Example #1
        public static int Decompress(byte[] buffer, int length, ref byte[] newbuf, int newbufsize)
            var newlen      = 0;
            var flag_offset = 0;

            newbuf[0] = buffer[0];
            if (buffer[0] == 0x00)
                flag_offset = 2;
                newbuf[1]   = buffer[1];
                flag_offset = 1;

            if (length > 2 && buffer[flag_offset] == 0x5a)
                // TODO: Decompress is broken I suspect.
                // This packet is compressed, so decompress (Inflate) it (and add 2 at the end of this long f*****g method call)
                newlen =
                    SharpZip.InflatePacket(buffer, flag_offset + 1, length - (flag_offset + 1) - 2, newbuf, flag_offset) + 2;
                newbuf[newlen++] = buffer[length - 2];
                newbuf[newlen++] = buffer[length - 1];
                // TODO: F****d up for now until I get this under test and refactor.
                // Take our 2048 byte array and make it fit the data.  We're not doing any pointer shit here.
                var tmpBuff = new byte[newlen];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(newbuf, 0, tmpBuff, 0, newlen);
                // Now overwrite.
                newbuf = tmpBuff;
            else if (length > 2 && buffer[flag_offset] == 0xa5)
                // This packet is not compressed.  Just remove the compression indicator.
                Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, flag_offset + 1, newbuf, flag_offset, length - (flag_offset + 1));
                newlen = length - 1;
                var tmpBuff = new byte[newlen];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(newbuf, 0, tmpBuff, 0, newlen);
                newbuf = tmpBuff;
                // Nothing to do.
                // TODO: Copy it?  Could just reassign it probably?
                newbuf = buffer;
                newlen = length;

Example #2
        public static int Compress(byte[] buffer, int length, ref byte[] newbuf, int newbufsize)
            int flag_offset = 1;
            int newlength;

            newbuf[0] = buffer[0];
            if (buffer[0] == 0)
                flag_offset = 2;
                newbuf[1]   = buffer[1];
            if (length > 30)
                newlength           = SharpZip.DeflatePacket(buffer, flag_offset, length - flag_offset, newbuf, flag_offset + 1);
                newbuf[flag_offset] = 0x5a;
                newlength          += flag_offset + 1;
                var tmpbuf = new byte[newlength];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(newbuf, 0, tmpbuf, 0, newlength);
                newbuf = tmpbuf;
                // Not large enough to bother compressing.  Inject the Not Compessed indicator into the array.
                newlength = length + 1;
                var tmpbuf = new byte[newlength];
                // Copy the data before the point where we will insert the indicator.
                Buffer.BlockCopy(newbuf, 0, tmpbuf, 0, flag_offset);
                // Add the indicator.
                tmpbuf[flag_offset] = 0xa5;
                // Now copy the rest.
                Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, flag_offset, tmpbuf, flag_offset + 1, length - flag_offset);
                newbuf = tmpbuf;
