 = left[num2];
            Vector2 vector3 = right[num];

            int i = startIndex + 2;

            while (i < left.Length)
                if (funnelPath.Count >= maxCorners)
                if (funnelPath.Count > 2000)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Avoiding infinite loop. Remove this check if you have this long paths.");
                Vector2 vector4 = left[i];
                Vector2 vector5 = right[i];
                if (!Funnel.LeftOrColinear(vector3 - vector, vector5 - vector))
                    goto IL_D9;
                if (vector == vector3 || Funnel.RightOrColinear(vector2 - vector, vector5 - vector))
                    vector3 = vector5;
                    num     = i;
                    goto IL_D9;
                vector3          = (vector = vector2);
                funnelPath.Add(i = (num = num2));
                if (!Funnel.RightOrColinear(vector2 - vector, vector4 - vector))
                    goto IL_12F;
                if (vector == vector2 || Funnel.LeftOrColinear(vector3 - vector, vector4 - vector))
                    vector2 = vector4;
                    num2    = i;
                    goto IL_12F;
                vector2 = (vector = vector3);
                funnelPath.Add(-(i = (num2 = num)));
                goto IL_12F;
            lastCorner = true;
            funnelPath.Add(left.Length - 1);
Example #8
        public static List <Vector3> Calculate(Funnel.FunnelPortals funnel, bool unwrap, bool splitAtEveryPortal)
            Vector2[] array  = new Vector2[funnel.left.Count];
            Vector2[] array2 = new Vector2[funnel.left.Count];
            if (unwrap)
                Funnel.Unwrap(funnel, array, array2);
                for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                    array[i]  = Funnel.ToXZ(funnel.left[i]);
                    array2[i] = Funnel.ToXZ(funnel.right[i]);
            Vector2[]      array3 = array;
            int            num    = Funnel.FixFunnel(ref array, ref array2);
            List <Vector3> list   = funnel.left;
            List <Vector3> list2  = funnel.right;

            if (array3 != array)
                list  = funnel.right;
                list2 = funnel.left;
            List <int> list3 = ListPool <int> .Claim();

            if (num == -1)
                list3.Add(funnel.left.Count - 1);
                bool flag;
                Funnel.Calculate(array, array2, num, list3, int.MaxValue, out flag);
            List <Vector3> list4 = ListPool <Vector3> .Claim(list3.Count);

            Vector2 p    = array[0];
            int     num2 = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < list3.Count; j++)
                int num3 = list3[j];
                if (splitAtEveryPortal)
                    Vector2 vector = (num3 >= 0) ? array[num3] : array2[-num3];
                    for (int k = num2 + 1; k < Math.Abs(num3); k++)
                        float t = VectorMath.LineIntersectionFactorXZ(Funnel.FromXZ(array[k]), Funnel.FromXZ(array2[k]), Funnel.FromXZ(p), Funnel.FromXZ(vector));
                        list4.Add(Vector3.Lerp(list[k], list2[k], t));
                    num2 = Mathf.Abs(num3);
                    p    = vector;
                if (num3 >= 0)
            ListPool <Vector3> .Release(funnel.left);

            ListPool <Vector3> .Release(funnel.right);

            ListPool <int> .Release(list3);

Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Build a funnel corridor from a node list slice.
        /// The nodes are assumed to be of type TriangleMeshNode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodes">Nodes to build the funnel corridor from</param>
        /// <param name="start">Start index in the nodes list</param>
        /// <param name="end">End index in the nodes list, this index is inclusive</param>
        public void BuildFunnelCorridor(List <GraphNode> nodes, int start, int end)
            //Make sure start and end points are on the correct nodes
            exactStart = (nodes[start] as MeshNode).ClosestPointOnNode(exactStart);
            exactEnd   = (nodes[end] as MeshNode).ClosestPointOnNode(exactEnd);



            if (funnelSimplification)
                List <GraphNode> tmp = ListPool <GraphNode> .Claim(end - start);

                var tagPenalties    = path.seeker != null ? path.seeker.tagPenalties : Path.ZeroTagPenalties;
                var traversableTags = path.seeker != null ? path.seeker.traversableTags : -1;

                Funnel.Simplify(new Funnel.PathPart {
                    startIndex = start,
                    endIndex   = end,
                    startPoint = exactStart,
                    endPoint   = exactEnd,
                    isLink     = false,
                }, graph, nodes, tmp, tagPenalties, traversableTags);

                if (this.nodes.Capacity < tmp.Count)
                    this.nodes.Capacity = tmp.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < tmp.Count; i++)
                    // Guaranteed to be TriangleMeshNodes since they are all in the same graph
                    var node = tmp[i] as TriangleMeshNode;
                    if (node != null)

                ListPool <GraphNode> .Release(ref tmp);
                if (this.nodes.Capacity < end - start)
                    this.nodes.Capacity = (end - start);
                for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
                    //Guaranteed to be TriangleMeshNodes since they are all in the same graph
                    var node = nodes[i] as TriangleMeshNode;
                    if (node != null)

            for (int i = 0; i < this.nodes.Count - 1; i++)
                /// <summary>TODO: should use return value in future versions</summary>
                this.nodes[i].GetPortal(this.nodes[i + 1], left, right, false);

Example #10
        // Token: 0x06002797 RID: 10135 RVA: 0x001B2B78 File Offset: 0x001B0D78
        public static List <Vector3> Calculate(Funnel.FunnelPortals funnel, bool unwrap, bool splitAtEveryPortal)
            if (funnel.left.Count != funnel.right.Count)
                throw new ArgumentException("funnel.left.Count != funnel.right.Count");
            Vector2[] array = ArrayPool <Vector2> .Claim(funnel.left.Count);

            Vector2[] array2 = ArrayPool <Vector2> .Claim(funnel.left.Count);

            if (unwrap)
                Funnel.Unwrap(funnel, array, array2);
                for (int i = 0; i < funnel.left.Count; i++)
                    array[i]  = Funnel.ToXZ(funnel.left[i]);
                    array2[i] = Funnel.ToXZ(funnel.right[i]);
            int        num  = Funnel.FixFunnel(array, array2, funnel.left.Count);
            List <int> list = ListPool <int> .Claim();

            if (num == -1)
                list.Add(funnel.left.Count - 1);
                bool flag;
                Funnel.Calculate(array, array2, funnel.left.Count, num, list, int.MaxValue, out flag);
            List <Vector3> list2 = ListPool <Vector3> .Claim(list.Count);

            Vector2 p    = array[0];
            int     num2 = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++)
                int num3 = list[j];
                if (splitAtEveryPortal)
                    Vector2 vector = (num3 >= 0) ? array[num3] : array2[-num3];
                    for (int k = num2 + 1; k < Math.Abs(num3); k++)
                        float t = VectorMath.LineIntersectionFactorXZ(Funnel.FromXZ(array[k]), Funnel.FromXZ(array2[k]), Funnel.FromXZ(p), Funnel.FromXZ(vector));
                        list2.Add(Vector3.Lerp(funnel.left[k], funnel.right[k], t));
                    num2 = Mathf.Abs(num3);
                    p    = vector;
                if (num3 >= 0)
            ListPool <int> .Release(ref list);

            ArrayPool <Vector2> .Release(ref array, false);

            ArrayPool <Vector2> .Release(ref array2, false);
