private void LoadReport() { try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT ProductCode, P.Description, STR_TO_DATE(REPLACE(TDate, '-', '/'), '%m/%d/%Y') as DateOut, SUM(TD.Quantity) as Quantity, TD.ItemPrice as Price, (SUM(TD.Quantity) * TD.ItemPrice) as TotalAmount FROM Product as P, Transactions as T, TransactionDetails as TD WHERE P.ProductNo = TD.ProductNo AND TD.InvoiceNo = T.InvoiceNo AND STR_TO_DATE(REPLACE(TDate, '-', '/'), '%m/%d/%Y') BETWEEN '" + StartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND '" + EndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' GROUP BY P.ProductNo, TDate ORDER By TDate, Description"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.da = new MySqlDataAdapter(SQLConn.cmd); this.dsReportC.StocksOut.Clear(); SQLConn.da.Fill(this.dsReportC.StocksOut); ReportParameter startDate = new ReportParameter("StartDate", StartDate.ToString()); ReportParameter endDate = new ReportParameter("EndDate", EndDate.ToString()); this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(new ReportParameter[] { startDate, endDate }); this.reportViewer1.SetDisplayMode(DisplayMode.PrintLayout); this.reportViewer1.ZoomPercent = 40; this.reportViewer1.ZoomMode = Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ZoomMode.Percent; this.reportViewer1.RefreshReport(); } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } }
public void priftLoss() { try { SQLConn.sqL = "select SUM(Total),sum(PurchasePrice * Quantity) from transactiondetails INNER JOIN transactions ON transactiondetails.InvoiceNo = transactions.InvoiceNo where TDate like '7/9/2019' "; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new SqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (SQLConn.dr.Read()) { //txtName = SQLConn.dr[0].ToString(); //txtName.Text = SQLConn.dr[1].ToString(); totalselling = int.Parse(SQLConn.dr[0].ToString()); totalpurchase = int.Parse(SQLConn.dr[1].ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } }
private bool IsPasswordCorrect() { bool ret = false; try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT * FROM Staff WHERE Role ='Admin' AND UPassword = '******'"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (SQLConn.dr.Read() == true) { ret = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.Message); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } return(ret); }
private void GetProductNo() { try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT ProductNo FROM Product ORDER BY ProductNo DESC"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (SQLConn.dr.Read() == true) { lblProductNo.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(SQLConn.dr["ProductNo"]) + 1).ToString(); } else { lblProductNo.Text = "1"; } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } }
public void LoadProducts(string strSearch) { try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT ProductNo, ProductCOde, P.Description, Barcode, UnitPrice, StocksOnHand, ReorderLevel, CategoryName FROM Product as P LEFT JOIN Category C ON P.CategoryNo = C.CategoryNo WHERE P.Description LIKE '" + strSearch + "%' ORDER BY Description"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); ListViewItem x = null; ListView1.Items.Clear(); while (SQLConn.dr.Read() == true) { x = new ListViewItem(SQLConn.dr["ProductNo"].ToString()); x.SubItems.Add(SQLConn.dr["ProductCode"].ToString()); x.SubItems.Add(SQLConn.dr["Description"].ToString()); x.SubItems.Add(SQLConn.dr["CategoryName"].ToString()); x.SubItems.Add(Strings.Format(SQLConn.dr["UnitPrice"], "#,##0.00")); x.SubItems.Add(SQLConn.dr["StocksOnHand"].ToString()); x.SubItems.Add(SQLConn.dr["ReOrderLevel"].ToString()); ListView1.Items.Add(x); } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } }
public void GetInvoiceNo() { try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT Id FROM Invoice ORDER BY Id DESC"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (SQLConn.dr.Read() == true) { txtInvoiceNo.Text = "INV-000-" + (Convert.ToInt32(SQLConn.dr["Id"]) + 1).ToString(); } else { txtInvoiceNo.Text = "INV-000-1"; } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } }
private void LoadInvoices(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT STR_TO_DATE(REPLACE(TDate, '-', '/'), '%m/%d/%Y') as TDate, InvoiceNo, CONCAT(lastname, ', ', firstname, ' ', MI) as StaffName, TotalAmount, Status FROM Transactions T INNER JOIN staff S ON T.StaffID = S.StaffID WHERE STR_TO_DATE(REPLACE(TDATE, '-', '/'), '%m/%d/%Y') BETWEEN '" + startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND '" + endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND InvoiceNo LIKE '%" + txtName.Text + "%' ORDER BY TDATE, InvoiceNo Desc"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); dgw.Rows.Clear(); string status = ""; while (SQLConn.dr.Read() == true) { if (Convert.ToInt32(SQLConn.dr["Status"]) == 0) { status = "Hide"; } else { status = "Unhide"; } dgw.Rows.Add(status, Strings.Format(SQLConn.dr["TDate"], "MM/dd/yyyy"), SQLConn.dr["InvoiceNo"].ToString(), SQLConn.dr["StaffName"].ToString(), Strings.FormatNumber(SQLConn.dr["TotalAmount"])); } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } }
public void LoadReturnItems(string invoiceNo) { try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT ProductCode, Description, Quantity, UnitPrice, (Quantity * UnitPrice) ExtendedPrice FROM SalesReturnItem sri INNER JOIN Product p ON p.ProductNo = sri.ProductID WHERE Sri.InvoiceNo = '" + invoiceNo + "' ORDER BY Description "; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); ListViewItem x = null; ListView2.Items.Clear(); while (SQLConn.dr.Read() == true) { x = new ListViewItem(SQLConn.dr["ProductCode"].ToString()); x.SubItems.Add(SQLConn.dr["Description"].ToString()); x.SubItems.Add(SQLConn.dr["Quantity"].ToString()); x.SubItems.Add(Strings.Format(SQLConn.dr["UnitPrice"], "#,##0.00")); x.SubItems.Add(Strings.Format(SQLConn.dr["ExtendedPrice"], "#,##0.00")); //Strings.Format(SQLConn.dr["ExtendedPrice"], "#,##0.00") ListView2.Items.Add(x); } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } }
public void LoadCategories(string strSearch) { try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT * FROM CATEGORY WHERE CategoryName LIKE '" + strSearch + "%' ORDER By CategoryName"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); ListViewItem x = null; ListView1.Items.Clear(); while (SQLConn.dr.Read() == true) { x = new ListViewItem(SQLConn.dr["CategoryNo"].ToString()); x.SubItems.Add(SQLConn.dr["CategoryName"].ToString()); x.SubItems.Add(SQLConn.dr["Description"].ToString()); ListView1.Items.Add(x); } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } }
private void LoadReceiptInfo() { try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT T.InvoiceNo, CONCAT(Lastname,', ', Firstname, ' ', MI, '.') as StaffName, Quantity, Description, ItemPrice, (ItemPRice * Quantity) as ItemAmount, VatAmount, NonVatTotal, TotalAmount, Cash, PChange FROM Product as P, TransactionDetails as TD, Transactions as T, Staff as S, Payment as Pay WHERE P.ProductNo = TD.ProductNo AND TD.InvoiceNo = T.InvoiceNo AND S.StaffID = T.StaffID AND Pay.InvoiceNo = T.InvoiceNO AND T.InvoiceNo = '" + InvoiceNo + "'"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (SQLConn.dr.Read() == true) { lblInvoice.Text = SQLConn.dr["InvoiceNo"].ToString(); lblEmpName.Text = SQLConn.dr["StaffName"].ToString(); lblDate.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMMyy") + " " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm tt"); lblVat.Text = Strings.FormatNumber(SQLConn.dr["VatAmount"]); lblSubtotal.Text = Strings.FormatNumber(SQLConn.dr["NonVatTotal"]); lblTotal.Text = Strings.FormatNumber(SQLConn.dr["TotalAmount"]); lblCash.Text = Strings.FormatNumber(SQLConn.dr["Cash"]); lblChange.Text = Strings.FormatNumber(SQLConn.dr["PChange"]); LoadItemstoDatagrid(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } }
public void SalesReturns(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string searchString) { try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT SalesReturnId, ReturnDate, sr.InvoiceNo, CONCAT(lastname, ', ', firstname, ' ', MI) as StaffName, TotalAmount, SUM(sri.Quantity) as TotalQuantity FROM SalesReturn sr INNER JOIN SalesReturnItem sri ON sr.InvoiceNo = sri.InvoiceNo INNER JOIN Staff s ON s.StaffId = sr.userID WHERE ReturnDate BETWEEN '" + startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND '" + endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND sr.InvoiceNo LIKE '%" + txtName.Text + "%' GROUP BY sr.InvoiceNo ORDER BY ReturnDate, sr.InvoiceNo DESC"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); ListViewItem x = null; ListView1.Items.Clear(); while (SQLConn.dr.Read() == true) { x = new ListViewItem(SQLConn.dr["SalesReturnId"].ToString()); x.SubItems.Add(Strings.Format(SQLConn.dr["ReturnDate"], "MM/dd/yyyy")); x.SubItems.Add(SQLConn.dr["InvoiceNo"].ToString()); x.SubItems.Add(SQLConn.dr["StaffName"].ToString()); x.SubItems.Add(Strings.Format(SQLConn.dr["TotalAmount"], "#,##0.00")); x.SubItems.Add(SQLConn.dr["TotalQuantity"].ToString()); //Strings.Format(SQLConn.dr["TotalAmount"], "#,##0.00") ListView1.Items.Add(x); } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } }
public void GetVATInfo() { try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT VATID, VatPercent FROM VatSetting"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (SQLConn.dr.Read()) { txtPercent.Tag = SQLConn.dr[0]; txtPercent.Text = SQLConn.dr[1].ToString(); isAddingVat = false; } else { isAddingVat = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } }
private bool IsAdding() { bool ret = false; try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT * FROM Company"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (SQLConn.dr.Read() == true) { ret = false; } else { ret = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } return(ret); }
private void GetProductInfo() { try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT ProductCode, Description,PurchasePrice, StocksOnHand FROM Product WHERE ProductNo =" + productID + ""; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new SqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (SQLConn.dr.Read() == true) { lblProductCode.Text = SQLConn.dr[0].ToString(); lblDescription.Text = SQLConn.dr[1].ToString(); lblPrice.Text = Strings.FormatNumber(SQLConn.dr[2]).ToString(); lblCurrentStocks.Text = SQLConn.dr[3].ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } }
private void GetCustomerInfo(int custId) { try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT address FROM customer where id = " + custId; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (SQLConn.dr.Read() == true) { txtAddress.Text = SQLConn.dr[0].ToString(); txtShipTo.Text = SQLConn.dr[0].ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } }
private void LoadUpdateStaff() { try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT * FROM STAFF WHERE StaffID = '" + LSStaffID + "'"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new SqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (SQLConn.dr.Read() == true) { lblProductNo.Text = SQLConn.dr["StaffID"].ToString(); txtLastname.Text = SQLConn.dr["lastname"].ToString(); txtFirstname.Text = SQLConn.dr["Firstname"].ToString(); txtStreet.Text = SQLConn.dr["Street"].ToString(); txtCity.Text = SQLConn.dr["City"].ToString(); txtProvince.Text = SQLConn.dr["Province"].ToString(); txtContractNo.Text = SQLConn.dr["ContactNo"].ToString(); txtUsername.Text = SQLConn.dr["username"].ToString(); txtRole.Text = SQLConn.dr["Role"].ToString(); txtPassword.Text = SQLConn.dr["Password"].ToString(); txtConfirmPWD.Text = SQLConn.dr["Password"].ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } }
private double GetTax() { double vatDecimal = 0; try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT VatPercent FROm VatSetting"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (SQLConn.dr.Read() == true) { vatDecimal = (Convert.ToDouble(SQLConn.dr[0]) / 100); tax_percent = Convert.ToDouble(SQLConn.dr[0]); } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } return(vatDecimal); }
//Decrease product's stocks on hand public void UpdateProductQuantity() { try { SQLConn.sqL = "UPDATE Product SET StocksOnHand = StocksOnHand - @Quantity WHERE ProductNo = @ProductNo"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.cmd.Parameters.Add("ProductNo", MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDbType.Int32); SQLConn.cmd.Parameters.Add("Quantity", MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDbType.Double); for (int i = 0; i <= dgw.Rows.Count - 1; i++) { SQLConn.cmd.Parameters["ProductNo"].Value = dgw.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value; SQLConn.cmd.Parameters["Quantity"].Value = Convert.ToDouble(dgw.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value); SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } }
private void LoadInvoices(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string searchString) { try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT STR_TO_DATE(REPLACE(TDate, '-', '/'), '%m/%d/%Y') as TDate, InvoiceNo, CONCAT(lastname, ', ', firstname, ' ', MI) as StaffName FROM Transactions T INNER JOIN staff S ON T.StaffID = S.StaffID WHERE STR_TO_DATE(REPLACE(TDATE, '-', '/'), '%m/%d/%Y') BETWEEN '" + startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND '" + endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND InvoiceNo LIKE '%" + txtName.Text + "%' ORDER BY TDATE, InvoiceNo Desc"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); ListViewItem x = null; ListView1.Items.Clear(); while (SQLConn.dr.Read() == true) { x = new ListViewItem(Strings.Format(SQLConn.dr["TDate"], "MM/dd/yyyy")); x.SubItems.Add(SQLConn.dr["InvoiceNo"].ToString()); x.SubItems.Add(SQLConn.dr["StaffName"].ToString()); ListView1.Items.Add(x); } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } }
private void UpdateInvoice() { try { SQLConn.sqL = "UPDATE invoice SET InvoiceDate=@InvoiceDate, CustomerPONo=@CustomerPONo, Terms=@Terms, Duration=@Duration, SalesPerson=@SalesPerson, DiscountPercent=@DiscountPercent, DiscountAmount=@DiscountAmount, TotalAmount=@TotalAmount, Subtotal=@Subtotal, TaxAmount=@TaxAmount, Note=@Note, CustomerId =@CustomerId, BillAddress=@BillAddress, Customer=@Customer WHERE InvoiceNo=@InvoiceNo"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@InvoiceDate", dtpDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); SQLConn.cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@InvoiceNo", txtInvoiceNo.Text); SQLConn.cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CustomerPONo", txtPONumber.Text); SQLConn.cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Terms", cmbTerms.Text); SQLConn.cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Duration", txtDuration.Text); SQLConn.cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SalesPerson", txtSalesperson.Text); SQLConn.cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DiscountPercent", lblDiscountPercent.Text); SQLConn.cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DiscountAmount", lblDiscountAmount.Text.Replace(",", "")); SQLConn.cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TotalAmount", lblTotalAmount.Text.Replace(",", "")); SQLConn.cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Subtotal", lblSubtotal.Text.Replace(",", "")); SQLConn.cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TaxAmount", lblTax.Text.Replace(",", "")); SQLConn.cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Note", txtNoteComment.Text); SQLConn.cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CustomerId", customer_id); SQLConn.cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BillAddress", txtAddress.Text); SQLConn.cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Customer", cmbCustomer.Text); SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { is_invoice_success = false; Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } }
private void LoadCompanySetting() { try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT HInvoice FROM Company"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (SQLConn.dr.Read() == true) { if (Convert.ToInt32(SQLConn.dr["HInvoice"]) == 1) { checkBox1.Checked = true; } else { checkBox1.Checked = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } }
private void GetInvoiceShipping() { try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT ShiptoAddress, ShipBy, TrackingNo, ShippingCost, ShippingTax FROM InvoiceShipping where InvoiceNo ='" + txtInvoiceNo.Text + "'"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (SQLConn.dr.Read()) { txtShipTo.Text = SQLConn.dr[0].ToString(); txtShipBy.Text = SQLConn.dr[1].ToString(); txtTrackingNo.Text = SQLConn.dr[2].ToString(); txtShippingCost.Text = SQLConn.dr[3].ToString(); cmbShippingTax.Text = SQLConn.dr[4].ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } }
private void LoadUpdateCategory() { try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT ProductNo, ProductCode, P.Description, Barcode, P.CategoryNo, CategoryName, UnitPrice, StocksOnHand, ReorderLevel FROM Product as P LEFT JOIN Category as C ON P.CategoryNo = C.CategoryNo WHERE ProductNo = '" + productID + "'"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (SQLConn.dr.Read() == true) { lblProductNo.Text = SQLConn.dr["ProductNo"].ToString(); txtProductCode.Text = SQLConn.dr["ProductCode"].ToString(); txtDescription.Text = SQLConn.dr["Description"].ToString(); txtCategory.Text = SQLConn.dr["CategoryName"].ToString(); txtCategory.Tag = SQLConn.dr["CategoryNo"]; txtUnitPrice.Text = Strings.Format(SQLConn.dr["UnitPrice"], "#,##0.00"); txtStocksOnHand.Text = SQLConn.dr["StocksOnHand"].ToString(); txtReorderLevel.Text = SQLConn.dr["ReorderLevel"].ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } }
private void AddItemDisplay(int itemNo) { try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT ProductNo, ProductCode, Description, UnitPrice, ProductNo FROM Product WHERE ProductNo = '" + itemNo + "'"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (SQLConn.dr.Read() == true) { dgw.Rows.Add(SQLConn.dr[0].ToString(), 1, SQLConn.dr[1].ToString(), SQLConn.dr[2].ToString(), Strings.FormatNumber(SQLConn.dr[3]).ToString(), '0', cmbCustomerTax.Text, Strings.FormatNumber(SQLConn.dr[3]).ToString(), "Remove"); } //display amounts ComupteAmount(); //dgw.SelectedRows.Clear(); dgw.ClearSelection(); selected_item = ""; //disable remove button btnRemove.Enabled = false; } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } }
public void totalAmount() { try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT sum(TotalAmount) FROM transactions WHERE TDate BETWEEN '" + fromdate.Value.ToShortDateString() + "' AND '" + todate.Value.ToShortDateString() + "'"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new SqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (SQLConn.dr.Read()) { //txtName = SQLConn.dr[0].ToString(); //txtName.Text = SQLConn.dr[1].ToString(); total = SQLConn.dr[0].ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } }
private void LoadCustomer() { try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT Id, CONCAT(Lastname,', ', Firstname) customername FROM customer ORDER BY lastname"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); cmbCustomer.Items.Clear(); Dictionary <string, string> customer = new Dictionary <string, string>(); while (SQLConn.dr.Read() == true) { customer.Add(SQLConn.dr[0].ToString(), SQLConn.dr[1].ToString()); } cmbCustomer.DataSource = new BindingSource(customer, null); cmbCustomer.DisplayMember = "Value"; cmbCustomer.ValueMember = "Key"; cmbCustomer.SelectedIndex = -1; } catch (Exception) { // Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); }
private void LoadReport() { try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT ProductCode, Description, SUM(Quantity) as Quantity, STR_TO_DATE(REPLACE(DateIn, '-', '/'), '%m/%d/%Y') as DateIn FROM Product as P, StockIn as S WHERE S.ProductNo = P.ProductNo AND STR_TO_DATE(REPLACE(DateIn, '-', '/'), '%m/%d/%Y') BETWEEN '" + StartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND '" + EndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' GROUP BY P.ProductNo, DateIN ORDER BY DateIn, Description"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.da = new MySqlDataAdapter(SQLConn.cmd); this.dsReportC.StocksIn.Clear(); SQLConn.da.Fill(this.dsReportC.StocksIn); ReportParameter startDate = new ReportParameter("StartDate", StartDate.ToString()); ReportParameter endDate = new ReportParameter("EndDate", EndDate.ToString()); this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(new ReportParameter[] { startDate, endDate }); this.reportViewer1.SetDisplayMode(DisplayMode.PrintLayout); this.reportViewer1.ZoomPercent = 40; this.reportViewer1.ZoomMode = Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ZoomMode.Percent; this.reportViewer1.RefreshReport(); } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } }
private void getStaffInfo() { try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT CONCAT(lastname, ', ', Firstname, ' ', MI) as StaffName, StaffId FROM Staff WHERE StaffID = '" + SQLConn.staffid + "'"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (SQLConn.dr.Read() == true) { txtSalesperson.Tag = SQLConn.dr["StaffId"].ToString(); txtSalesperson.Text = SQLConn.dr["Staffname"].ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.Message); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } }
public void GetCompanyInfo() { try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT CompanyID, Name, Address, PhoneNo, Email, Website, TINNumber FROM Company"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new SqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (SQLConn.dr.Read()) { //txtName = SQLConn.dr[0].ToString(); //txtName.Text = SQLConn.dr[1].ToString(); txtAddress = SQLConn.dr[2].ToString(); // txtPhoneNo = SQLConn.dr[3].ToString(); txtEmail = SQLConn.dr[4].ToString(); txtWebsite = SQLConn.dr[5].ToString(); //txtTINNumber.Text = SQLConn.dr[6].ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } }
public void LoadProducts(string strSearch) { try { SQLConn.sqL = "SELECT ProductNo, ProductCOde, P.Description, UnitPrice, StocksOnHand FROM Product as P LEFT JOIN Category C ON P.CategoryNo = C.CategoryNo WHERE P.Description LIKE @Description OR P.ProductCOde LIKE @ProductCOde ORDER BY Description"; SQLConn.ConnDB(); SQLConn.cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQLConn.sqL, SQLConn.conn); SQLConn.cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Description", "%" + strSearch + "%"); SQLConn.cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ProductCOde", "%" + strSearch + "%"); SQLConn.dr = SQLConn.cmd.ExecuteReader(); dgw.Rows.Clear(); while (SQLConn.dr.Read() == true) { dgw.Rows.Add(SQLConn.dr[0].ToString(), SQLConn.dr[1].ToString(), SQLConn.dr[2].ToString(), Strings.Format(SQLConn.dr[3], "#,##0.00"), SQLConn.dr[4].ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } finally { SQLConn.cmd.Dispose(); SQLConn.conn.Close(); } }