Example #1
        private static string GenerateWif(string passphrase, Network network, LotSequence lotsequence, byte[] ownersalt)
            bool hasLotSequence = lotsequence != null;

            //ownersalt is 8 random bytes
            ownersalt = ownersalt ?? RandomUtils.GetBytes(8);
            var ownerEntropy = ownersalt;

            if (hasLotSequence)
                ownersalt    = ownersalt.Take(4).ToArray();
                ownerEntropy = ownersalt.Concat(lotsequence.ToBytes()).ToArray();

            var prefactor  = SCrypt.CoinComputeDerivedKey(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(passphrase), ownersalt, 32);
            var passfactor = prefactor;

            if (hasLotSequence)
                passfactor = Hashes.Hash256(prefactor.Concat(ownerEntropy).ToArray()).ToBytes();

            var passpoint = new CCKey(passfactor, fCompressedIn: true).PubKey.ToBytes();

            var bytes =
                network.GetVersionBytes(Network.BASE58_PASSPHRASE_CODE, true)
                .Concat(new[] { hasLotSequence ? (byte)0x51 : (byte)0x53 })

Example #2
        private static string GenerateWif(CCKey key, string password, Network network)
            var vch = key.ToBytes();
            //Compute the Coin address (ASCII),
            var addressBytes = Encoders.ASCII.DecodeData(key.PubKey.GetAddress(network).ToString());
            // and take the first four bytes of SHA256(SHA256()) of it. Let's call this "addresshash".
            var addresshash = Hashes.Hash256(addressBytes).ToBytes().SafeSubarray(0, 4);

            var derived = SCrypt.CoinComputeDerivedKey(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password), addresshash);

            var encrypted = EncryptKey(vch, derived);

            var  version  = network.GetVersionBytes(Network.BASE58_ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY_NO_EC, true);
            byte flagByte = 0;

            flagByte |= 0x0C0;
            flagByte |= (key.IsCompressed ? (byte)0x20 : (byte)0x00);

            var bytes = version
                        .Concat(new[] { flagByte })

Example #3
        public PubKey Uncover(CCKey priv, PubKey pub)
            var curve = ECKey.Secp256k1;
            var hash  = GetStealthSharedSecret(priv, pub);
            //Q' = Q + cG
            var qprim = curve.G.Multiply(new BigInteger(1, hash)).Add(curve.Curve.DecodePoint(this.ToBytes()));

            return(new PubKey(qprim.GetEncoded()).Compress(this.IsCompressed));
Example #4
        public static byte[] GetStealthSharedSecret(CCKey priv, PubKey pub)
            var curve  = ECKey.Secp256k1;
            var pubec  = curve.Curve.DecodePoint(pub.ToBytes());
            var p      = pubec.Multiply(new BigInteger(1, priv.ToBytes()));
            var pBytes = new PubKey(p.GetEncoded()).Compress().ToBytes();
            var hash   = Hashes.SHA256(pBytes);

Example #5
        //public TransactionSignature Sign(uint256 hash, SigHash sigHash)
        //    return new TransactionSignature(Sign(hash), sigHash);

        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            CCKey item = obj as CCKey;

            if (item == null)
Example #6
        private static byte[] ToBytes(CCKey key)
            var keyBytes = key.ToBytes();

            if (!key.IsCompressed)
                return(keyBytes.Concat(new byte[] { 0x01 }).ToArray());
Example #7
        public CCKey GetCCKey(long aIndex)
            CCKey lKey;

            if (aIndex == 0)
                lKey = new CCKey(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(GetIndexKey(aIndex)));
                lKey = new CCKey(HexStringToByteArray(GetIndexKey(aIndex)));
Example #8
        public override CCKey GetKey(string password)
            var derived      = SCrypt.CoinComputeDerivedKey(password, AddressHash);
            var lCoinprivkey = DecryptKey(Encrypted, derived);

            var key = new CCKey(lCoinprivkey, fCompressedIn: IsCompressed);

            var addressBytes = Encoders.ASCII.DecodeData(key.PubKey.GetAddress(Network).ToString());
            var salt         = Hashes.Hash256(addressBytes).ToBytes().SafeSubarray(0, 4);

            if (!Utils.ArrayEqual(salt, AddressHash))
                throw new SecurityException("Invalid password (or invalid Network)");
Example #9
        public CCKey Uncover(CCKey scan, PubKey ephem)
            var curve = ECKey.Secp256k1;
            var priv  = new BigInteger(1, PubKey.GetStealthSharedSecret(scan, ephem))
                        .Add(new BigInteger(1, this.ToBytes()))

            if (priv.Length < 32)
                priv = new byte[32 - priv.Length].Concat(priv).ToArray();

            var key = new CCKey(priv, fCompressedIn: this.IsCompressed);

Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Exchange shared secret through ECDH
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">Private key</param>
        /// <returns>Shared secret</returns>
        public byte[] GetSharedSecret(CCKey key)
            var pub     = _ECKey.GetPublicKeyParameters();
            var privKey = key._ECKey.PrivateKey;

            if (!pub.Parameters.Equals(privKey.Parameters))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("ECDH public key has wrong domain parameters");
            ECPoint q = pub.Q.Multiply(privKey.D).Normalize();

            if (q.IsInfinity)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Infinity is not a valid agreement value for ECDH");
            var pubkey = ECKey.Secp256k1.Curve.CreatePoint(q.XCoord.ToBigInteger(), q.YCoord.ToBigInteger()).GetEncoded(true);

Example #11
        public override CCKey GetKey(string password)
            var encrypted = PartialEncrypted.ToArray();

            //Derive passfactor using scrypt with ownerentropy and the user's passphrase and use it to recompute passpoint
            byte[] passfactor = CalculatePassFactor(password, LotSequence, OwnerEntropy);
            var    passpoint  = CalculatePassPoint(passfactor);

            var derived = SCrypt.CoinComputeDerivedKey2(passpoint, this.AddressHash.Concat(this.OwnerEntropy).ToArray());

            //Decrypt encryptedpart1 to yield the remainder of seedb.
            var seedb   = DecryptSeed(encrypted, derived);
            var factorb = Hashes.Hash256(seedb).ToBytes();

            var curve = ECKey.Secp256k1;

            //Multiply passfactor by factorb mod N to yield the private key associated with generatedaddress.
            var keyNum   = new BigInteger(1, passfactor).Multiply(new BigInteger(1, factorb)).Mod(curve.N);
            var keyBytes = keyNum.ToByteArrayUnsigned();

            if (keyBytes.Length < 32)
                keyBytes = new byte[32 - keyBytes.Length].Concat(keyBytes).ToArray();

            var key = new CCKey(keyBytes, fCompressedIn: IsCompressed);

            var generatedaddress = key.PubKey.GetAddress(Network);
            var addresshash      = HashAddress(generatedaddress);

            if (!Utils.ArrayEqual(addresshash, AddressHash))
                throw new SecurityException("Invalid password (or invalid Network)");

Example #12
 public CoinSecret(CCKey key, Network network)
     : base(ToBytes(key), network)
Example #13
        public EncryptedKeyResult GenerateEncryptedSecret(bool isCompressed = true, byte[] seedb = null)
            //Set flagbyte.
            byte flagByte = 0;

            //Turn on bit 0x20 if the Coin address will be formed by hashing the compressed public key
            flagByte |= isCompressed ? (byte)0x20 : (byte)0x00;
            flagByte |= LotSequence != null ? (byte)0x04 : (byte)0x00;

            //Generate 24 random bytes, call this seedb. Take SHA256(SHA256(seedb)) to yield 32 bytes, call this factorb.
            seedb = seedb ?? RandomUtils.GetBytes(24);

            var factorb = Hashes.Hash256(seedb).ToBytes();

            //ECMultiply passpoint by factorb.
            var curve     = ECKey.Secp256k1;
            var passpoint = curve.Curve.DecodePoint(Passpoint);
            var pubPoint  = passpoint.Multiply(new BigInteger(1, factorb));

            //Use the resulting EC point as a public key
            var pubKey = new PubKey(pubPoint.GetEncoded());

            //and hash it into a Coin address using either compressed or uncompressed public key
            //This is the generated Coin address, call it generatedaddress.
            pubKey = isCompressed ? pubKey.Compress() : pubKey.Decompress();

            //call it generatedaddress.
            var generatedaddress = pubKey.GetAddress(Network);

            //Take the first four bytes of SHA256(SHA256(generatedaddress)) and call it addresshash.
            var addresshash = CoinEncryptedSecretEC.HashAddress(generatedaddress);

            //Derive a second key from passpoint using scrypt
            //salt is addresshash + ownerentropy
            var derived = CoinEncryptedSecretEC.CalculateDecryptionKey(Passpoint, addresshash, OwnerEntropy);

            //Now we will encrypt seedb.
            var encrypted = CoinEncryptedSecret.EncryptSeed

            //0x01 0x43 + flagbyte + addresshash + ownerentropy + encryptedpart1[0...7] + encryptedpart2 which totals 39 bytes
            var bytes =
                new[] { flagByte }

            var encryptedSecret = new CoinEncryptedSecretEC(bytes, Network);

            return(new EncryptedKeyResult(encryptedSecret, generatedaddress, seedb, () =>
                //ECMultiply factorb by G, call the result pointb. The result is 33 bytes.
                var pointb = new CCKey(factorb).PubKey.ToBytes();
                //The first byte is 0x02 or 0x03. XOR it by (derivedhalf2[31] & 0x01), call the resulting byte pointbprefix.
                var pointbprefix = (byte)(pointb[0] ^ (byte)(derived[63] & 0x01));
                var pointbx = CoinEncryptedSecret.EncryptKey(pointb.Skip(1).ToArray(), derived);
                var encryptedpointb = new byte[] { pointbprefix }.Concat(pointbx).ToArray();

                var confirmBytes =
                    Network.GetVersionBytes(Network.BASE58_CONFIRMATION_CODE, true)
                    .Concat(new[] { flagByte })

                return new CoinConfirmationCode(Encoders.Base58Check.EncodeData(confirmBytes), Network);
Example #14
 public static CoinEncryptedSecretNoEC Generate(CCKey key, string password, Network network)
     return(new CoinEncryptedSecretNoEC(key, password, network));
Example #15
 public PubKey UncoverSender(CCKey ephem, PubKey scan)
     return(Uncover(ephem, scan));
Example #16
 public PubKey UncoverReceiver(CCKey scan, PubKey ephem)
     return(Uncover(scan, ephem));
Example #17
 public CoinEncryptedSecretNoEC(CCKey key, string password, Network network)
     : base(GenerateWif(key, password, network), network)
 public CoinSecret CreateCoinSecret(CCKey key)
     return(new CoinSecret(key, this));
Example #19
        public virtual string GetPrivateKey(long aIndex)
            CCKey lKey = GetCCKey(aIndex);
