private void DrawBigCursor(float rotation)
            Vector2 bigOrigin = new Vector2((float)BigCursor.SourceRect.Value.Width, (float)BigCursor.SourceRect.Value.Height);

            //origins are offset instead of position so each piece rotates from the center of the overall big circle they create
            //May need adjusting
            SpriteRenderer.Instance.Draw(BigCursor.Tex, BigCursorPos, BigCursor.SourceRect, Color.White, rotation, bigOrigin, 1f, false, false, .2f, true);
            SpriteRenderer.Instance.Draw(BigCursor.Tex, BigCursorPos, BigCursor.SourceRect, Color.White, rotation, new Vector2(-bigOrigin.X, bigOrigin.Y), 1f, true, false, .2f, true);
            SpriteRenderer.Instance.Draw(BigCursor.Tex, BigCursorPos, BigCursor.SourceRect, Color.White, rotation, new Vector2(bigOrigin.X, 0), 1f, false, true, .2f, true);
            SpriteRenderer.Instance.Draw(BigCursor.Tex, BigCursorPos, BigCursor.SourceRect, Color.White, rotation, -bigOrigin, 1f, true, true, .2f, true);

            //Draw the middle cursor indicating the small cursor is near
            //It gets smaller the closer the small cursor is to the center
            if (WithinRange == true)
                //Cap the scale so it can be seen clearly at all times
                const float maxScale = .8f;

                //Get the absolute value of the distance from the cursor to the center
                //Divide by half the SuccessRect's width since we're scaling based on how close it is to the center
                float diff  = Math.Abs(SmallCursorPos.X - SuccessRect.Center.X) / (SuccessRect.Width / 2f);
                float scale = UtilityGlobals.Clamp(diff, 0f, maxScale);

                //Draw the middle cursor
                SpriteRenderer.Instance.Draw(BigCursor.Tex, BigCursorPos, BigCursor.SourceRect, Color.White, rotation, bigOrigin, scale, false, false, .2f, true);
                SpriteRenderer.Instance.Draw(BigCursor.Tex, BigCursorPos, BigCursor.SourceRect, Color.White, rotation, new Vector2(-bigOrigin.X, bigOrigin.Y), scale, true, false, .2f, true);
                SpriteRenderer.Instance.Draw(BigCursor.Tex, BigCursorPos, BigCursor.SourceRect, Color.White, rotation, new Vector2(bigOrigin.X, 0), scale, false, true, .2f, true);
                SpriteRenderer.Instance.Draw(BigCursor.Tex, BigCursorPos, BigCursor.SourceRect, Color.White, rotation, -bigOrigin, scale, true, true, .2f, true);
        protected override void SequenceMissBranch()
            switch (SequenceStep)
            case 0:

                //When Watt misses Electro Dash, she goes in a downwards arc to around where the next enemy slot would be
                Vector2 destPos = BattleManager.Instance.GetPositionInFront(EntitiesAffected[0], EntitiesAffected[0].EntityType == Enumerations.EntityTypes.Player);
                Vector2 curDest = User.Position + new Vector2(UtilityGlobals.DifferenceDivided(destPos.X, User.Position.X, 2f), MissHeight);

                CurSequenceAction = new MoveToSeqAction(curDest, MissMoveDur, Interpolation.InterpolationTypes.Linear, Interpolation.InterpolationTypes.QuadOut);

            case 1:
                destPos = BattleManager.Instance.GetPositionInFront(EntitiesAffected[0], EntitiesAffected[0].EntityType == Enumerations.EntityTypes.Player);
                curDest = User.Position + new Vector2(UtilityGlobals.DifferenceDivided(destPos.X, User.Position.X, 2f), -MissHeight);

                CurSequenceAction = new MoveToSeqAction(curDest, MissMoveDur, Interpolation.InterpolationTypes.Linear, Interpolation.InterpolationTypes.QuadIn);

            case 2:

                CurSequenceAction = new WaitSeqAction(MissWaitDur);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the origin of a Rectangle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rectangle">The Rectangle to get the origin for</param>
        /// <param name="x">The X ratio of the origin, from 0 to 1</param>
        /// <param name="y">The Y ratio of the origin, from 0 to 1</param>
        /// <returns>A Vector2 with the origin</returns>
        public static Vector2 GetOrigin(this Rectangle rectangle, float x, float y)
            int xVal = (int)(rectangle.Width * UtilityGlobals.Clamp(x, 0f, 1f));
            int yVal = (int)(rectangle.Height * UtilityGlobals.Clamp(y, 0f, 1f));

            return(new Vector2(xVal, yVal));
        protected override void OnDraw()
            //The cursor is drawn on top of the entity being targeted
            //Only 1/4 of the full cursor is stored as a texture, so we can just draw 3 more versions flipped differently

            string text  = "NO!";
            Color  color = Color.Red;

            if (WithinRange == true)
                text  = "OKAY!";
                color = Color.Green;

            SpriteRenderer.Instance.DrawText(AssetManager.Instance.TTYDFont, text, new Vector2(300, 100), color, .7f);

            //Handle rotation
            float rotation = -ElapsedTime *UtilityGlobals.ToRadians(.1f);


            //Show success rectangle (comment out if not debugging)
            //Texture2D DebugBoxTex = AssetManager.Instance.LoadAsset<Texture2D>($"{ContentGlobals.UIRoot}/Box");
            //SpriteRenderer.Instance.Draw(DebugBoxTex, new Vector2(SuccessRect.X, SuccessRect.Y), null, Color.Red, 0f, Vector2.Zero,
            //    new Vector2(SuccessRect.Width, SuccessRect.Height), false, false, .21f, true);
Example #5
        protected override void SequenceStartBranch()
            switch (SequenceStep)
            case 0:
                Vector2 frontPos = BattleManagerUtils.GetPositionInFront(User.BManager.GetFrontmostBattleEntity(CurTarget.EntityType, null), User.EntityType != EntityTypes.Enemy);
                frontPos.Y = User.Position.Y;

                CurSequenceAction = new MoveToSeqAction(User, frontPos, WalkDuration);


            case 1:

                CurSequenceAction = new WaitForAnimationSeqAction(User, AnimationGlobals.JumpStartName);

                //Store the jump distance
                XDiffOverTwo = UtilityGlobals.DifferenceDivided(CurTarget.Position.X, User.Position.X, 2f);

        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to afflict the entity with a StatusEffect based on its properties and status percentage for the StatusEffect.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inflictionChance">The chance of inflicting the StatusEffect.</param>
        /// <param name="status">The StatusEffect to afflict the entity with.</param>
        /// <returns>true if the StatusEffect was successfully afflicted, false otherwise.</returns>
        public bool TryAfflictStatus(double inflictionChance, StatusEffect status)
            //Test for StatusEffect immunity - if the entity is immune to a particular alignment, don't allow the StatusEffect to be inflicted
            bool positiveStatusImmune = GetAdditionalProperty <bool>(AdditionalProperty.PositiveStatusImmune);
            bool negativeStatusImmune = GetAdditionalProperty <bool>(AdditionalProperty.NegativeStatusImmune);
            bool neutralStatusImmune  = GetAdditionalProperty <bool>(AdditionalProperty.NeutralStatusImmune);

            if ((status.Alignment == StatusEffect.StatusAlignments.Positive && positiveStatusImmune == true) ||
                (status.Alignment == StatusEffect.StatusAlignments.Negative && negativeStatusImmune == true) ||
                (status.Alignment == StatusEffect.StatusAlignments.Neutral && neutralStatusImmune == true))

            StatusPropertyHolder statusProperty = GetStatusProperty(status.StatusType);

            //If the entity is immune to this particular StatusEffect, don't allow it to be inflicted
            if (statusProperty.Immune == true)
                Debug.Log($"{Entity.Name} is immune to {status.StatusType}!");

            //Test the percentage
            double percentage = statusProperty.StatusPercentage;

            return(UtilityGlobals.TestRandomCondition(inflictionChance, percentage));
        public void HealHP(int hp)
            BattleStats.HP = UtilityGlobals.Clamp(BattleStats.HP + hp, 0, BattleStats.MaxHP);

            Debug.Log($"{Name} healed {hp} HP!");
Example #8
        protected void UpdateThrownStars()
            //Check if the stars collided with anything
            for (int i = 0; i < StarsThrown.Count; i++)

                //Make sure the star doesn't go past the designated X value
                if (StarsThrown[i].Position.X >= StarMaxX)


                CollisionResponseHolder?collisionResponse = UtilityGlobals.GetCollisionForSet(StarsThrown[i], IconSpawner.RestorationElements);

                //We have a collision, so handle it
                if (collisionResponse != null)
                    //Remove the star and icon


                    //Handle the restore data based on its behavior
                    RestoreBehaviorData restoreData = (RestoreBehaviorData)collisionResponse.Value.CollisionData;
Example #9
        //NOTE: For some moves, these only show up when you hit (Ex. Jump, Hammer, Power Shell).
        //Other moves show them as you perform the command, even if they deal damage (Ex. Mini-Egg, Earth Tremor).
        //Find a way to define when to show them in each move
        public void OnCommandRankResult(ActionCommand.CommandRank commandRank)
            //Don't bother if the CommandRank is nothing
            if (commandRank == ActionCommand.CommandRank.None)

            //Get how many Simplifiers and Unsimplifiers the entity has equipped
            int simplifierCount   = UtilityGlobals.Clamp(User.GetEquippedBadgeCount(BadgeGlobals.BadgeTypes.Simplifier), 0, BadgeGlobals.MaxSimplifierCount);
            int unsimplifierCount = UtilityGlobals.Clamp(User.GetEquippedBadgeCount(BadgeGlobals.BadgeTypes.Unsimplifier), 0, BadgeGlobals.MaxUnsimplifierCount);

            int rankInt = (int)commandRank;

            //Subtract Simplifier count and add Unsimplifier count to the final rank
            rankInt -= simplifierCount;
            rankInt += unsimplifierCount;

            //Clamp the rank to the final values
            rankInt = UtilityGlobals.Clamp(rankInt, (int)ActionCommand.CommandRank.NiceM2, (int)ActionCommand.CommandRank.Excellent);

            ActionCommand.CommandRank finalRank = (ActionCommand.CommandRank)rankInt;

            //Update the highest command rank
            if (finalRank > HighestCommandRank)
                HighestCommandRank = finalRank;
        public override void Initialize()
            //Check if any of the items can target anyone
            Mystery mystery = (Mystery)ItemUsed;

            BattleItem[] mysteryItems = mystery.GetItemSet();

            if (mysteryItems != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < mysteryItems.Length; i++)
                    ItemAction itemAction = mysteryItems[i].GetActionAssociated(User);

                    //If the item can target anyone, then add it to the revised set
                    BattleEntity[] entities = itemAction.GetEntitiesMoveAffects();
                    if (entities != null && entities.Length > 0)
                        Debug.Log($"Mystery item: {mysteryItems[i].Name} is excluded from the revised item set because it can't target anyone!");

            //If no items in the Mystery can target anyone, disable the Mystery itself
            if (UtilityGlobals.IListIsNullOrEmpty(RevisedItemSet) == true)
                Disabled       = true;
                DisabledString = "There's no one this move can target!";
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the origin of a Texture2D by ratio instead of specifying width and height
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="texture2D">The texture to get the origin for</param>
        /// <param name="x">The X ratio of the origin, between 0 and 1</param>
        /// <param name="y">The Y ratio of the origin, between 0 and 1</param>
        /// <returns>A Vector2 with the origin</returns>
        public static Vector2 GetOrigin(this Texture2D texture2D, float x, float y)
            int xVal = (int)(texture2D.Width * UtilityGlobals.Clamp(x, 0f, 1f));
            int yVal = (int)(texture2D.Height * UtilityGlobals.Clamp(y, 0f, 1f));

            return(new Vector2(xVal, yVal));
        protected override void CommandSuccess()

            SentRank = (ActionCommand.CommandRank)UtilityGlobals.Clamp((int)HighestCommandRank + 1, (int)ActionCommand.CommandRank.NiceM2, (int)ActionCommand.CommandRank.Excellent);
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start">The start point.</param>
        /// <param name="end">The end point.</param>
        /// <param name="color">The color of the line.</param>
        /// <param name="layer">The layer of the line.</param>
        /// <param name="thickness">The thickness of the line.</param>
        /// <param name="uiBatch">Whether to draw the line in the UI layer or not.</param>
        public static void DebugDrawLine(Vector2 start, Vector2 end, Color color, float layer, int thickness, bool uiBatch)
            if (DebugEnabled == false)

            Texture2D box = AssetManager.Instance.LoadRawTexture2D($"{ContentGlobals.UIRoot}/Box.png");

            //Get rotation with the angle between the start and end vectors
            float lineRotation = (float)UtilityGlobals.TangentAngle(start, end);

            //Get the scale; use the X as the length and the Y as the width
            Vector2 diff      = end - start;
            Vector2 lineScale = new Vector2(diff.Length(), thickness);

            if (uiBatch == false)
                SpriteRenderer.Instance.Draw(box, start, null, color, lineRotation, new Vector2(0f, 0f), lineScale, false, false, layer);
                SpriteRenderer.Instance.DrawUI(box, start, null, color, lineRotation, new Vector2(0f, 0f), lineScale, false, false, layer);
        public override void Update()
            if (CurStarState == StarState.Expanding)
                CurScale.X = UtilityGlobals.Clamp(CurScale.X + ScaleRate, 0f, MaxScale.X);
                CurScale.Y = UtilityGlobals.Clamp(CurScale.Y + ScaleRate, 0f, MaxScale.Y);

                if (CurScale == MaxScale)
                    CurStarState = StarState.Waiting;
            else if (CurStarState == StarState.Waiting)
                //Increment time and check if it should start shrinking
                ElapsedTime += Time.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                if (ElapsedTime >= DisplayTime)
                    CurStarState = StarState.Shrinking;
                //Shrink the star
                CurScale.X = UtilityGlobals.Clamp(CurScale.X - ScaleRate, 0f, MaxScale.X);
                CurScale.Y = UtilityGlobals.Clamp(CurScale.Y - ScaleRate, 0f, MaxScale.Y);

                if (CurScale == Vector2.Zero)
                    ReadyForRemoval = true;
        protected override void OnStart()

            //In PM, if you're inflicted with Stone, then the Action Command doesn't come up
            //and the number of attacks is halved, rounding down

            //Check if the target is immobile
            if (EntitiesAffected[0].IsImmobile() == true)
                //Disable the action command
                Action.EnableActionCommand = false;

                //Divide the number of attacks by two, clamping at one
                //We clamp because if the Action Command is disabled, an infinite attack would softlock
                //In addition, as the target is immobile, it's not able to Superguard to damage the attacker and end the move
                MaxAttacks = UtilityGlobals.Clamp(MaxAttacks / 2, 1, MaxAttacks);
                NumAttacks = MaxAttacks;

                //Log a message here to indicate it's intentional
                Debug.Log($"{EntitiesAffected[0].Name} is Immobile; ActionCommand disabled and MaxAttacks halved to {MaxAttacks}. This is PM behavior");

            if (Action.CommandEnabled == true && Action.DrawActionCommandInfo == true)
                KissyKissyUI = new FillBarActionCommandUI <MashButtonCommand>(actionCommand as MashButtonCommand, new Vector2(250, 150), new Vector2(100f, 1f), null);
        public override void Update()
            if (ActionCmd?.AcceptingInput == false)

            //Initialize if not initialized
            if (Initialized == false)
                Initialized = true;

            if (MarioHPRestoredVal != ActionCmd.HealingResponse.MarioHPRestored)
                MarioHPRestoredVal = ActionCmd.HealingResponse.MarioHPRestored;
                MarioHPText.Text   = MarioHPRestoredVal.ToString();

            if (PartnerHPText != null && PartnerHPRestoredVal != ActionCmd.HealingResponse.PartnerHPRestored)
                PartnerHPRestoredVal = ActionCmd.HealingResponse.PartnerHPRestored;
                PartnerHPText.Text   = PartnerHPRestoredVal.ToString();

            if (FPRestoredVal != ActionCmd.HealingResponse.FPRestored)
                FPRestoredVal = ActionCmd.HealingResponse.FPRestored;
                FPText.Text   = FPRestoredVal.ToString();

            Cursor.Position = UtilityGlobals.GetPointAroundCircle(new Circle(ActionCmd.StartPosition, ActionCmd.CircleRadius), ActionCmd.CursorAngle, true);
            Cursor.Rotation = (float)(-ActionCmd.ElapsedTime * UtilityGlobals.ToRadians(ActionCmd.CursorRotSpeed));
        public override void Update()
            ElapsedTime += Time.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            BigCursor.Rotation   = (float)(-ElapsedTime * UtilityGlobals.ToRadians(.1f));
            BigCursor.Position   = ActionCmd.BigCursorPos;
            SmallCursor.Position = ActionCmd.SmallCursorPos;
Example #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles adding/removing the Yux's Status Effect immunities.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="immune">Whether to add or remove the immunity.
 /// This should be true when adding the shield and false when removing it.</param>
 protected void AddRemoveImmunities(bool immune)
     //Yuxes become immune to all Status Effects with the shield on
     StatusTypes[] allStatusTypes = UtilityGlobals.GetEnumValues <StatusTypes>();
     for (int i = 0; i < allStatusTypes.Length; i++)
         this.AddRemoveStatusImmunity(allStatusTypes[i], immune);
Example #19
 private void AddStatusImmunities()
     //The Shell is immune to all Status Effects
     StatusTypes[] statuses = UtilityGlobals.GetEnumValues <StatusTypes>();
     for (int i = 0; i < statuses.Length; i++)
         this.AddRemoveStatusImmunity(statuses[i], true);
 private void SetStatusProperties()
     //Gulpits' Rocks are immune to all Status Effects
     StatusTypes[] statustypes = UtilityGlobals.GetEnumValues <StatusTypes>();
     for (int i = 0; i < statustypes.Length; i++)
         EntityProperties.AddStatusProperty(statustypes[i], new StatusPropertyHolder(0d, 0, 1));
        protected override void ReadInput()
            //End the Action Command after the command time
            if (ElapsedCommandTime >= CommandTime)
                //Check to see how well the player did and send the appropriate result
                if (CurBarValue >= SuccessRange.StartBarVal)


            //Make the bar go down by a certain amount
            FillBar(-DecelerationRate, true);

            //Check if you pressed the correct button
            if (IsBarFull == false)
                if (AutoComplete == true || Input.GetKeyDown(CurButton) == true)
                    //If so, fill up the bar by the correct amount
                    FillBar(AmountPerPress, true);

                    //If the bar is full, the bar flashes color and deceleration no longer applies
                    if (IsBarFull == true)
                        DecelerationRate = 0d;
                //Interpolate the color of the bar
                //Interpolate the color of the bar
                float colorVal = UtilityGlobals.PingPong(ElapsedCommandTime / 300f, .3f, 1f);
                BarFillColor = new Color(colorVal, colorVal, colorVal, 1f);

            ElapsedCommandTime += Time.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            //Check for switching buttons
            if (Time.ActiveMilliseconds >= PrevButtonSwitchTime)
                //Wrap the button index
                CurButtonIndex = UtilityGlobals.Wrap(CurButtonIndex + 1, 0, ButtonsToPress.Length - 1);

                PrevButtonSwitchTime = Time.ActiveMilliseconds + ButtonSwitchTime;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles adding/removing Allergic's Status Effect immunities.
        /// Allergic makes the entity immune to every Status Effect.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="immune">Whether to add or remove the immunity.</param>
        private void HandleStatusImmunities(bool immune)
            //Get all statuses and add or remove the immunity
            StatusTypes[] allStatusTypes = UtilityGlobals.GetEnumValues <StatusTypes>();

            for (int i = 0; i < allStatusTypes.Length; i++)
                EntityAfflicted.AddRemoveStatusImmunity(allStatusTypes[i], immune);
        protected void FillBar(double amount, bool clamp)
            CurBarValue += amount;

            //Clamp the bar
            if (clamp == true)
                CurBarValue = UtilityGlobals.Clamp(CurBarValue, 0d, MaxBarValue);
Example #24
        protected override void HandleDamageEffects(Enumerations.DamageEffects damageEffects)

            if (UtilityGlobals.DamageEffectHasFlag(damageEffects, Enumerations.DamageEffects.RemovesWings) == true &&
                EntityProperties.IsVulnerableToDamageEffect(Enumerations.DamageEffects.RemovesWings) == true)
Example #25
        protected void UpdateCursor()
            CursorAngle = UtilityGlobals.Clamp(CursorAngle + CursorMoveSpeed, MinCursorAngle, MaxCursorAngle);

            //If it reached its limits, reverse the angle
            if (CursorAngle >= MaxCursorAngle || CursorAngle <= MinCursorAngle)
                CursorMoveSpeed = -CursorMoveSpeed;
Example #26
        protected override void HandleDamageEffects(Enumerations.DamageEffects damageEffects)

            //Check whether any of the flags to flip are here
            if (UtilityGlobals.DamageEffectHasFlag(FlippedOnEffects, damageEffects) == true)
Example #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the amount of Star Power the Audience gives Mario after either he or his Partner use Appeal.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="activeAudienceMembers">The number of active Audience members.</param>
        /// <param name="superAppealCount">The number of Super Appeal or Super Appeal P Badges equipped, depending on who's using Appeal.</param>
        /// <returns>The total amount of Star Power gained from using Appeal.</returns>
        public float CalculateAppealStarPower(int activeAudienceMembers, int superAppealCount)
            int appealValue      = 25 * (superAppealCount + 1);
            int audienceOverFour = activeAudienceMembers / 4;

            //Cap the amount of SPU you can gain to be your max SPU
            float totalSPUGained = UtilityGlobals.Clamp(appealValue + audienceOverFour, 0f, MaxSPU);

Example #28
        public override void Refresh(StatusEffect newStatus)
            ChargedStatus charged = (ChargedStatus)newStatus;

            TotalChargeDamage += charged.TotalChargeDamage;

            //Charge damage is capped at the max damage that can be dealt
            TotalChargeDamage = UtilityGlobals.Clamp(TotalChargeDamage, BattleGlobals.MinDamage, BattleGlobals.MaxDamage);

            EntityAfflicted.EntityProperties.AddAdditionalProperty(Enumerations.AdditionalProperty.ChargedDamage, TotalChargeDamage);
        public override void Update()
            ElapsedTime += Time.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            //Interpolate the color of the bar if it's full
            if (ActionCmd.IsBarFull == true)
                float colorVal = UtilityGlobals.PingPong(ElapsedTime / 300f, .3f, 1f);
                BarFillColor = new Color(colorVal, colorVal, colorVal, 1f);
        protected override void SequenceSuccessBranch()
            switch (SequenceStep)
            case 0:

            case 1:

                //Check the damage dealt
                InteractionResult[] interactions = AttemptDamage(DamageDealt, EntitiesAffected, Action.DamageProperties, true);

                int damage = 0;
                if (interactions[0] != null)
                    damage = interactions[0].VictimResult.TotalDamage;

                //Show VFX for the highest command rank
                if (interactions[0] != null && interactions[0].WasVictimHit == true && interactions[0].WasAttackerHit == false)
                    ShowCommandRankVFX(HighestCommandRank, CurTarget.Position);

                //If the total damage dealt was 1, stop decreasing the damage to keep it doing 1
                if (StopDecreasing == false && damage == 1)
                    StopDecreasing = true;

                //Only decrease the value if we're not at 1 damage
                if (StopDecreasing == false)
                    DamageValue = UtilityGlobals.Clamp(DamageValue - 1, BattleGlobals.MinDamage, BattleGlobals.MaxDamage);

                //Repeat the sequence if the player is under the Power Bounce cap
                if (Bounces < BattleGlobals.MaxPowerBounces)
                    Debug.Log($"Reached Power Bounce limit with {Bounces} and real max is {BattleGlobals.MaxPowerBounces}!");
