public static void UpdatePrescsForLpu(Lpu lpu, AutoResetEvent markerEvent, DateTime datetime_on, int lpuNum, int lpuListCount) { var timeBegin = DateTime.Now; try { Logger.Trace("UpdatePrescsForLpu - Begin."); var prescList = DataRepository.GetPrescListToUpdate(lpu, datetime_on); foreach (var presc in prescList) { /*if (doctor.OidTheir > 0) * { * doctor_new = Rer2Interaction.UpdateDoctor(doctor); * if (doctor_new != null) * { * DataRepository.UpdateBuffer(lpu, datetime_on, actions, doctor.BufferOids); * } * else * { * Logger.Trace("Rer2Interaction.UpdateDoctor - error update doctor, doctor_new is null, doctor: {0}", doctor); * } * } * else * { * doctor_new = Rer2Interaction.CreateDoctor(doctor); * if (doctor_new != null) * { * if (DataRepository.CreateDoctor(doctor, doctor_new)) * { * DataRepository.UpdateBuffer(lpu, datetime_on, actions, doctor.BufferOids); * } * else * { * Logger.Trace("CreateDoctor - error create match for doctor: {0}", String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", doctor_new.surname,, doctor_new.patronymic)); * } * } * else * { * Logger.Trace("Rer2Interaction.CreateDoctor - error create doctor, doctor_new id null, doctor: {0}", doctor); * } * }*/ } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(e); } finally { Logger.Trace("UpdatePrescsForLpu - ok. Duration: {0} minutes", (DateTime.Now - timeBegin).TotalMinutes); if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref _lpuToUpdateScheduleCount) == 0) { markerEvent.Set(); } } }
public static List <Presc> GetPrescListToUpdate(Lpu lpu, DateTime datetime_on) { Logger.Trace("GetPrescListToUpdate: lpu=[{0}], datetime_on=[{1}]", lpu, datetime_on.ToString()); DataSet ds = SQL.GetPrescListToUpdate(lpu, datetime_on); return((from DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows select new Presc { Oid = row["oid"].ToString(), OidTheir = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["oid_their"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToInt64(row["oid_their"]) : 0, Lpu = lpu, Surname = row["lastname"].ToString(), Name = row["firstname"].ToString(), Patronymic = row["middlename"].ToString(), Snils = row["snils"].ToString(), PostTheirList = row["post_their_list"].ToString().Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(x => Int64.Parse(x)).ToList(), SpecTheirList = row["spec_their_list"].ToString().Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(x => Int64.Parse(x)).ToList(), BufferOids = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["buff_oids"].ToString()) ? row["buff_oids"].ToString().Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList() : new List <string>() }).ToList()); }
public static void UpdatePrescs(int threadCount, DateTime datetime_on) { Logger.Trace("UpdatePrescs - Begin. ThreadCount={0}", threadCount); var timeBegin = DateTime.Now; var lpuList = DataRepository.GetLpuList(); _lpuToUpdateScheduleCount = lpuList.Count; var markerEvent = _lpuToUpdateScheduleCount > 0 ? new AutoResetEvent(false) : new AutoResetEvent(true); SetMaxThreadCount(threadCount); for (int i = 0; i < lpuList.Count; i++) { var lpuNum = i + 1; Lpu lpuCopy = lpuList[i]; //ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(callback => UpdateDoctorsForLpu(lpuCopy, markerEvent, lpuNum, lpuList.Count)); UpdatePrescsForLpu(lpuCopy, markerEvent, datetime_on, lpuNum, lpuList.Count); } markerEvent.WaitOne(); Logger.Trace("UpdatePrescs - ok. Duration: {0} minutes", (DateTime.Now - timeBegin).TotalMinutes); }
public static void UpdateBuffer(Lpu lpu, DateTime startTime, List <string> actions, List <string> buff_oids) { var ht = new Hashtable(); string oids_action = string.Empty; if (actions != null) { oids_action = string.Join(",", actions); } string oids = string.Empty; if (buff_oids != null) { oids = string.Join <string>(",", buff_oids); } const string sQuerry = @" update mir.web_buffer_transfer_rer btr set upload_date = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP where btr.lpu = :lpu and btr.action in ( select unnest( string_to_array(:actions, ',') ) ) and btr.regist_date < :start_date and btr.schedule_starton < date_trunc('week', CURRENT_DATE) + interval '21 day' and btr.oid in ( select unnest( string_to_array(:oids, ',') ) )"; GetDataAccess().AddParameter(ht, "lpu", lpu.Oid, DataAccessType.VarChar); GetDataAccess().AddParameter(ht, "actions", oids_action, DataAccessType.VarChar); GetDataAccess().AddParameter(ht, "start_date", startTime, DataAccessType.TimeStamp); GetDataAccess().AddParameter(ht, "oids", oids, DataAccessType.VarChar); lock (GetDataAccess()) { GetDataAccess().ExecuteProc(sQuerry, ht); } }
public static DataSet GetPrescListToUpdate(Lpu lpu, DateTime datetime_on) { const string sQuerry = @" select distinct s.oid, th.code as oid_their, p.lastname, p.firstname, p.middlename, replace(replace(p.snils, '-', ''), ' ', '') as snils, string_agg( thp.code, ',' ) over ( partition by s.oid order by lpad(thp.code, 10, '0') rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following ) as post_their_list, string_agg( thss.code, ',' ) over ( partition by s.oid order by lpad(thss.code, 10, '0') rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following ) as spec_their_list, string_agg( buff.oid, ',' ) over ( partition by s.oid order by buff.regist_date rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following ) as buff_oids from mir.sysuser s inner join mir.people p on p.oid = s.oid and p.snils is not null inner join mir.sotr sot on sot.sysuser = s.oid inner join mir.otdel o on o.oid = sot.otdel inner join mir.sotr_sertificatespeciality sss on sss.sotr = sot.oid left join mir.eown ow on ow.code = s.oid and ow.etable_id = mir.etable_get_by_syn('MEDOTRADE', 'SYSUSER') left join mir.etheir th on th.oid = ow.etheir_id and th.etable_id = mir.etable_get_by_syn('RER2', 'DOCTOR') inner join mir.eown owss on owss.code = sss.sertificatespeciality and owss.etable_id = mir.etable_get_by_syn('MEDOTRADE', 'SERTIFICATESPECIALITY') inner join mir.etheir thss on thss.oid = owss.etheir_id and thss.etable_id = mir.etable_get_by_syn('RER2', 'SPEC') inner join mir.eown owp on owp.code = and owp.etable_id = mir.etable_get_by_syn('MEDOTRADE', 'POST') inner join mir.etheir thp on thp.oid = owp.etheir_id and thp.etable_id = mir.etable_get_by_syn('RER2', 'POST') inner join mir.web_buffer_transfer_rer buff on buff.key_field_value = sot.oid and buff.upload_date is null and buff.lpu = o.lpu and buff.table_name = 'SOTR' and buff.action = 'UPDATE' and buff.regist_date < :datetime_on where o.lpu = :lpu"; var ht = new Hashtable(); GetDataAccess().AddParameter(ht, "lpu", lpu.Oid, DataAccessType.VarChar); GetDataAccess().AddParameter(ht, "datetime_on", datetime_on, DataAccessType.TimeStamp); lock (GetDataAccess()) { return(GetDataAccess().GetDataSet(sQuerry, ht)); } }