public static UsbDriveInfo LoadUsbFromDriveLetter(char driveLetter)
            const int maxAttempts = 5;

                if (char.IsLetter(driveLetter))
                    for (int attempts = 0; attempts < maxAttempts; ++attempts)
                            ManagementObject logicalObj = GetLogicalObjectFromDriveLetter(driveLetter);
                            ManagementObject diskObj = GetDiskObjectFromLogical(logicalObj);

                            string volumeName         = logicalObj["VolumeName"].ToString();
                            object serialNumberObject = logicalObj["VolumeSerialNumber"];
                            string modelName          = diskObj["Model"].ToString();
                            object pnpDeviceId        = diskObj["PNPDeviceID"];
                            string uniqueId           = FormatDriveUniqueID(serialNumberObject != null ? serialNumberObject.ToString() : "",
                                                                            pnpDeviceId != null ? pnpDeviceId.ToString() : "");

                            UsbDriveInfo driveInfo = UsbDriveList.Instance.GetUsbInfoByUniqueId(uniqueId);
                            if (driveInfo == null)
                                driveInfo = UsbDriveList.Instance.CreateEmptyUsbInfo(modelName, volumeName, uniqueId);

                            string        sizeString = logicalObj["Size"].ToString();
                            System.UInt64 sizeBytes  = 0;
                            System.UInt64.TryParse(sizeString, out sizeBytes);
                            driveInfo.__MarkActive(driveLetter, sizeBytes);


                        catch (System.Exception)
                            // failed, try again until maxAttempts
                            //UsbDriveList.__LogError( null, "LoadUsbFromDriveLetter attempt failed : " + (attempts + 1) + "/" + maxAttempts, e );
                    throw new Exception("Drive letter is not valid " + driveLetter.ToString());
            catch (System.Exception e)
                UsbDriveList.__LogError(null, "UsbPrivate.LoadUsbFromDriveLetter", e);

        public UsbDriveInfo CreateEmptyUsbInfo(string modelName, string volumeName, string uniqueId)
            UsbDriveInfo driveInfo = new UsbDriveInfo(modelName, volumeName, uniqueId);

 public override bool Equals(object obj)
     if (obj != null && obj is UsbDriveInfo)
         UsbDriveInfo lhs = (UsbDriveInfo)obj;
         return(string.Compare(lhs.UniqueID, UniqueID, false) == 0);
 void WinThread_mDriveDetector_DeviceInserted(object driveLetterObject)
         char         driveLetter = ( char )driveLetterObject;
         UsbDriveInfo driveInfo   = UsbPrivate.LoadUsbFromDriveLetter(driveLetter);
         if (DeviceInserted != null && driveInfo != null)
             DeviceInserted(this, driveInfo);
     catch (System.Exception e)
         __LogError(this, "DeviceInserted failed", e);
        public static UsbDriveInfo BuildFromXml(XmlNode parentNode)
            string uniqueId   = PWLib.XmlHelp.DirtyString(PWLib.XmlHelp.GetAttribute(parentNode, "uniqueid", ""));
            string modelName  = PWLib.XmlHelp.DirtyString(PWLib.XmlHelp.GetAttribute(parentNode, "modelname", ""));
            string volumeName = PWLib.XmlHelp.DirtyString(PWLib.XmlHelp.GetAttribute(parentNode, "volumename", ""));

            // see if usb device is currently plugged in, otherwise return new usbdriveinfo object which is marked inactive
            UsbDriveInfo foundDriveInfo = UsbDriveList.Instance.GetUsbInfoByUniqueId(uniqueId);

            if (foundDriveInfo != null)
                return(UsbDriveList.Instance.CreateEmptyUsbInfo(modelName, volumeName, uniqueId));
 void WinThread_mDriveDetector_DeviceRemoved(object driveLetterObject)
         char         driveLetter = (char)driveLetterObject;
         UsbDriveInfo driveInfo   = GetUsbInfoByDriveLetter(driveLetter);
         if (driveInfo != null)
             if (DeviceRemoved != null)
                 DeviceRemoved(this, driveInfo);
     catch (Exception e)
         __LogError(this, "DeviceRemoved", e);
 void mDriveDetector_QueryRemove(object sender, char driveLetter, out bool allowRemoval)
     allowRemoval = true;
         UsbDriveInfo driveInfo = GetUsbInfoByDriveLetter(driveLetter);
         if (driveInfo != null)
             allowRemoval = !driveInfo.MediaLocked;
             if (DeviceQueryRemove != null)
                 DeviceQueryRemove(this, driveInfo, ref allowRemoval);
     catch (System.Exception e)
         __LogError(this, "QueryRemove", e);
        public static List <UsbDriveInfo> BuildUsbDiskList()
            List <UsbDriveInfo> list = new List <UsbDriveInfo>();

                ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2", "SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive");

                foreach (ManagementObject diskObj in searcher.Get())
                    if (diskObj["InterfaceType"].ToString() == "USB")
                        /* Contents of diskObj
                         * foreach ( System.Management.PropertyData name in diskObj.Properties )
                         * {
                         *      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( name.Name + " : " + ( name.Value != null ? name.Value.ToString() : "" ) );
                         * }
                         * Availability :
                         * BytesPerSector : 512
                         * Capabilities : System.UInt16[]
                         * CapabilityDescriptions : System.String[]
                         * Caption : Samsung S2 Portable USB Device
                         * CompressionMethod :
                         * ConfigManagerErrorCode : 0
                         * ConfigManagerUserConfig : False
                         * CreationClassName : Win32_DiskDrive
                         * DefaultBlockSize :
                         * Description : Disk drive
                         * DeviceID : \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE2
                         * ErrorCleared :
                         * ErrorDescription :
                         * ErrorMethodology :
                         * FirmwareRevision :
                         * Index : 2
                         * InstallDate :
                         * InterfaceType : USB
                         * LastErrorCode :
                         * Manufacturer : (Standard disk drives)
                         * MaxBlockSize :
                         * MaxMediaSize :
                         * MediaLoaded : True
                         * MediaType : External hard disk media
                         * MinBlockSize :
                         * Model : Samsung S2 Portable USB Device
                         * Name : \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE2
                         * NeedsCleaning :
                         * NumberOfMediaSupported :
                         * Partitions : 1
                         * PNPDeviceID : USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_SAMSUNG&PROD_S2_PORTABLE&REV_\00000011E09310500A1B&0
                         * PowerManagementCapabilities :
                         * PowerManagementSupported :
                         * SCSIBus :
                         * SCSILogicalUnit :
                         * SCSIPort :
                         * SCSITargetId :
                         * SectorsPerTrack : 63
                         * SerialNumber : 
                         * Signature : 3392227871
                         * Size : 1000202273280
                         * Status : OK
                         * StatusInfo :
                         * SystemCreationClassName : Win32_ComputerSystem
                         * SystemName : SOFTWARE118
                         * TotalCylinders : 121601
                         * TotalHeads : 255
                         * TotalSectors : 1953520065
                         * TotalTracks : 31008255
                         * TracksPerCylinder : 255

                        foreach (ManagementObject partitionObj in diskObj.GetRelated("Win32_DiskPartition"))
                            /* contents of partitionObj
                             * Access :
                             * Availability :
                             * BlockSize : 512
                             * Bootable : True
                             * BootPartition : True
                             * Caption : Disk #2, Partition #0
                             * ConfigManagerErrorCode :
                             * ConfigManagerUserConfig :
                             * CreationClassName : Win32_DiskPartition
                             * Description : Installable File System
                             * DeviceID : Disk #2, Partition #0
                             * DiskIndex : 2
                             * ErrorCleared :
                             * ErrorDescription :
                             * ErrorMethodology :
                             * HiddenSectors :
                             * Index : 0
                             * InstallDate :
                             * LastErrorCode :
                             * Name : Disk #2, Partition #0
                             * NumberOfBlocks : 1953520001
                             * PNPDeviceID :
                             * PowerManagementCapabilities :
                             * PowerManagementSupported :
                             * PrimaryPartition : True
                             * Purpose :
                             * RewritePartition :
                             * Size : 1000202240512
                             * StartingOffset : 32768
                             * Status :
                             * StatusInfo :
                             * SystemCreationClassName : Win32_ComputerSystem
                             * SystemName : SOFTWARE118
                             * Type : Installable File System

                            foreach (ManagementBaseObject logicalObj in partitionObj.GetRelated("Win32_LogicalDisk"))
                                /* Contents of logicalObj
                                 * Access : 0
                                 * Availability :
                                 * BlockSize :
                                 * Caption : G:
                                 * Compressed : False
                                 * ConfigManagerErrorCode :
                                 * ConfigManagerUserConfig :
                                 * CreationClassName : Win32_LogicalDisk
                                 * Description : Local Fixed Disk
                                 * DeviceID : G:
                                 * DriveType : 3
                                 * ErrorCleared :
                                 * ErrorDescription :
                                 * ErrorMethodology :
                                 * FileSystem : NTFS
                                 * FreeSpace : 424120320
                                 * InstallDate :
                                 * LastErrorCode :
                                 * MaximumComponentLength : 255
                                 * MediaType : 12
                                 * Name : G:
                                 * NumberOfBlocks :
                                 * PNPDeviceID :
                                 * PowerManagementCapabilities :
                                 * PowerManagementSupported :
                                 * ProviderName :
                                 * Purpose :
                                 * QuotasDisabled : True
                                 * QuotasIncomplete : False
                                 * QuotasRebuilding : False
                                 * Size : 1000202240000
                                 * Status :
                                 * StatusInfo :
                                 * SupportsDiskQuotas : True
                                 * SupportsFileBasedCompression : True
                                 * SystemCreationClassName : Win32_ComputerSystem
                                 * SystemName : SOFTWARE118
                                 * VolumeDirty : False
                                 * VolumeName : PW
                                 * VolumeSerialNumber : 34FA652F

                                string modelName          = diskObj["Model"].ToString();
                                string volumeName         = logicalObj["VolumeName"].ToString();
                                object serialNumberObject = logicalObj["VolumeSerialNumber"];
                                object pnpDeviceId        = diskObj["PNPDeviceID"];
                                string uniqueId           = FormatDriveUniqueID(serialNumberObject != null ? serialNumberObject.ToString() : "",
                                                                                pnpDeviceId != null ? pnpDeviceId.ToString() : "");

                                UsbDriveInfo driveInfo = UsbDriveList.Instance.GetUsbInfoByUniqueId(uniqueId);
                                if (driveInfo == null)
                                    driveInfo = UsbDriveList.Instance.CreateEmptyUsbInfo(modelName, volumeName, uniqueId);

                                string        sizeString = logicalObj["Size"].ToString();
                                System.UInt64 sizeBytes  = 0;
                                System.UInt64.TryParse(sizeString, out sizeBytes);

                                driveInfo.__MarkActive(logicalObj["Name"].ToString()[0], sizeBytes);

            catch (ManagementException)
