void Start()
		// find the server so that we can interact with it
		_server = Utility.FindComponent<Server>(Server.NAME);
		_server.ConnectionLostEvent += OnConnectionLost;
		_server.ExtensionEvent += OnResponse;

		_chat = Utility.FindComponent<ChatController>(ChatController.NAME);
		_cam = Camera.main.GetComponent<CamFollow>();


		// pull player image from prefs and randomly place them on the top of the map
		int type = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(Constants.PLAYER_TYPE, 0);;
		int x = Random.Range(5, 20);
		int y = Random.Range(0, -10);

		_player = CreateCharacter(type, new Vector2(x, y));

		_cam.Target = _player.gameObject;

		_otherPlayers = new Dictionary<string, Player>();

		// let the server (and other players) this player has just joined the game
		PsObject psobj = new PsObject();
		psobj.SetInt(ServerConstants.PLAYER_TYPE, type);
		psobj.SetIntArray(ServerConstants.PLAYER_POSITION, new List<int>() { x, y });

		_server.SendRequest(new ExtensionRequest(PlayerCommand.GetCommand(PlayerCommand.PlayerEnum.Start), psobj));

		_running = true;
	void Update()
		if (_running && _player.CanMove)
			bool send = false;

			// check if the player can move in the direction requested.  if not make them face that direction
			if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.DownArrow))
				if (_map.CanMove(_player.Position + Player.DIR_DOWN))
					send = true;
			else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow))
				if (_map.CanMove(_player.Position + Player.DIR_LEFT))
					send = true;
			else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow))
				if (_map.CanMove(_player.Position + Player.DIR_RIGHT))
					send = true;
			else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.UpArrow))
				if (_map.CanMove(_player.Position + Player.DIR_UP))
					send = true;

			// let the server know this player is moving to a new map cell
			if (send)
				PsObject psobj = new PsObject();
				psobj.SetIntArray(ServerConstants.PLAYER_POSITION, Utility.Vector2ToList(_player.Target));
				_server.SendRequest(new ExtensionRequest(PlayerCommand.GetCommand(PlayerCommand.PlayerEnum.Move), psobj));

		// shoot a fireball
		if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space) && _player.CanShoot)

			// let the server know this player shot something
			PsObject psobj = new PsObject();
			psobj.SetIntArray(ServerConstants.PLAYER_POSITION, Utility.Vector2ToList(_player.Target));
			psobj.SetIntArray(ServerConstants.PLAYER_HEADING, Utility.Vector2ToList(_player.GetDirectionVector()));
			_server.SendRequest(new ExtensionRequest(PlayerCommand.GetCommand(PlayerCommand.PlayerEnum.Shoot), psobj));