public override void OnInspectorGUI() { if (headTarget == null || humanoid == null) { return; } serializedObject.Update(); SensorInspectors(headTarget); if (headTarget.humanoid != null) { #if hFACE FaceTarget_Editor.OnInspectorGUI(headTarget); #endif ConfigurationInspector(headTarget); #if hFACE FaceTarget_Editor.ExpressionsInspector(headTarget.face); #endif } PoseInspector(); SettingsInspector(headTarget); #if hFACE FaceTarget_Editor.FocusObjectInspector(headTarget.face); #endif GazeInteractionButton(headTarget); //serializedObject.Update(); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); }
public void OnDisable() { if (humanoid == null) { // This target is not connected to a humanoid, so we delete it DestroyImmediate(headTarget, true); return; } if (!Application.isPlaying) { SetSensor2Target(); } #if hFACE FaceTarget_Editor.OnDisable(serializedObject, headTarget); #endif }
public void OnEnable() { headTarget = (HeadTarget)target; if (headTarget.humanoid == null) { headTarget.humanoid = GetHumanoid(headTarget); } humanoid = headTarget.humanoid; InitEditors(); headTarget.InitSensors(); InitSensors(); #if hFACE FaceTarget_Editor.OnEnable(serializedObject, headTarget); #endif }
public void OnSceneGUI() { if (Application.isPlaying) { return; } if (headTarget == null || headTarget.humanoid == null) { return; } #if hFACE FaceTarget_Editor.UpdateScene(headTarget.face); #endif if (humanoid.pose != null) { if (humanoid.editPose) { humanoid.pose.UpdatePose(humanoid); } else { humanoid.pose.Show(humanoid); headTarget.CopyRigToTarget(); } } // update the target rig from the current head target headTarget.CopyTargetToRig(); // update the avatar bones from the target rig humanoid.UpdateMovements(); // match the target rig with the new avatar pose humanoid.MatchTargetsToAvatar(); // and update all targets to match the target rig humanoid.CopyRigToTargets(); // Update the sensors to match the updated targets humanoid.UpdateSensorsFromTargets(); //if (headTarget.virtual3dTracking && headTarget.humanoid.showRealObjects) // DrawScreen(headTarget); }
private void ConfigurationInspector(HeadTarget headTarget) { if (headTarget.humanoid == null) { return; } showConfiguration = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(showConfiguration, "Configuration", true); if (showConfiguration) { EditorGUI.indentLevel++; #if hFACE FaceTarget_Editor.ConfigurationInspector(headTarget.face); #endif HeadConfigurationInspector(ref headTarget.head); NeckConfigurationInspector(ref headTarget.neck); EditorGUI.indentLevel--; } }