Example #1
            public void SetMaterial(P3dBlendMode blendMode, Texture texture, Texture shape, P3dChannel shapeChannel, float hardness, float wrapping, float normalBack, float normalFront, float normalFade, Color color, float opacity, Texture tileTexture, Matrix4x4 tileMatrix, float tileBlend)
                switch (Extrusions)
                case 0: Material = cachedSpotMaterials[blendMode]; break;

                case 1: Material = cachedLineMaterials[blendMode]; break;

                case 2: Material = cachedQuadMaterials[blendMode]; break;

                Blend        = blendMode;
                Color        = color;
                Opacity      = opacity;
                Hardness     = hardness;
                Wrapping     = wrapping;
                Texture      = texture;
                Shape        = shape;
                ShapeChannel = P3dHelper.IndexToVector((int)shapeChannel);
                TileTexture  = tileTexture;
                TileMatrix   = tileMatrix;
                TileBlend    = tileBlend;

                var pointA = normalFront - 1.0f - normalFade;
                var pointB = normalFront - 1.0f;
                var pointC = 1.0f - normalBack + normalFade;
                var pointD = 1.0f - normalBack;

                NormalFront = new Vector2(pointA, P3dHelper.Reciprocal(pointB - pointA));
                NormalBack  = new Vector2(pointC, P3dHelper.Reciprocal(pointD - pointC));
Example #2
 public void SetMask(Matrix4x4 matrix, Texture shape, P3dChannel channel, Vector3 stretch)
     MaskMatrix  = matrix;
     MaskShape   = shape;
     MaskChannel = P3dHelper.IndexToVector((int)channel);
     MaskStretch = new Vector3(stretch.x * 2.0f, stretch.y * 2.0f, 2.0f);
        protected virtual void Update()
            if (paintableTexture != null && paintableTexture.Activated == true)
                if (speed > 0.0f)
                    counter += speed * Time.deltaTime;

                if (counter >= threshold)
                    var step = Mathf.FloorToInt(counter * 255.0f);

                    if (step > 0)
                        var change = step / 255.0f;

                        counter -= change;

                        P3dCommandFill.Instance.SetState(false, 0);
                        P3dCommandFill.Instance.SetMaterial(blendMode, texture, color, Mathf.Min(change, 1.0f), Mathf.Min(change, 1.0f));

                        var command = P3dPaintableManager.Submit(P3dCommandFill.Instance, paintableTexture.Paintable, paintableTexture);

                        if (maskPaintableTexture != null)
                            command.LocalMaskTexture = maskPaintableTexture.Current;
                            command.LocalMaskChannel = P3dHelper.IndexToVector((int)maskChannel);
                        else if (maskTexture != null)
                            command.LocalMaskTexture = maskTexture;
                            command.LocalMaskChannel = P3dHelper.IndexToVector((int)maskChannel);
        private void BakeOverlap()
            var desc          = new RenderTextureDescriptor(1024, 1024, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32, 0);
            var renderTexture = P3dHelper.GetRenderTexture(desc);

            if (overlapMaterial == null)
                overlapMaterial = P3dShader.BuildMaterial("Hidden/Paint in 3D/Overlap");

            overlapMaterial.SetVector(P3dShader._Coord, P3dHelper.IndexToVector(coord));

            var oldActive = RenderTexture.active;

            RenderTexture.active = renderTexture;

            GL.Clear(true, true, Color.black);


            Graphics.DrawMeshNow(mesh, Matrix4x4.identity, submesh);

            foreach (var obj in Selection.objects)
                var otherMesh = obj as Mesh;

                if (otherMesh != null && otherMesh != mesh)
                    Graphics.DrawMeshNow(otherMesh, Matrix4x4.identity, submesh);

            RenderTexture.active = oldActive;

            overlapTex = P3dHelper.GetReadableCopy(renderTexture);


            var utilizationCount = 0;
            var overlapCount     = 0;

            for (var y = 0; y < overlapTex.height; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < overlapTex.width; x++)
                    var pixel = overlapTex.GetPixel(x, y);

                    if (pixel.r > 0.0f)
                        if (pixel.r > 1.5 / 255.0f)
                            pixel = Color.red;

                            overlapCount += 1;
                            pixel = Color.gray;

                        utilizationCount += 1;

                        overlapTex.SetPixel(x, y, pixel);

            var total = overlapTex.width * overlapTex.height * 0.01f;

            utilizationPercent = utilizationCount / total;
            overlapPercent     = overlapCount / total;

        private void UpdatePaintedMats()
            // Mark
            foreach (var mat in scene.Mats)
                foreach (var slot in mat.Slots)
                    slot.Dirty = true;

             *      if (mat.Template != null)
             *      {
             *              foreach (var slot in mat.Template.Slots)
             *              {
             *                      if (paintedGroups.Contains(slot.WriteR.SourceGroup) == true ||
             *                              paintedGroups.Contains(slot.WriteG.SourceGroup) == true ||
             *                              paintedGroups.Contains(slot.WriteB.SourceGroup) == true ||
             *                              paintedGroups.Contains(slot.WriteA.SourceGroup) == true)
             *                      {
             *                              var matSlot = mat.Slots.Find(s => s.Name == slot.Name);
             *                              if (matSlot != null)
             *                              {
             *                                      matSlot.Dirty = true;
             *                              }
             *                      }
             *              }
             *      }
             * }


            foreach (var mat in scene.Mats)
                if (mat.Template != null)
                    foreach (var templateSlot in mat.Template.Slots)
                        var sceneSlot = mat.GetSlot(templateSlot.Name);

                        if (sceneSlot.Texture == null)
                            sceneSlot.Texture = P3dHelper.GetRenderTexture(mat.Desc);

                        var textureR = mat.GetFinalTexture(templateSlot.WriteR.SourceGroup);
                        var textureG = mat.GetFinalTexture(templateSlot.WriteG.SourceGroup);
                        var textureB = mat.GetFinalTexture(templateSlot.WriteB.SourceGroup);
                        var textureA = mat.GetFinalTexture(templateSlot.WriteA.SourceGroup);
                        var channelR = P3dHelper.IndexToVector((int)templateSlot.WriteR.SourceChannel);
                        var channelG = P3dHelper.IndexToVector((int)templateSlot.WriteG.SourceChannel);
                        var channelB = P3dHelper.IndexToVector((int)templateSlot.WriteB.SourceChannel);
                        var channelA = P3dHelper.IndexToVector((int)templateSlot.WriteA.SourceChannel);

                        P3dPaintReplaceChannels.Blit(sceneSlot.Texture, textureR, textureG, textureB, textureA, channelR, channelG, channelB, channelA);

            // Sweep
            foreach (var mat in scene.Mats)
                for (var i = 0; i < mat.Slots.Count; i++)
                    var slot = mat.Slots[i];

                    if (slot.Dirty == true)

Example #6
 public virtual void Apply(P3dPaintableTexture paintableTexture)
     LocalMaskTexture = paintableTexture.LocalMaskTexture;
     LocalMaskChannel = P3dHelper.IndexToVector((int)paintableTexture.LocalMaskChannel);
        private void Bake(RenderTexture temporary, int width, int height, RenderTextureFormat format, int scale)
            if (bakedPixels == null)
                bakedPixels = new List <bool>();

            baked     = true;
            bakedMesh = mesh;
            bakedSize = new Vector2Int(width, height);

            if (cachedMaterial == null)
                cachedMaterial = P3dPaintableManager.BuildMaterial("Hidden/Paint in 3D/White");

            cachedMaterial.SetVector(P3dShader._Channel, P3dHelper.IndexToVector((int)PaintableTexture.Channel));

            // Write to temp RenderTexture
            var oldActive     = RenderTexture.active;
            var renderTexture = temporary;

            if (temporary == null)
                var desc = new RenderTextureDescriptor(width, height, format, 0);

                renderTexture = P3dHelper.GetRenderTexture(desc);

            RenderTexture.active = renderTexture;

            GL.Clear(true, true, Color.black);


            Graphics.DrawMeshNow(mesh, Matrix4x4.identity, PaintableTexture.Slot.Index);

            RenderTexture.active = oldActive;

            // Get readable copy
            var readable = P3dHelper.GetReadableCopy(renderTexture);

            if (temporary == null)

            // Run through pixels to count total and build binary mask
            bakedPixels.Capacity = width * height;

            total = 0;

            for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    if (readable.GetPixel(x, y).r > 0.5f)

                        total += scale;

            // Clean up
Example #8
        private void DrawNextPaint()
            if (P3dPaintMaterial.CachedInstances.Count > 0)
                if (paintIndex >= P3dPaintMaterial.CachedInstances.Count)
                    paintIndex = 0;

                var paint = P3dPaintMaterial.CachedInstances[paintIndex++];

                paint.Thumbnail = null;

                if (paint != null && paint.Thumbnail == null && paint.Material != null)
                    var tempTextures = new List <RenderTexture>();

                    if (paintProperties == null)
                        paintProperties = new MaterialPropertyBlock();

                    if (paint.Template != null)
                        foreach (var slot in paint.Template.Slots)
                            var slotR = paint.GetSlot(slot.WriteR.SourceGroup);
                            var slotG = paint.GetSlot(slot.WriteG.SourceGroup);
                            var slotB = paint.GetSlot(slot.WriteB.SourceGroup);
                            var slotA = paint.GetSlot(slot.WriteA.SourceGroup);

                            if (slotR != null || slotG != null || slotB != null || slotA != null)
                                var tempTexture = P3dHelper.GetRenderTexture(new RenderTextureDescriptor(1024, 1024, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32, 0));


                                var textureR = P3dHelper.GetRenderTexture(tempTexture.descriptor);
                                var textureG = P3dHelper.GetRenderTexture(tempTexture.descriptor);
                                var textureB = P3dHelper.GetRenderTexture(tempTexture.descriptor);
                                var textureA = P3dHelper.GetRenderTexture(tempTexture.descriptor);

                                WriteThumbnailTex(textureR, slotR, slot.WriteR);
                                WriteThumbnailTex(textureG, slotG, slot.WriteG);
                                WriteThumbnailTex(textureB, slotB, slot.WriteB);
                                WriteThumbnailTex(textureA, slotA, slot.WriteA);

                                var channelR = P3dHelper.IndexToVector((int)slot.WriteR.SourceChannel);
                                var channelG = P3dHelper.IndexToVector((int)slot.WriteG.SourceChannel);
                                var channelB = P3dHelper.IndexToVector((int)slot.WriteB.SourceChannel);
                                var channelA = P3dHelper.IndexToVector((int)slot.WriteA.SourceChannel);

                                P3dPaintReplaceChannels.Blit(tempTexture, textureR, textureG, textureB, textureA, channelR, channelG, channelB, channelA);


                                paintProperties.SetTexture(slot.Name, tempTexture);

                    BeginPreview(thumbnailUtil, new Rect(0, 0, settings.ThumbnailSize, settings.ThumbnailSize));

                    var probeAnchor = default(Transform);
                    var probeExists = false;

                    if (settings.Environment != null)
                        probeAnchor = settings.Environment.transform;
                        probeExists = true;

                    switch (paint.Style)
                    case P3dPaintMaterial.StyleType.Seamless:
                        thumbnailUtil.DrawMesh(P3dHelper.GetSphereMesh(), Matrix4x4.identity, paint.Material, 0, paintProperties, probeAnchor, probeExists);

                    case P3dPaintMaterial.StyleType.Decal:
                        thumbnailUtil.DrawMesh(P3dHelper.GetQuadMesh(), Matrix4x4.identity, paint.Material, 0, paintProperties, probeAnchor, probeExists);

                    paint.Thumbnail = P3dHelper.GetReadableCopy(EndPreview(thumbnailUtil));

                    foreach (var tempTexture in tempTextures)