//For option 10 static void DischargePayment(List <Patient> patientlist, List <Bed> bList) { //Extra charges double charges = 0; //For number of Bed records int counter = 1; Console.Write("Enter patient ID number to discharge: "); //Input patient to discharge string patientid = Console.ReadLine(); //Input Date of discharge Console.Write("Date of discharge (DD/MM/YYYY): "); DateTime disdate = Convert.ToDateTime(Console.ReadLine()).Date; foreach (Patient p in patientlist) { if (p.Id == patientid) { //p.Status = "Discharged"; Console.WriteLine("Name of patient: {0}", p.Name); Console.WriteLine("ID number: {0}", p.Id); Console.WriteLine("Citizenship status: {0}", p.CitizenStatus); Console.WriteLine("Gender: {0}", p.Gender); Console.WriteLine("Status: {0}", p.Status); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("=====Stay====="); Console.WriteLine("Admission date: {0}", p.Stay.AdmittedDate); p.Stay.DischargeDate = disdate; //Updating patient discharge date Console.WriteLine("Discharge date: {0}", p.Stay.DischargeDate); if (p.Stay.IsPaid == true) //Payment status { Console.WriteLine("Payment status: Paid"); } else if (p.Stay.IsPaid == false) { Console.WriteLine("Payment status: Unpaid"); } foreach (BedStay bes in p.Stay.BedStayList) { //Bed records Console.WriteLine("======Bed #{0}=======", counter); Console.WriteLine("Ward Number: {0}", bes.Bed.WardNo); Console.WriteLine("Start of bed stay: {0}", bes.StartBedStay); BedStay last = p.Stay.BedStayList[p.Stay.BedStayList.Count - 1]; DateTime lastendstaydate = Convert.ToDateTime(last.EndBedStay); int result = DateTime.Compare(lastendstaydate, disdate); if (result == -1) { last.EndBedStay = disdate; Console.WriteLine("End of bed stay: {0}", bes.EndBedStay); //ensure that the last object has a proper endbedstay object } else { Console.WriteLine("End of bed stay : {0}", bes.EndBedStay); } //Calculating number of days DateTime endstaydate = Convert.ToDateTime(bes.EndBedStay); double staydays = (endstaydate - bes.StartBedStay.Date).TotalDays; if (bes.Bed is ClassABed) //Checking what type of bed is it { ClassABed abed = (ClassABed)bes.Bed; Console.WriteLine("Ward Class: A"); Console.WriteLine("Accompanying Person: {0} ", abed.AccompanyingPerson); if (abed.AccompanyingPerson == true) //If have accompanying person it is 100 more { charges = charges + 100; } } else if (bes.Bed is ClassBBed) { ClassBBed bbed = (ClassBBed)bes.Bed; Console.WriteLine("Ward Class: B"); Console.WriteLine("Air con: {0}", bbed.AirCon); if (bbed.AirCon == true && staydays >= 8) //If have aircon and stay is longer than 8 days { charges = charges + 100; } else if (bbed.AirCon == true) //If only have aircon { charges = charges + 50; } } else if (bes.Bed is ClassCBed) { ClassCBed cbed = (ClassCBed)bes.Bed; Console.WriteLine("Ward Class: C"); Console.WriteLine("Portable TV: {0}", cbed.PortableTv); if (cbed.PortableTv == true) //If have portable tv { charges = charges + 30; } } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Number of days stayed: {0}", staydays); counter = counter + 1;//Increasing the number of records } Console.WriteLine("============"); double patientcharge = charges + p.CalculateCharges(); if (p is Child && p.CitizenStatus == "SC") //if is it child and Singaporean citizen { Child c = (Child)p; //Downcast Console.WriteLine("Total Charges pending: ${0}", patientcharge); Console.WriteLine("CDA balance: ${0}", c.CdaBalance); Console.WriteLine("To deduct from CDA: ${0}", c.CdaBalance); Console.WriteLine("[Press any key to proceed with payment]"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("Commencing payment..."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("${0} has been deducted from CDA balance.", c.CdaBalance); double childcharge = charges + c.CalculateCharges(); Console.WriteLine("New CDA balance : $0"); Console.WriteLine("Subtotal: ${0} has been paid by cash", childcharge); Console.WriteLine(); p.Stay.IsPaid = true; p.Status = "Discharged"; Console.WriteLine("Payment successful"); } else if (p is Adult && (p.CitizenStatus == "SC" || p.CitizenStatus == "PR")) //if it is adult and a citzen/PR { Adult a = (Adult)p; //Downcast Console.WriteLine("Total Charges pending: ${0}", patientcharge + a.MedisaveBalance); Console.WriteLine("Medisave Balance: {0}", a.MedisaveBalance); Console.WriteLine("To deduct from Medisave: {0}", a.MedisaveBalance); Console.WriteLine("[Press any key to proceed with payment]"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("Commencing payment..."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("${0} has been deducted from Medisave balance", a.MedisaveBalance); double adultcharge = charges + a.CalculateCharges(); Console.WriteLine("New Medisave Balance: $0"); Console.WriteLine("Subtotal: ${0} has been paid by cash", adultcharge); Console.WriteLine(); p.Stay.IsPaid = true; p.Status = "Discharged"; Console.WriteLine("Payment successful"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Total Charges pending: ${0}", patientcharge); Console.WriteLine("[Press any key to proceed with payment]"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("Commencing payment..."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Subtotal: ${0} has been paid by cash", patientcharge); Console.WriteLine(); p.Stay.IsPaid = true; p.Status = "Discharged"; Console.WriteLine("Payment successful"); } } } }
static void RegisterHospitalStay(List <Patient> patientList, List <Bed> bedList) { //Prompt for and read patient NRIC number Console.Write("Enter Patient ID Number: "); string pNo = Console.ReadLine(); Patient p = SearchPatient(patientList, pNo); if (p != null) { DisplayAllBeds(bedList); //Prompt for and read preferred bed Console.Write("Select bed to stay: "); int index = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); //Bed b = SearchBed(bedList, bedNo); if (index <= bedList.Count && index > 0) { Bed b = bedList[index - 1]; Console.Write("Enter date of admission [DD/MM/YYYY]: "); //Issue with Time at the end DateTime admDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Console.ReadLine()).Date; Stay s = new Stay(admDate, p); //initialisation of BedStay to prevent errors BedStay bs = new BedStay(admDate, b); if (b is ClassABed) { Console.Write("Any accompanying guest? (Additional $100 per day) [Y/N]: "); string accGuest = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); //ClassABed cab = (ClassABed)b; ClassABed clab = new ClassABed(b.WardNo, b.BedNo, b.DailyRate, b.Available); clab.AccompanyingPerson = CheckOption(accGuest); bs = new BedStay(admDate, clab); } else if (b is ClassBBed) { Console.Write("Do you want to upgrade to an Air-Conditioned variant? (Additional $50 per week) [Y/N]: "); string ac = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); //ClassBBed cbb = (ClassBBed)b; ClassBBed clbb = new ClassBBed(b.WardNo, b.BedNo, b.DailyRate, b.Available); clbb.AirCon = CheckOption(ac); bs = new BedStay(admDate, clbb); } else if (b is ClassCBed) { Console.Write("Do you want to rent a portable TV? (One-Time Cost of $30) [Y/N]: "); string pTV = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); //ClassCBed ccb = (ClassCBed)b; ClassCBed clcb = new ClassCBed(b.WardNo, b.BedNo, b.DailyRate, b.Available); clcb.PortableTv = CheckOption(pTV); bs = new BedStay(admDate, clcb); } s.AddBedStay(bs); p.Stay = s; p.Status = "Admitted"; b.Available = false; Console.WriteLine("Stay registration successful!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Stay registration unsuccessful!"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Patient not found!"); } }
static void TransferPatientToAnotherBed(List <Patient> patientList, List <Bed> bedList) { DisplayPatients(patientList, true); Console.Write("Enter patient ID number: "); string pNo = Console.ReadLine(); Patient p = SearchPatient(patientList, pNo); if (p == null || p.Status != "Admitted") { return; } Stay s = p.Stay; DisplayAllBeds(bedList); Console.Write("Select Bed to transfer to: "); int newBNo = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); //validation to keep int entered in check if (newBNo <= bedList.Count && newBNo > 0) { Bed b = bedList[newBNo - 1]; Console.Write("Date of transfer [DD/MM/YYYY]: "); DateTime transferDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Console.ReadLine()); //DateTime transferDate; //if (!DateTime.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out transferDate)) //{ // Console.WriteLine("Invalid date. Please match the requested format."); // return; //} b.Available = false; for (int i = 0; i < p.Stay.BedStayList.Count; i++) { p.Stay.BedStayList[i].EndBedStay = transferDate; } BedStay transferBed = new BedStay(transferDate, b); if (b is ClassABed) { Console.Write("Any accompanying guest? (Additional $100 per day) [Y/N]: "); string accGuest = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); //ClassABed cab = (ClassABed)b; ClassABed clab = new ClassABed(b.WardNo, b.BedNo, b.DailyRate, b.Available); clab.AccompanyingPerson = CheckOption(accGuest); transferBed = new BedStay(transferDate, clab); } else if (b is ClassBBed) { Console.Write("Do you want to upgrade to an Air-Conditioned variant? (Additional $50 per week) [Y/N]: "); string ac = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); //ClassBBed cbb = (ClassBBed)b; ClassBBed clbb = new ClassBBed(b.WardNo, b.BedNo, b.DailyRate, b.Available); clbb.AirCon = CheckOption(ac); transferBed = new BedStay(transferDate, clbb); } else if (b is ClassCBed) { Console.Write("Do you want to rent a portable TV? (One-Time Cost of $30) [Y/N]: "); string pTV = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); //ClassCBed ccb = (ClassCBed)b; ClassCBed clcb = new ClassCBed(b.WardNo, b.BedNo, b.DailyRate, b.Available); clcb.PortableTv = CheckOption(pTV); transferBed = new BedStay(transferDate, clcb); } s.AddBedStay(transferBed); Console.WriteLine(p.Name + " will be transferred to Ward " + b.WardNo + " Bed " + b.BedNo + " on " + transferDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ".\n"); } else { Console.WriteLine("No such bed found!"); } }
public void AddBedStay(BedStay bs) { BedStayList.Add(bs); }